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    Sunday, March 15, 2020

    Borderlands [PC/Epic] Anyone else not able to connect to Shift through Epic?

    Borderlands [PC/Epic] Anyone else not able to connect to Shift through Epic?

    [PC/Epic] Anyone else not able to connect to Shift through Epic?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Title. Wanted to play with a friend but Shift won't connect. Epic is connected, so I have no idea what is happening. No error codes or anything either.

    submitted by /u/SomeoneStoleMyTie
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    What is the font used in the item cards?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    I do know that for the regular text and item descriptions, they use the Posterama Text Regular font. However for the names of the items they seem to use a different one.
    Wanted to do a BL3 item card style birthday card for my gf and was wondering what font was used. Would be awesome if somebody who knows could help me out :)

    Here is a screenshot to show what part of the item card I am referencing:

    /EDIT: I did some digging and found the font identification tool on myfonts.com.
    It seems they used the Grand Medium Italic font for the names and possibly for the item level numbers aswell.
    Sadly the Grand Medium Italic version costs 20 bucks, but the regular font and normal italic version are free for desktop use. Stretching the italic version a bit provides an atleast very similiar font type.

    submitted by /u/The_Blog
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    Unpopular Opinion: The Pre Sequel

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Hear me out and heed my warning. The pre sequel is by no means my favorite, but it is extremely well done from a writers perspective. Coming out of what is easily my favorite game to date, and my absolute villain in the history of video games, The pre sequel is near perfect from a writing standpoint. The same cannot be said about the gameplay and incessant farming for levels however. I wholeheartedly believe that showing the roots of handsome jack and giving us his fall into madness was a genius idea. I love handsome jack. Everything about him from his high school humor to lack of self awareness. He is in many ways a perfect villain. Giving him the backstory he deserved was amazing because we felt sympathy for a character that we thought couldn't like. I loved to hate jack, and after playing the pre sequel. I just love him. Many aspects of the pre sequel are mocked from the terrible o2 system from the same gunplay from the second game, but I overall think it worked pretty well. The introduction of laser guns was interesting and cool, but most of them fell short of the other weapon types. If I were to rank this game, it would not be at the bottom of my list. Borderlands 1 would have to. That game was truly one of the first games I could sink my teeth into, yet over the years I've fell from it because of the lack of story and lack of replayability. There's not much more to say other than I find that more people judge the pre sequel too harshly because of the mechanics being the same as two, but not having Jack as the villain.

    submitted by /u/F1r5TBl0oD23
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    Bl3 from Epic to Steam

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    So I bought the Super Deluxe edition of bl3 on epic when it came out, but now it's on steam. Does anyone know how to transfer borderlands 3 from the epic launcher to the steam launcher? When I go into steam and it shows the "add game" icon in the bottom left I don't see borderlands 3 anywhere.

    submitted by /u/PapaHew24
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    Insane COOP multiplayer rubberbanding on Steam

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    This is for borderlands 3 . Cant drive due to rubberbanding and when i shoot bullets come out 1 second later. This is the worst rubberbanding ive seen in a while, and i play a lot of Rust, Forest and Starcraft and never had such problems. This is insane. Im not talking about fps lag, i get 60 constantly.

    submitted by /u/madmaxGMR
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    I hope there is another game like Borderlands 1

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    Maybe there can be a spinoff title that is grittier while keeping the new polish and updated mechanics?

    submitted by /u/spicyknight
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    [Steam & BL1] Is it possible to copy saved game files between accounts?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    I've been playing Borderlands 1 with a friend at the weekends over the past couple of months. I've been going to their house and we've been taking turns to play the game. Neither of us care about playing every second and it suits us, which is why we haven't co-op'd the game.

    We're coming up to the end of the first playthrough - about half way through the DLCs. They want to re-install Windows and we've sunk a good 100 hours in to it already. I would like to keep playing the game for the second playthrough.

    We both have Steam accounts and the game was purchased on Steam. So is it possible that we transfer the saved game files to my PC? Or are they tied to the Steam account? I only ask because i notice the saved game file in game is the name of the friend's Steam account.

    submitted by /u/artificial_neuron
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    Now that we’ve had a lot of time to digest BL3..

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    Where would you place is on your Borderlands ranking? I'll be playing the game next weekend with my brothers for the first time and can't wait.

