• Breaking News

    Monday, February 17, 2020

    Borderlands [Pre-Sequel] FRAGTRAP's health bar...

    Borderlands [Pre-Sequel] FRAGTRAP's health bar...

    [Pre-Sequel] FRAGTRAP's health bar...

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:23 AM PST

    ...should be gold coloured.

    submitted by /u/coldincalgary
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    Anyone else dealing inventory bugs when accessing the shops?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:13 PM PST

    Cant seem to read any info when I drag my mouse over a weapon I'm trying to sell, it's also worst when I join someone's game. Sold a weapon I wanted to keep because of how buggy the inventory screen as been for me. Wasnt like this before the hotfix.

    submitted by /u/WilvliW
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    Why are there so many unnecessary exposition dumps?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 12:15 AM PST

    People have been begging for Cutscene Skip since launch, but I think the main issue is the ludicrous amounts of unnecessary exposition. Lilith and Tannis at her camp on Pandora talk for like 2 minutes, Earl and Ellie say basically the same thing for 1-2 minutes, the opening with Claptrap takes like 5 minutes, simply because he spends so much time talking.

    If someone were to actually time how long it takes to watch all the cutscenes vs. how long it takes to listen to required (unnecessary) dialogue, I'd say they'd be pretty close.

    submitted by /u/youremomgay420
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    Haven’t played since the first month BL3 came out, what’s changed?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Played Amara my first go through, got to level 50 then got unfortunately seduced by Destiny 2 for 200 hours. Starting again with a new playthrough on Fl4k. What's changed in the last few months?

    submitted by /u/boxmansreaper
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    Free item BL3 PS4

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:00 PM PST

    I am currently cleaning my bank cause it just hit 300 (gosh i didn't know that it would be this quick). so instead of selling all the junks, how bout giving it to new players or maybe people who miss some Halloween event weapon or who are tired of farming for collection. BIG REMINDER that i am playing on PS4 and first come first serve.

    To those who are interested just add my PSN azteca_putra and message me what you want on PSN. i don't limit how many you want but i won't give if you just message me "i want all". also please don't ask request, i only give what's on list

    Here are the list (AN means anoited, HW from Halloween event)

    pistol Ruthless Infinity 53 AN, Pointy Psycho Stabber 50

    grenade Large Firestorm 53

    smg mocking devoted 53 AN, binary stark devoted 50 AN, stark devoted 50 AN, stark devoted 50

    assault Ov Standardized Carrier 53

    room mouthpiece speaker

    weapon skin 2x ink and kill

    echo eye pad

    shield Pot shot red card 50 AN, 2x Ov Scream of Terror 50 HW, the transfomer 50, 2x nagata 50, riposte impaler 50, conditioned big boom blaster 50

    sniper arctic vigilant stalker 50 AN HW, high capacity vigilant stalker 50 AN HW

    submitted by /u/noirair
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    Could I play through one cistern of slaughter where Rakk don't get stuck out of reach?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:37 PM PST

    Seriously, how has this not been hotfixed?

    submitted by /u/Kairael
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    Question for BL fans / veterans of the series.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:44 PM PST

    Hello borderlands fans,

    I've never played a Borderlands game, but I'm interested in getting into it.

    The question I have is suppose with regard to continuity and lore; would you recommend that I play through the first 2 titles over jumping right in to BL3, or is sequence not all that important.

    I ask because while I'd always liked watching certain games, like "Smash", I'd never really played it until "Ultimate" at which point I became very painfully aware of just how much catching up I'd have to do, to even dream of being on the level with veterans of that series.

    Your thought and comments are appreciated, thanks in advance for your consideration.

    submitted by /u/OtherBarry220
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    Crawmerax cheese not working on playthrough 2

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:06 PM PST


    It worked on Playthrough 1 no problem but It's failed the last 9 times i tried in playthrough 2. Is this intended, or am i doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/FLfourK
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    Story suggestions

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 08:51 PM PST

    BL has always had a dark, brutal edge to it, where it juxtaposed mortality with humor and had us all going wtf. This is missing in BL3. It feels flat, forced, and weak.

    Example: after Maya dies, Ava realizes it is her fault. Distraught with grief, she hangs herself with claptraps antenna in her room. Claptrap doesn't understand what perma death is, so tries to respawn her over and over. You know the thing the respawn device says about things in the afterlife? Well, it's true, and you have to go into the spawning device to retrieve her, and she's some hellish undead siren boss. Roland is there too, and it turns out, after you beat her, that death isn't such a bad place if you have a friend there. After exiting the spawn device, claptrap wants to know if he can get his antenna back.

    submitted by /u/Emergency-Jello
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    Fixing the Calypsos

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 02:59 PM PST

    First off let me lead with the fact that I love the idea of Troy turning on Tyreen and becoming the final boss of the game. Everyone thought it was going to happen, they hinted at it a bunch, and it 100% should have happened. But I digress.

    Ok, so I just finished the main story of BL3 for like... the 8th time or something, and I realized one of the things that was really lacking in BL3 that BL2 had in droves.

    Now we all love Handsome Jack. Well not everyone.

    "You're an asshole"

    • Angel

    But why do we love Jack? What makes him so much better than the Calypsos? Well I think I have narrowed it down to just 2 main differences. I truely believe the Calypsos had great potential to be excellent antagonists and fell just shy due to these reasons. Allow me to explain:

    1: You constantly feel the presence of Handsome Jack in BL2.

    Almost every last thing you do, Jack has something to say about it. Let me give you a 1:1 example of how this was missed.

    In both games, we destroy statues belonging to the main villian. But they react in very different ways.

