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    Monday, June 22, 2020

    Borderlands Is there any way to change the Tales From the Borderlands resolution outside of the game?

    Borderlands Is there any way to change the Tales From the Borderlands resolution outside of the game?

    Is there any way to change the Tales From the Borderlands resolution outside of the game?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    (For some reason I couldn't crosspost this, but I made the same post on r/telltale: https://www.reddit.com/r/telltale/comments/he1z6x/is_there_any_way_to_change_the_tales_from_the/ )

    Recently, I have been bored out of my mind and decided to replay every Borderlands game. But my collection was incomplete, to remedy this I picked up this game and on startup, black screen, I hear the game's music, however, the screen shows nothing.
    I had a similar problem in Borderlands 2 and it only changed when I changed the resolution in the launcher. Tales From the Borderlands does not have a launcher. Is there anything I can do to change the resolution outside of the game?

    submitted by /u/GameWrath
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    Almost perfect Sheriff and Deputy's Badges.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 07:07 PM PDT


    I'm pretty happy with these especially this early.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Phoenix95
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    Why Forge doesn't work the way you think! - Breaking down Moze's Bottomless Mags tree

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:18 AM PDT

    Hey guys, its your friendly nieghbourhood Moze main, Nootmad, coming back at you with another skill tree breakdown, this time covering Bottomless Mags for Moze! Compared to the other 2 trees, this tree is suprisingly straightforward which is great for new players! As always, my video is here ( https://youtu.be/chM7YYqh_d0 ) that covers what i'll be talking about here, so if reading isnt your thing, go check it out! Anyway, lets jump straight into it!

    Cloud of Lead
    Gives moze early access to an incendiary damage boost and as a result and does so fairly consistently. This also affects iron bear. The 4th shot free is also very nice and can save you a tonne of ammo especially when coupled with a high mag weapon like a shredifier. In the early game, its a very nice 5 pointer skill and typically is the one i would max out to progress further down the tree. Bear in mind, class mods that boost cloud of lead wont provide anymore free shots past the 4th, it will however, boost the damage of the incendiary shot by a linear amount. Overall, its a very nice skill to use

    Dakka Bear
    The memiest skill of all. Its damage is incredibly poor, and no thanks go to poor iron bear scaling currently. It also boosts iron bear damage now but even then, the amount it boosts the damage by is far from significant. However, its a fun skill to have in coop while levelling, but i would avoid the skill completely in an endgame build at least untill action skill rebalancing patch hits

    Matched set
    Mozes earliest access to magazine size increases. While levelling, it can provide you with large magazine size which is nice, as the larger your mag size, the more nicely redistribution works with it. A lot of people like to run allegiance builds (and by that i mean using weapons from the same manufacturers) so this skill synergises well with builds like that. However, the ammo economy bonus that cloud of lead provides is also incredibly useful, so unless you are running a tediore build or something of the like that involves buffing mag size to its absolute limit, the skill itself isnt that worth it. In most situations, cloud of lead is a better investment than matched set.

    Stoke the embers
    Gives moze and iron bear a nice incendiary damage boost, but involves doing incend damage in the first place. If you are using other elements, and dont have skills like skag den or experimental munitions, nor if you are using fire weapons, the skill itself doesnt have much use. However, being able to boost incendiary damage in early game is very useful, as flesh based enemies take more damage from it. Considering its only 3 points to max, its a convenient skill to have while levelling. However, it loses out once you compare it to the other tier 2 skills such as redistributon and scrappy.

    By far, one of mozes best skills. Gives ammo regeneration and health regeneration. This skill can be procced by any form of crit damage, and that includes grenades critting as a result of pull the holy pin. Bear in mind, redistribution has a decreased rate of ammo regen with heavy weapons, so its not the advertised 5% Not much else to say, its a must pick in almost every endgame build, and for a single point, its a no brainer.

    Prior to its buff, scrappy just buffed weapon swap and handling but now it also provides gun damage as well by 30% which is really nice to have this early in a skill tree. While levelling, this damage boost is very nice to have, and even in endgame builds, this skill shines. The weapon speed is also incredibly nice to have and synergises incredibly well with a fast paced playstyle that most moze players enjoy. For 5 points, i highly recommend putting at least 4 into here, with the 5th point going into redistribution.

