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    Tuesday, March 24, 2020

    Borderlands It's okay to play the game to max level and stop.

    Borderlands It's okay to play the game to max level and stop.

    It's okay to play the game to max level and stop.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Seeing a lot of people upset at how they're doing the new Mayhem system, but I've also seen a lot of people kvetching a lot about having to re-farm loot with level increases and other aspects of the game, and it seems like all anyone talks about is farming for gear to be "viable" at higher mayhem levels.

    I'm not saying you're wrong, but I want to offer what seems to be a missing voice in this community to say you don't have to play that way. You can play just through the story. You can play just through to level cap, and only come back for DLC drops and/or events. You can grind until you get a few legendaries you like at endgame and call it quits. It's okay to do that. You're not missing the "real game", you're not some sort of lesser player, you're just playing it the way you enjoy.

    Mayhem, and the endgame content in general, is there for people who want to farm. For people who enjoy the loot chase, of having perpetually better gear to get--It's not about getting through a slog of grinding so you can be "done" by having your perfect setup. If your goal is to play to the point you feel like you don't have to play anymore because you "finished"... Why are you still playing? You don't have to finish. Play at whatever level you enjoy with the gear you have.

    I've played every game, and I've honestly never done any serious post-game grinding. Part of that is I find the base combat of playthrough 2 to be more of a slog than is fun, part of that is I tend to play solo and the game is much less forgiving of that in endgame, but part of it is just I don't see the point in fighting the same bosses I've already fought several times over and over. It's not something I enjoy, however satisfying the gunplay is, because I'm here for story content and character progression.

    It sounds to me like a lot of y'all need to figure out whether the endgame is something you really enjoy, and re-evaluate whether you should engage with it. It's not a failing if you don't. There are other good games out there, and there's no shame in choosing to engage with a "live" game on your own terms.

    submitted by /u/JMTolan
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    Perfecly balanced, as all things should be...

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    So Mayhem 2.0 is basically OP levels with extra steps. GREAAAAATTTTTTTT

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    I'm not a huge fan of bl2's op levels. Refarming everything every 3 op levels to not get squished was not my favorite.
    So according to the borderlands show there will be 10 mayhem levels now.
    Mayhem levels have their own mayhem level loot

    So you won't only farm for a good anointment but you will have to drag yourself to op10 and get the level associated loot and then you get to farm with 4 random modifiers for the "perfect" or sufficient weapons of choice

    I'm not a fan. The hardcorest bl players will probably enjoy it but from the info we were given during the bl show it's op levels with extra steps. Nothing more, nothing less

    submitted by /u/bellystraw
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    Borderlands Show Ep. 6 Recap

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    • Level cap increase to 57 goes live with DLC 2, these 4 extra points allow for a second capstone.
    • Mayhem 2.0 turns Mayhem into an Echo tab, no need to visit Sanctuary each time to adjust it.
      • Mayhem now has 10 levels and over 25 modifiers classified by general difficulty for the ways they make you adapt your playstyle.
      • A gun at Mayhem 4 will have better stats than the same one at Mayhem 2, so each level prepares you for the next.
    • Revenge of the Cartels is a new six week seasonal event affecting the entire galaxy. Maurice is in trouble with a shady character named Joey Ultraviolet, who's coming to collect.
      • Maurice will send you on bounty hunts across the galaxy, including add-on areas. These thugs are noted by their neon attire. Kill enough and Maurice opens a portal to The Mansion, a new map where Joey hides.
      • Each run of The Mansion will be different depending on which of three gangs rein over the Cartel. You'll never fight the same group twice in a row. Each gang also has unique loot and Anointed parts, encouraging extra runs.
      • Cartel challenges will let you unlock sweet '80s themed gear for your Vault Hunters.

    You'll be able to turn the event on or off as you choose during its run.

    More info on Cartels and Mayhem 2.0 when we get closer to their joined April release.