    In BL2, Jack freakes out. He calls you and he his pissed off. He sends people to stop you himself. He insults you and says you are an idiot and the whole time you are loving it because you are rubbing this situation in his stupid smug face and getting to see his full reaction.

    In BL3, we destroy some statues and replace them with ones of Vaughn. And Vaughn seems pretty happy about it. Thats it. Nothing from the twins or anything.

    The Calypsos only really intervene in big story moments or during an exposition dump where we are forced to watch a poorly edited replay of a cutscene we all wanted to skip. You dont get to know them personally like Jack. You dont have a relationship with them. Jack calls you because he is bored and eating pretzels and just to tell you that you suck. And I always loved that pettyness to him.

    2: Jacks objective made sense.

    He wanted a big weapon that could mold Pandora to his liking. All of that makes perfect sense. It is simple and easy. The twins? Want to... destroy the universe? I guess? It isnt really made clear why they want to do what they are doing, and even from an outside perspective it makes little sense. Tyreen wants to eat all the stars in the universe and then... just die I guess? Sure this gives the player motivation to stop her but it also just makes her look insane. She has no motive, no drive other than her pent up daddy issues and need to rebel like an angsty teen. They could have just said she wanted to be invincible or something of that nature. To be a literal unkillable god queen that has all of the universe as her slaves. But no she just wants to kill everything. And the player cant connect with an idea that makes zero sense like that.

    Anyway just my thoughts. Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/SirStanger
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    Does being in mayhem 4 increase the chance of the wedding invitation being anointed when you claim it?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 06:44 PM PST

    Trying to farm it and im wondering if this will speed up the farm of the version im trying to get

    submitted by /u/PapaNootNoot
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    How do I claim Broken Hearts Day Loot?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 06:25 PM PST

    I Definitely Broke more than 50 hearts, but I still don't have any loot. Where do I claim it?

    submitted by /u/HI_IM_TRASHMAN
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    I have a question for borderland

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:43 PM PST

    So I just got the first game was was just wondering when I complete the game what's next (apart from dlc)

    submitted by /u/ripjorgon
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    BL2 "Let's Get it Vaughn" Quest Stuck

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:14 PM PST

    I got to the part where I have to watch the other recruits jump to their deaths but a psycho and a bandit are just standing inside each other instead of dying. When I reload the area they just fall slowly inside each other and sometimes the midget and normal psycho die randomly when they touch the ground.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Vulcanator
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    Any favorite callbacks to previous titles?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:36 PM PST

    While I was playing yesterday, I heard Claptrap say that something reminded him of his mohawk in Liar's Berg, and how he used to be pretty punk rock. It made me a little nostalgic, and I loved it. It makes the world feel more lived in, especially in a game that, in my opinion, feels distanced from the previous titles.

    Are there any other examples of this that you particularly like? References to the previous games, specific lines or otherwise?

    submitted by /u/sugarmetimbers
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    I have 223/223 locations found but can’t get the “Master of All You Survey” achievement

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Is this a glitch?

    Pls help

    submitted by /u/flower4000
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    Legendary thining

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:30 AM PST

    Now I have a ton of Leg. Gear and I am one of those people who thinks "next week there will be a new build that makes this piece of gear awesome." But...the ol' inventory is full so what Leg gear is for sure vendor fodder...like the 0% shield? Awesome for krieg but I don't think anyone in BL3 can really use that..and the saw bar is really good but only at a very specific mid range.

    What should I keep?

    Amara: i play melee even though her elemental build is stronger cuz It's too much like Maya

    Moze: my fa VH in BL3 i'd like to keep gear for an explosive and bottomless mags build

    Flak: mostly a crit build but will prob try a pet build soon just to see how fun that is

    Zane: meh..don't care really. I just swap to a hvie rocket launcher and let my clone and drone do most of the work. I don't play him well.

    submitted by /u/kamishiblacktooth
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    Valentine's Day Event

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 01:25 PM PST

    So I was grinding the event with my step dad and we were shocked to see loot ghosts. At first I thought it could be a texture glitch, but they were acting like ghosts. So I figured it must be something. Can anyone explain, and let me know if they drop the Halloween event items?

    submitted by /u/xNATSUKIx102
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    Anyone up for a CHALLENGE

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 04:34 PM PST

    Speedrun with me and lets see how fast this goes. Co-op speed run would be a fun stream. Looking for upbeat and experienced BL1 player on PS4. Also will be uploading to twitch once i set up the details.

    submitted by /u/LarryTheMan456
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    Character Choice

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Hello. I am about to start my TPS playthrough and I was wondering who I should start with. Is there a certain character that would help me get the platinum trophy quicker or is there a broken character who's really good? Any tips would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/Endlqss
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    Hi I’m a new player [zane] and I need help with a build

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 04:02 PM PST

    I got the game on the the 14th and I've completed the campaign and gotten to level 53, so now I need help setting a good build.

    submitted by /u/my-pp-big-
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    The NPC you hate the most in BL3?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 06:18 AM PST

    For me, playing through the game with all 4 characters, is Ellie.Before playing the game, I loved Ellie's character. I thought she could fill Scooter's shows nicely.

    Now, if I had the option of jettisoning her out into space, I would. She has the most annoying dialogue. For the life of me, I don't understand why they gave her so much dialogue compared to Claptrap.

    The never ending... "get down there, VH", "We got your back, VH", "I'm not letting you go alone, Vault Hunter"...

    And she does absolutely nothing, doesn't lift a finger to help.

    I'd take 10 Evas over her.

    submitted by /u/Zimmy68
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