• Breaking News

    Friday, May 22, 2020

    Borderlands Never knew how much I appreciated unique dialogue until now.

    Borderlands Never knew how much I appreciated unique dialogue until now.

    Never knew how much I appreciated unique dialogue until now.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    I recently went through the Pre-Sequel with a friend who also never went through Borderlands before. So I never thought about the dialogue until my bud mentioned how BL3 feels kind of bland and empty in the main VH character department.

    He was disappointed about it in BL2 as well, but he got over it when I told him that 2 was made before the Pre-Sequel. However he can't get over it with BL3 and I don't blame him.

    For everything that the Pre-Sequel did, hopefully most of us can agree that the dialogue was the best part. Every VH not only had different reactions to events and had different opinions. The characters you interacted with also acknowledged you for who you were.

    A good example here could be how Moxxi specifically talks to Athena and mentions all of the business with Knoxx, but when she deals with someone else, example Jack, she sees right through "Jack", and knows that he is actually Timothy. Which this potentially could make you play through the game more as other VHs, but more importantly makes you like the character you are, or the characters you are interacting with more.

    They could of stopped there, but no we get more dialogues. They also had dialogue between VHs, mostly in actually gameplay, in terms of action skill activations. Which is a nice addition, there is something about activating your shield as Athena and hearing Nisha encourage the baddies to shoot the shield because it would be funny. (Totally not because that shield will destroy the next person it hits)

    At the end of the day, I appreciate the Pre-Sequel a little more than I thought I would years ago.

    submitted by /u/TheNukeSaintt
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    Has anyone tried to melee Tyreen's eridium spikes ?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    On the Borderlands Show yesterday, the guy who developed the Tyreen Boss fight mentioned that he added a hidden mechanic for this purpose. He said they were surprised that no one had discovered it. Supposedly if you melee the eridium spikes that Tyreen throws at you, they should reverse course and stun her instead. I tried this right after the show, but nothing happened. They just shattered. Just wondering has anyone else tried this?

    submitted by /u/moland714
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    I wish we saw Troy vs Tyreen.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    I've recently been replaying BL3's campaign after a long break and I've reached Eden 6 again. Knowing what actually happens in the story I can't help but feel a little let down at how much Troy vs Tyreen was teased and then ultimately dropped.

    I'll be honest that the twins aren't my favorite video game villains and make me want to cringe half the time they're on screen. However, I was never more invested in their story when they actually began to conflict with one another. Seeing their power dynamic begin to shift felt like it could brought the narrative into the player's perceived influence rather than Lilith and Ava bulldozing over the player's agency. I'm not a game writer at all but I know what engages me and when it came to the twins I never felt more engaged than when I thought there was about to be a coup.

    submitted by /u/Skribduex
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    Listen up.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Keep this place clean. No one wants your dirt.


    Get serious.

    This is space, people.

    submitted by /u/gscrap
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    Is Moze being able to run really fast with the Stop Gap a bug?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:19 AM PDT


    Not sure if that's intended but that's fast. Effect ends when I get damaged and I do believe I need to not get damaged for a while to get this effect.

    submitted by /u/christenlanger
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    Pissed off with Terramorphous

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    My friend really wanted a Blood of Terramorphous, so I said "Sure, I'll go farm one for you in TVHM," thinking I'd be in there maybe for a few hours and be done with yet.

    I was wrong...

    I started my grind at level 50, and aside from a a small grind for a UVHM Bee and a few Warrior kills for when I accidentally spend all my Eridium and can't get in Terramorphous Peak, almost all of my exp has come from killing Terramorphous. I've been farming 6-10 hours a day for 3 or 4 days now. I am currently level 56, and I have yet to receive any Blood of Terramorphous. I've since stopped picking up the loot after reaching $30 million and only pick up the Eridium and legendary mods in an attempt to complete kills faster.

    After getting every other unique twice, I started keeping a tally of what unique drops I've gotten so far, and it's kind of depressing.

