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    Tuesday, June 9, 2020

    Borderlands Been playing the first game for the first time and it holds up surprisingly well...

    Borderlands Been playing the first game for the first time and it holds up surprisingly well...

    Been playing the first game for the first time and it holds up surprisingly well...

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    ...aside from the fact you can't drive a vehicle more than a few feet without it getting stuck on literally everything and anything.

    The car is literally unplayable.

    submitted by /u/peepmymixtape
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    BL on Switch Co-op Question

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Hey all! Just want to confirm my thoughts. I want to play BL split screen with my partner on one Switch. To do so, she needs a separate account on my Switch. If we want to play split screen online with a friend (us two on one screen, him far away as a third in our co-op campaign), am I right that her separate account (on the same Switch), also needs a Switch Online account ($20 a year or whatever it is)?

    Been trying to find the answer online to no avail. I've never really played Switch games that ask for different accounts to log in for multiplayer, so not sure how it works with online coop.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    submitted by /u/nicnot
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    Getting into borderlands

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Back in the day I played the majority of the first game so when the collection came out on switch I decided to pick it up. I want to know how to get the best out of these three games. Should I spend my time doing all the side missions? Which dlcs are the best and which game deserves the most time? Any opinion is helpful.

    submitted by /u/DannyZuko111
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    Just replayed BLTPS and fell in love with the Two fer Luck Cannons all over again! Does anything in BL3 come close to these pistols with Nishas skill?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Nisha was redonk with these pistols! I jump in the air, fire while spinning in a circle and when I landed everything was dead! So much fun! So satisfying! A real gunslinger to be sure!

    I've got a lot of hours into BL3 and don't think anything really comes close but perhaps I'm overlooking something.Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/ReddGoat
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    What is the rarest of the rare in the pre sequel

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    So i can add it to my borderlands bucketlist

    submitted by /u/bossman22710
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    Borderlands Movie/Series Idea (BL1 Spoilers)

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Because the current Borderlands movie concept is crap and adapting a movie from a video game is one of the most difficult processes known to man, I figured I would throw my idea out there.

    The first game, if that is what they wish to adapt, has a very linear structure, but not act one. It goes as follows (spoilers):

    1. Vault Hunters (VHs) arrive in Fyrestone while its under attack by Nine-Toes' bandits.
    2. VHs kill Nine-Toes
    3. VHs speak with Scooter via echonet, attempt to make travel save between Fyrestone and New Haven by dealing with Sledge.
    4. VHs kill Sledge and come under the attention of Commandant Steele.
    5. VHs leave Fyrestone to Dahl Headlands and kill Mad Mel.
    6. VHs make it to New Haven, Helena Pierce tells them to seek Tannis about the key.
    7. She sends them on to Crazy Earl and Krom; then, Jaynistown; and finally, the Rakk Hive
    8. VHs return to Tannis and she sends them on to Old Haven and Baron Flynt.
    9. Tannis gives the mcguffin to Commandant Steele
    10. VHs follow Atlas to the Destroyer.

    The game plot has 3 mcguffins and one false one, a betrayal that is hinted at throw out the game, and a progression that fits a game narrative. Because we're trying to make a movie many of the plot elements will be removed and condensed. Also, because this is probably meant to be an action movie that is going to have little dialogue, I'm going to build it around 5 combat scenes: initial fire fight in Fyrestone, killing Nine-Toes, Killing Sledge, losing to Commandant Steele, and the Destroyer. That means a lot of other scenes will be removed or condensed. Ultimately each action that the characters take should be logical from their mindset which is why Crazy Earl, Jaynistown and the Rakk Hive are not here

    Hear is the run down for the movie:

