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    Wednesday, May 13, 2020

    Borderlands Gearbox took away the wrong conclusion from people not trying out different characters

    Borderlands Gearbox took away the wrong conclusion from people not trying out different characters

    Gearbox took away the wrong conclusion from people not trying out different characters

    Posted: 13 May 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    As you all know, we probably wont get new playable characters in BL3. From a player perspective this is sad news, as the DLC characters in the past were typically used to introduce new whacky mechanics and interesting character design. The main reason stated for this is, that statistics show many players never really try out any characters except for their main. The takeaway for gearbox was: We reach more players, if we release Story DLC instead of characters.

    This makes sense at first glance, however I think they miss one key question in their argument: WHY do people not want to try out more Characters? The reason - at least in my eyes - is quite simple: there are almost no ways in Borderlands to fasttrack your Character Progression, once you have played through all the content.

    A prime counter example would be Diablo 3, where once you have played through the campaign with one character, you can now start new characters directly in adventure mode, which awards loot and experience at an increased pace. You have also free reign over your chosen difficulty. If you found the corresponding loot, you can increase difficulty for even more Experience. I have played all available Character classes in that game. I have never played more than one Class in any Borderlands title, as the thought of playing through the Campaign three more times until the Character finally comes together really makes me not want to bother at all. I would like to try Athena or Timothy in TPS (the game with the best Classes imo), but I just dont want to see all the same old boring missions again, hear the same dialogue, do the same fetch quests without shooting, watch the same forced cutscenes.

    Even if you dont want to go with the Diablo 3 system, there are other games that show how it can be done better. The old ARPG Titan Quest for example has an interesting character system that comes together rather soon, and an experienced players can speed through the campaign extremely quickly. There is barely any story, but for repeated play this works in the favor of the game, since you dont get forced to watch or hear stuff you have watched or heard a thousand times. For Borderlands this could be translated into better support for skipping unnecessary story progression segments.

    From a business point of view it could also make sense to bundle classes together with Story DLC (the old diablo model). Increase the price by 10€, and you have a good deal.

    Anyway, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/babautz
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    My First Ever Ajax Ogre!

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    It took many hours, but I finally found the elusive and really cool Ajax Ogre! A shame that it wasn't the AR prefix, but this thing is stupidly powerful, especially on Roland (and, I assume, Brick)!

    I think I'll try to go for some other crazy rare weapons, it was a satisfying journey.

    An epic find!

    submitted by /u/GreenSumner
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    Should I get Borderlands 3 for couch coop only?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    I just beat the Handsome Collection with my wife. Now we want the new one! I read this version had problems at launch.

    submitted by /u/jcgonzmo
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    Dev update. Mayhem 2 fixes

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Just seen this post on the borderlands forum. Re-posting here.

    On April 30, we released an update to Mayhem Mode in Borderlands 3. Since then, we've received a ton of feedback about the changes made in that patch. We want to give the greater community an idea of how we will be addressing the community concerns we've seen thus far.

    Our intention for Mayhem 2.0 was to provide a significant difficulty for those looking to create and test their most powerful Vault Hunter builds, while also providing everyone a more engaging, dynamic, and fun end game. Players experience Mayhem Levels as a slider so they can move up and down between difficulties. Also, by incorporating the combinations of modifiers, you can find the level you enjoy most. Did you get that perfect roll on a piece of gear? Then move the slider up and put your new gear to the test! Or, do you need a night off and just want to blow stuff up? Move the slider down and enjoy the Mayhem! That said, we built Mayhem 2.0 with longevity in mind. We don't expect everyone to slip into Mayhem 10 immediately. As we introduce more content, levels, and gear into the game, more people might find themselves comfortable at that level over time.

    Concerns over Mayhem difficulty, gear balancing, scaled damage sources, and build diversity are among the concerns we've heard most often. We'll address these and more over two phases and roll them out with the next two patches. This is to ensure that the changes match our expectations in testing before you experience them.