    Pitchfork: 4 (Fire, Shock, Normal, Corrosive)
    Hide: 8
    Teeth: 6 (Could be more, I don't look too closely at blue drops)
    Breath: 3
    Cosmetics: 5 (Two Axton head, two Maya heads, one Axton skin)
    Global Legendaries: 1 (Neogenator)
    Blood: 0

    I don't understand how I can be this unlucky, and I just really needed to rant about this to someone who at least understands this struggle.

    submitted by /u/TachibanaRei
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    [PS3][BL1] "And They'll Tell Two Friends" trophy

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Just need some1 who has it. psn: DamnedSky

    submitted by /u/FlufferPupper4
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    If I start a new character and jump into one of the dlcs, does the main story jump forward to?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    So I'm planning to start a run with a new character tonight, and I wanted to know if I start with, Moxxi's heist dlc, and start the character at 13, do they also immediately have access to sanctuary, or do I gave to jump back to the very very start afterwords?

    submitted by /u/Phoenix200420
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    I thought they fixed Graveward loot

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    I've recently been seeing loot spawn at the bottom of Graveward and falling into the void, I thought they fix that problem a few hotfixes ago?

    submitted by /u/Hi1mKai
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    wanna find some peeps to play with

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Tryna find some people to play through bl2 or bl 3 with, I'm on xbox one, if you're interested send me a message or leave a comment

    submitted by /u/spartankiller165
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    Is there a way to restart the story but keep your level?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Sup. I'm not talking about TVHM, but I'm level 50 and I'd like to restart the story- with my level intact- preferably as a speedrun kinda thing. Is this possible?

    submitted by /u/JD66613
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    Is there a specific requirement to get the new shield anoints?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Been farming different bosses on M10 for days now trying to get a stop gap (or any shield at this point) with that trigger shield break perk on action skill use anointment. I've had tons of shields drop but never with the new anoints. Do you need dlc to get these or do they only drop from specific enemies or something?

    submitted by /u/ScamThallmen
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    What perk and gear should I use for a fl4kk crit build?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    I'm really new to borderlands and I'm not good with numbers and such

    submitted by /u/landonknoxboi
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    "And they'll tell two friends" (PS3)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    PSN: Jean3102

    I know it is a old game, but iam just playing now. So if anyone with the trophy can help i would appreciate.

    submitted by /u/Jean3102
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    My Story Ranking for all 5 Borderlands Games

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    My ranking (excluding DLC) :

    1. The Pre-Sequel
    2. Borderlands 2
    3. Tales From the Borderlands
    4. Borderlands 1
    5. Borderlands 3


    When I thought about ranking the games in terms of story, it came down to TPS. Why? Well for me, it was because of the pre-masked Jack and his character as a whole. The game was about him and it revolved around him. The Jack at the beginning of the game was not the same as in the end, it had an actual visible and large character arch that a lot of games do not have (imo). And you could really see the process of transformation into Handsome Jack. He was first a clumsy pacifist who only wanted to save people, you could see it in his dialogue (I remember a part when he was talking to Felicity about not wanting to kill people). Then the multiple betrayals happened that scarred him (Meriff, Moxxi and company) and in the end he slowly became twisted and paranoid about other potential betrayals . Also worth mentioning the "betrayals" he has done in order to save the lives living in pandora which also impacted his personality (Scientist, Felicity). When the Vault Hunter suggested to ignore RK5 and go straight into the vault, Jack violently refused, saying they need to destroy RK5 because if you leave people alone, they will stab you in your back. Clearly shows what has affected him for the worse. There was also the final betrayal that sealed the deal on Jacks transformation. Beautifully created character arc.

    Another reason is the plot, where it concerns Jack and the VH(s) taking back Helios so that the Colonel doesn't destroy pandora and kill millions of people. Later we found out that the only reason Zarpedon wanted to destroy pandora is to save even more people later on (How does she know? Well she probably saw the future when possessed by the Eridian). Not only the villain is not actually bad but the plot conflict is about Consequentialism VS Deontology. Which means: Should the end justify the means or the opposite? And that is pretty philosophical for a game based on guns, violence and crude humor.

