• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 17, 2020

    Borderlands Randy’s next magic trick should be releasing DLC 2 ahead of schedule since so many people are stuck at home

    Borderlands Randy’s next magic trick should be releasing DLC 2 ahead of schedule since so many people are stuck at home

    Randy’s next magic trick should be releasing DLC 2 ahead of schedule since so many people are stuck at home

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    There's not too much to do in BL3 at the moment for nine more days

    submitted by /u/SenSei_Buzzkill
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    I love everything about this new DLC so far, but I really believe that it’s time to put a big gameplay changer into the game

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong, I could send Rakks at the enemy and listen to THE HUNT all day, but we are now reaching the halfway point for the DLCs and something like a serious level cap increase, a new skill tree or new COMS that really change the gameplay starts to become something I crave.

    Brand new Vault Hunters would of course be my favorite thing to happen, but that's obviously very unlikely.

    The Handsome Jackpot is a great DLC and really fun to play through, but in the end it just ended up being a nice change of scenery and afterwards I just returned to farming the Maliwan Takedown and Slaughters.

    I guess I just hope they start shaking things up with this upcoming DLC, it looks very promising.

    submitted by /u/xGundhi
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    (SPOILERS) The Timekeeper

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    The timekeeper is a vault "monster" that is referenced in the eridian writings. The siren named Nyriad had left these messages behind and the player is able to find these hidden around the maps. Nyriad hints at the vault creature in the eridian writing "Secrets."

    The timekeeper is also referenced along Graveward and Traveller. Which shows they all are vault creatures. Nothing else has been found about this creature to my knowledge, but it is speculated that it could have the ability to reverse time or events.

    What if it could reverse the events where fan favorites had died. Such characters could be Maya, Roland, and Lilith (if she's dead or not). But bringing them back could also bring back villains like Jack, Zarpedon, Aurelia, Wilhelm, Nisha, and the Calypso Twins and several others. It may also be able to give some character progression to Commandant Steele instead of having her be a forgettable character. I would also love to see General Knoxx's reaction to be brought back to life for the fourth time. Could this be the war the Watcher was warning us about.

    Although the Timekeeper has only been referenced once, it had to have been put in the game for a reason. Maybe to hint at what is to come in future games. What if it was also able to bring back dead vault monsters like the Warrior, Sentinel, Traveler, and ones we haven't fought yet like the one on Nekrodefeyo, and the one in the new upcoming DLC with Hammerlock and Wainwright's marriage.

    One of the people from gearbox has hinted at future borderlands games in one of the borderlands live-streams. When he was asked about the "War" that The Watcher told us about at the end of the Pre-Sequel, he said that Borderlands 3's story was not the war. He also said that that storyline idea has not been forgotten and says that it is too big to be implemented through DLC.

    This idea could go on and on and I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts about this concept, do you think this would be a good idea or should they scrap it. I would personally love to see this play out in the games, although it could get hectic with the whole messing with time thing, but nevertheless it would be awesome. I would love to hear your guys' thoughts and I'd love to discuss with all of you about this.

    I found out about this through EruptionFang's video. If you haven't seen it check it out here: https://youtu.be/M42XDGfYydI

    submitted by /u/PapaHew24
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    Celebrate the Luck of the Zafords with these reactivated Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel SHiFT Codes!

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Com join me peeps

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    Favorite character

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    Is Clay anyone else's favorite character in the game (BL3)? Or is it just me?

    submitted by /u/integralofEdotdr
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    [BL3] Does Moze's 'Short Fuse' skill straight-up not work right?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    Whenever the skill procs, it doesn't proc the other skills that activate upon splash damage being dealt. What gives?

    submitted by /u/SaintChaise
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    Will I lose my character by signing in to PSN?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    I used to have a Playstation, but haven't had one for a few years. Recently a family member got one and we've been sharing and playing Borderlands 3 on co-op. Will I lose my existing character if I sign in to PSN on my account?

    submitted by /u/Brain_Blasted
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    Best Time to do Moxxi DLC in First Playthrough?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    Know nothing about it other than Zane's best class mod is in the dlc so wanted to get it before TVHM. Unsure if it is level dependent based on when you pick it up or is it static??

    submitted by /u/Call-Me-Beach
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    I love the idea of the takedowns, but sometimes I just want to farm the raid boss.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    I love that the raid bosses have a place where your skills aren't only tested on the boss itself but I not on the casual emeries I'm hordes as well. But I really miss just going patter the raid bosses themselves because it saves a lot of time. I also don't want to wait months just for a new raid boss to be added. I wish there was a raid boss at the end of the Handsome Jackpot DLC because it gives you a reason to complete it more than just the story in it (although the story in it was amazing) I just wish we had more raid bosses as well as the takedowns with some of the raid bosses.

