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    Tuesday, June 23, 2020

    Borderlands Am I the only one or is the car sequence with Vaughn the worst bit of Borderlands in the entire franchise?

    Borderlands Am I the only one or is the car sequence with Vaughn the worst bit of Borderlands in the entire franchise?

    Am I the only one or is the car sequence with Vaughn the worst bit of Borderlands in the entire franchise?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    I'm doing it for a third time right now and I still can't wrap my head around the fact that someone at Gearbox playtested this and said "This is fine".

    They give you a slow, clunky to maneuver car that deals absolutely no damage (even worse in TVHM), has no health (even worse than worse in TVHM) and on top of it attach Vaughn to it who doesn't even shoot at any enemies and only talks out of his ass. And even if you wanted to get rid off some of the enemies, you wil have to stop the car as looking in their direction to shoot at them means that the car is going there as well, as aiming and driving is the exact same thing.

    I always end up just walking the thing and respawn the car at the last possible spawner because that's all of these: more fun, much faster, less frustrating and annoying

    The mission with Maya attached to the car is the polar opposite of this mission, because you end up in huge arenas that make you fight and then unlock the new path while Vaughn's one is basically a long-ass track that you just have to get through (also the car is miles better in the Maya mission and has appropriate stats for the enemies spawning).

    submitted by /u/Nerex7
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    So we need to talk about platforming

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Gearbox stop.


    submitted by /u/Variantr
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    What went right with borderlands 3 or wrong with the pre-sequel?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Played the first borderland ages ago on console and loved it so I don't know how it would compare directly but before 3 came out I got 2 and the pre sequel in steam sale and decided I'd play them through before getting three. Loved 2 and had so much fun especially considering I'm not a person who plays campaign based games much. Then when I played the pre sequel I just didn't enjoy it as much and thought maybe I was tired of borderlands. Then when I finally managed to get 3 with the epic voucher I thought I'd finish the pre sequel before playing it and again lost interest. then the other day I decided to just start 3 mainly to test my graphics card and I was having so much fun again.

    So what is it about 2 and 3 that feels so right and about the pre sequel that just misses the mark because I can certainly feel a difference but I can't figure out what it is?

    submitted by /u/StuartHoggIsGod
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    come play with me

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    im looking for people to play with on xbox one. if you wanna play leave your gamertag in the comments

    submitted by /u/strikethekiller
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    When should I buy BL3 ?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Hey people,

    I brought BL2 Handsome edition 1 or 2 weeks ago. It was my first game of the franchise and, tbh, I had a hard time getting into for I'm not a FPS guy. But as time went on, I trully appreciated the game : the gameplay became smooth for me around lvl16 with Maya and Zero, I then continued with Maya and the characters/events too are very fun ! I laughed my ass off when I meat the dude asking me to shoot him in the face, and it still makes me laugh ! And let's not talk about Handsome Jack : I was surprised at first that the main bad guy was talking to me all the time, but come on he's really charming as a character.

    In short, I'm really enjoying BL2. The thing is... I made a terrible mistake : I watched some gameplay of BL3 and it felt really smooth. And some weapons looked hella fun.

    So my question for you guys is : when should I buy BL3 ? Should I just stay on BL2 enjoying the story and grind to higher levels ? I have heard that BL3 has a weaker story than BL2, so I'm wondering if making the transition right now is worth it.

    submitted by /u/ColaSama
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    About transferring files.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    I have the game on both Xbox One, and recently PC. All of my data and characters are on Xbox, and i'm trying to move the files onto PC as i have items and skins i'd like to keep there too. But any time i move the .sav files into my SavedGames and load up BL3, nothing new is in the character select.

    submitted by /u/zTxMeta
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    BL1 Enhanced PC lvl15. Looking for players to join for fun

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    New to this game. Looking for someone to explore the lands with and do help each other with missions.

    I probably should mention that I don't have a mic.

    submitted by /u/TheOddEyes
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    Favourite Places

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    After a while of being away from the game iv recently came back and started playing again. On my way to the second vault now and it made me realise how much i love Eden 6. Yeah it hasnt got the best missions and its mostly filler but i love the swampy design of the place and everything in it. So i wanna know whats everyones favourite locations and why?

    submitted by /u/Toastyy979
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    DLC 3

