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    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    Borderlands BORDERLANDS 3 HOTFIXES: APRIL 16, 2020

    Borderlands BORDERLANDS 3 HOTFIXES: APRIL 16, 2020


    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 06:58 AM PDT



    POSTED: APR 16 2020

    Today we will release a hotfix for Borderlands 3, which will be live on all platforms by 12:00 PM PST. In this week's hotfixes we have two new mini-events: Mr. Torgue's Slaughter Onslaught and Making it Rain! To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign that says "Hotfixes Applied"! If you are experiencing any issues or want to provide feedback, please submit a ticket to support.2k.com.

    Rare Chest Riches and Loot Monster Mayhem mini-events end at 9:00 AM PST today.

    The Co-Op Loot Drop event is continuing until April 30!

    This week, we have two new mini-events: Mr. Torgue's Slaughter Onslaught and Making It Rain! Mr. Torgue's Slaughter Onslaught will increase the number of dedicated loot drops from Slaughter bosses. The Making It Rain event will increase the in-game currency Cash drops for normal, Badass, and Anointed enemies, which will come in handy when you're fighting the Cartels in this month's upcoming patch. These events will go live with the hotfix today and will end on April 23 at 9:00 AM PT.

    There are no balance adjustments this week. We wanted to take this time to let the dust settle after the balance adjustments that were made over the previous weeks and are continuing to monitor and collect feedback based on those changes.

    • Activate Mr. Torgue's Slaughter Onslaught mini-event until 9:00 AM PT on April 23
    • Activate Making It Rain mini-event until 9:00 AM PT on April 23
    • Addressed a reported concern that Phasegrasp was not supported on Nekrotafeyo
    • Added gameplay tags for impending Mayhem 2.0 release
    submitted by /u/Synergyx26
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    Melee Amara and FL4K’s Pets

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Although I am thoroughly enjoying playing through borderlands 3, I find it quite disappointing that I'm unable to make a melee build on mayhem 4 with Amara even though she was heavily advertised to be the melee siren berserker. The reason for this is because even when using all skills that increase Amara's melee damage and using god roll equipment that further increases melee damage, I still find it lacklustre in the damage output. I believe a simple solution that should make melee Amara viable and fun would be to first increase base melee damage significantly and to make melee damage scale with mayhem levels. So whenever a mayhem level is increased, melee damage also increases. I also think that the spiritual driver class mod for Amara should also increase melee damage and not just gun damage.

    I believe something else that should also be buffed is FL4K's pet damage and survivability. Simply put, in combat my pet usually dies really quickly and just doesn't do enough damage even when investing all my skill points in skills that should've made my pet a tank. I think the pets need similar treatment to my proposition for melee Amara where the pets damage and health need to be increased significantly and should scale to mayhem levels.

    To summarise, I believe that Amara's Melee damage and FL4K's Pets health and survivability deserve the same treatment that Moze's Mech, Iron Bear, received from recent hotfixes that made it from near useless to mayhem 4 viable and deadly. I think these changes would make us more prepared for the imminent release of mayhem 2.0.

    submitted by /u/ExchangeableFat
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    Maliwan Shield Commandos should punish you for shooting directly at their shield. They should not punish you for anything hitting their shield.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Might be old news, but while I was running through the Takedown with a new very Jakobs focused build, I noticed that I got downed a lot even though there was no way someone was shooting at me.

    It took me almost until the end of the map to realize this. I downed myself by shooting a sphere and wondered what the hell even happened. Turns out the crit I hit on the sphere ricochet onto some random Shield Commando and I realized that those guys don't reflect projectiles in front of them, they reflect them directly to you no matter what.

    It's not like this is some crazy imbalance that ruins the entire game, but man it's honestly annoying as hell, especially on the bridge right before Wotan where they basically swarm you.

    submitted by /u/xGundhi
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    As a Long-Term Player of Borderlands 3, I have some Quality of Life Ideas

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Preface: I have a cumulative over 1000 hours into the Borderlands franchise (75% is in Borderlands 2). I have over 100 hours in Borderlands 3. I know I'm more than a casual player, but as a long term player, I think I have some valuable input on the small things that could improve the game as a whole.

    Some quality of life changes I would like to see:

    1. More places to hang wall decorations. Whether it would be more locations in various DLC, or simply more hooks in Sanctuary 3, more hooks would help me justify spending Eridium on decorations for 3 wall hooks in 1 room.

