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    Monday, March 9, 2020

    Borderlands The wrong girl

    Borderlands The wrong girl

    The wrong girl

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Dear devs: you killed the wrong girl that ends with "a". Rest of the game is satisfactory.

    submitted by /u/mikebdot
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    Character Dialogue Differences In Handsome Jackpot DLC

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:16 AM PDT


    Heya BL Reddit Community. It's been awhile since I've been here, but a few months back I started a series on YouTube that covered the entire game of Borderlands 3 and all the different dialogue lines of each playable character in the game. So today I'm back with the latest DLC lines if that interests you :)

    submitted by /u/xTGE_Youtube2019
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    Why did Maya go back to Athenas?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    I was listening to her ECHOs in BL2, (you can read them here too), and the Order effectively just used her as a way to maintain power on the planet. This culminates in her killing one of the monks. In BL3, she refers to it as her childhood home and defends it. The fact that she went back at all is really odd to me. Was the dead monk the only bad one? Did the Order become more peaceful after Maya executed their power hungry leader?

    Does BL3 have any context regarding this? I'm genuinely curious; maybe I missed it in game.


    submitted by /u/sugarmetimbers
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    When is the next Borderlands show?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    I would almost say it's gonna be 2-4 days before the dlc drops, Has something been said already?

    submitted by /u/Irarius
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    Lags Online, Uncomfortable Frame-Rates

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    I don't mean to complain but can you fix the frame-rate for PS4 players? Borderlands: Handsome Edition was completely smooth and hands on the best collection. There's something funky about this one; when there's too many enemies while playing online, the frame-rate goes down and either you freeze and skip to somewhere you hadn't been.

    submitted by /u/unicornisamyth-1
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    Am I going insane?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    I've been playing borderlands 3 and I've just started hearing in the background handsome jack talking and I have no clue what's going. Is this part of the game or am I just crazy?

    submitted by /u/burningchkn
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    SAK Zane (Swiss Army Knife) Never respec again with this build!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    TLDR; Here's a video link if you don't like to read

    What's up guys! Today I wanted to share my swiss army knife Zane build with everyone! It's made to be able to use all 3 action skills at any time, any weapons, and most general anointments. The power level is equal to all of the seein dead meta builds that most people play, because it's also only a few points different from them, the difference here is we are able to do whatever we want instead!

    Skill Tree: http://bl3skills.com/operative#005500100000005053121331050351010100000

    So as you guys can see from the skill tree, it is very very similar to the most popular build of: seein dead, good misfortune, donnybrook, all rounder. The difference here is that we just spend the 3 extra skill points from the lvl cap into clone skills.

    This allows us to equally use all 3 action skills.

    Now why does this matter?

    The main bonus is having access to doppelbanger allows us to boss easier and literally one shot most bosses, activating shield and grenade anointments for 100% bonus elemental damage.

    You can actually play 3 action skills while mobbing. The menu automatically saves all of your augments, so all you have to do is literally swap the inactive ones. Now this isn't for everyone, but if you get the hang of this and realize how easy it is to swap, it can be a fun way to play, swapping between action skills while mobbing to just have fun!

    Clone with Old-U + Stop gap is extremely good survivability.


    Try to use multipellet or fast firing guns to trigger Seein Dead as much as possible.

    Mobbing: Redistributor, Brainstormer, Recursion, Scourge, Hive, Protuberance

    Single Target: Craps, Maggie, Star Helix, Wedding Invitation, Hellshock, Lob, Dictator, etc

    Bossing: Scourge, Cutsman, Lob, Dictator

    Class Mod

    Seein Dead - at least 2 in PD

    You are looking for weapon specific bonuses or splash to match the guns you are holding. That gives the best bonuses when using this skill tree. Ex. Pistol damage while using a pistol, Splash damage while using splash weapons.


    Stop Gap - best general shield, very good with clone + old-u

    Defensive - Transformer, Double Downer, Rico

    Quick Charge - Sitorak, Big boom blaster,


    Snowdrift or Icebreaker - Main artifacts Zane uses, pick whichever to match guns and playstyle.

