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    Tuesday, February 18, 2020

    Borderlands SHiFT 10 Keys BL3

    Borderlands SHiFT 10 Keys BL3

    SHiFT 10 Keys BL3

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:02 AM PST


    submitted by /u/seanspeirs_44
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    Borderlands ending the Vault Insider Program on May 18,2020

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:12 AM PST

    i'm upset that they are getting rid of it! i spent a long time accruing points and now it's going to be obsolete soon!


    submitted by /u/hen97
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    Does anyone else think Hyperian weapons in bl3 need a buff?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:54 PM PST

    I want to play them more but every time I see one the stats are just worse.

    submitted by /u/MR_Chilliam
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    Wedding Invitation - best sniper in the game ?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:23 AM PST

    A friend and I loaded up the Slaughter Shaft TVH M3 and got the +50 Sniper damage mod. So we decided to take the new sniper rifle for a go and ended up melting everyone. When Phasegrasping enemies and then having that damage spread to everyone else, it makes whole groups of enemies just "POOF" with one shot. So satisfying that we did the mission twice. Crazy stuff. There are probably better Boss weapons out there. but no-scoping and headshots with it are the best, change my mind !!

    submitted by /u/Slaglenator
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    The Facepuncher doesn't satiate my bloodlust.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:43 PM PST

    Is anyone else bothered by the fact that the only possible late game "melee" builds require you to shoot a gun?

    I loved the mid tier melee Amara build I had but on M4 it's just not viable. There are now a couple M4 "melee" builds that work except that they all require you use the Facepuncher instead of melee.

    So here's my issue:

    If I wanted to only use a shotgun, I wouldn't be using a melee build!

    I was initially excited by the concept of a shotgun that deals melee damage since it means if you end up encountering a flying enemy you won't be completely useless or have to totally respec for certain boss fights. But I guess I was expecting that to be a "sometimes" part of the melee build, not the main part.

    I am just disappointed that even if I spec 100% into the melee tree, with every possible item with perfect melee anointments, I can't just punch people to death.

    Dear GB, Please, let me punch.

    With love, Your friendly neighborhood psycho.

    submitted by /u/maximumparkour
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    Help me pitch Borderlands 2 to my brother

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:47 PM PST

    Hello friends, I just bought the handsome collection for ps4. Thisbis my first borderlands game, I'm very excited to play it and i'd really love playing it split screen coop with my younger brother. But... I'm bad at explaining why games are good or what makes them fun. So, i figured I'd ask people in this subreddit that know the game better than me: What would you say to someone to convince them to play borderlands 2?

    About my brother: he has a mild retardation that prevents him from following the story of any game, so that wont convince him. He mostly enjoys the action in games, and the music. His favourite games are Diablo 2, Wow, CoD zombies, and he is diamond in League of Legends. We used to have a lot of fun with split screen stuff like CoD, LotR Conquest, and Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks, but now he just plays Lol all day and rages a lot, which I think could be bad for his retardation. His name is Fermin.

    So, how would you convince him?

    Thanks in advance friends, and sorry of I sucked at English

    submitted by /u/Juancitum
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    Observation: Getting crits without a scope may be easier than getting crits with one.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:37 AM PST

    After spending a lot of time with the Wedding Invitation and getting lucky with a Headsplosion while leveling up a new character, I found that getting crits is actually easier without the scope on most sniper rifles. When you no-scope the hitbox seems rather generous, but when you zoom in too often I've had misses that should have been crits or at least hits. It's like you pay a penalty for zooming and being precise. Even worse your aim is constantly being jiggled by enemy attacks when zoomed in. I don't know how else to explain it, but when I stopped zooming and just lined up my shots my aim was very consistent and would often result in a crit and I didn't have to spend time adjusting my aim before and after a zoom. Maybe I just find it easier that way?

    Anyone disagree?

    EDIT: Playing on Xbox with controller and aim assist on.

    submitted by /u/ElGuaco
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    Clay needs a DLC..

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:24 PM PST

    Where he becomes evil and starts a digi-jabber army ... It's practically there as foreshadowing if they ever wanted to.