    1. Quick vignettes about why each VH is going to Pandora, arriving at the Haven Space Port (not called Old Haven), catching a bus ride with Marcus to Fyrestone.
      1. In this I imagine several VHs outside of the known 4 but most of them will die. Only Lilith, Roland, and Mordecai are together at this point as I imagine Brick joining the bandits prior.
    2. Within minutes of arriving at Fyrestone, bandits attack (first big fight), the VHs uncoordinatedly fend them off. Meet Dr. Zed taking care of injured people.
      1. I want a phasewalking Lilith fighting Brick during this, and also Brick turning on his fellow bandits because he has a moral code.
    3. As the most competent people, Dr. Zed and T.K. Baha coax the VHs to fight Nine-Toes.
    4. Second big fight, more coordination, Brick turns the tide and joins the team. The other VHs not the original 4 should die or change their mind about hunting for the vault.
      1. Atlas takes over Haven.
    5. Feeling good about themselves, the VHs decide to take on Sledge. Third big fight, Sledge overwhelms them, but the Crimson Lance arrive and allow the VHs to kill him and take the key.
    6. Not wanting to bring the Lance to Fyrestone, the VHs along with Claptrap go to see Helena Pierce and Tannis, both in New Haven. Tannis recognizes the key and convinces VHs to go to Old Haven to get her equipment.
      1. Baron Flynt or Krom or both decide to take revenge on the VHs and track them to Old Haven.
    7. In fourth big fight between the VHs, bandits, and Crimson Lance, Tannis steal the key gives it to Commandant Steele, who then defeats the VHs and bandits with her siren powers.
      1. This should be a revelation to Lilith that she hasn't been using her powers to their fullest and Roland needs to give a rallying speech.
    8. VHs follow Atlas, don't really engage the Eridian guardians or are ignored by them, (if this was a series would have encountered them before and they would have ignored Lilith).
    9. VHs make their way to the vault, Eridian guardians are there but not engaging her, her personal Lance guard, or the VHs. Steele opens it, dies the Destroyer is swatting the guardians and lance both. The VHs devise a plan to allow Lilith to go and unlock the key, closing the gate and severing the destroyers head (sense the eye is important later).
    10. Post credit scene, the 4N631 satellite.

    What my time watching character writing videos and D&D has taught me is that all characters need flaws. With out a personal weakness to work against, the characters appear less three dimensional. Using my memory of how each character is in Borderlands 2 and their depiction in the origins comics, I'll attempt to elaborate on what I think each character's flaw should be.

    • Roland - In the comic he is shown working for Atlas and leads his team to their deaths (very general). This should make him very hesitant to take command, but because he does in BL2 this is the flaw that I would give him.
    • Lilith – Being one of the 6 heavily sought-after sirens has made Lilith very self-conscience. I would turn this up to the extent that she covers her tattoos in the beginning of the movie and as it progresses, she becomes more comfortable with her fellow VHs, her powers, and ultimately herself. This shouldn't make her less awkward around Roland but more outgoing.
    • Mordecai – I would have him going from a consummate loner to someone willing to work as part or a team and take direction from others. I would have him start off trying to show everyone how good of a shot he is and slowly becoming less of a showoff.
    • Brick – as I have him starting off with the bandits, confronting the rest of the VHs and later joining, he is with them because he needs a way to get around and look for his sister. He dislikes hurting children or helpless people, but he doesn't have a problem brutally murdering those he feels deserve it. He would need to learn moderation.

    My preferred way of viewing it would be an animated series. Each character could be more properly explored and enriched further that the little that I have done. An actual narrative could be created. A quick episode listing of what I would want to see as follows:

    1. Cold open of the 3 VHs on the bus going to Fyrestone, they are talked to by Angel. They arrive, there is a fight, they fend off the bandits and meet Dr. Zed.
    2. Cold open of TK Baha's life up until meeting the VHs, fleeing Hyperion, Marian, Scar. VHs hunt down Scar, get information on passage to Nine-Toes. Crimson Lance take Haven.
    3. Cold open of Brick's past, his first dog, his sister, coming to Pandora, turning on the bandits he was with. The VHs make their way to Nine-Toes, fight him, Brick comes in and turns the tide, but doesn't join. VHs return to TK Baha who is strung up.
    4. Cold open of Lilith's past, he dead dad, the dead siren, being teased, hunted, and drawn to Pandora. VHs meet Shep Sanders, go to Headstone Mine are joined by Brick. They fight their way to Sledge, when he's about to win Crimson Lance attack.
    5. Cold open of Roland's past with Atlas, his last mission, the betrayal, the loss of his unit. VHs escape with key as Crimson Lance kill Sledge. They make a break for the Dahl Headlands and decide to lay low for a while.
    6. Cold open of Mordecai's past, the noir theme, the sharp shooting. While in the Dahl Headlands Mordecai and Brick go check out Skagzilla, Roland looks into Mad Mel, and Lilith finds Eridian ruins. It ends with Mordecai sniping Mad Mel from cover while he's racing. (disconnected I know)
    7. Cold open of Helena Pierce story skimming over the fall of Old Haven. On the way to Tannis the VHs stop in Jaynistown, they pick sides between the brothers and have to calm down the conflict they helped to start. They make their way to Tannis's research camp. Krom starts to track down the VHs.
    8. Cold open of Tannis's story up until this point with it ending with the VHs showing up.
    9. Cold open of Commandant Steele with Master McCloud as the VHs assault Old Haven. VHs are convinced to leave the key with Tannis. Krom attacks. VHs kill him and flee, learning from Angel that Tannis was taken.
    10. Cold open of Marcus's daily routine which concludes with the VHs arriving looking rough and looking for guns. VHs chase after, have to deal with a Rakk Hive and go off to ask Baron Flynt's help.
    11. Cold open of Baron Flynt since Dahl left the planet till when the VHs arrive. He agrees, the VHs and bandits in Thor go after Atlas. As the Bandits, hold off the Crimson Lance, the VHs push forward as they see the Lance fighting the guardians, ending scene of Commandant Steele opening the Vault.
    12. Cold open of Commandant Steele capturing the VHs, opening the Vault and dying. The VHs escape during the ensuing carnage complete the plan in the way that I would have wanted to see it in the movie. Ending scene on the satellite.
    • For the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, a movie length special in the vein of a zombie movie shouldn't be too hard to pull off.
    • For Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot and the Secret Armory of General Knoxx should be part one and part two of Athena's revenge story, somehow working Mordecai's tournament theatrics and Moxxi wooing, the ultimate defeat of Atlas, and Clawmerax into two complete feature length specials.
    • Claptrap's New Robot Revolution is pretty zany and fun, splitting the VHs to fight the previous boss-traps with the addition of Cluck-trap then the ultimate showdown with INAC.
    submitted by /u/jomon21
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    BL2 Bladed grog nozzle

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    Hey, i am currently at lvl 54 zer0, really need a bladed grog nozzle, rerolling for 1 everytime i log in is a huge pain. Does anyone has a spare one?

    submitted by /u/ThatOneGuyBehind
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    Cannot edit willow engine file...

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    Good day, I just "bought" BL2 on the epic store and wanted to play it on my low-end laptop. I looked around and found out about editing the willow file and I did that but nothing happened. I went back to the file and it's back in its original state. I did get some improvement in performance by editing the basegame.ini file in the 'Program files' of the epic store.

    I just wanted to know if I am doing anything wrong or if there is any other way to edit the willow file.

    P.S: The end goal is to change the post process name.

    submitted by /u/Fibin_Frajo
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    Why is the front page not being updated?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Kinda odd considering that gearbox tweeted that they're dropping the new takedown on Thursday. It seems like front page worthy news to me at least shrug https://mobile.twitter.com/borderlands/status/1270498410311778304?s=21

    submitted by /u/Bdguyrty
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    Should I buy Borderlands 2 or Borderlands 3 2020

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    I was considering buying either borderlands 2 or 3. Ive never played the series before and was looking for a good game my brother and I can both get into. Ive heard opinions on both game and i boiled it down to that Borderlands 2 has the better story, while Borderlands 3 has better gunplay and a pretty shitty story and characters. I wanted to hear a bit from some who have played both games to see which one i should get.

    submitted by /u/zombiedeud
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    FoV FPS?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if Switching the FOV to 100 lowers the FPS? Kinda hard to tell. It starts at 70 tho.

    submitted by /u/oscar1823
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    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    Hey I'm new to gaming and have played a few walking dead games and anime games. Basic stuff. I tried out borderlands 3 because the game came with my ps4 and immediately fell in love, I love anything post apocalyptic. But I cannot kill mouthpiece. I stay clear of the sonic blasts as much as possible but I think my aim is quite off so it takes a few tries to kill those little minions which inevitably leads to my death. Any tips to pass? It's really frustrating and I've found myself not playing sometimes for weeks on end because i just keep dying. Also is borderlands 2 any easier? I'm thinking of buying it and then continuing with 3. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/StLourdes
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    Switch motion control issue