    There are always unforeseen challenges when working on patches and hotfixes, so we will keep players posted on more concrete release timings as these updates continue to progress. Here's a look at some of the things we'll implement.

    PHASE 1: STAT SCALING AND GEAR Phase 1 focuses on the feedback we received about Mayhem Level stat scaling and gear changes. We'll make these changes at the same time to complement each other.

    With the upcoming Guardian-themed Takedown, we will lower the health, armor, and shield stat bonuses that enemies receive in the higher levels of Mayhem. We'll also adjust over- and underperforming gear, so that more gear is viable and balanced with the new lowered stat bonuses found in Mayhem Levels 7 and above. Certain underperforming Anointments will also see a buff with this change.

    This phase will also introduce a way to see which Mayhem Level your weapons and gear came from. In the item card, you'll see a line that reads "Mayhem Level" and the corresponding number for the Mayhem Level where it dropped. You'll see this text in the same area where Anointment descriptions are.

    PHASE 2: CHARACTER BALANCING AND BUILD DIVERSITY Phase 2 focuses on feedback concerning character balance and build diversity. The goal of this phase is to give players the ability to create viable builds using their Vault Hunter's signature Action Skills that simply didn't deliver enough power in the past. We are building a foundation from which the community can create new builds centered around gear or Action Skills.

    In this phase, we will scale non-weapon sources of damage with Mayhem Levels. This will scale Action Skill damage (including pets and Iron Bear), Melee/Slam/Slide Damage, and Vehicle Damage. Grenade Mods will now also drop as pieces of Mayhem Gear and have bonus damage for each level of Mayhem, just like Mayhem Weapons.

    To give your Action Skills a bigger boost, we also will add Skill Damage to Class Mods in this phase. These Class Mods will introduce powerful bonuses to Action Skills that will help with new builds and achieve the goal of letting you choose how you want to play your characters. We know the community will find the builds that do the most damage, but we anticipate a greater amount of builds made and played for fun after we make these changes. Additionally, we will look at all Anointments to enable a more even playing field between them all.

    There's also the concern that chests and vending machines in Mayhem Mode do not currently spawn gear for that level of Mayhem. This will be corrected in the second phase; as it currently stands, we don't have the ability to change it right this moment. We are in the process of creating the data for this new functionality to work and will need the time to test it along with all the other changes.

    PERFORMANCE AND STABILITY We continue to prioritize game performance and stability. Our first step was identifying Mayhem Modifiers that players reported as causing the most issues, then removing them via hotfixes until a later date. Since then, the reports of stability issues have significantly decreased. The changes that we'll make in these two phases will contain various Mayhem Mode optimizations and restore previously disabled modifiers.

    QUALITY-OF-LIFE CHANGES Unrelated to Mayhem Mode, we're testing some quality-of-life enhancements.

    Fight for Your Life will receive the improvements we highlighted on a previous Borderlands Show. Coming in the next patch, a player's movement will slow while they are being revived and the interactive radius around the downed player will increase to prevent them from accidentally running away from their saviors. We also will implement a particle system to indicate more clearly when a player is being revived, along with new functionality so that multiple players will be able to speed up the reviving process by all coming to a downed player's aid.

    Common feedback we receive is for named enemies to have their own drops. We are looking at making those changes and spreading out the loot pool in a future patch. This will coincide with an increase to the drop rate for dedicated loot.

    We want to ensure players have a use for all the Eridium they've collected throughout the galaxy. The Veteran Rewards machine will receive a shipment of mission-specific rewards that players can redeem once a mission ends. In addition, you'll have good reason to pull out the Eridian Fabricator, dust it off, and start shooting out weapons with your gun gun. We're considering ways to increase the rate of Legendaries that the Eridian Fabricator can shoot out at the expense of more Eridium for each trigger pull.

