• Breaking News

    Monday, April 20, 2020

    Borderlands Opinion: Anointed gear is as bad as dlag, if not worse.

    Borderlands Opinion: Anointed gear is as bad as dlag, if not worse.

    Opinion: Anointed gear is as bad as dlag, if not worse.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    My reasoning for this is that anointed gear is required for characters to be viable at end game and is arguably more important than the weapons themselves. Not only that but they also make every character play more or less the same- use your action skill and then shred everything with whatever gun you're holding, Moze and Zane are only different because they can't end their action skill as effectively as Fl4k or Amara but their best anoints do very similar things (more cryo damage during action skill for Zane, more fire damage after leaving bear for Moze).

    Sure slag was annoying but at least it wasn't the main part of your build, some characters I never even used a slag weapon on (Maya had scorn and the red tree capstone, Gaige just didn't need it because anarchy and Zer0 had kunai). Even when you had to use a slag weapon, you just swapped to it, fired a few shots and swapped back or better yet you could use a grenade like the crossfire or magic missile and wouldn't even need to swap weapons.

    I don't know, might be a pretty unpopular opinion but it is my view nonetheless. Let me know what you think.

    Edit: Slag*

    of course the one thing I don't check for typos is the title >_<

    submitted by /u/ElectioneeringXCVIII
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    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    Does anyone else ever get the feeling that Marcus doesn't actually care about you? Like he's always so nice when I go to the vending machines and calls me his "favorite customer", but I've been starting to wonder recently if he's just trying to make me feel good so he can sell me stuff. Does anyone else ever get this feeling while playing?

    submitted by /u/integralofEdotdr
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    Anyone still use xbox360 for Borderlands1?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    If so I'm wondering if someone could help me unglitch the Super Marcus Sweep mission from the General Knoxx dlc so I can go loot the armory again. 😅pls I'll deadass PayPal someone $5 lmao not even kidding

    submitted by /u/mrs_halloween
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    Should I grab Borderlands 1 or one of the 2 Borderlands 3 DLC's?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    I only have about 15 bucks to spend. I can't decide if I want to replay borderlands 1 which I know I'll love or try out one of the two DLC's for bl3. Borderlands on PS4 is on sale for 10 bucks

    submitted by /u/Morrowish
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    Any *Updated* Guides for "Good" Legendary Weapons/Rolls? Amara/Moze

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    I played BL3 at launch then quit after hitting 50. Just playing again now, and I'm really struggling to figure out what to even keep in terms of legendaries. There is a ton of info out there, but a lot of it is outdated with all the patches that have come through. The best weapons in Oct 2019 are mostly not the best now. I pitch almost anything that doesn't have an annointment, but I need something to help me sort through all this stuff. I've already filled my bank because I just don't know what is worth keeping.
    Does anyone know of a list somewhere of the guns/gear to look out for for different builds?
    Edit: Here is a list someone made on reddit that I found, but it seems out of date and doesn't have much info on annoints/builds https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/emrttn/which_legendary_guns_shields_grenade_mods_class/

    submitted by /u/EntropyBall
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    Butt Stalion Grenade Mod and Toy Box Weapon Back Question.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    I had a question about this, is it like the fire work grenade in BL2 where it increased its stats according to your level? This question also applies to the toy box weapon pack.

    submitted by /u/star_blazing24
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    I need Help (Keep your insides inside)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    I play Borderlands 1 on Ps4 and I was wondering if there was anybody that could host a lobby with a fix for this notorious glitch, it's kind of ruined my game. I wish Gearbox would fix this. My gamertag on Playstation is Infernaperox77

    submitted by /u/Infernaperox77
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    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    So my hotfixes have been all over the place recently and I would like to figure out if other people are experiencing this. So I'll log into my game with all the hotfixes clearly applied from the menu and all of my gear that has received buffs now are back to the original state. That's not even the worst thing tho some of my guns are going back to vanilla while others receive the buffs they have right now. Also sometimes while I'm playing my hotfixes will just randomly go away like 1 second I'll be using my oldridian righ 1700 damage but after about 2 minutes I'll look at my gear and it goes back down to 1100 so it's like common can I even play and enjoy this game that I love? Feedback is appreciated guys this seems to be a issue with other people as well with the hotfixes not properly being applied

    submitted by /u/HerbandBatch
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    BL3 auto cash farm using Kevin on Sanctuary

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Forgive me if this is already explained better somewhere else.

