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    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    Borderlands It feels like Gearbox did not playtest mayhem 10 with non cartel weapons

    Borderlands It feels like Gearbox did not playtest mayhem 10 with non cartel weapons

    It feels like Gearbox did not playtest mayhem 10 with non cartel weapons

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Because right now i'm using a mayhem 10 Breath of the dying, a weapon that worked quite well before the update, amd it barely functions at mayhem 7. Most non cartel weapons feel useless unless they were considered best in slot pre update.

    This is not healthy for the game and this update feels like an excuse to sundown launch legendaries for newer content by making thrm feel useless

    submitted by /u/SpaceFire1
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    Powercreep is the biggest issue with the current balance of the game.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Initially in BL3's life cycle, Gearbox took a very nerf-heavy approach to balance that was heavily criticized by myself and others. Luckily, they listened, but instead of jut doing a 180 and trying to make everything viable and equal, they pulled a 360 and are now powercreeping the game to infinity. The last few changes it was noticeable, but with the recent Mayhem 2.0 update it was blindingly obvious and detrimental to the game.

    Weirdly enough BL2 never had this issue. If you look at meta and off-meta builds for 2, there's a healthy mix of gear from the base game as well as all the DLC's. Gearbox managed to introduce gear that was good, viable, and promoted new builds without outclassing what was already in the game. Somehow they lost that ability to balance in between then and now.

    Where I believe this powercreep trend started, is the hotfix to the Lob, Krakatoa, and later Boom Sickle. These guns that were previously throw away trash were, overnight, turned into god guns that completely blew past their competition.

    The next big step up was the Wedding DLC. The Anarchy, Clairvoyance, the 3 Jakobs snipers, were all insanely strong, and were more than viable even with poor rolls.

    However the impact of these changes weren't that bad. Why? Because there was no changing in the difficulty of the game behind it. You could still use the build you had before and it was perfectly fine. You could use the strong new guns if you wanted, but you didn't have to. You had a choice. While I'm not applauding this balance and think those guns should not have released at the power they had, I'm able to look past it.

    But now, Gearbox took it too far. The current Cartel and M2.0 guns are so disgustingly more powerful than what was before, that it almost ruins the game. The OPQ, Yellowcake, Sandhawk, and a few others are so much better than previous guns that it skipped a tier. Guns that were S tier are now simply average at B tier. There is no A tier in between. The differential is insane. Just look at the damage numbers. A M10 Hyperfocus gets 2200-2400 damage, yet a Kaoson is sitting at 7000+. Like what the actual fuck are these stats? When I first heard about the OPQ System, I figured it would be a Maggie level upgrade over its purple counterpart; roughly a 20-30% increase in damage. Not a 400% leap. If you've used these guns you know they make M10 feel relatively easy. An average roll can get you through without much trouble and a god roll will one shot bosses. But even the best rolls of the S or A tier guns you were using previously will struggle to kill anything tougher than a basic psycho.

    And the reason this keeps happening, is so we're forced to keep playing. Keep making a new god gun that everyone wants, so that they can jack up their hours played in the most simple way. Gearbox, you don't have to make the next Norfleet to get us to farm new guns. So long as it has a use and is different and unique, people will want to get it. There's no need to completely invalidate most of the gear we were previously using.

    For the near future, we need no changes to the game that aren't bug/performance fixes, and sorting out this horrendous balance mess. If that means the next takedown is delayed then so be it. I'd rather get that when the game is in a stable, solid state, which it currently most certainly is not.

    Honestly with how poor the current state of the game is, I would not be surprised if there was a bug or something causing guns not to scale, and that the few OP guns we currently have are just unaffected. But if it's not a bug, and this is indeed how these guns were supposed to scale, then there needs to be a change.

    Currently, guns on M10 drop with roughly 2-2.5 times the damage of their M0 equivalent. This ratio need increased. Making it 5-7 times would be a good start to see if other guns can be competitive on the higher difficulties. Once that ratio is in a good spot then we can decide if individual guns need a buff or nerf.

    In the future, try to make gear that has a place in the game without invalidating what's already there. A gun doesn't have to be so strong that it's good on everyone, all the time, no matter what situation. A great example is the Breath of the Dying. It's fantastic for mobbing armored enemies, but can fall short if you're trying to do other things. And that's fine. It gives it a unique purpose.