    THE FUTURE Community feedback is vital to us. Thank you for letting us know what you like and where we can improve. We read and see all the messages! Consider all the above just another step in our continual commitment to you and the quality-of-life improvements we're bringing to Borderlands 3 . We're excited to share even more planned changes and glimpses of all the content still to come!

    submitted by /u/willp2003
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    Why doesn’t Jakobs make any repeaters?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    Repeating "assault" rifles in the vein of the Winchester, Evans, or Henry repeaters.

    Or repeater shotguns.

    submitted by /u/socialistRanter
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    Follow up to “Is borderlands worth buying in 2020?”

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    My last post had a overwhelming "hell yes" to buying or not. So I bought Borderlands 1 and started playing.

    I'm currently level 14 and have put a couple hours into the game. Overall I'm enjoying it, it gives me heavy destiny year 1 vibes with the weak story and the looting mechanisms. I can't wait until I get some more powerful guns and get the end game.

    submitted by /u/SnowySwag
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    Are the menus laggy in all versions of Borderlands 3?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    I've only played the PS4 version, so I'm curious if Unreal Engine 4 has proven problematic for other platforms.

    I have a PS4 Pro and few years ago I swapped in a Samsung Evo 1TB SSD. For ever game I play, the experience is acceptable for console gaming standards. Even the actual gameplay of Borderlands 3 plays fairly well.

    Those menus, though. Yikes. Since the game's launch, the menu lag has not improved and, in fact, I'd argue they've gotten worse.

    For example, something as simple as navigating the backpack's contents to label each item as "Junk" or "Favorite" is always plagued by little loading-wheel icons that cover each item when I move from one item to the next.

    I have a 350MbpsDown/30MbpsUp cable internet connection at home, so I'm convinced the menu lag is an engine optimization issue rather than a server connectivity one.

    What's been everyone's experience with Borderlands 3's menu functionality?

    submitted by /u/Smljhndnsmr
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    move to BL2 or finish all character in BL1?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    i'm trying to get into the BL series and start at BL1.

    i'm playing the BL1 GOTY enhanced and playing as Lilith. currently in playthrough 2 and gonna finish all the DLC too.

    The question is, should i finish the game with all the character? Is it worth it? or should i just hop into BL2?


    submitted by /u/MyLastNameIsCloud
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    Is anyone else having this problem?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    I've been trying to play with a friend online but we both keep having connection issues. We did not have this problem when we played the pre sequel together.

    At first neither of us could join each other's session. After messing around with it for a while we found out that if we both set our network settings to open and chose characters that are an acceptable match we were able to play together. However, after playing for about 5-10 minutes the host would stay in game and the other person would get kicked. When they got back to the main menu the game would say it cannot connect. We'd then have to restart both our games and join up again, but the whole thing repeated shortly after.

    When either of us started Borderlands 2 the game frequently said connection failed. We had to keep restarting the game until it didn't say that. We both had three green bars on the menu screen even when the game said the connection failed and we were talking to each other via PSN. Our PSN never got interrupted so we know our internet wasn't cutting out. Needless to say, we played another game and had no issues. I sent a support ticket to gearbox, but I just wanted to know if I was alone with this problem.

    On an unrelated note, does Borderlands 3 have connection issues too? I was thinking of buying it, but if I'm going to have to play it by myself I think I'll go another direction.

    submitted by /u/genuinecelticknott
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    [Unpopular Opinion(?)] Everything should scale in Mayhem, no exceptions

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Title is the TL;DR, but the reason this deserves attention is because the game has mechanics that do scale damage against the player, yet the player defensive mechanics don't scale.

    Explosion damage scales with the player because it scaled with gun damage. So, is it really intended for a player to 1 hit K.O. their own character because a Cyber Doggo jumped across the room? And while these moments can be funny (especially when it's your friend), the scaling self-damage mechanic makes explosion weapons unappealing, even at what would normally be considered "safe ranges".

    Comments in other threads seem to suggest that people are okay with not scaling defenses, since the damage of enemies doesn't scale. I don't understand that mentality though. Why shouldn't all the mechanics scale? Is it too difficult? Does it add unnecessary complexity? Is it not fun with everything scaled up?

