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    Thursday, May 21, 2020

    Borderlands Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption, Borderlands3’s next DLC, arrives June 25

    Borderlands Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption, Borderlands3’s next DLC, arrives June 25

    Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption, Borderlands3’s next DLC, arrives June 25

    Posted: 21 May 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    The story sucks, the dialogue sucks, but Borderlands 3 is phenomenal

    Posted: 21 May 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    As I said in the title, the story and dialogue of BL3 are bad, like really bad. 75% of the jokes don't land, the characters are annoying, and the overall story is not only lousy, but it often times gets in your way with overlong cutscenes and dialogue that JUST DOES NOT STOP.

    But all of you already know this, so why am I telling it again? Well, despite these shortcomings, I find Borderlands 3 to be an absolute sublime experience.

    For the first few months after release I max leveled Amara and Flak and put around 9- 10 days of playtime into BL3 and thoroughly enjoyed myself. After a few months break I am returning to level up Zane and I cannot stop thinking about how much fun I am having replaying a game I already have put 200+ hours into.

    To me, the act of actually playing the game is phenomenal. Here are some reasons why

    • The shooting mechanics are some of the best in any first person shooter ever made, and I say that as somewhat of an FPS connoisseur. Even after hundreds of hours, moving around and pulling the trigger feels good. The kinetics of hitting an opponent with a bullet in particular are great. For many it may not be a big deal, but I think the return of gore makes a huge improvement. Popping a guys head off with a revolver you just randomly picked up is such a special feeling.

    • The loot is familiar, yet unique. You sort of know what to expect with certain types of guns or certain manufacturers, but two guns rarely feel similar. I always felt like in BL1 and BL2, the loot was neat, but too many guns felt exactly the same.

    • The skill trees are interesting and smartly designed. The potential playstyles for each characters are much more varied and there are a lot of cool synergies

    Honestly I could go on and on. Yes, I hate the story, but now that we can skip cutscenes and I can set the dialogue volume to 0, most of those issues are mitigated. At the end of the day, however, I really find BL3 to be a crowning achievement of a game

    submitted by /u/pvijay187
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    Posted: 21 May 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    If MR TOURGE and tiny Tina were to team up, they could make a side company called "T'N'T" maybe that only makes grenade mods. And ow im really wanting more TOURGE and tina interactions.

    submitted by /u/TheMightyDerp64
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    Guardian Takedown and DLC 3 Reveal – The Borderlands Show: Episode 7

    Posted: 21 May 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    Not sure if this a popular opinion around here, but I feel like the writers for 3 just do not care about the other games in the series

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    I defnitely get the vibe when playing 3 that it doesn't respect anything that happened in the previous games.

    Rhys is boiled down to haha funny mustache man, with the other events of Tales from the Borderlands being completely ignored other than the fact that Rhys and Vaugn do exist, hurray.

    Maya gets done dirty for obvious reasons

    Lilith gets jobbed constantly, remember in the first game when you were an unkillable fire god? Well this game doesn't remember that.

    Gaige plans weddings now? wat

    And the other characters basically don't exist.

    Overall the most egregious issue is just them ignoring the setup from the Pre Sequel and Tales from the Borderlands. It really feels like they would have preferred to write an original story over a Borderlands story.

    Sorry, upset and felt like ranting a bit.

    submitted by /u/DakotaAven
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    I love BL3. But I find ATLAS to be a dead weapon manufacturer. I never want to use atlas.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    I don't like it's gimmick or stats.

    Good thing they are rare, because I can find an use for all the others.

    submitted by /u/The_Flying_Shark
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    Takedown at the Guardian Breach arrives June 4

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:10 AM PDT


    Takedown at the Guardian Breach arrives June 4! Along with new enemies, low-gravity platforming sections, and environmental puzzles, you'll have to overcome both a miniboss and final boss to locate the source of a mysterious Guardian signal.


    submitted by /u/Hex_of_Void
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    Any one got the DLC 4 wallpaper?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    I was wondering if the DLC 4 clue wallpaper was somewhere on the internet in a better resolution.

    Here a screenshot I took from Joltzdude's lastest video:

    submitted by /u/FenKo01
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    Can we buff Handsome jackpot's guns?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    I personally feel that the DLC is really cool from the characters to the art style, but i don't see myself coming back to farm some of the gear.

    Once we get that balance update I hope The Handsome Jackpot's loot doesn't get left out.

    submitted by /u/MrPl4nt
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    Anyone have a list of gear that has to be save scummed?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    Is there a list anywhere of all the gear that you can only farm by save scumming? One piece of gear that I know of is the Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge that is a quest only drop in the Guns, Love and Tentacles DLC

    submitted by /u/chriscrux
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    Borderlands 3 is 60% of the game that it can and SHOULD EASILY BE. And I have an idea.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    Sorry for the slightly clickbaity title. Let's cut to the chase - what is lacking in Borderlands 3?