    If you've gotten this far thanks for reading and leave your opinions and ideas in the comments. If anyone at Gearbox is reading, please fix your game. Test things before you release it, at least a little. The game should never be in the state it currently is. And with the current the state of the world, don't feel pressured to release a scuffed update to stick to a timeline. If something isn't ready and needs delayed, do so. Your players would rather you take your time to fix things before it makes it live, then make a half-baked patch that breaks the game.

    submitted by /u/Tamed_Trumpet
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    PSA Get yourself a grenade mod with 150% grenade dmg annointment. It benefits weapons that fire stickies.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Tested it on the clairvoyance and kaoson so far farming for a duc now to test it.

    Edit: Effects torgue weapons as well.

    submitted by /u/Dorksoulsfan
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    Anyone else worried about ammo shortages during major fights post-patch?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    I find I am actually running out of ammo in some regions because, frankly, some mobs are taking a LOT of bullets to kill.

    Like, HUNDREDS.

    Nothing sucks like having a mob down to 25% and your best gun turning into a paperweight.

    submitted by /u/Cicero_Johnson
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    Shift key for 10 keys

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:41 AM PDT



    Expires 4/30/20.

    submitted by /u/dgrath23
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    Mayhem 2.0 is horrible

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Came back to the game after a couple months off to play mayhem 2.0 and needless to say I'm pretty disappointed.

    -Chests don't scale up

    -Quest rewards don't scale up

    -Drop rate at mayhem 10 is bugged

    -Only a handful of guns with god roll anointments are able to kill anything

    -Back to the same problems we had a launch with pets and Iron Bear being horrible

    -This is basically a repeat of OP8 minus the enemies doing stupid damage

    -Literally no one likes modifiers, Gearbox you lost this argument, just remove them!

    -70% of the legendaries in this game are still worthless, even more so now with M10!

    -No clear indication of what guns are mayhem and which aren't

    I'm thinking about just quitting this game until all the DLCs are out and come back well after the fact. These update are never rolled out properly and the constant refarming it's all been so tiring. On a positive note though Some of the new guns they've added are pretty awesome, I love the Kaosson and the OP Q System are a ton of fun and DLC 2 was pretty good if nothing else, I guess. But overall the game I'd say is definitely in a worse spot than when I stopped playing and that kinda hurts to say.

    submitted by /u/Henry_Myth
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    Playing on Mayhem 10 feels un-rewarding

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Imagine you work your way up the Mayhem ranks, finding that gear you need, fixing your build up as required. You have finally reached that tip of the mountain. Mayhem 10.

    Time to finally re-farm one last time for that amazing loot. But wait... you just killed Captain Traunt and only got 1 drop, ok no problem lets do it again, 1 drop again. Lets just work through this bad luck. Another kill and you see zero legendary's. Finally you manage to get 3 legendary's in 1 drop... but none of them are anointed or they are grenades, or they are artifacts or this game really just doesn't care about the effort you are putting in. I am not saying I want it to rain specific legendary's with perfect anointment's all the time. I just want to feel like the effort I have put into just ONE of my characters is worth it. Give me enough of a chance at what I want so I feel good about my next farm session instead of starving me in hopes I stick around.

    I have to battle RNG for so many specific rolls to get a gun I want on top of just hoping something drops in the first place. This game is not an MMORPG, it doesn't have an economy. Limiting the players progression to hundreds of hours of play time on top of huge amounts of pure luck is just bananas.

    submitted by /u/MikeSouthPaw
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    So many crashes!!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Ever since this Mayhem 2.0 update ive been getting a few crashes every day, so far today alone ive had 4. Yesterday i had 6! Is anyone else experiencing these kind of problems?

    submitted by /u/FazeSpaz
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    I don't get the rage.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    Maybe I've never been that bent on finding the most optimized gear, one shotting every mob I see, or even getting all the loot there's to collect, but I've been having a blast with Mayhem 2.0. Sure, there are some modifiers that make the game a little frustrating, and yeah, I am hanging around Mayhem 3 and 4, but this is the most fun I've had since launch.

    submitted by /u/Pollux1741
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    What if moze had idk team ammo reserve regeneration?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Like that would would help with the lack of ammo for everyone else.

    It could be part of the green capstone, like if moze ammo full it then goes to allies.