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Is anyone else really nervous for DLC 3? I really hope it is a good one, I have yet to get DLC 2, but I am holding my money to buy either 2, or 3. I have heard great things about DLC 2, and if DLC 3 is bad, then Idk what to do with this game. I mean DLC 4 needs to be HUGE, like big, and filled with enemies, intense moments, great laughs, and amazing gear. I don't feel like much of a badass when I play this game. The lack of sidequests in the vanilla world, is really lackluster, and I only have gotten a few giggles out of them, but nothing like BL2. Of course I am sure a lot of us are tired of seeing the comparison from 2 to 3, but it is a valid argument. Though I remember BL2 having TERRIBLE drop rates at launch, and I think it stuck for a good minute if I remember correctly. They should be pumping out extra sidequests, new areas on Athenas, which I loved how colorful it is. More areas for Eden-6, etc. The zones on those planets were easily forgotten, and just brushed off as bad map layouts, and terrible quests imo. We paid $60, and I felt like I was taken advantage of, the game is great, and the skills our new vault hunters have is awesome. The physics are awesome, with the ragdoll stuff, barrels etc. I just want the best for this game, and I feel like they truly haven't done that, I don't think they fully thought out the side quests aspect of the game, there is too little, and the zones are not plentiful. I know in this day and age, us gamers, ask a lot for these devs, the crunch times, the Gearbox employees not paid either a fair wage for their skills, or just not really paid correctly at all. When that happens, they lose the drive to create more, and come up with cool stuff, we ask a lot from them. It is just said we eagerly waited so long for a game to still feel half complete at least it feels that way to me. I want to thank any Gearbox employee who sees this, we believe in you, we care for you and your game series, we ask a lot and I am sorry for it, but we just want this game to be better than 2 , in some aspects it surpasses it, we want Destiny players to stop and look at how awesome this game is. This game was supposed to put a good sized dent into Destiny, but I don't feel like it did much at all, maybe during launch. But anyways, I am extremely nervous for DLC 3, and I only want the best of the best for this game. It's like going to a restaurant, buying their service, their products, only to get 50-75% of what you ordered, and told " Hey jack, gonna have to wait for 3 months if you want the rest." It's a slap in the face, and it only shows us that your top executives don't care, but we do. Borderlands got me through some rough times, I mean rough, as a teenager for 1, and now a 23 year old adult for 3, Borderlands is what made me forget about the big bad world, and just grind, and farm, and see new secrets, make up some theories for the game etc. I just don't get that "Get out, and explore kid.", and it upsets me a bit, the minimal exploring you can do in this game, isn't that fun to do, it just seems like filler of some sort. Anyways, forgive me for my jumbled up message that was all over the place. I just want the best for this game, and the community, stay safe, and keep on being badasses <3.

    submitted by /u/Ediddy_420
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    There are two heads for clpatrap that kinda have me worried

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    So I started playing the pre sequal on switch and made a goal to collect all the claptrap heads. There are two (the commando trap and pirate one respectively) that have me a little worried. The first, according to the wiki, is dropped by the rampant constructor during story mode only, which kinda implies that you only get one shot to get it. The second is dropped by Zarpadon, which If I remember correctly is a one time boss. So could anyone let me know if there's an easier way to get these or a farming method for these bosses?

    submitted by /u/hyperl0ck0
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    Commercial grid

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Is there really a commercial grid?, I remember marcus mentioning something about it when I finished the game and I'm tired of not seeing any good weapons to buy at the vending machines and I have like $1491026 because I keep saving my money for when he actually sells good shit lol.

    submitted by /u/Badmotherfuyer95
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    Who Guarantees the Cash on Pandora?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    The U.S. Federal Government for example, guarantees the U.S. Dollars and keeps it regulated.

    It is also not Bitcoin-like because there's at the very least, no day trading happening at all.

    submitted by /u/WaiterInNewEngland
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    Bl remastered

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    If i buy the bl goty remastered for xbox i Will get the vault veterans heads in bl2?

    submitted by /u/saposstax
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    Upgrading Deluxe to Super Deluxe

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Currently have the deluxe version installed on my PS4. Bought disc for super deluxe with DLCs. Will I need to uninstall the deluxe version before installing the super deluxe or can I just download the DLC that I don't have on the deluxe version separately? Will I lose my progress that I've made if I uninstall?

    submitted by /u/CoughUpWhiteSpiders
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    Does annyone want to do a coop run on bl1 remaster on xbox?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    Hello fellow vault hunters, im lokking for a buddy or buddies to do a coop run on xbox😁 hit me up if u want to play

    submitted by /u/codeexpired
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    Borderlands 2 TVHM query

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Looking for some advice about playing through TVHM.

    I have no desire to move onto UVHM but I want to complete all the DLC's after finishing TVHM.

    Will this result in the DLC Being unplayable due to levelling, ie; will I soon be overlevelled for the DLC to be enjoyable? I want to complete everything ideally on TVHM and not worry about being level 50 and moving into UVHM.


    submitted by /u/Keithtmaxwell20
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    Seeking group for dlc on borderlands 1. I'm level 33

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    I play solider

    submitted by /u/thunder215x
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    Dlc nintendo switch

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    Does borderlands 1 gotye comes with dlc when you buy it on the switch as a software?, I just finished the game and I love it so far.

    submitted by /u/Badmotherfuyer95
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    Loyalty Rewards on Switch

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    So I just beat Borderlands 1 on my switch but whenever I go to play Borderlands 2 on it, my characters don't get the extra skin and helmet option that they're supposed to get after you beat Borderlands 1. Does anyone know why that is or what I can do to get the loyalty rewards?

    submitted by /u/Rodgerabbit
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