    Just want to hear some opinions and if the game meets the standards BL2 set (in your opinions)!

    submitted by /u/RailMango
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    Pulling a Rian Johnson on Bl4

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    I was thinking while playing earlier. Wouldn't it be funny if in Bl4 they pull a Rian Johnson and troll us. By showing all along this eridium that everyone was lusting, killing, and dying over was the Eridian's dung piles. That all along Crazy Earl was crazy and collecting mass amounts of alien shit. To us its this super rare artifacts. To them its just a pile. I just had a bit of a flashback after receiving the Eridian crystal buster to Bl2 where we bust the Bullymong's dung pile. That these precursors who came before found this rare powerful gem started worshipping it setting up alters to it. All along was nothing but where these supreme beings that roam the planets dropped their waste.

    submitted by /u/steak5874
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    Pressing E, interact button, opens up the ESC menu.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I just recently purchased Borderlands 3 on steam and I'm in the tutorial having this problem, basically every time I try to interact with something the menu screen pops up instead, kinda game breaking. Any way to fix it?

    submitted by /u/Waffle_Teh_SnLp
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    Vertical Splitscreen

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    Can we use vertical splitscreen yet?

    submitted by /u/Coomercide
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    Microstutters :/

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    seeing a guy with a 1070 and i5-6500 getting microstutters post about this, I'm a 1060 3gb user with an i5-6500 and also getting microstutters. has anyone here a similar setup and any solutions? I've spent hours optimizing and the stutters just don't go away.

    submitted by /u/bettergamerwins
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    Shift breaks splitscreen in Borderlands 2 for PC?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    The article linked below explains how to run simultaneous instances of Borderlands 2 for the purpose of LAN co-op.

    I believe that the introduction of Shift has completely broken the ability to do this. Because when launch Borderland 2, Shift forces you to create an account and login.... and then any other instance you launch, it will be logged into the same account automatically. This causes the simultaneous instances to crash when the network mode for each is set to LAN.

    I used to be able to use this procedure a few months ago, and now it no longer works.

    Has anyone else experience this kind of issue, perhaps in relation to Shift?


    submitted by /u/mckenziepiping
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    Finally gottem all

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    After nearly 3 years of loving the shit out of this series, I've finally got all of the games. Bl1, 2, 3 ,PS and TFTB. Can't wait even more good stuff. So glad BL2 was free on Xbox those years ago

    submitted by /u/TanePlayz
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    (PC) BL2 Laggy for No Reason?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    I just sat down to play some BL2, and regardless of whatever I did to my settings, the game has these random lag spikes quite often. Other games I have are running fine, so I wonder if it's linked to this new update they apparently released involving SHiFT and the BL3 advertising.

    Any information is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/wopwopwop23
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    Weapon parts

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    So this might have been discussed before but what is with weapon parts can they be changed and if so how?

    submitted by /u/denimchicken8
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    Bl3 slam/slide missed opportunity

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Most of us hate sliding and slamming mechanics and the "while airborn/sliding" anoints are usually bad. They could have added boots to the game that would give those and the snowdrift/snowshoe/red card effects all connected to foot items.

    submitted by /u/6658
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    So is the Wandering Debt Collector in the DLC bugged?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    I'm currently getting all the Achievements in BL3 and the one i've been doing off and on is Who collects the Collector Where you have to kill the Wandering Debt Collector.

    I've done the quest, reloaded the game but he never spawns. Spent like 2 hours last night and not a single time.

    Any clues as to if i'm doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/UndeadPhysco
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    Moze Leveling Build 2020

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Hey - Just picked up the game and wanted to play as Moze. I found these two guides from 5 months or so ago any of these still any good? If not anyone have any recommendations?



    submitted by /u/Guylon
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    Steam MAJOR stuttering w/ GTX 1070? fix????

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    What's the deal with this game? I waited for the steam release in the hopes that 6 months would be enough for gearbox to optimize the game but it still runs like ass? I have a GTX 1070, i5-6500 and I have never, ever struggled to run any game more than I have with Borderlands 3. Constant micro-stuttering like everything i do theres a literal PAUSE in my gameplay for half a second. the stutter is fucking insane it makes gameplay almost unplayable and thats at MEDIUM. if i turn down the settings to very low, same problem. if i make resolution scale 75%, same problem. dx12 changes nothing, doing that exploit changes nothing, closing all programs, borderless windowed vs fullscreen, uncapped vs capped fps, NOTHING.

    is there a fix to this? has anyone ever fixed this? or are we, along with gearbox, just ignoring this problem?

    submitted by /u/Jeremy0016
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    Can GearBox buff all Tediore weapons?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    I was trying to get the "Rewards Card" Trophy and I had to kill 100 people with Tediore weapons. I spent more than 2 hours just trying to get Tediore weapon kills and I also spent tons of money on refilling ammo. Tediores weapons don't do enough damage, even with a Seein Dead Zane Build they could barely kill the SrapTraps

    submitted by /u/Anal_Toaster
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    (PC) A minor inconvenience, maybe I'm overlooking something?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Is there a setting/ini edit that allows sprinting to force you out of ADS?

    I'm grateful that I can change ADS to 'toggle' through the options this time around but I can't seem to get used to not being able to exit ADS via sprinting like most games do

    submitted by /u/BlursedBiggit
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    Cloud saves on steam?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    I was playing Borderlands 3 on my laptop but wanted to switch to my desktop, but when i did my save did not transfer over. i checked and cloud saves are on but it says 0 bytes used. is there any way to force the game to upload save to cloud? Is anyone else having this issue.

    submitted by /u/ramenluvr11
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