    Or as a anointment it could be like while in iron bear allies gain ammo regen.

    submitted by /u/flower4000
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    Why Rushin Offensive is bugged.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    To those of you who don't know, RO is a Moze skill in her bottomless mags skill tree. It allows her to sprint and shoot at the same time and gives her 8% lifesteal while sprinting.

    Before the mayhem 2.0/ Cartels update this is how Rushin Offensive worked:

    • You could start sprinting and shoot your gun whenever you wanted WHILE sprinting. Stopping the sprint at any time did not lock you out of sprinting again while simultaneously firing your weapon.

    How it functions after the update:

    • In order to be able to sprint an shoot you have to start off sprinting and shooting and NEVER stop sprinting. If you do stop sprinting, you'll be still firing but you can't sprint again until you stop shooting. It basically reverts to what would happen if you never invested in the skill.

    So now, in order to be able to take advantage of RO, you have to never stop sprinting, which is really difficult to manage.

    I was really excited about the lifesteal added, but after seeing it bugged I was really disappointed.

    But I'm loving the new loot the planet event, mayhem 2.0, and the cartels event despite all the bugs.

    submitted by /u/joetheminoin
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    Unplayable after update.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    This game has never once lagged or crashes on my ps4 pro, since the update that's almost all it does. I've been playing for 3 days now and not ONCE have I made it past Joey without it lagging and crashing. Playing just now was the furthest so far it was okay up until Joey dropped down and legendaries were all over the place just to lag and eventually crash- I've lost count of how many times I've tried now and this is absolute bullshit. Does gearbox not test their updates??? Is there a fix of any sort for this?

    submitted by /u/UrMouthsMyShithole
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    What’s going on with legendary drops

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    I just did a full run of Maliwan takedown on mayhem 6 and didn't get a single legendary drop. Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to activate the event? Kinda frustrated.

    submitted by /u/sacredwizard
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    Potential Bug With Rushin' Offensive

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    Supposed to give 8% life steal. Works fine with regular life. Does literally nothing with Bloodletter. Gearbox explain.

    submitted by /u/Takesgu
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    Can we please make it so "Rushin' Offensive" lets Moze throw grenades when sprinting as well?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    Really loving how this skill works now with life steal, but throwing a grenade completely stops your momentum and it kinda sucks.

    Feels like it'd be a lot more smooth and fun if you could throw grenades and shoot while sprinting.

    submitted by /u/Gehab
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    Different outfits?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Not sure what it was called but I'm BL2, other than what the character usually wore you could find totally different versions of them like in interesting clothes, like a suit...

    But that has been mission in bl3, though coloring options has been overhauled... I want to find more totally different outfits for characters to make my selection more unique, vs just weird heads....


    I realize now that they weren't full different outfits but were color changes mainly, BUR they were way more advance than just a color change like Maya had one that looked a cheetah outfit, and gunzerker had one that was like a suit..

    Also there were A LOT more heads that helped these changes look like whole different outfits..

    submitted by /u/ongakugaming
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    Overpowered SMG/AR??

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    I finally got my hands on a Lob with a good annointment for my beastmaster. My main problem is that I can't constantly trigger shoot that thing without my hands hurting. I have to preserve my hands to make chemo drugs at work.

    I'm trying to farm as many as possible and so far the best one I have is a soul something AR spooky gun. I can't remember it off the top of my head... but any insight so I can get past M6 without losing my shit during maurices gang wars would be great...

    I'm maxed out lvl and probably need an assist on a better build as well.

    Sincerely, your local struggle bus gamer.

    submitted by /u/Uber_alyssa
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    Mayhem 2.0 is great, and I love farming enemies on Pandora on M10

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Thanks Gearbox for the amazing addition to the game. Myself and the two people I normally play with have been having a blast with the new Mayhem mode. On top of the constant weekly special events you've had going on for over a month, and this new Cartel event and three more weeks of special content, it's really keeping the game fresh and enjoyable.