    Short: Kevin on sanctuary takes damage and will drop money from cash grenades. With Zane you can automate this process.

    Long: You can use Zane with a cryo SNTL, clone and a red suit to trap and farm Kevin for cash. Somehow you get kill bonuses if you can do enough damage, which will recharge your clone and SNTL. Just cryo on the SNTL comes clones to maxing out how low you can freeze it. This combined with a red suit does a pretty good job at keeping Kevin stuck in one place. If you can get him trapped in a corner at the right range, tracker money grenades will keep dropping cash indefinitely.

    So far this is the best build I've found, which I still needed to leave myself autofiring, but it lasted for a few hours on its own.

    Need: Cryo damage and grenade drops on SNTL, Red Suit Shield, Seeing Dead Class Mod, max out grenades skills for clone. Tracking cash grenade mod. Drop clone with good weapon and switch to infinity pistol. Get close enough to collect cash, aim and hold down fire. (I think this can be done without the hold fire, but I haven't found the right build.) Take a nap. - highly recommend the cash boost from the Borderland Science machine.

    Unsure: I haven't found out the best weapon or artifact. It seems you need to maximize damage, but the clone handles weapons oddly. For a clone weapon I used a cheap tips and was close enough in range to collect the boosters, but I didn't notice a huge difference between it and the lob, other than the clone can't seem to aim the lob right. I had some success with ice breaker and aura boosting artifacts, but switching to a loot booster didn't seem to hurt much. Mayhem level doesn't seem to affect the kill times.

    I think if you had a coop with Flak, both with red suits and the pet helping with damage it could be easier and you wouldn't have to hold down fire. If you let kevin run around you can get other people on the ship to help with damage, but I didn't see a huge boost, other than they helped to block his path. My best farm was trapping Kevin in the corner of the drop pod room, which lasted for over 2 hours unattended. Using a loot artifact it was around 10k-20k $/sec, not as good as barrels, but I'd like to find a way to not need the primary fire, because it would feel a lot more 'legit'.

    It's probably not incredibly useful, but as a puzzle it would be cool to find a way to just have the clone and SNTL indefinitely torture Kevin. I wish Claptrap would come by and cry every now and then. YOU DID THIS CLAPTRAP

    submitted by /u/gliscameria
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    Just finished Borderlands 3

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    I am the queen of not finishing games. That being said, Borderlands 1 was one of the first games I ever finished (maybe like, the second game I finished). It holds a special place in my heart and I enjoyed it much more than I enjoyed borderlands 2 (which is an unpopular opinion, I know, but I still finished it). I just finished borderlands 3, after I had a bit of a break in the middle, and my heart hurts in a good way. I thought I wanted to finish it but now I'm sad it's over. I know a lot of people have complaints about Borderlands 3, but I thought it was amazing.

    There isn't a huge point to this post, but I just wanted to share. I suppose I'll have to get started on the DLC's now.

    submitted by /u/alexwashere
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    Help with Lt. Hoffman (PS4)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    His shield recharges so fuckin fast. Please send help

    submitted by /u/NB5290
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    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    In borderlands 2 the mission where angels fear to tread and you have to get access to angels room you go through a door and angel tells you the password "i love you" was this just the password or was she kinda specifically saying i love you also to the vault hunter aswell?

    submitted by /u/Otaah123
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    They should make a takedown or just a boss that can drop anointed quest rewards

