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    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    Borderlands My Hero Academia Inspired Zane Build "Bakugo Zane"

    Borderlands My Hero Academia Inspired Zane Build "Bakugo Zane"

    My Hero Academia Inspired Zane Build "Bakugo Zane"

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! Created a new thematic build based on Bakugo from My Hero Academia! This is a Torgue rocket build using the Nukem and Plaguebearer. I haven't had a build soley focused on rockets yet so figured this fit the theme. Check out the video and my stream for some more thematic builds!!!


    submitted by /u/ItsByrdman778
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    Why nobody is talking about the Level CAP increase? 57>60

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    They confirmed it hours ago and i didnt see a post about it. Persomally i really hate when they increase the cap 3 by 3. I whould prefer 5, 7 or 10 levels. I have to farm aaaaaaall the weapons again just in exchange of 3 skill points.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/Girifu
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    BL3 Different icons for action skills

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    In BL2, it was much easier to identify what was and action skill or not when looking at our skill trees when it was that octagon shape. If that could be tweaked in BL3 that would make it that much easier to see what is what.

    Also, when they are active, having them light up yellow is much better than the blue we deal with. Makes me think they are all from the same skill tree :/

    submitted by /u/Vixmor3
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    Does BL2's Switch Motion controls feel more sensitive than BL1?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    I only got and beat Bl1 on Switch and was dissapointed with the stiffness of the gyro aiming. Is the Handsome collection the same or do the motion control feel more sensitive? I prefer very sensitive motion aiming to do the bullk of movement (Overwatch nails this for me). I'm stuck with the tiny sticks of the Switch Lite and this makes a world of difference for me. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Jimeduardo
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    Question about Tales From the Borderlands on PS4.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    So I know TellTale went under and a lot of their games ended up getting delisted, but I still see episodes 2-5 on the PlayStation store. I'm wondering if I end up purchasing a physical copy, would I be able to download the rest of the episodes?

    submitted by /u/longhairedqueer
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    Replaying the whole series

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    So I've played borderlands 1,2 and 3 before but never played the pre-sequal or finished borderlands 3. So i want to replay the whole series again but I don't know what characters to pick for each game, each time i played as a siren so i want to change it up a bit so it this time around. Any suggestions for a solo play through?

    submitted by /u/Jam-Ham04
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    Borderlands 2 honest opinion after completing the game

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Just completed BL2 and the first thing i could think of is come to reddit. I am at a loss for words i loved every single bit of it it took me 22h to complete it and i am still not done with side missions.I don't know where to start every single bit from the cel-shaded art style to the main story to the side stuff absolutely loved it. Honestly one of the best games i have ever played without a doubt Gearbox did a really amazing job with this game and i am planning on giving a shot at BL3 and The Pre Sequel. If it wasn't for epic games i would have never tried something as amazing as this. I had way too much fun it would have been even more if i had my friends play it with me.

    submitted by /u/Yahron1337
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    So the HUD scaling is completely broken?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    What is going on the with HUD scaling - it doesn't work at all anymore and looks ridiculous on my 1440p monitor.

    I haven't played in a while when was this broken and is there a fix for it?

    Man Gearbox can't help fucking up this game.

    submitted by /u/sync303
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    Level cap CoNfUsIoN?!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    So I am replaying all the games as they released on switch I completed bl1 as well as farming Knox and crawmerax. Just as fun as I remember. Now I'm in BL2 I'm level 72 and just completed OP1 on digistruct peak. Still level 72 but have op1 gear now. Someone joined my game earlier and it showed their level at 80. So my question is how the hell do you get 8 more levels? Or at 72 with op1 gear am I showing up as level 73 to other players and just not myself? MUCH CONFUSION. Thanks in advance for any insight I've googled and it's just made me even more confused.

    submitted by /u/BaeJinYeML
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    Do you guys think that the mission rewards will scale to Mayhem 10 for the new DLC?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Would be funny if the Unkempt Harold was a mission reward and didn't scale to Mayhem 10

    submitted by /u/greenbatborg
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    I'm playing BL:TPS and I need help with the EOS

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    I'm level 34 and can't beat EOS. I've tried multiple times using different weapons, but still can't beat it. Any tips? I'm playing as Athena based on phalanx skill tree.

    submitted by /u/ramzay_
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    Looking to come back to the game, was curious on the status of mayhem loot from chests

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Hey folks, I was holding out for mayhem 2.0 to come back to the game but after seeing it i decided to wait til they patched it. Once they patched it and the gear the gear from chests wasn't updated so i decided to wait until that was in. Was checking in the see if the loot updates were going to be complete with tomorrow's DLC 3 release

    submitted by /u/SquirrelTeamSix
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    How to use the Ion Cannon??

