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    Sunday, April 19, 2020

    Borderlands My favorite death in all of my runs

    Borderlands My favorite death in all of my runs

    My favorite death in all of my runs

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    The prospect of playing the main campaign 8 times is absolutely revolting and makes me want to stop entirely.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    Gearbox, the game needs an adventure mode, stat. Specifically one that allows TVHM and Mayhem to be unlocked. I would like to be able to play each class at the highest level of gameplay, but I'm not even halfway through my second campaign and I've half a mind to just put the whole thing down. There are so many good end game activities, I don't understand the need for this ridiculous time sink.

    submitted by /u/lastamaranth
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    Better legendaries?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Not sure if this has already been posted but which game do you think has the better legendaries 2 or 3? Personally I believe 2 whilst the number is finite compared to 3 they hold there own whilst a quite a number in 3 seem useless.

    submitted by /u/iiCLARKY
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    What qualifies a vault hunter

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    I always thought about this in every game. Most of the playable characters haven't opened a vault before so like why do they still call you vault hunter in the beginning. Is it just a title anyone can call themselves? If thats the case does anyone have to back up their name with skills? Or do they need to have a known prior interest in vaults? Am I over thinking it?

    submitted by /u/H-manFTW15
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    The Pandoran ecosystem

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    We all know skags, rakks, varkids and spiderants etc. etc. They are all overtly hostile and carnivorous. All we ever see in our adventures on Pandora are the predatory wildlife, but what we never really see are prey animals! No herbivores! Is it really a world revolving around large skags eating small spiderants and large spiderants eating small skags, or is there more to the picture that what we see in game?

    I know there has to be suspension of disbelief, but I have a hard time believing an ecosystem can sustain itself entirely on medium to large size carnivores entirely. One thing we do know is that they all seem to have pack/brood behavior, so we're probably going to have to rule out cannibalism as a primary food source unless conflicts between hives and packs are a frequent part of Pandoran nature

    Edit: Second thought, Antarctica obviously has a plantless and herbivore-less ecosystem, so I guess I gotta put that out there

    Second Edit: Son of a gun, there are plants in Antarctica! I guess I gotta do my research beforehand when I try to sound like an educated biologist lol

    submitted by /u/Bork_Da_Ork
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    Anyone a fan of Kim’s Convenience notice the references?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    Some bandit artworks and an art work of Lilith in the background. Also, Kim's Convenience is a pretty wholesome show.

    submitted by /u/whales-are-assholes
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    Returning player wondering about state of the game

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Thinking of hopping back in to play the dlcs mainly played amara and fl4k.

    Who would you say is the most fun character to play now? And are the dlcs worth it?

    submitted by /u/redtheftauto
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    Epic Games Question

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    Saw an article that you can use SHIFT on PC and send stuff through it to people on your friends list. Does anyone know, if you link your shift account to your Epic account, if PC players can then send stuff to console players via shift?

    The post was confusing and was going to try with a friend but want to know if anyone else has had success.

    submitted by /u/Lotusblacksmith53
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    I have a free copy of Borderlands 1 GOTY Enhanced for anyone if u want it

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Bought the Humble Bundle for $20 and got all those games and the only one I had already was Borderlands 1 so yea

    submitted by /u/Angus4LBs
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    Recommended mods for a full single player descriptive series?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    I have all four games on steam. I want to do a descriptive play of them from front to back for the blind because that's kind of my thing. What mods do I absolutely need for which games? I know 2 has that community patch but, aside from that, what else do I need?

    submitted by /u/BlindRyan1
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    Did borderlands 3 explain the ending to tales?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Post is pretty much summed up by the title I'm probably gunna buy 3 soon but something thats been bothering me is that I've heard that the writers completely gloss over the ending to tales. Is this true? I know that some of the characters are in the game but I've been waiting for ages for some kind of closure on that cliff hanger.

    submitted by /u/huskiiz
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    Sapper COM

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if they fixed the Moze/Fl4k COMs when farming Eista? I have both characters so it's not a big deal just trying to get a Sapper for my Moze and wanting to know if I need to play Fl4k.

    submitted by /u/DamineBones
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    Voltborn not spawning

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    I killed him once, but when I reload the area he no longer spawns. I've gone into the cave and killed some enemies and shot the generators and nothing- done this several times. How do you get him to spawn?

    submitted by /u/thenewgodofwar
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    Not sure if i should buy BL3

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    EDIT:thanks everyone for the replies, ended up buying it since it was on sale for less than 30 euro on gamesplanet!