    5 Golden keys: CTWJB-H5HSW-R96RS-5R3BB-H33K5


    submitted by /u/ShinRyuuken
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    Five golden keys for Borderlands 3

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:05 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/HAse-ONE
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    dear gearbox, PLS bring back vermi and secret bosses

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    they said if we talk about it enough it will happen

    here i am, loved vermi and other secret bosses in bl2

    pls bring them back.

    pretty pls

    submitted by /u/Irarius
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    [GBX PLS]If I'm at the level cap, TVHM, Mayhem 1-4 and I open a red chest, can it PLEASE not be one level under?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    I mean, I can still use the gun. It's just one level under but could it also not happen, please?

    submitted by /u/Super_AIDS
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    I really hope we see Fiona from Tales in a future DLC

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    I recently finished playing through the series. I really liked what they did with Rhys from TFTBL to BL3 but noticed Fiona didn't show up anywhere nor was she mentioned at all.

    I hope that we see her show up soon and possibly interact with Rhys :(

    submitted by /u/RailMango
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    Crying should let you walk across water and lava.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:06 PM PDT

     In the handsome jackpot dlc, you eventually come across a room called the handsome forge pretty late into the dlc. To get to a statue of pretty boy you gotta jump to the ledge. It struck me odd that lava would be beneath the jump so thinking with my 500iq brain I shot it with cryo and the lava looked like it solidified. When I jumped I still died but that is the kinda sacrifice science demands. I'm not mad or anything, just thought it would make a cool mechanic or make for some really interesting ideas for where you could potentially hide secrets chests. Create you own (temporary) path along a liquid surface to traverse it. Hope ya don't mind my rambling. Also, I love flak when I first saw the character and abilities all I thought was "Robot Hagrid" and I can never un-think that. Love the game and looking forward for the next DLC!!!!! 
    submitted by /u/SquigglesMcJiggly
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    Gearbox wish list: Console Cloud Save => Save as New Character??

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    In BL2 I did this all the time (on PS4) to duplicate my characters. Basically equivalent to copy and pasting your save file on PC. I used it to make characters for quest reward farming as well. Anyone know if this is possible yet for BL3?

    If it isn't then I'm sure console plebs like me would love to have it again. It would give us the luxury of simply loading in new vault hunters instead of re-specing and re-gearing all the time.

    BTW considering current world events, big thank you to all Gearbox staff who are still working (possibly from home) to bring us all this new content coming up. For the borderlands community stuck at home right now you are very much an essential service!!👊🏻🙏🏼🤩

    submitted by /u/Neds-Atomic-Dustbin
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    PS4 anyone willing to fully playthrough and 100% borderlands remastered?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    Who does elements best?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Just got the game because it was on sale and with the whole corona virus thing going on, it leaves me with a lot of free time.

    I've always enjoyed using elements in the older games, watching things go fire, seeing enemies electrocuted, melted by corrosion, blasted apart with explosion, and things being frozen and shattered.

    Which of the 4 characters uses elements the best?

    submitted by /u/Gohobomoe
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    You can emote on ladders.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    So pretty simple, just emote while climbing.

    It can be done on Steam version. please confirm if this can be recreated on others versions.

    Kick Dance.

    submitted by /u/Arctic-side
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    [BL3] Are Friends Health Bar not in top left anymore in co-op?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    In BL3 this no longer seems to be present, meaning if im wanting to check if my friends need healing i have to look at them directly which is difficult in a firefight and tbh a hassle in general. Does anyone have a fix for this?