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    Anyone have any tips with their control setup? I'm having a hard time with the motion controls, I'm playing in handheld with the cons separated from the console. Sensitivity is at about 7 for motion and 6 for sticks. Aiming is difficult as the motion aiming drifts away and doesn't auto center. Finding it hard to zero in on targets. Will I just get used to it or is there a better way?

    submitted by /u/HauntedHand
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    RE: Jakobs Cove vending machine

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    So by dicking around with the game and finding out exactly what deletes when i save quit (even after waiting solid minutes, saving at a save station, traveling to a new area or doing a mix of all 3), ive discovered that only the Item of the Day out of the vending machine is saved in your inventory on a quit. Why? Who knows why this game is as broken as it is, it just is this way.

    submitted by /u/NumberOneCan
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    Weird bug/situation on EGS with Borderlands 2 commander lilith & the fight for sanctuary DLC

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    So, I downloaded the Borderlands The Handsome Collection from Epic Games Store. Yeah, I am a slut for games on EGS BUT I was pretty much saving some money for The Handsome Collection and they released it for free on Epic so I thought "nah, let's play it". It was all fun and games, a really great game but the other day I wanted to access the "Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary" DLC. The thing is, that the location from DLC is having an asterisk right next to the name of the location. So I was trying to download the DLC and yeah, you can't. Nah, for real, you can't download it, it pretty much says "Coming Soon". So, did anybody beside me had these issues or is it because of my region (Poland)? I'll apreciate some feedback from ya. Thanks.


    submitted by /u/Kubusk
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    Missing games from Legendary Collection

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    I purchased The Legendary Collection on June 1st Digitally to only get Borderlands 2 in my list of downloads. 2K and/or Nintendo have yet to fix this. Anyone here have a similar issue?

    submitted by /u/DaddyGebel
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    I play a lot of split screen and really wish they had vertical split...

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    I'm visually impaired and splitting an already wide screen tv even wider and smaller is making it incredibly hard for me to enjoy playing co op. My fiancee and I have been playing Borderlands together for years and BL3 has no vertical split, making reading anything or even exploring and navigating a visually straining nightmare. When I asked 2K, they said there were no plans to make it at that point in time. Incredibly frustrating. Am I alone in this?

    submitted by /u/pinballwizardsg
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    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    I'm looking for the x4 magic missle

    submitted by /u/xseif_gamer
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    Atlas wallpaper?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    I was just wondering if anyone had a wallpaper with atlas' logo as of bl3 is all

    submitted by /u/Dunbatter
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    Does the nexus mod loader work with BL2

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Im trying to edit my profile.bin (keys, badass tokens) but my nexus mod loader doesn't recognise BL2, is there somewhere i can put mod files or will it brick (no pun intended) my game?

    submitted by /u/SliceOfBread69
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    How did you discover Borderlands and what got you into it?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    This is a thread where we can all share our stories on how we became Vault Hunters and why we're still hunting for the Vaults.

    Here's my story: somewhere around early 2010 my brother bought the first game for his xbox, I didn't have my own console at the time and I didn't have a PC yet so I only played when I was allowed to, eventually I got to play BL1 and I loved it, I just played it non stop and beat it in a few days, I didn't even care for the other games he had on his account, I only wanted to play some more Borderlands. However after playing it so much and getting all characters to max level I got burned-out, stopped playing it and went on to play other games. When BL2 was announced I was very excited to play it but I couldn't since my brother wouldn't buy it.

    A few years later in 2013 I got my own xbox and BL2 was one of the first games I bought for my account alongside Skyrim and Payday 2, and I just have been playing these games ever since, unfortunately I had to sell my xbox to buy some better components for my PC but I still have the games on my steam library.

    The reason I love Borderlands so much is due to how unique these games are, from the art style to the humor and I just love the idea of using different combinations of gear to improve your performance against enemies and raid bosses. Even today when I've beaten all the games countless times I still just can't enough of the Vault Hunters and their crazy adventures and I don't think I will anytime soon.

    submitted by /u/Effective_Fudge
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    Is there anyway i can transfer my save from xbox onto PC?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Recently started pc gaming more and want to play boarderlands 3 on my PC since i dont have the game on xbox anymore but when it first came out i played alot and would much rather play that save than have to make a new one and restart the grind.

    submitted by /u/MickyFam
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    Is sir hammerlock gay

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    I'm not homophobic I'm just wondering

    submitted by /u/tronbat1
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