    Part of this is me venting after dying 3 times to the Cartel bosses in the last 20 minutes because my OPQ System explosion hits like a truck, but the other part of me wants to build that freezes enemies and melees them to take advantage of the 3x melee damage, which obviously can't work because melee doesn't scale either.

    submitted by /u/TheOutsideWindow
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    Gearbox, now is the time to buff Moze "Rocketeer" class mod

    Posted: 13 May 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    The Rocketeer class mod enables 'Auto Bear' to last the entire duration of Iron Bear. Back in Mayhem 1.0 it was awesome to have an automated 'turret' and fight alongside it, but the build overall was lacking because it just couldn't compete with other builds.

    The main flaw with this class mod is that Moze builds usually desire spamming Iron Bear to proc annoints. This not only provides a huge damage bonus, but also refunds the majority of Iron Bear's cooldown.

    With Rocketeer you spend your entire cooldown for the ability and thus you lose the ability to hop into Iron Bear to reproc annointments.

    In short, the Rocketeer class mod needs something more such as "the longer auto bear lasts the more damage it does" or something to encourage keeping your autobear going as long as possible.

    (Also Gearbox, auto-summon Auto Bear without hopping in and out please)

    submitted by /u/R-con
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    Is the Borderlands 3 DLC worth it?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    I loved the other borderlands games and have probably played them all over 1000 hours. That being said, I haven't picked up borderlands 3 yet. I see that it's on sale rn for a pretty good deal on Amazon but the super deluxe edition is about $30 more than the standard. To me that's pretty pricy still, especially when the base game is only $13. Is it worth it?

    submitted by /u/CamnitDam
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    Unable to join friends on ps4

    Posted: 13 May 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    Having trouble joining friends who are in party, it either says we've already joined or it was unable to connect. Solutions?

    submitted by /u/DeathclawMinx
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    [BL:GOTY] Legendary Obtained stat tracker not working on Xbox?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Under achievements my Legendary stat tracker hasn't updated in months, has this happened for anyone else? Not a biggie, just curious.

    submitted by /u/ahpathy
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    Legendary Drop Rates recently in Mayhem 2.0?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    Hey there all. Did Gearbox recently do something that buggered the legendary drop rate in Mayhem mode? I was playing Mayhem lvl1 and 2 maybe a week ago, and getting one or two legendaries each named-kill (Roaster, etc), and maybe every second Badass dropped a legendary or so. But now I'm in Mayhem 6, and getting absolutely sweet F all.

    submitted by /u/thehalfchink
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    A Statistical Problem (Kaoson as example)

    Posted: 13 May 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I just realized there is a bit of a problem when I was working out the odds on getting a Kaoson to be: On level, x2 variant, and good anoint. All other gun parts can be w/e, no preference for element as that makes this even worse. So far in my experience less than 1/3 of weapon drops have been M10, 1 in 10 Kaosons have been x2, and there are over 50 annoints of which 3 in any way improve my character. On top of this Captain Traunt seems to drop a Kaoson about 1 in 15 runs for me (tracked very loosely). Stacking all of these ((1/3)(1/10)(3/50)*(1/15))=0.0001333 means I have to kill C.Traunt 7500 times for a 63% chance at getting 1 of the 3 good anoint variants on a m10 x2 kaoson.

    (If anyone could correct me by providing better data than what I have been able to gather for myself feel free, I will adjust the formula accordingly.)

    This is Bananas. This is around the same odds as searching for a perfect parts DP-UH in bl2 at the original 1/20 drop chance, except there you really only needed a good grip to get like 90% dps efficiency over perfect parts meaning the number of actual kills necissary was much lower. Missing any of these three variables drops your dps by a huge margin in comparison. And that is ignoring that it gets to well over 30000 kills if you have a preference for an element and gun part (such as scope).

    I think there might a a problem with gear optimization in the endgame here. I am fine with a certain amount of farming, I have played the endgame of every bl game on multiple characters in search of further gear optimization, but this is a bit much.