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    A lot of quest rewards are absolutely useless endgame because they can't be anointed and that's sad. I'd love to see how a Chomper or a LoveMachine would do with a good anoint

    submitted by /u/bellystraw
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    Common weapon run-through?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Have any if you guys tried running through any of the games with common(white) weapons only? Is it feasible? fun? Not worth it? Debating on a BL3 trial.

    submitted by /u/Aldoron
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    Running the borderlands day 4

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    The run is going better than I expected I'm 24 hours and 20 minutes into the game and my axton is level 31 and I've invested heavily into the gunpowder skill tree, I'm currently on the story mission Toil and Trouble, I've finished 107 side missions and I am currently working on 7 more side missions before continuing with the story mission, nothing really interesting so far but I did get an 83% sham from the bunker and I know it's not that great but for the run I'm doing it works well, as always advice on anything involving my game is welcome, my next update will be on 4/22/20 around 2 PM CST.

    submitted by /u/longerboardjr
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    Tried looking everything but where is the science machine? It's not in Tanis office like it should be?!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Tried Google reddit and YouTube and no one is talking about the machine not showing up. Do I have to fulfil some prerequisites in order to unlock it?

    submitted by /u/Fallout40
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    Does anyone else want a more gritty story?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    The problems with the story in this game have discussed ad nauseam on this sub. But one problem I had with it is the significant changes in tone from the other ones.

    To me at least, Borderlands was always best, story-wise, when it mixed its brand of silly, somewhat immature humor with a gritty, almost dystopic world and setting. Pandora is the shittiest place in the six galaxies, where basic survival is a constant struggle. The story in the games before BL3, were all based based around two morally-grey groups fighting each other. Hyperion was bad, but the Crimson Raiders were composed of a bunch of former murderers, soldiers, mercenaries, and general lowlifes, with Vault Hunters being just the strongest of the bunch. It made more interesting than it being such a stark black-and-white story, though of course it's still obvious Jack is the villain. The story plays to this with Jack himself thinking himself the hero.

    In BL3, the Crimson Raiders, and protagonists in general are much less clearly amoral, and the whole story makes it that we are the definitive heroes. One part that really bugged me was how Vault Hunters were treated more like more like superheroes, with Ava idolizing them with the goofy 'run into the fire' ideal. While it makes sense legends would begin to form around the people who killed Handsome Jack and the Warrior, it feels like they've strayed too far from the original dark, mercenary tone they had in previous games. Lilith, for example, has always been fairly chaotic neutral, starting cults, killing indiscriminately, and angrily rebuking those who opposed her, like when she ordered raiders to shoot Athena just because she worked for Jack. In BL3, she has lost all of this depth to her character, and feels more like a passive, stoic general type.

    Another big example of this is how they handled the villain. Handsome Jack was a great example of how they mixed the dark themes with the humor. Throughout the game, he taunts you, cracks jokes, and is a genuinely entertaining personality. All this while, he is still an intelligent, violent, cruel psychopath with delusions of being morally right in this scenario. In BL3, they try to set up the Calypsos in a similar fashion, constantly taunting you throughout the game. However, their personalities and dialogue subtract greatly from their overall impact. They aren't calculating, they're goofy. They don't come across as the bloodthirsty, cruel bandit lords they are meant to be. Instead, they feel much more goofy, cartoonish cockiness to Handsome Jack's dangerous narcissism. Most importantly, they lack a lot of clear motivation through the game. Beyond just winning, Jack wants to be a hero, the Hero of the Story. The Calypso just seem to want power for powers sake, and making butt jokes along the way in a weak attempt to replicate Handsome Jack's appeal, an appeal that came from mixing the stupid arrogance with black humor, the eye-spoon story for example.