    Bit of context:

    I only play on PC and didn't buy it at launch because I don't feel like supporting Epic, so I decided to buy it as soon as it would be released on steam but, honestly, I'm no longer so sure about it, heard the base story is pretty bad, that there's constant weapon/characters (im)balancing and a few glitches.

    Honestly i would still buy it but mayhem 2.0 is what scares me the most, from what i've read it'll be OP from borderlands 2 all over again, with weapons being tied to the mayhem level you got them at, is it true?

    submitted by /u/Asberinfi
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    Massive legendary drop

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    So, I was in Voracious Canopy heading towards the Typhoon drop since I hadn't picked it up and I happened to be in M3 (not sure that matters). From the fast travel, I followed the left side of the map. On my way I came across the Jabbermongwai legendary hunt. Thought I'd just take him out for grins.

    Shit. A bunch more jabbers appeared so (as Amara) I phased them, but noticed that when I killed the main jabber in the phase bubble, the others kinda fell over in their bubbles. Not dead, just fell over. When phase lock finished, they lay on the ground and got up again. Odd.

    More odd was that for at least 10 minutes, just about every jabber i killed split (like the taken in Borderlands). Yeah. One dead, another pops up. Anyway, eventually I cleared them all (not sure how given the constant splitting) and had around 40 legendaries scattered about.

    Did a save quit, went back and same happened again. 90% of the legendaries were Lead Sprinklers and Magnificent pistols. Lots were anointed.

    Just wondering if anyone else has stumbled across that?

    submitted by /u/WelshMcSpicy
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    Streaming bl3 stop by!:)

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    Since we all like complaining about Ava, I’m going to tell why every other main person on Sanctuary 3 or Vault Hunter is a bad choice.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    -Ellie is the Ship Engi

    -Tannis is more of a wingman and would be poorly fit to lead due to her being "twitchy." (Note to self: Still have to read her Diaries on S3)


    -Marcus runs a gun shop and is a greedy S.O.A.B..

    -Moxxi owns a bar and a casino now.

    -Zer0 works for Atlas and is one of Rhys's drinking bros.

    -Brick, Mordy, and Tina are free lancing.


    -Gaige is a Wedding planner

    -Salvador is MIA

    -Athena is with her Girlfriend at hollowpoint.

    -Axton is an Adult Star... and probably is still a liability to Dahl.

    submitted by /u/MatrixReaper
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    What Game should I play first Borderlands1 or Borderlands2

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    I have played through most of Borderlands3 and want to experience the previous instalments of the Borderlands series

    submitted by /u/Diamondking5552
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    What the F*** is up with these legendaries

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    What the f*** is up with these legendary drops? I havent even finished the game and I have over 40 of them all in my vault. Absolutely ridiculous

    submitted by /u/pastaswag12345
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    Skywell 27 is a nightmare

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    First time playing, only started last weekend and I'm a level 20 Fl4k with Rakk Attack.

    My god do I hate this level, it's caused me more issues than everything else combined so far. I've got as far as reaching the outside area after crawling through the maintenance ducts.

    I have two questions, firstly, are there any more of those bullshit 'Defeat Security' areas where the game throws 6 Heavies and 6 Nogs at you all at once (usually with a couple of Badass variants too)? And secondly, does anyone have any tips? Playing on Normal difficulty if that helps.

    submitted by /u/JayEdwards88
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