    I mean - captivating dialogue, story and characters - yes, but that's all said and done. More importantly I feel, the GUNPLAY (yes, BL3's strongest suit) could be SO MUCH MORE in late game.

    Allow me to explain.

    What is BL3's main selling point? 1 billion guns. But think about it for a second - those 1 billion guns are relevant for the first 50% of your gameplay experience, and then what? All guns become irrelevant except for the very best-of-the-best legendaries. You NO LONGER FEEL that excitement you once felt when you saw a blue weapon randomly drop; instead you comb through thousands of "USELESS" weapons by killing that SAME boss for the SAME weapon until you finally get it.

    And I get it. I farmed BNK3R over a thousand times for the 94% sham in BL2. But wouldn't the game be so much more FUN if we somehow found a way to refresh the randomised loot system so unique to the Borderlands franchise??

    So this is my idea: a new rarity class - the SEMI UNIQUE/SEMI LEGENDARY RARITY (it could do with a snappier name).

    Essentially, each piece of loot would have randomly generated attributes, but instead of just the usual damage, accuracy, fire rate, etc, you would have 1-4 random atrributes:



    Imagine picking up a sniper that uses assault rifle ammo with a fire rate of 8 bullets per second, that richochets up to 6 times off surfaces and enemies, before exploding.

    Imagine shooting a rocket up into the air and seeing it rain down bombs that seek out enemies and steal their health.

    Or a pistol with a massive area of effect and massive damage, but consumes 10 bullets per shot.

    Or an assult rifle that shoots grenades at a fire rate of 18 bullets per second that bounce until they find an enemy.

    Or a shotgun is an extremely close effective range but deals increasing chain damage that stacks the more enemies you chain.


    submitted by /u/lukeangmingshen
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    You should go play The Pre-Sequel

    Posted: 21 May 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    I tried playing BLTPS in 2016, could not get into it for some reason, and I wrote it off as some poorly-executed spin-off or something. I do not remember how I rationalised not playing it, but it was a bad decision. In light of my disappointment with BL3, I decided to give TPS another go…and it is fantastic. It is easily my favourite game of the series. It has the best soundtrack of the series, which is better than that of most games in general. Claptastic Voyage is easily my favourite part of the series altogether, and I would recommend that every BL player buys TPS specifically for this CV even though the main game is still quite good by itself. Two of my favourite things are cyberpunk and surrealism, which 100% of CV is, for those who also like cyberpunk and / or surrealism. You may not enjoy it as much if you are more into the desolate wasteland shtick that the series is characterised by. TPS is very clearly more sci-fi with a dash of cyberpunk here and there than the rest of the post-apocalyptic BL series, and for this "spin-off" being so different from the rest of the series, I love it the most of the series.

    This is not to say that TPS is a perfect experience, mind you. 120 hours in and ready to start new game+ with solo Athena just to sate my OCD and get those challenge bars filled has shown me many frustrations, but these frustrations are not unique to this one game in the series:

    -TPS still crashes for no reason in 2020, on powerhouse machines.

    -Save and quit guarantees a crash (ultimately harmless), except that sometimes the crash freezes the PC and cannot be resolved by any means other than by ctrl+alt+delete, logging out, and losing everything else open at the time (not harmless). The workaround for this is to disable your badass perks, close menu, auto-save, alt+f4 when auto-save is complete. I wish that this were not the solution.

    -Too many NPCs using Australian gutterspeak from start to finish, although at least it is something different from the mainstream media norm of "everyone is American for some reason." All of the main characters are still Americans. Related, the opening level has some cringey dialogue, bordering on BL3 bad versus funny as intended.

    -This best soundtrack still has some very grating parts to ruin its continuity, which you will notice as you mute the audio completely during some parts—The Holodome Onslaught, half of the very first level's dumb track with that loop (yet the second half is brilliant), Claptrap's theme song in digital Overlook, to name a few. A minor percentage of the soundtrack is very bad, and what is good is very good. It feels like Dave in audio did most of the music but Steve in HR filled in with a few pieces when Dave was sick, or something. Four-measure loops do not make for good game music.

    -One challenge was disabled by the devs but still shows up on my bars forever incomplete, when it should have just been patched out completely since it is not functional for 100% of players.

    -Challenges with fail conditions which you can only attempt once per game, requiring alt+f4 upon failure to backtrack and redo in addition to checking the wiki upon entering every single new area in order to plan ahead or else have a bar forever unfilled with no prior warning.

    -DUMB multiplayer-only achievements and challenges requiring asocial people to plead with Reddit strangers for co-ordinating with—see later—or failing that, to buy a second copy for $5 and do them on two computers.

    -Glitch weapons are SO NEAT but also not good compared to Luneshine legendaries, so a total waste for comparative utility.

    -Moxx-tails literally never get used by anyone for any reason other than the achievement.

    -Only one DLC since this game was considered a failure in the shadow of BL2.