    2. Some way to sort or label the bank. I have over 250 items in the bank, and it is extremely difficult to find what I'm looking for, especially if you have multiple characters that need different items. If you could add tabs and labels to the bank and allocate space to it (depending on what you have unlocked of course), then the bank wouldn't be such an unorganized mess.

    3. Trinkets should be gun-specific, not weapon slot-specific. They should be treated like Weapon Camos, as when I switch guns out, it's annoying to have the trinket still there.

    4. Sort Trinkets by Rarity. They are kinda scattered around when you get them.

    5. See Weapon Camos in Menu. It would help differentiate weapons of the same type when viewing them from the menu or bank.

    6. Cycle quests while inside the map menu. (small, but would be nice).

    7. A Crimson radio that you can play from your Echo Device (from the menu) and from your vehicle. I like the songs of Borderlands 3 and I'd like to hear them more while playing.

    8. Bring back the Dahl Grinder from the Pre-Sequel or add a new machine that can sacrifice same rarity and level of weapons to re-roll stats (and/or annointments) on the gun of your choice. This would help with level increases and add more uses for guns besides selling them for money.

    9. Add more Trinkets and Weapon Camos (and everything!) to Crazy Earl's store. We always need more uses for Eridium.

    10. I miss the Cult of the Vault symbols that were in every map in Borderlands 2. And I really want to know if there is more to know about the Cult of the Vault or if it is just a challenge from Borderlands 2.

    Two others that felt out of place for this list:

    1. The 4 vault hunters should speak more (have more voice lines triggered by more things). In Borderlands 2, there were voice lines for varying different triggers, and I see that as the key difference in what brings your vault hunter to the forefront of the story.

    2. Bug: Some previously said lines are repeated in subtitles. Happens when save & quitting and even on different characters.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but some of it feels barebones in places and I think these additions would remedy that feeling. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Wasthereonce
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    IDEA: Fast Travel on Sanctuary 3 Bridge

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    What it says on the tin. I've seen tons of complaints about talking to Lilith, etc. and so much of this could be solved by having a fast travel on the bridge. Hell, stick it in a viewing deck just above the Bridge so you have a dome window to gaze upon the majesty of the planet you're hanging out next to, or put it in that down-below room that nobody's using at the moment.

    Come to think of it, put another fast travel in Ellie's Garage down below too. Boom, so many problems solved all at once.

    submitted by /u/archarugen
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    Bought the game the day it came out and just finished last night

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    So my situation is that I'm in college, and play video games pretty avidly. The day the game came out I started a game as Zane and was really excited to see what happened. I ultimately stopped playing at Athenas because a lot of people were saying how bad the game was and how bad the story was. I ended up spending the next few months playing League of Legends and thinking I'll just beat the game whenever.

    Well, fast forward to the COVID-19 situation, and I'm stuck at school still working an office job, so I have a lot of down time. My older brother is a teacher and is never really around to play video games anymore, who I played all the other borderlands games with. Since he's home, he called me and asked if I wanted to play it with him, and I agreed since isolation is destroying my mind.

    Now, we are complete degenerates. He picked Amara because he thought it's funny "to fist all the bandits", and I picked Moze because I was unimpressed with the Zane abilities, so I figured a big ass robot would be fun.

    After a few nights of drinking, getting in an Xbox party, cracking commentary about the game, and finally last night beating it, I do have some thoughts about the game.

    The story was definitely not perfect. I'm don't want to spoil anything but I do agree there were some points and characters that from a storytelling perspective made us scratch our heads. However it was far from making the game bad. I think we were really accustomed to the way over the top character development and genius that went into Handsome Jack, that it put the twins in a bit of a shadow. Personally, I thought that they were still decent villains. They had motives, their constant condescending duologue with the protagonists made both me and my brother say "can't wait to kill this bitch lmao".

    As for the gameplay, Moze is disgustingly overpowered. I got near blackout drunk one night we were playing and we were against the vault monster that looked a bit like the icon of sin from doom? I don't even remember. But I remember yelling "it's fuckin robot timeeee" and double equipping the scramble missiles and just running train on it. Her damage output is nuts, I have a class mod that doubly extends the life of the robot, and have the lifesteal perk. It was beyond OP.

    Aside from Moze, the overall gunplay was pretty fun. There was enough variance in the maps to make it not seem repetitive (like borderlands 1), and the variety of guns was really interesting.