    Am I Right ?

    submitted by /u/Dethproof814
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    Game stealing guns?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:42 PM PST


    So I just finished The Guns of Reliance and I got a Hand of Glory as a reward in my backpack, but also there was another Hand of Glory in the cabinet. So I had two with slightly different stats: one had better crit modifier the other faster fire rate. I equipped one and talked to Clay. Next thing I know I'm empty handed! So I look at my inventory and the equipped Hand of Glory is gone! The weapon slot just shows Empty! So the game took one away. Is it what's supposed to happen at the end of this mission? Or is this game just super buggy?

    submitted by /u/Phratros
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    Need help seraph crystal farming in bl2?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:36 PM PST

    Just a a bit help me get into op1 anybody will to help out, thank


    submitted by /u/motionless05
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    Is farming rare spawns still worth it?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:46 PM PST

    I'm trying to get a certain gun and was curious to see if it would be better to try for the rare spawn drop or just random world drops.

    submitted by /u/Sweet_Baby_Breesus
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    B3 Purple and Blue weapons

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:45 PM PST

    What are some of your favorite and/or most powerful at the moment ? I have an Atlas Smart Pistol with 100% Cryo Damage with x2 variant that absolutely shreds. And a couple super powerful Torque Weapons, plus the Digsby AR with Cryo Anointment is pretty nuts. Also some of the CoV Moor weapons are kinda nuts at lvl53 with certain anoints.

    So really I'm just wondering which unique Blues, or purples have worked well for you in endgame as I've been finding myself keeping more and more recently

    submitted by /u/Dethproof814
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    Transfer an xbox game save from one brdlds 3 game (standard) to a brdlds 3 deluxe edition

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:36 PM PST

    Is this at all possible or do I just buy the season pass

    submitted by /u/danreihana
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    What are the do’s and do nots when it comes to the grog nozzle?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:29 PM PST

    Such as how do I keep it? Can it be carried over from nvhm to tvhm?

    submitted by /u/HisokaMIW
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    Valentine's day bonuses.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:09 PM PST

    So, I cracked the 100 hearts the event asks for, where do i get my stuff? it isnt on sanctuaty with Maurice, didnt got any mail.

    how come?

    submitted by /u/Evenmoardakka
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    BL3 Loot issue - Anyone else seeing this? Potential Bug?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:22 AM PST

    Me and my friend have been noticing for a while that the Cooperation loot seems bugged. We now have an identical loot pool but we each get it. So we are sure we are not running the coopetition (coopetition is like bl2, correct?). We each have our own loot pools but they are always identical. Like even down to the anointment. It is getting annoying because we used to each have our own loot pools and we would know what the other person is looking for.

    Anyone know if this is a known issue? Has anyone else seen this?

    submitted by /u/SonofGondor32
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    Lets be honest, out of all our level 53 character, how many of them did you actually complete the story with?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:43 PM PST

    I'll say it, I have not finished the story with Moze. I just hate Eden-6 so much! It's got the best characters bogged down by the slingshot missions and unskipable dialogue. It's literally the worst!

    submitted by /u/PM_UR_NAKED_BOOTAY
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    A possible issue here?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:26 PM PST

    When I activate a fast travel terminal I see yellow exclamation mark which means there's a side quest or something available so I highlighted it then the exclamation mark went away but when I quitted to the main menu and back into the game they all showed up again is this a bug? Or working as intended.

    submitted by /u/the-confused-gamer
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    Fighting Troy

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:22 PM PST

    Anyone about to fight Troy as part of the campaign on TVHM that a willing to let me jump in their game? Mine is bugged and the only way I've seen to get past this is to join someone's game who is up to the same spot.

    submitted by /u/Will100186
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    Anyone have some good referance pictures of the three vault key fragments from BL2?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Me and my 2 best friends are getting matching tattoos so I need some referance pictures.

    submitted by /u/MorningFox
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    Ascension Bluff Next Mouthpiece Sound bug

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:59 AM PST

    So is anybody experiencing the same bug in this mission after opening the locked door with the generator somehow I bugged out one voice line from Ellie "look around maybe you can shut of the power somehow!" This keeps playing every like 20 30 seconds even after the quest is done and after restarting the game.

    submitted by /u/ShadowMoeSes23
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    [BL3] Noob question but... what's the best place to farm money?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Is there a place or quest in BL3 that works similar to the Pyro Pete Bar in BL2?

    submitted by /u/PooveyFarmsRacer
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