    submitted by /u/LizhardSquad
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    link to the spreadsheet/list for all unique weapons and locations?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    trying to find a link to a spreadsheet or full list of uniques in borderlands goty. google is polluted with bl3 results and i cant seem to find anything. any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/Defeated_Clown
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    If Gearbox decided to make a stand-alone expansion pack, which would you prefer?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    It's always been a fantasy of mine to play through a campaign about the Fall of New Haven. Since I played through the Pre-Sequel, it's honestly the thing that I've wanted most from Gearbox. It could be told from Claptrap's perspective instead of Marcus', being that he was a playable character in TPS, and he likely still has all those memories. We could play as Nisha, Wilhelm, Claptrap, and Timothy. I think it'd be appropriate to omit Athena being that she admitted to leaving Jack's employ after he became Handsome Jack. But yeah, the story could start off with the team acquiring the info from Shep Sanders, and then they all journey from Helios to Pandora and commence the process of Hyperion taking over the planet. After taking over Fyrestone and establishing Hyperion's different mining operations, etc, the team makes it to New Haven and starts wrecking everyone's shit. Lilith and Roland could be the final bosses, and at the end of the fight, they and the remainder of the heroes barely manage to escape with their lives. And the epilogue cutscene could show us the events of Helena Pierce's death. Personally I think that would be pretty cool. Nothing too crazy; call is Borderlands: The Fall of New Haven, include just the 4 Vault Hunters, Lvl 1-50, and it'd be like $29.99; to me, something like that would be a dream come true.

    The other standalone expansion idea that I had was pretty much what the Pre-Sequel should have been. We could call it Borderlands: The PreTHREEquel. Logistically, it'd be just like The Fall of New Haven; $29.99, level 1-50, and you get to play as Aurelia, Mouthpiece, Katagawa Jr., and General Traunt. This campaign could pretty much tell a similar story to the pre-sequel. We play as the bad guys (except they don't appear to be as evil since the story's from their perspective), and we see Troy and Tyreen's rise to power, and possibly the defeat of the Crimson Raiders, and maybe we can explore the idea of Sanctuary II and what happened to it.

    So let me know; what do you all think about these ideas? And which one would you prefer to play?

    submitted by /u/Kirishima-san
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    Discover all locations bugged

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    So I just got the discover all locations achivement but I havent gotten all the individual Discover all on Pandora, Eden-6, and Promethea. I've been everywhere on all the maps but its saying I'm missing a location in the Splinterlands, Eden-6 shows all locations as does Promethea but it hasn't given me the achivement yet. I've already been to Slaughterstar 3000 and done all the circles of slaughter. What do I have to do? Wait for a patch to fix it?

    submitted by /u/LordBrontes
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    reworking pearlescent

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    so, like what if we take pearls add them back, but limit one pearl item per character, but make pearls do things outside of beeing guns

    like have them give you a passiv and active skill, an active which every legendary has, and a passiv like killskills are 30% stronger while this gun is in ur hands

    or idk rly what kind of skills,

    oooooor we do it like effervescend items have been, where 3 unlock a bonus effect that can make life easier in certain spaces,

    this could range from a takedown opener, which in takedown makes you fly around like the one that gave you vs haderax this super jump stuff

    or whatever else there could be. like maybe even give a skillpoint with pearls, where they can drop class specific with for example an additional point in mozes ammo regen

    submitted by /u/Irarius
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    Is there a way to build a "tankier" Amara?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I'm currently running an Amara built around linking enemies through phasegrasp and using a shock brainstormer with the storm front grenade mod and huge shock modifiers - with a transformer shield which I can recharge with a different shock weapon. It's basically the definition of a glass cannon build. I can run through just about anything on Mayhem 4, but I can't even get to the Valkyrie squad part of the Maliwan Takedown on Vanilla because the enemies dont come close and I can't overcome the damage they deal from afar before I can get close enough to recharge my shields and health with damaging and killing them.

    I look over to my wife's basically indestructible FL4K build with the huge health regen and the constant pet revives and I wonder if there's a way to get Amara to be more like that? This Amara does 2-3x more damage than FL4K, but if you die in Takedown you don't respawn...

    submitted by /u/ImActuallyAnOtter
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    Just picked BL3 on steam. Can you speed up map scrolling?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Like seriously. Whoever designed this map UI should be fired. I can't seem to find an option to speed up scrolling and zooming. It is incredible inefficient. And it seems they still haven't learned how to incorporate toggling quests from the map.

    submitted by /u/CatDad33
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    USB for borderlands 2

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Do I need a USB with the right amount of GB to transfer saves to bl2?

    submitted by /u/inkywood123
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    Xbox One X Still Shutting Off Or No?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    Does the Xbox One X still randomly shut off when playing or has this been fixed?

    submitted by /u/ChocolatePainX2
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