    Really, I would like to see the series go back to its roots, a dark yet funny story of gritty mercenaries fighting amoral villains. I am not one of those people who think the story of BL3 was a complete flop, but it definitely was way weaker than the other entries in the series, and the loss of the wholly original Borderlands feel was sometjing that irked me a lot while playing.

    submitted by /u/memedream567
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    Slaughterstar 3000 + Butt Stallion Milk = Profit

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Gearbox, please do something about modded weapons

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    I play on Xbox, and there is a system called "looking for group" post. It's where people can ask to join, and you can invite them to your game.

    I counted and a solid 80% of these are people duping modded weapons, asking for modded weapons, or giving away modded weapons. This has made it incredibly hard to find anybody to play with.

    It's also hard to make your own post. The other day I made a post that said "Farming Eista for fun." What happened was 3 Fl4ks with modded 20 million damage redistributors joined the game and ruined it.

    I've tried making a post for the Slaughter Shaft, only to have the same things happen.

    What I'm asking is for some system to be implemented to prevent people from bringing modded guns into others games, and/or prevents them from being dropped. I feel this would help fix a lot.

    submitted by /u/connor20705
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    Iso a guide for Moze 1-57

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, What is an optimal way to build moze from the start through 57? Which tree is better and what is the best skills?


    submitted by /u/ichojo
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    My Issues with the Borderlands 3 Story/Plot (Spoilers)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    So I've recently been playing a lot of BL3, mainly just farming annoints on my maxed Fl4k, and I've also been browsing a lot of the Borderlands subreddits which have all come to the same conclusion - the Calypso Twins could have been much better executed, and Ava was a terrible addition. I definitely agree with these two points, though I do think whereas the first one is just a flat fact, the second one is something where I think there COULD be some improvement, emphasis on COULD. However, I'm gonna leave that at the bottom, but as for this post, it's going to be mainly about the story of the Calypsos and how they fail to be... engaging and entertaining as villains.

    So, as a lot of people will agree, Jack was just so much better in every way, and I think there's much to be learned in that. He was much more threatening, more charismatic, just overall better, and I will be using him as a basis of my analysis. It makes sense to do so, I think, because BL2, having been released almost a decade ago, its story is still something that everyone agrees was way more enjoyable than this one, most in part due to Jack carrying the story. All that out of the way, let's get to the analysis and show how the Calypsos failed where Jack succeeded (story-wise). Also, I'll be including my own input and solution at the end of every issue so it isn't just a flat out rant.

    1) Jack was near-omniscient in BL2 because almost every enemy you killed and fought was in leagues with him; the Calypsos kept trying to ally with other factions just to kill you when they could just do it themselves.

    The Calypsos were on your ass in BL3 the same way that BL2 had Jack always banter with you, insult you, comment on what you do, etc. However, where this fails is that Jack isn't everywhere, but his henchmen were. Bosses were tailored to be central to Jack or at least have connections to him - Flynt via being paid to do, W4rden, Wilhelm, Bloodwing, etc. the list goes on until the very end. And even if you weren't engaging with Jack in the form of a main boss, you still had to deal with him in other ways that made you feel acutally helpless despite you killing them. Killing W4rden only led to Wilhelm which led to Sanctuary going airborne, the unending stream of enemies in Overlook, etc. while in between, you were dealing with the endless hordes of Loaders being sent your way. Jack. Was. Always. There. And trying to stop you.

    As for the Calypsos, yes they were there, but they weren't constantly trying to stop you, at least not their own troops. The connection to Jack felt more personal because the enemies you fought had a direct connection TO Jack. For the Calypsos, anytime they tried to stop you, they didnt TRY to stop you. They just hired someone else. So now the connection is more distant, Maliwan was the now the henchmen of Katagawa who was now the henchmen of the Calypsos. Yes, they were more well equipped to do so, but from a writing standpoint, when the henchmen start becoming the henchmen of other henchmen, the main antagonist becomes unimportant because they're so far away, they're not even in your mind. When you killed Maliwan, you though of Katagawa, not Calypso lackeys. And, even then, the Calypsos had the broken power of teleportation via Lilith's Siren powers and all that came from it was... the ability to teleport bandits? No "teleport to Sanctuary and kidnap someone", no "teleport to X to accomplish Y", just send more units. This makes the Calypsos seem incompetent simply because they didn't do everything they could to stop you.