    After all this, I think I'm going into too much depth about it. I've been pampered by really good video games that when a game seems "bad" compared to them, it seems bad in general where the point of playing these games is to have fun, which is exactly what we did with this game. We're going to continue to dick around and prestige the game in the weeks to come, and I'd honestly urge people to find a way to make the game fun, because that's why it's made.

    submitted by /u/Beandip-88
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    what ever happened to the supposed 4th skill trees?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Was that just a rumour? did the company actually say something about it or am i imagining things? could it be coming in a new dlc?

    submitted by /u/AeonsShadow
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    Moze: Forge/explosive buff w/ Shredifier

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Not sure if this has already been posted but man... myself and my girlfriend have played every other character all the way up to max lvl and we can't seem to find anything as fun as this. Nearly unlimited ammo, with Guardian Points added to the Enforcer tree to cause explosions on crits plus explosion buffs and the 150+ mag size of the Shredifier makes clearing big mobs and heavies no problem and when all else fails hop into Iron Bear and clean up. The only weak point I can see with this is protection. Super aggro build focusing heavily on DPS has a hard time surviving but Forge still works in FFYL so 9 times out of 10 you're able to get up. Bottom line whether this is the most effective build or not its super fun to play. Walking into a room and unloading hundreds of rounds before even having to think about reloading... perfect.

    submitted by /u/PizzaMalone
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    Does this Mancubus quote mean anything?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    So after I finished the 2nd DLC and all the side missions, I was just dicking around the lodge. Then Mancubus out of nowhere tells something around the lines of "Your life is fine for now, but beware of your future, be careful of the one named Marcus"

    Anyone else heard this? do you reckon it's a hint for the next DLC?

    submitted by /u/cyberbemon
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    Auto-Trash Pickup and/or Arena Clean

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Auto-Trash Pickup: I've seen it posted on here before but not for quite awhile. It would be extremely convenient if it was possible to pick up loot with a different button or double tap and automatically mark it as junk. With SO many legendaries dropping in the wave based arenas, it would be nice to be able to use a feature like this. And if not this, then consider a second option.

    Arena Clean: There are hundreds of legendaries dropping during the Slaughterhouse/Cistern of Slaughter/Slaughterstar 3000. This is making the game overly laggy and sometimes crashing the game completely. It would be nice if there was a button to clean the Arena of all loot in order to more effectively follow through on the rounds. Leaving and coming back wipes progress so a button would be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/OhNoImFarding
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    I want to start liking my childhood game.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    So I've had borderlands 3 for a while, but never really got into it. The whole franchise was a favorite of mine back when I was younger, but the 3rd game isn't it for me. I want to get through the game, no matter the cost. I want to experience the story myself, but with someone running me through it. So I'm asking if anybody wouldn't mind running me through my story and helping me level up. My psn: un-deyja.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/ttrenton7862901
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    Do all grenades do splash damage?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Let me elaborate:
    On the couch coop game I'm playing at my friend's house, I'm using a Moze build that focuses on splash damage.
    I know that typically grenades deal splash damage.

    Here's the thing, currently I'm using a grenade mod that basically turns the grenade into a tesla trap. Wherever it lands, it creates a little blue orb that grabs enemies and barrels with chain lightning and pulls them in, doing constant electric damage. (I think the mod is called Quasar, but like I said it's on my friend's system so I don't remember exactly.)
    Does this grenade do splash damage, too? Or is it different damage because it's ongoing electric stuff?

    Please and thank you.

    submitted by /u/WimpishMjolnir
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    No DLC Sidequest Indicators?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    So sidequests are meant to be marked on the map with a yellow exclamation mark yet no sidequests are ever marked this way in the dlcs... Is this a bug? In the main story they are always marked but throughout the general knoxx dlc and claptrap dlc there just aren't any markers. Am I supposed to just run around and search?

    submitted by /u/PrinceTNT1
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    im finding it weird how i just noticed sir hammerlock is black

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    I always remember hammerlock in bl2 as being white and im playing through borderlands 3 since launch and finally notice he is black. i think its some mandela effect or something

    submitted by /u/Animeisbad1
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    Better Vega 8 performance.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    How do I get better performance on GOTY enhanced.

    submitted by /u/gamingbro697
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    Someone help me get around the borderlands 2 crashing when I have cheat engine open?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    My game crashes whenever I try to run a cheat engine table. I think it's because of the games anti cheat that's hooking on to the debugger. I'm getting this fatal error code that tells me all these addresses werent found or soemthing? I'm completely new to cheat engine and I don't know what half of this means so if someone could explain to me how to stop my game from crashing when using it that would be sick.

    submitted by /u/mrmcc4
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    Any up to date guides on how to fully operate gibbed save editor for tps?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    I went in and got my computer fixed after the motherboard shorted out. However it wiped all my save data in the process. I went to Nexusmods to download save files with 100% completion so I could at least get back to where I was.