    -Shift username and login required, patched in long after release?!?

    Anyway, this is still the best game of the series, and I hope that you all set aside the time to give it a go. It was the most fun that I have had in any game for a long time. I have recommended it to people who have not played any BL games at all.

    If any of you would like to trade the multiplayer achievements, please let me know. I hacked a Claptrap to max level who is ready for That Helped, Right? and my Athena needs some duels, rezzes, and trades for Duelist, Mouth To Mouth, and Challenger.

    submitted by /u/jongwotong
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    Best BL3 content creators?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! For BL2 I used to really be into YouTubers like Derch and Demonite. The good, informative long-form stuff. Who's filling that void in BL3? I appreciate Joltz and K6 just fine, but I'm looking for more substance and information rather than flashy and showy.

    Who do you guys watch?

    submitted by /u/en_arcoiris
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    Borderlands: The Handsome Collection free on EGS?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    If all the other games from the leak made it there, don't see why ol' Jack wouldn't make the cut. Hype.

    submitted by /u/JessH91
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    PC frame rates on mayhem 10

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Anyone have a solid way to smooth them out? I used the dhub vid for optimizing it with my 2080s and ryzen 3700x and get a solid 135 fps avg for most part but inside of Joey's Lil palace with thousands of enemies spawning off the beacons I dip to 80ish which is a noticable drop.

    Obv don't expect perfection with 8000 explosions going off but if anyone's found a way to floor it around 100 fps lmk

    submitted by /u/Greenbuk75
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    I'm looking into getting into Borderlands (2) for the first time, but I'm not sure if it's for me.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    I like first person shooters and I'm drawn to Borderlands 2 because it's coming out on the Switch (my primary gaming console), and because it's lauded for its story, gunplay, characters, art, sound, and environment. However, I also know there's an insane amount of loot and guns to collect and use. This sounds really overwhelming to me, as I've never played a game like that. For example, I love the Fallout series but I tend to just cycle through the same couple of guns.

    Can Borderlands 2 be played/enjoyed with the same strategy of just using the same couple of weapons that you become comfortable and good at?

    submitted by /u/sweetfrog11
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    Do bosses drop their legendaries in tvhm?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    I've farmed Savage Lee and Boll atleast 150 times each and haven't seen a single fastball or harold.

    submitted by /u/yeewa
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    Achievements not unlocking on BL3?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    So I'm trying to unlock some basic achievements and it's not working. I'm playing on Steam. I've tried getting some simple achievements like tipping Moxi, or winning a duel or even having all epic or higher equipment and none of these achievements are unlocking for me. Is there a bug I'm not aware of?

    Sorry if this have been asked before.

    submitted by /u/TheDizzyTank
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    Apart from COMs, does Moze’ equipment affect Iron Bear at all?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    I'm pretty sure the weapons she had equipped doesn't change anything but what about her shields? Does Moze's shield total affect Iron Bear at all?

    submitted by /u/Phoenix200420
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    Can you cross play between steam and epic games when playing The Handsome Collection?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    I know 3 can do it, not sure about the collection

    submitted by /u/McLuvinMan
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    Which game to play next?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I am finishing my first playthrough of BL 1, and since it's pretty likely that I will be getting the next two entries next week on EGS, I was wondering which one should I play first; BL 2 or TPS ? Also, in BL 1 i play as Mordecai, so I was wondering if you could tell me which of the 6 characters in the other games are the most similar to the hunter class in BL 1 ?

    submitted by /u/LopiErus
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    Potential Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC Spoilers - First Mini Boss Fight

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I did a quick search everywhere to see if anyone else might've had this issue, but didn't find much on reddit, or anywhere else. I'm currently at the part where I need to defeat Vincent, when you first see Elenor at the giant round hole in Cursehaven. I made the mistake of quitting after he'd come out, and it appears the doors locked behind me when the fight started. I've logged back in, and there is no way that I can see to open the door to get back in. Anyone else experience this issue, or know a way around it? As far as I can tell, my progress in the DLC is completely halted until this is fixed.

    I'm playing on an Xbox One X, and do have hotfixes applied.

    submitted by /u/yarnitza
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    Shotgun Question

    Posted: 21 May 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    There was a shotgun I used to have on Xbox one (different console now sadly) but it's not a legendary yet was pure awesome damage. I'm gonna describe the visual effect and if anyone knows what it's called, please let me know. It would shoot out a circle of plasma type orbs that would expand and contract over the distance like an enlarging circle of death. Anyone know what I'm on about and/or how to get it?

    submitted by /u/Anarchrox
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    May 2020 best weapons??

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    I've been playing 2 months now and am level 57, (using 1hp Moze) and I see stuff like people shredding m10 graveyard etc and I have no idea where they get that damage output. Even with my 8k times 2 opq system it takes forever. The anarchy isn't much better. Any particular gun that just shreds him??

    submitted by /u/Vrail14
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