    TL;DR - the Calypsos were everywhere, literally, but they accomplished nothing with it whereas Jack had the appearance of being everywhere via his henchmen (Loaders, endless amount of bosses tied to him, etc). This made it so that every boss moved the plot towards a showdown with Jack.

    How would I fix this?

    If I had to keep Maliwan as part of the story, it would be INCREDIBLY interesting if, after Katagawa Jr. dies, the Calypsos' decided to credit themselves for his death and defeating him due to believable and immoral reasons (that they'd fakely implant) to which they'd try and take over Maliwan itself. NOW, it feels like Maliwan is tied more directly to Calypsos, and vice-versa (as a joke, maybe they'd decide not to take over Atlas because they dislike Rhys' moustache, or some actual other valid reason). It would not only make them in-universe be the most threatening force, but imagine how threatening they would feel when you see Maliwan drop pods and out come an Anointed Bruiser and a Badass Heavy.

    P.S. - this is probably why Katagawa is seen as more interesting because he's more fleshed out and active in his own past and in the game all while you fight all his Maliwan henchmen at every corner. He doesn't diddle dally while you go about killing Zanara and actually almost manages to kill Rhys

    2) Jack's humor wasn't one-dimensional and trying too hard to appeal to one audience; the Calypsos' main catch was their streaming platform

    This one is mainly just an issue with the humor of the story. The Calypsos' always streamed their victories for their viewers, and it was funny at some points where you'd hear the people that were subscribing or what they were sending the twins as packages. But after that, the Calypsos quickly lost their main appeal, I think, because that's all they did. It was their main joke, and they leaned into it wrongly and too heavily. Troy's edited videos were TERRIBLE to say the least and very cheesy - the cringy sound effects, the back-and-forth editing of the main subject, etc. This only made the player question why the hell anyone would find it entertaining (then again, that could be the point).

    Jack's humor, on the other hand, was sometimes fucked up but still very enjoyable and funny. The extended joke about the violin after Bloodwing, Butt Stallion, etc. all sounded like he was genuinely enjoying your pain and suffering. He even enjoys the pain caused by others as seen by the voice comms heard in the Wildlife Preservation, which is a subversion of the typical formal talk used by business people when promoting their product, so it was funny and unexpected. Not only that but the humor also made him much more human when, after you kill Angel, his voice grows more somber and serious, adding a second and very human layer to his humor.

    TL;DR - Calypsos' humor was just cringy and actually pretty nonexistent/felt forced; Jack's humor felt more in-character, natural, and sounded like he actually enjoyed the suffering of others, which would be bad and also cringy if he wasn't so over the top and sarcastic about it.

    How would I fix this?

    If they were going to go that route, they should have done it more. Maybe you look at a random computer screen and you see a compilation of all your deaths from falling off or being killed after being surrounded by the Anointed. Or maybe a collection of random bandit-made videos being sent to them due to the "lava-bucket challenge" or something. Maybe they have a bandit dress up as your character just so they can deface you. Hell, maybe even a slow-mo of your death when you complete the quest for the "Sellout". It would have been funny to see and satirical, which is obviously something they tried to do. Something that would sell them as more believable in the universe of the Borderlands, something that isn't just "I do it for views" but more so "I do it for myself" which was, again, what made Jack funny in the first place. We only ever get to see them a few times in the story.