    I'm sorry to those who can't seem to enjoy or appreciate everything that's been given to us, and I hope you find your way to make the most of the new Mayhem mode. But I wanted to share my positive experience and feedback, because there seems to be far too little of it, and I'm truly having a great time.

    submitted by /u/Myl_Ne
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    Audio bugs for bl3

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    (Xbox one) Ever since mayhem 2.0, if I go to a populated area like Athenas or something like guts of Carnavora my audio begins to get extremely choppy, and then if a attempt to fast travel anywhere my game crashes. Any ideas what is going on?

    submitted by /u/Soviet_Soupcan
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    A Chronic Bug

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    The trophy "Master of All You Survey" 'Discover all named locations' IS BUSTED, its been so long since the first time i tried to figure out why i wasn't getting this trophy, but as i've tried all of the solutions, none of them work. Please fix this Gearbox, add a new location and tell us where it is so it unhinges the bug or something, i can't begin to describe the agony of being 1 trophy away from a Platinum 😪

    submitted by /u/brisknoodles
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    Villa full of Eridium. Is something coming soon?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    With the Villa practically overflowing with Eridium, is this setting us up for something to come? In my case I've bought all the Crazy Earl cosmetics.

    submitted by /u/JOWhite63087
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    HUGE problem with Zane and Fl4k playstyle balance

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    So, i played borderlands 2 back in a day as Zer0, a lot. And his entire playstyle revolved around getting kills to get more buffs (killskills) so you can secure even more kills. And it was so much fun, i liked it a lot. So ive been hyped as hell to see that we now getting TWO VH's with the entire trees dedicated to this playstyle - Hunter Fl4k and Hitman Zane. And now... its completely gone to hell.

    First, we got "Bounty Hunter" classmod for Fl4k that just reformed these "killskills" into free "passive buffs" that you get just by shooting enemies. And i get it, i get it, it was meant for bossing (hunter bonuses work on bosses as they are diff kinds of enemies). And we got another one - "Cosmic Stalker" - mod that just buffed all these "hunter killskills" by 25%. So, we had two options there - stronger "killskills" or just (a lot) easier to get "passive buffs". And even then that 25% buff was kinda lame compared to having all these buffs basically all the time, for free.

    The problem with Zane is even worse. We got "Seein' Red" that not only gives these buffs for free, the same way as Fl4k's one, but even more - it gives that 25% buff to killskills. So basically it is two these classmods in one. Yeah, Zane have another classmod for killskills - Executor - that gives him more killskills (increased accuracy, handling, critical hit damage, status effect damage and status effect chance). But whats the point?

    The problem is not just with these mods (as they can encourage two different things - easier buffs or stronger killskills). The problem is the current state of the game (enormous hp pools of enemies), that kills any competition there. Without these buffs you just cant kill anything (or its extremely hard to), so you absolutely NEED to have them beforehand. But its completely OPPOSITE of this whole playstyle! Like, WTF?

    This whole situation just kills (lol) the entire playstyle of "earning" KILL-skills by KILLING anything. There is no "killskills" anymore, it is so fucking boring having to get these buffs for free, its just disgusting. I mean, i appreciate the idea of getting those buffs on bosses, but now we are in this situation for the entire game. I WANT my killskills back, i WANT this playstyle back, but it wont happen until hp pools will get fixed.

    All this 12500% HP crap is not considering like 90% mechanics of the game, except few hugely overpowered guns and annointments. Killskills, pets, melee, iron bear, etc is completely useless. I mean, just try to play through these things on mayhem 6(old 4)-10. With proper killskills build (not "Bounty Hunter" or "Seein' Red"), proper Amara melee build (not "Face Puncher"), Iron Bear Moze etc.

    Is it only me or they just fucked up so bad that more than half of their game is not playable rn, at higher difficulties? Its only me or anyone else miss these playstyles (actual killskills, melee, etc)?

    I genuinely hope that guys from GB will see and fix this...

    Edit: In case that wasnt clear. Its not that much of a problem with zane/flak than with giant hp pools of enemies. Its not meant to work with melee/pets/iron bear/kill skills/etc. Thats the point. I want to be able to play with actual killskills, not buffs through just shooting. I want game to reward that style of play more. Kinda like that classmod with +25% to killskills did. But it needs to be much more.

    Another thing is that these classmods incentivise using of shotguns (more pellets per shot) or high firerate weapons, and not snipers, to proc "killskills" more. Which is a problem with flak, that have been considered more of a "sniper" character (through trailers, art, and stuff).

    submitted by /u/ShadyDax
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    Use for Eridium?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    Gearbox said we should be saving up cash and eridium for this event. Is there a new way to spend it?

    submitted by /u/spidergnomes
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