    Edit: oops wrong tab, meant to submit to BL3 reddit, will leave up anyways in case better corrective data is over here.

    Edit2: https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/gaw39y/psa_weapon_parts_still_matter_numbers_and_lots_of/

    It turns out to be 1/3 for parts that don't actively make the gun worse, not 1/3 to be on level.

    submitted by /u/MonochromaticPrism
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    Recommendations for UVHM Axton?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    I've recently gotten back into Borderlands 2, and have been playing Axton the Commando. I'm loving my build with him, but I don't know if it's going to be viable in UVHM and beyond, due to the steep difficulty jump.

    Here's what I've got for skills (level 53).

    • Guerrilla: 5/5 Sentry, 4/5 Ready, 5/5 Laser Sight, 5/5 Onslaught, 1/1 Scorched Earth, 5/5 Able, and 1/1 Double Up.

    • Gunpowder: 5/5 Impact, 5/5 Metal Storm, and 1/5 Battlefront (currently buffed to 5/5 by class mod).

    Survival: 5/5 Healthy, 5/5 Last Ditch Effort, and 1/1 Phalanx Shield.

    I'm rocking an Impact Rifleman mod, and I intend on going down to Gemini before I continue with Gunpowder skills. Is this going to be decently effective? I'd value some input from more experienced Axton players. I'm playing on PS3, if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/initiativepuncher95
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    Question about character transfer

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    I just got borderlands 3 on my steam account and was really enjoying it. I let a friend try it out as well and created a new character for them to start with for a few hours. If they buy the game on another steam account, would we be able to transfer the character/save file to their account?

    submitted by /u/Tieng
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    Question about Amara Phasegrasp build

    Posted: 13 May 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    It appears that in most of the youtube builds, they aren't using any action skill element (fire/corrosive). So is it best to just leave either element unticked on the build menu? Is it because having no element is better then having one that can be weak in certain instances? I'm using a phasezerker grasp build and as such my only element available is fire.

    submitted by /u/Slim415
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    So question on TPS?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    This moment is really bothering me, where one of the scientists that jack kills a rat. Part of me thinks it was Gladstone the way he kept saying "I'm sorry" when you save him in helios. He apologies to felicity the exact same way when he starts reprogramming her. But then the last scientist also hints thst he was a traitor. Does anybody have or know if one of them were the traitor?

    submitted by /u/DefinitelynotTJ
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    [BL3] Anybody else really loving the science game?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    So today is the first I've logged onto Borderlands 3 in a month or so. Just picked up the DLC and had some tidy up around Sanctuary and I notice the icon for the science game. Seems neat, so I sit down to check it out.
    Next thing I know it's been over three hours and over one hundred puzzles, and the only reason I stopped is because I really needed to go to bed. These things are REALLY fun!

    submitted by /u/Invadercom
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    Massive FPS drops when moving mouse

    Posted: 13 May 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    I am currently running a setup with that has more than enough power to run Borderlands 3. The problem is every time i make a movement with my mouse my FPS goes from roughly 50-60 on ultra settings to about 20. I want to play this game, i just can't figure out what could be causing it. TIA for any help you can provide

    Edit: anyone who is experiencing this problem, lower the polling rate on your mouse to 125. Mine was at 1000 and it was causing massive lag spikes

    submitted by /u/shmexygiraffe
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    Whats the most nostalgic world for you?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Weirdly enough, mine would usually be Oasis in BL2. Mainly for the background music.

    I tend to hyperfocus on games I can really get into and therefore, become completely obsessive over a series, for months at a time. And I recall, during playthroughs, whenever I became frustrated, Oasis was usually my go to world, to just let myself get lost in the ambiance of the music, while running around, doing random bs missions.

    It might not be the prettiest or most impressive world, by any means. But its my guilty pleasure.

    So, my borderland fanatics, share your quirky game obsessions!!

    submitted by /u/PrettyLyttlePsycho
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