    3) Jack made you feel helpless; the Calypsos inaction and constant failures only made them feel incredibly less threatening

    This one, I think, is the main issue, and is sort of addressed in my first point, but I'll expand on it here. Throughout the story of 2, you feel actually helpless when you do things and it ends up going wrong almost every single time. Shield for Sanctuary? Trap. Try to save Bloodwing? Cockteased that she's okay and can be fixed only for Jack to kill her. Kill Angel? Well he comes and kills Roland AND captures Lilith too. Throughout the story, you actually feel helpless because every single time that you've tried to do something, it's always backfried because Jack had a plan that usually succeeded. This is important because it's ESSENTIAL to a story that the antagonist succeeded. It ups the stakes, ups the threat level of the antagonist, and makes it that much more satisfying when you actually succeed. I mean, I know I wasn't the only one who had a sigh of relief once you killed the Warrior for the first time because, well, it was over. It felt like the end because of everything you have gone through. But every time before that, the Vault Hunter is made to feel helpless.

    In 3, it's a much more subtle issue that's caused mainly by the cutscenes in the story. Throughout the story, the two main deaths that actually affect the story is Lilith losing her powers and Maya's death, but it's shot in the POV that the Vault Hunter couldn't do anything to stop it, main word being "couldn't". In this case, the issue is that VH could have easily stopped those two main points of the story. But more than that, it's put in a way in that you, as a player, are helpless. In other words, you're FORCED to BE helpless. Everything you do succeeds otherwise, unless the plot commands it, and that's just bad writing. You need to stop Maliwan's assault and destroy the death laser? Done. Save Hammerlock? Done. Kill Graveward and destroy it so Tyreen can't sap its powers? Done. There's absolutely no tricky plan or back up for the Calypsos where VH actually succeeded. Instead, they just resort to "teleport in, kill Maya/kidnap Tannis, leave" which, again, is bad writing and repetitive. After all, Tannis not going into the Vault is out of character, letting her go alone is out of character for Lilith, etc. My main point is that the antagonists were incredibly inactive/passive throughout the story and just made them feel incompetent and weak.

    TL;DR - Whereas Jack schemed and still had things go his way despite the Vault Hunter actually succeeding, the Calypsos had no game plan in dealing with the Vault Hunter, nothing of importance or variation to the story. Not only that but in 2, we respected and feared Jack for what he did and couldn't stop while in 3, we were forced to respect and fear the Calypsos for what they did despite how easy it was to have stopped.

    How would I fix this?

    There's so much that could have been done to have the tide be in the favor of the Calypsos. We were always told that Bandits are an "untapped resource", "an endless amount of bodies willing to die for me [Tyreen]", etc. but we're never actually shown it. Imagine if, while the Calypsos were stealing Lilith's powers, a bunch of bandits (and I mean A BUNCH, 100+ of them for the cutscene) jumped off a foreign ship (later revealed to be a Maliwan dropship). Then we would feel slightly threatened. Then as you save her, Ellie activates Sanctuary 3's guns or something to help clean them up. Or, after the Rampager boss fight, you loot the Vault, then Ava comes running in crying, saying that they're gonna kill Maya. Then, cue the cutscene, Tyreen saps the Destroyer, Maya tries to shoot Tyreen, but it doesn't work anymore, then tries to phaselock her only for it to fail too. Then, at that point, it's more threatening because now we don't know exactly what Tyreen is capable of, her threat level goes up. Some fighting happens, but you're too late. Maya is under Tyreen's foot, Tyreen looks up as you get out of the Vault, she cracks Maya's neck, and they zap out just as VH raises his gun. Instantly more believable of a death.

    4) Jack was the central and only antagonist, which made it better that BL2 gave us side quests to explore his character and past; the Calypsos were very flat as characters, due to the story structure and lack of anything substantial in their past

    I don't necessarily blame the writers on this one because I don't think it was their fault, more so the developers fault. The promises was that we would be visiting new planets for the different vaults, and they did sort of fulfill that promise, but I don't think that was good for the story. When you introduce 5-6 entirely different planets, you get a HUGE expectation that you're going to have new characters being introduced, and we did. We got Clay, Wainswright, Katagawa, Rhys, Lorelei, and much more. And because of this, you have to divide the player's attention between all of them, but you only have a set amount of time before the story gets drawn out.