    I also want there to be even stronger raid boss mode where you want to best of the best gear and builds to defeat them. Like a step further than the true takedown mode, because people will just look at some builds and be able to walk through the M4 True Takedown mode. But I'm a little 50/50 with this idea.

    What do you guys think about these ideas, this is open for discussion and completely opinion, I would be more than happy to have discussions with you guys whether you agree or disagree. :)

    submitted by /u/PapaHew24
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    Borderlands 3 on steam crashing on startup

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    just finished downloading the game and dlc, but everytime i get to the claptrap dancing load screen it crashes, can anybody help me? EDIT: Solved

    submitted by /u/CJemerald101
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    [BL3] When do you unlock the class mod slot?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    I'm level 12, just got to Promethea. I've got bank full of glass mods I can't use because the equip slot isn't unlocked. When does it happen?

    submitted by /u/NOLAEducator
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    BL3, Steam, PC:Freeze on load, DX11, Windows 10

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    So I've been experiencing that whole 'infinite loading screen' issue on first boot of Borderland 3, checked online and all the people who had issues said it was either admin privileges(i enabled those) or dx12(that's not enabled i checked the file).

    When it finishes loading the screen freezes, the audio comes on, and the cursor changes to the in-game one. The cursor can move, but nothing else happens, and Task Manager says that BL3 is not responding.

    Can anyone help with this?

    submitted by /u/hector212121
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    [PS4] Maliwan Takedown delayed damage issue while solo

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    So as the title says, I am having issues with the maliwan takedown. I am waiting for hot fixes to apply and using the krakatoa, lob, and cuts man for the takedown solo on mayhem 4 normal mode. I can breeze through all the adds. But when it comes to the bosses specifically the valkyrie squad when I shoot my guns mostly the lob the damage is delayed. Like I will see the lob projectiles pass through enemies (adds and valkyries) doing no damage. Then after a few secs they will explode like the damage/attack finally caught up. I would understand if I'm playing with other people since multiplayer is laggy but I'm solo. Anyone experiencing this or used to? How do I fix?

    submitted by /u/Blind_Insight
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    Circle of slaughter LVL 42 Amara. Am I dumb or is the circle hard as heck?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I'm new to bl3, and I've heard circle of slaughter is the best way to LVL and get legendaries after you beat the main story, but I can't get past the third round for the life of me. The enemies have way to much health for my pink and blue items to handle, and I don't know how I'll get better weapons if I don't go for the COS.

    I'm using the godzerker build I found on YouTube and that's done wonders for me so far, but now I feel as if I've hit a brick wall. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I'm kind of desperate here, guys.

    submitted by /u/burgerbob1336
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    Terramporphous 2 man strategy

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Hi, we play as zero and commando and are looking for the best strategy to beat terramorophous

    submitted by /u/ThatMos
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    Is Borderlands 2/TPS DLC necessary before playing 3?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    I just finished TPS and have Borderlands 3 downloading as I type this. I plan on playing through the Commander Lilith DLC but was curious if the other campaign DLC's for 2/TPS were necessary before starting 3 or if I could skip them.

    I've played BL1, BL2, TPS and Tales from the Borderlands so I feel that I'll be pretty caught up after doing the Commander Lilith DLC and I'm just itchin to jump into BL3 on my 2 days off coming up. That being said, if I should play the other DLC's first then I will. I want to go into BL3 without feeling like I'll miss something.

    submitted by /u/Zeruen
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    Which is the better game for split screen on ps4?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    As the tittle says I'm looking for the best one to play with friends

    submitted by /u/Bertoleal
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    Mouse and keyboard support

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    Having mouse and keyboard support on console would be amazing. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/dawndragonclaw
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    You should update your "Buy now" on your site for pc platform

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Hello there , i think you should add steam at the Retailer at your store .

    Please realease a free dlc for these days quarantine .

    submitted by /u/Udab
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    Terramorphous the Invincible

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    I am a ps4 player and i am wondering if anybody would be willing to kill Terramorphous the Invincible for me. That is all.

    submitted by /u/Ignater
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    What is the Best class?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    I would like to know the best class as in fun and Strength (a combination)

    Edit: should have Said for borderlands 3.

    submitted by /u/jfkwlf
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