    Also, the end credit song by the Heavy "What makes a good man" is the perfect music to wrap up the game, it is so appropriate and the song itself is so good it has brought tears to my eyes.


    BL2 is on number 2 on the list because it concerns (you guessed it): Handsome Jack. This game really shows that the protagonist you are playing as, can very may be an anti-hero or a straight up bad guy. Jack sees the VH as bandits, and rightfully they are. Jack defends his actions by saying he wanted to make paradise out of Pandora and get rid of monsters (both beast and man) and civilize the borderlands. Also the ending monologue by Handsome Jack was stupendously good (the voice actor did an excellent job). Most of Jacks dialogue were really good for that matter, it really showed his personality and mentality. Handsome Jack as a whole was unique, fresh, memorable, and deep, it left the game not as black and white or bland as one might think and that deserves a praise.

    BL TFTB:

    Tales had great story, it has nothing deep but that doesn't mean it was bad. Its strength comes from the characters and the plot they journeyed across. Characters are memorable and had their own little arc, their attitude changed across the game and felt they really grew. We get to see more of Pandora and Handsome Jack. There was a lot of lore and fan service which I liked. The trademark humor is still alive and well. The end was also touching too so bonus points for that.


    The story of BL1 wasn't also as deep as the next two installments but it was the first game in the franchise. Although a bit forgettable, I need to give props to making a great foundation for a video game universe. The quirky characters, unique humor and fun missions is what made borderlands borderlands, it became their signature traits. There's nothing really else noteworthy to highlight in my opinion, thats why its on spot number 4.


    Well you saw it coming. If you stayed in this subreddit or r/borderlands3 long enough is that most people were not fan of the story, and rightfully so. Meh character design and plot points that literally have no reason to exist. Villains motives where really non existent either. While the others contenders were not bad at all, just varying levels or good, this? this is sadly different. Also the signature borderlands humor, quirkiness, and missions where kinda flat most of the time. I'm not gonna go deep on this because most people already know what makes it bad, its kinda universal. The other games had excellent song choice (not OST, bl3 Ost was pretty good), but end credit song was disappointing to me. Too bad most if not all the original borderlands writers were not present when they wrote the script. But for the lack in story, it makes up for in gameplay. Still, it's just not the same.

    But hey, that's just my opinion.

    submitted by /u/ELEMES1903
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    LOOTSPLOSION! - May 22, 2020

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Look at allll that gearrrrr!

    Welcome to the /r/Borderlands LOOTSPLOSION! Show us your most highly prized, your most disappointing, your hardest-won pieces of booty. Tell the tale of how it was won. Ask questions about it, if you like, or describe just how nifty it's been for you.

    (Every week we'll post a new LOOTSPLOSION! thread for that week's show-and-tell. Show us what you've got!)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Do people really not Borderlands' story??

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    Am I the only one confused by people who hate/don't like Borderlands' story?? I understand that Bl3 in particular is honestly severely lacking in good narrative, character writing/development and in general dialogue and world building but I always thought Borderlands 2 at least was actually really good in regards to it's story and characters. It's one of the main reasons I adore the franchise and have stuck with it for like,,,3 years.

    Its just kinda sad to see people make posts saying they mute the game or ignore everything going on and I was wondering if I'm the weird one for being so into the story instead of the gameplay aspect

    submitted by /u/problematickai
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    IF i like BL3 what about the previous ones?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    I know this game is updated alot, right? SO BL3 seems to be default to play.

    I still have to finish the campaign (thought i finished after the first vault, dno how many there are lol)

    Story and gameplay is really Halo-like imo

    Also i got used and appreciate the gfx.

    I guess they are the same in the others? I play with an endgame setup so its np

    Just wanted to get informed, this game is great, never thought I'd like it

    submitted by /u/mewwe
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