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    I thought the Ion Cannon was this stupidly OP weapon but when I use it's not that great. I cant even kill a loader bot with it. Do I have to change my build so that it would do damage or what? Im playing as Fl4k

    submitted by /u/KatjaaRa
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    Any good pistol only Fl4k builds?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    I'm planning on doing a pistol only Fl4k run but don't know any good builds, any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Chimichangas823
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    Borderlands on the Switch Lite?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    I recently purchased a Switch Lite and wanted to get the collection for it. But how well does actually play? I've seen some videos and it looks a bit awkward but also looks fun regardless. Has anyone been playing on the Switch Lite and how is it?

    submitted by /u/_King_Geedorah_
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    Unable to cancel intro videos upon new character start

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:43 PM PDT


    I've been using the UCP just fine for a couple days. I'm suddenly unable to skip the intro scenes (first with Marcus talking about the backstory and then the train sequences wih the vault hunters). I even went so far as to cleanly uninstall+reinstall BL2 and validate game files via Steam, but no luck.

    Please help! The only changes I made when the problem began were a few tweaks to the patch in the BL2MM, but these should've been harmless enough; and for sure shouldn't have affected a fresh install of BL2 (!). This problem is persisting even before applying the patch at all.

    This has happend to me before, and the only thing that let me start playing Borderlands 2 again was to completely reformat my PC (!). lol. So could it somehow be a registry issue or something that's causing the stubborness with skipping intro vids? Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/ehufnagel88
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    Borderlands expansion 3 - where's the info?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    This is going to come across as a rant so I will apologize for this upfront.
    I have noticed more so recently as to how poorly Gearbox, (or is it 2K's responsibility?) communicate regarding their game.

    I enjoy borderlands... It's a game that I love to hate. I have been taking a break but will come back to play the new expansion.
    My understanding is that the expansion comes out today (it's the 25th June here in NZ) however looking at the steam page, there is literally nothing about the drop of the expansion or really, anything from the developers regarding roadmap with Mayhem, what they intend to fix ect ect. The expansion isn't even on the steam page yet for purchase.


    The last update on the game (on the steam page) was the announcement of the expansion in May stating that it is coming at some point in Summer. I asked my friends who have the game but don't play if they were going to get back into it with the expansion. They rightfully didn't even know the expansion was coming out. (They don't frequent Reddit).

    TLDR - I understand that Steam isn't the be all end all, however, I am surprised at the lack of communication in general regarding their game from Gearbox (or 2k?) to the point where the expansion isn't really on the page at all, other than a vague update in May saying that the expansion is dropping in the summer.

    submitted by /u/NZStevie
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    Struggling with ultimate vault hunter mode

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    I'm playing as Gaige and I'm really struggling solo in ultimate vault hunter mode. I'm level 51 with all level 50 purple golden key weapons and have a bff/anarchy tree build. I beat true vault hunter pretty handily with no major problems. That said, while I can survive in ultimate vault hunter mode, it takes forever and practically all my ammo to kill anything. With midge mog, because of how long it takes me to fight through the spawning mooks to get to him when he jumps, he regains health fasterv than I can take it down. Anybody have any ideas? Am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/JansTurnipDealer
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    I need exp... badly

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    So I'm playing borderlands tps on TVHM and I'm at the final mission. But I'm 4 levels short and the darksiders farm is so boring. How can I get exp fast?

    submitted by /u/isuckatnames06
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    Fuck the jump in enter the prison

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    I need to vent. I've been Doing this FUCKING JUMP FOR 3 HOURS I looked it up and on any other version of the game than the switch it is fine but whatever dumbass ported it to the switch did it so poorly that it is literally FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE Thank you for coming to my ted talk

    submitted by /u/LordOFFlame6441879
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    So how do I get Golden Keys?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    I'm still fairly new to the franchise, and I really need to know how you get "Golden keys." Is there a code? Do I have to buy them with actual money? Can I just find them randomly in the world? I'm confused.

    submitted by /u/TheGAM3RR
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    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Is anyone else just not getting shit from Traunt? I have farmed him 15 times now, and I still haven't even been able to get one recursion to drop from him on Mayhem 10. This is just sad to me. I am fine with having to farm him 5-10 times on mayhem 10, but I don't have the time to farm him for another 15 times, I thought Traunt was his drop spot right? I am getting too frustrated with this game nowadays

    submitted by /u/Ediddy_420
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    Is FL4K's pet supposed to attack the enemy you used Dominance on?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    I'm trying to find out info about this skill and have read how garbage it is for reasons like that it's melee ranged and chance on hit, but is my pet supposed to be killing these controlled enemies?

    What's the point of controlling them if my pet immediately kills them? Is this by design, and I'm supposed to sick my pet on other enemies while one is controlled? But, once the pet kills that enemy it might kill the Dominanced enemy when my back is turned?

    Am I missing something or should I just respec already?

    submitted by /u/antinomadic
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