    Rushin Offensive
    A very nice mobility skill, and for a single point, also gives you some significant lifesteal. However, the skill itself is currently bugged and doesnt work consistently so for now, its up to you if you want to pick it up. However, once it gets fixed, i highly recommend picking it up as the mobility increase is nice, and lifesteal synergises very well with a run and gun playstyle

    Scorching RPMs
    Another very nice 5 pointer skill that boosts iron bear damage, and moze critical hit damage. Its a nice skill for moze, its a nice skill for iron bear to have. Not much else to say, max this skill out wherever possible unless you are tweaking weapons to fire infinitely (in which case you have to micro manage fire rate, mag size, points in cloud of lead, etc..)/ But, ill be making a video later that will cover how to perfectly optimise ammo regeneration for Moze. Scorching RPMs also buffs short fuse much like stainless steel bear, but doesnt apply to Auto Bear

    Iron Bank
    Its a very nice magazine size increase to have. Nothing else to say if im honest. Just avoid using CoV weapons with this skill as for some reason, it makes the weapons heat up faster, resulting in a technical net loss of DPS. Other than that, this skill is very useful for any bottomless mags type build

    Specialist Bear
    Very straightforward skill. As long as the hardpoint category is the same, specialist will work. It however, does NOT buff short fuse, and does apply to Auto Bear. Aside from that, for a single point, its a very nice skill to have

    Some for the road
    Infinite ammo for 5 seconds, thats a selling point on its own. Its a single point. Nor eason to not pick it especially if youre this far down the tree. Boost this skill with a com to 2/1 will only give you an extra second of infinite ammo, totalling to 6. so just keep that in mind

    Click Click
    Bit of a wierd skill in a sense that its potential is heavily dependent on the guns that youre using. Some weapons will never make use out this skill like a shredifier which can maintain almost max magazine size. But guns like the sandhawk can use this to great effect. Bear in mind, the damge boost is linear, much like desperate measures in shield of retribution. So the % damage boost you get from click click will be based on whatever % of ammo is missing in your mag will be. Overall, a decent 3 point skill but once again, heavily dependant on the weapons you use

    Mozes final capstone tree, and one that works very well with a lot of weapons. However, much like redistribution, it has a decreased rate of ammo regen for heavy weapons (0.5% to be exact, much like redistribution). And the ammo regen itself doesnt synergise well with low mag size weapons like the maggie for example. Overall, a very solid capstone and works better with the larger your mag size is.

    So. That rounds it out for the Bottomless Mags tree for our favourite Gunner. If you made it this far, thanks for reading and i hope you found it helpful. I'm curious to learn what opinions you guys have about it and what you would change about the tree?

    Nootmad out o7

    p.s. i do a lot of Moze information breakdowns just like this over on my youtube channel. If videos are more your thing, feel free to check it out! (https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCq7Q7Ss3etUU0kksVBfpktA)

    submitted by /u/nivman1410
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    Playing the zombie dlc for borderlands 1 I'm level 32.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    Anyone want to join me?

    submitted by /u/thunder215x
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    Seeking dlc help borderlands 1 on switch

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Looking for some people to help with something underdome dlc. I'm level 33. Please DM me and I'll send friend code.

    submitted by /u/thunder215x
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    Nintendo switch fc: 6433-8482-9609

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Looking for friends to play with on Nintendo switch. I have borderlands 1, 2, and pre-sequal.

    submitted by /u/420shortie
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    My download code from Borderlands: Legendary Collection doesn't work

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    I've been getting the "Error Code: 2813-005" message whenever I'd try to redeem my download code for both Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel. I'm sure that the code wasn't used since my game was sealed when I first got it, highly doubt it's be expired either.

    I've tried switching my Nintendo account to different regions too but I just end up getting the same error. I've tried to contact Nintendo as well but I wanted to know if someone else has experienced this error too or if anyone has any suggestions on what I could try doing so that I wouldn't have to wait for Nintendo support.

    submitted by /u/kerokerokerosene
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    What happened to S&S

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:11 AM PDT

    I kinda liked their guns

    submitted by /u/the-wild-ravine
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    Some random guy just joined and yeeted me a unbreakable armor.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    So basically I was hosting a public match with a low level character, and a random guy joined, threw a shield with 2.148.645.372 points or something like that, and left. It's that even a thing? He was some kind of hacker, or it's a DLC object?

    submitted by /u/janfrancox77
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    Switch physical copy question..

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    I know 1st one is on cartridge, the rest is download code, if I finish the games and resell, the prequel and 2 is no longer available and already tie to my account right? Is the "download code" redeemed same as normal digital purchase? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/fliphat
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    Which Borderlands 3 DLC should I get?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    I only have time to play one of the DLCs and I was hoping I could get some recommendations. I love the base game so 10 hours of new content will easily satisfy by Borderlands itch. DLC 1, 2, or wait for 3 or 4?