    Cutpurse, Fleshmelter - fringe strategies that this build can also take advantage of. Use whatever :)


    Recurring Hex - triggers seein dead class mods max amount of times

    Piss - best for bossing

    This build is meant to be the one and done, respec and play anything in the game build. It's a jack of all trades, meaning you can use almost anything and be happy. This is basically the meta build, with a couple skill differences to allow you to use clone at will, without sacrificing anything really.

    submitted by /u/flightx3aa
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    Zane has to be the funniest character in the series

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    His dialogue lines are some of the funniest lines I've ever heard. "On my way Boo Boo Choco Doo!"

    submitted by /u/INeedMyDrink
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    Photo editing is fun

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Is anyone here aware of filter or program to give images a borderlands style look? I'd love to play around with one on some of my photos but I have no idea where to start

    submitted by /u/Akilgore14
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    Borderlands 1 - Save Editor Query

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Not sure if anyone out there still uses this but I am trying to get Willowtree to add the Mongol to my character, but everytime I try, it doesn't appear in game. Anyone know exactly what part combo is needed for the mongol apart from the barrel?

    submitted by /u/heavymetalgoy
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    Can someone help me with my fl4k?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Im a zane main and i was able to solo up until wotan's last phase. Got his health to a quarter too. But i don't like having to play him all the time. I don't want to resort to having to use some meta build. They had a swiss fl4k build a while back but i screwed with it when i wasn't supposed to. I don't have alot of decent annoints and if i do its not on the right weapons. Any help would be much appreciated

    submitted by /u/flipflopweeb
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    Playing with friend

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    What happens if my friend joins me when he is lvl 10 and im lvl 15? Will The enemies get weaker?

    submitted by /u/wilhelm12345678
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    Recurring bug farming tyreen

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    So I've been farming tyreen for an Otto idol and 3 times in a row she went down and you couldn't get her to come up even after shooting the eye. I stood right on top of it and emptied an entire inventory of ammo trying and it just wouldn't move past that point.

    To be fair I've probably killed her 300+ times at this point so i can't see it being common but it required a complete restart of my system. Even exiting the game didn't fix it.

    I'm using the Krakatoa and the elemental projector. I blast myself and unload the mag taking her down, pop the eye by jumping and firing my Maggie then mag dump until she moves. I've done this a ton and never had an issue. Could it be something related to my method?

    submitted by /u/GuyChiefPal
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    Is the 7 x exp glitch still working?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Hey guys I want to bring my second character to lvl 50 as fast as possible ... is the glitch still working?

    submitted by /u/VBoyka
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    BL2 - Battle for Sanctuary DLC - Paradise Found bug

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    I've been playing through the Battle for Sanctuary DLC in preparation for the Steam release of BL3, and just this evening I did the Cassius boss fight and got the antidote to the gas, triggering the Paradise Found quest. I performed the first two tasks ("Destroy the vines" and "reach paradise sanctum"), and then decided to take a break.

    (One odd thing did happen during this play session. Right after I synthesised the antidote, a dialogue box popped up asking whether I'd like to skip tasks I'd already completed and fast forward. I answered "No".)

    A couple of hours later, I booted the game back up and found myself back in Paradise Sanctum. Only this time, my path forward was blocked by vines. In confusion, I returned to the Mt. Scarab Research Center, only to find that the exit to Paradise Sanctum (the exit I'd just walked through) was now also blocked by vines. When I checked my quest log, I discovered that the Paradise Found quest was now in the completed quests section.

    Anyone know what happened? Best guess would be I somehow accidentally answered "Yes" to that fast forward question (this despite the fact that I've never played this DLC before)...except that I'm 100% certain I clicked "No" and the proceeded with the Paradise Found quest. I distinctly remember (it was only a couple of hours ago) checking off the "Destroy vines" tickbox as part of that quest.

    More importantly, anyone know how to get back to where I was? I really want to experience this DLC before I start BL3 in a few days.

    EDIT: I discovered the Gibbed save editor, which - after some tinkering - allowed me to reset my quest progression back to where I'd been. So all good.

    submitted by /u/ashaquick
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    Farming spots

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Is graveward still a good farm spot and what are some other good farm spots?

    submitted by /u/GronakTheOrc
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    Moze build

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I haven't played for a few months just started to get back now. I used to use the grenadier build but I am assuming since they have had patches since then what is moze best build now and what I should be looking for such as weapons and gear. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Thomasj2737
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    *SPOILERS* Talking about TPS ending...

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    So uh. What was the war the guardians were referring to as Lilith was trying to execute Athena? I was pretty meh about BL3s villians but was more dissapointed after remembering this omnious message from the guardians. The message made me think there would be a bigger cosmic threat in bl3. Thoughts?

    (I havent collected all the tablet from the one guaridan spread around bl3. Maybe there are answers in there)

    submitted by /u/SaintRocker96
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