    Problem is the saves were modded to have infinite ammo capacity and whatnot else.

    I'm trying to make it so it's back to the default ammo capacity and granade capacity etc. I mean like the maximum upgraded ammo cap for all weapons and granades. Nothing more or less.

    Now my issue is trying to find a guide that fully explains how the save editor works and all its functions so I can fix any modded parts of the save. Seems every video I come across skips over some details regarding functions and just talks about the main things.

    TL;DR my computer broke, I downloaded a save file that was modded cause mine got wiped out, im trying to figure out how save editor works so I can fix the overpowered modded bits of said save back to normal

    submitted by /u/Nexus_Neo
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    Any Tips for OG borderlands

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    I playing with the free weekend and have no idea what to do I have played all others bl extensivley but never this one

    submitted by /u/yoyogamer64
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    Help (PS4) (Spoilers)

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    Hi guys. So whenever I load into the cathedral of the twin gods area (the one you invade with the crimson raiders right before fighting Troy) my player icon on the map disappears and the game does not clear the map when I walk trough it. It also says error_planetname and error_levelname on the right top corner of my screen. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/joaoboi
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    Bossing Zane

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    What would be some good bossing weapons for barrier and clone Zane and also a build please?

    submitted by /u/DaimyoKarma
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    Borderlands Multiplayer

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Hey badasses, i just recently bought borderlands handsome collection on ps4, i was wondering if i could play it with my friend without on split screen, do i need any chance ps plus inorder to play online on this game?

    submitted by /u/daniellll-
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    Just finished the Hammerlock marriage DLC, but Chaotic Hood did not unlock. Any advice?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    Hi folks, just finished up the second DLC for B3 but one of our party members didn't get the Chaotic Hood item upon completion. Has anyone else experienced this? And is there any hope my buddy can also get it too?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/theexterminat
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    My opinion on Borderlands 3

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    I finished Borderlands 3 a couple of days ago, and I want to make a pros and cons list of sorts when it's compared to 2. Tell me your opinion :) What I liked better in 3: - Gun mechanics and overall feel is better - Graphics are more detailed although 2 holds up - movement is improved with sliding, vaulting added, ground slam - Vehicles are improved, more variety and are able to be hijacked. - Zane with the ability to use two action skills is a nice addition - Able to switch active missions without going to Echo - I like how collectibles were marked - More multiplayer modes (they still need to add crossplay) - End missions were more fun - The use of Earl for cosmetics is better - Better Boss fights - Customisation - weapons usually having 2 firing modes

    What 2 did better: - Main Villain is actually good to listen to and well written - Badass Rank is more enjoyable than Guardian rank - Invertoy is better designed and sorting with labels is better - Class rank displayed on bottom of screen was a nice touch - More challenging and a happy medium - Maliwan guns were better - Slag made more sense and easier to identify - Sanctuary was better to explore and wasn't as confusing - More enemies to fight - was a better optimised game

    Same: - Story, despite 2 being better written I found both as equally interesting - Classes, they both have great variety - World design, Pandora in 2 had tonnes of biomes whereas 3 has them on planets with unexplored themes such as a jungle or futuristic city.

    I probably missed some but those are my thoughts. I would rate them the same, 9/10.

    submitted by /u/Oscar95gaming
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    No sledges safehouse sdu in pt2.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    It's impossible to get the sdu in pt2 I've dashboarded over 50 times and I refuse to believe it's possible to get in in pt2. EDIT: I got the sdu after filling my inventory with medkits.

    submitted by /u/gamingbro697
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    Ajax Ogre: better for brick or Roland?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    So I'm currently playing borderlands 1, I beat the game already and I decided to try something.

    I grabbed all the legendary weapons and pearls in the game, one of each, and I'm currently trying to give each character the weapons that suits them best. The copout is I'm making it so there can only be one of each weapon. Meaning two characters can't have the same gun (because I said so, that's why.)

    That being said, I'm stumped on who I should give the ajax ogre to. Roland uses primarially machine guns and would work well with the ogre but the explosive damage it does also pairs well with bricks explosive skills.

    Is anyone able to help me make a decision here?

    submitted by /u/Nexus_Neo
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