    Thanks in advance, Vault Hunters!

    Edit: I should have mentioned I play as Zane

    submitted by /u/Uday23
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    Dahl Shotguns

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    WHY TF Dahl not got shotguns. You giving the pump action to Jakobs? DON'T EVEN FIT THEIR THEME. Could have an alt fire for pumping giving extra bursts. smh 2/10

    submitted by /u/Xx_pussaydestroy_Xx
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    GOTY "Fast Travel Anywhere" mod?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I've searched but don't seem to be able to find anything. Is there a BL3-like (i.e. fast travel from the HUD) fast travel mod? I'd forgotten how time-consuming all the backtracking can get. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/LittleKingJohn
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    Getting guns with no mayhem level

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    I just leveled a new character and started playing on M4 and I've been noticing some of the guns I've been getting don't have a mayhem level listed in their description. They're max level and anointed, so I know they're on par with TVHM, and they're not mission guns, they're guns I've been finding in chests and from enemies. And it happens regardless of the number of bulletpoints in the description.

    Are these just...not mayhem guns? My other character on M10 always gets guns his level (that I've noticed), so it seems weird to me that lower mayhem levels would have a chance to drop underleveled guns.

    submitted by /u/ahoitherr
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    One of the best guns in the game?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    I found this gun in the game at like level 25-30-ish and this is the gun and it's stats:

    Orange EQ230A Detonating Equalizer Damage: 124 Accuracy: 93.1 Fire rate: 1.6 Unending firepower +11 ammo regeneration +33 reload speed 2.3 weapon zoom Explosion element x3 It's basically an infinite mini bazooka

    submitted by /u/Badmotherfuyer95
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    Is anyone else having this problem?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    When I start the side mission Claw and Order, the echotapes that I pick up don't play audio and just show the subtitles. I have had this problem during several play-through's, and even after I have re-installed the game, and reset my Xbox. Is this a bug or am I the only one having this issue?

    submitted by /u/shrapn3l_
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    So what's everyone's opinions on the corona mask for donating $5 to COVID-19 relief? (See gearbox loot website)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    As the title. It's for a good cause so I donated. Haven't had a chance to play yet to see the cosmetic but I think it's a nice little optional touch very quickly executed.

    submitted by /u/mccdeast
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    LADS REDEEM THEM CODES NOW (Borderlands 2 only)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    (22 of JUNE ONLY) In total 10 golden keys will be received, and you will need a shift account to redeem them. You can either redeem it in-game or through the site. And I shall also mention that I am not a retarded scammer, these are all officially-created publicly available codes that I found on official Borderlands discord. Just wanted to share,

    GoldenKey SHiFT Code for 5 Golden Keys in Borderlands 2 (Active through June 22): If codes do not work through the websites, redeem in-game: https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards

    All Platforms: CTWTB-X3XBH-TBXT9-B3JTJ-3JKZB

    GoldenKey SHiFT Code for 5 Golden Keys in Borderlands 2 (Active through June 22): If codes do not work through the websites, redeem in-game: https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards

    All Platforms: CTWBT-Z3RJS-BBRJ9-3TJJJ-ZX3K5

    submitted by /u/TheTrueMan68_r
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    Translation - ttg signs

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Hi, I have Tales from the borderlands for translate (ttg game).

    Will there be a change in gameplay if I remove this signs?


    Or it is only info for translators? thks

    submitted by /u/Jarda_H
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    When the hell did I become a bobblehead?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:05 PM PDT


    First time on in awhile and I am greeted by Moze getting a big head

    submitted by /u/maxximum_ride
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    I wish clap would shit his trap

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    I need to know is there only one Claptrap or are their multiple running around (like droids in Star Wars) or is it one character and we just run into him every once in a while

    submitted by /u/sbeven04
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    Can I turn off enemy level scaling after the main story in Borderlands 3? If so how?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    I just recently finished the main campaign for Borderlands 3 and before I start the DLC's I thought I'd finish up some things like find last remaining dead claptraps, or Typhon Logs, and everywhere I go, even when playing side missions enemies are scaled exactly to or somewhat higher than my current level. While I'm not complaining about the challenge, it has turned the enemies more so into bullet sponges where I just hack away at their health and shields until its out.

    If I can't, I completely understand why. Same or high leveled enemies will drop loot appropriate for my level. All I'm saying is that its taken a little fun out of the game when I get these great weapons, and abilities, and I all I do is just hack away at these bullet sponges.

    submitted by /u/Wandering-Gammon27
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