    In 2, everything you did was to get to Jack and stop whatever he was trying to do. In it, it seemed to pace rather well that, ~80% of the story, you learn about his past and whatnot before you have to face him, making it that much more impactful when you actually kill him. It makes sense from the perspective of what was going on at the time, which was that you were trying to get to his data center to find out his location. Not only that but it also makes more sense to expand on his backstory at that point because you had just killed someone important to him, very important as he obviously shows after killing Roland, but just how important is Angel to the player? Well, why not make the reader feel for both the Antagonist and also Angel. Even more, before that, he also kept up the banter and interaction with the player and the NPCs, mainly the original 4 VHs, so it was just fitting that the story start and end with Jack, and everything in the plot demanded that you march towards facing Jack.

    In 3, however, you first deal with the Calypsos, then with Katagawa, then with Aurelia Jakobs, then back to the Calypsos, then to Nekrotefayo with the Guardians and DeLeon, then finally one last showdown with Tyreen. With all this jumping around and constant "do this asap" kind of vibe from the story, there's no space for the player to grow attached to the Calypsos. Most of it is just running around, shooting and killing things to stop the other antagonists, which is good if it was a DLC kind of set-up, but it wasn't. This made it so that, if the devs wanted the ending to feel satisfying, then they'd have to put the Calypso backstory at around the same point of the story as in 2, hence why Nekrotefayo is introduced. However, because the story has been jumping around everywhere, learning about Katagawa's deal with the Calypsos and the invite to Zanara, learning about the Jakobs company and Aurelia, then the Calypso backstory feels cramped and not expanded too much, hence why the ending is largely unsatisfying to the player. In fact, it's not even much of a backstory as much as it is just a quick setup to a reveal/plot twist of being DeLeon's children. And even if they did have the backstory be satisfying, an epic backstory isn't enough to make a villain interesting. All in all, I think the Calypsos deserved more screentime if the writers wanted them to be on the level of Jack of being interesting villains. Instead of one giant overaching plotline, like in 2, we have a bunch of large side missions with different antagonists, none of whom were particularly interesting.

    I think this was the main downfall of 3's storyline in comparison to 2 - it tried to do too many characters really well and ended up doing none of it good enough.

    TL;DR - Because 2 only had one villain to care for, it was easy and left time for the player to get attached to Jack; 3, on the other hand, tried to have multiple villains that we could all care about, but none of it we necessarily liked except maybe Katagawa, which left the main villains, the Calypsos, without any sort of attachment to the player, and when it did try to provide backstory for the Calypso by way of Nekrofetayo, it felt lackluster, too little and too late in the story.

    How would I fix this?

    Well, frankly, there's a lot of ways to fix this, but none of it is in a way that it wouldn't involve overhauling chunks of the game to fit their backstory, but I do think that the player should have interacted with the Calypsos way more than they should have. I also think that each of the main chapters of the story should have had major involvement with the Calypsos every step of the way, similar to how, again, Jack is tied to almost every boss/enemy that you face during the story.

    I think those were my main points of contention for the Borderlands 3 story. The Calypsos had the opprtunity to be something unique. Twin Sirens, their father being the first Vault Hunter, a large bandit following, etc. they had a lot of really good things that could have been expanded upon, but I think Gearbox, or at least the writers, really dropped the ball with this one. Too many things made the antagonist fall flat, and I am disappointed that these were things that are actually kind of well done in the 2nd. It's like the writers regressed in their capabilities of writing a story.

    That being said, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the game. 3 is SOOO much more fun, the skills are interesting, builds are much more varied now, pre-legendary guns are actually pretty good, and the enemies are well-done. I just think that the writing could have definitely been much more improved and felt that I had to get my thoughts out there.

    TL;DR - Read the bolded and numbered parts

    • Sincerely, an overly critical Fl4k main
    submitted by /u/nearnum2
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    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:29 PM PDT

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