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    Monday, June 8, 2020

    Borderlands I've just completed Borderlands 1 for the first time and I'm at a dilemma as to what I should do next.

    Borderlands I've just completed Borderlands 1 for the first time and I'm at a dilemma as to what I should do next.

    I've just completed Borderlands 1 for the first time and I'm at a dilemma as to what I should do next.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    This is going to be a bit long so I'll have a tl;dr at the bottom.

    For some background, my attention span is dismal. I can count on a single hand the number of video games that I've beaten/completed the storyline of, but the number of games that I've actually played at all is through the roof. Hell, I've never even finished Skyrim's main storyline or DLC even though I have over 1000 hours in the game and know exactly how it ends. I've always gotten bored of doing story and just wandered around and did whatever and then eventually shelved it for months at a time. It was no different for Borderlands 1. I started it for the first time on my Xbox 360 when I bought it for myself for the first time in 2016. I played for a few weeks but quickly got burnt out and stopped playing right after I got to New Haven. The next time I touched Borderlands was about four years later, a few months ago, when the entire series + DLC was on sale on Steam so I bought it on a whim. Even still, I played for a few weeks, shelved it for over a month, and only came back to it about a week ago and finished it last night. The game was brutal; not because of the difficulty but because my attention on the game began waning the moment I started it. Now you have to realize my enjoyment of a game is separate from my interest in it, although my interest in it often does greatly affect my enjoyment of a game. For Borderlands 1, however, I forced myself to make my enjoyment of the game fight the ever-dying interest I had in the game because I genuinely liked the game and wanted to want to play it. After I beat it, I found out that to get proper level scaling in the game, I had to literally play the entire storyline again with 0 changes except for difficulty and loot scaling, often recommended to do by many players before I even touch the DLC. Similarly, I had literally zero will to do that again. The pathetic boss at the end didn't help that sentiment either. As much as I had loved the game, I did not love the idea of having to replay it in its entirety.

    The thing that I really want to know is will I be missing anything story-wise if I just went ahead and played the DLC without redoing the story in Playthrough 2? All I care about is story-wise. Further, I heard that on PC there are ways to flag certain key quests complete to artificially activate Playthrough 2.5. If that is actually possible to do safely without breaking my save, I would much prefer to do that instead. Could anybody help me make that work? I would greatly appreciate any help.

    tl;dr I can't bear playing Borderlands 1 Playthrough 2 with the exact same story again. Will I miss any story by not playing Playthough 2? I heard there is a way to use console to flag all important quests completed to force Playthrough 2.5. Is this possible? If yes, please help me.

    submitted by /u/RenegadeAccolade
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    Would it be beneficial for Borderlands to ditch the multiple playthrough layout for a longer, more drawn out single playthrough?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Imagine if Borderlands 4 did not have TVHM, and instead, the main story took you all the way up to level 50 before it ended, with the enemies all scaling to your level after you've finished the main storyline.

    There could then be an option for New Game+ at the main menu for people who want scaled enemies for the entire playthrough, and to go back for scaled mission rewards. However it wouldn't be required, unlike TVHM, to continue on with the game and complete all the DLCs and side missions in just one playthrough, and would probably make the game feel a little less repetitive in the long run, and really allow them to draw out the story and allow for the full cast of characters to make an appearance unlike BL3.

    submitted by /u/FaithfulMoose
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    Reavers Edge Penetrator Hybrid Drop!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Took me more than 300 runs but I finally got the Reavers Edge hybrid!

    Link- https://youtu.be/JmUrw5Cqb54

    submitted by /u/Its-NoHa
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    Is Grinding just a big part of BL1?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    I'm level 13, out of side quest on a lvl 15 story mission. Do I just have to Grind the whole game?

    submitted by /u/Nox2017
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    Do we know where Roland, Lilith, Brick, and Mordi came from?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    Replaying BL1 and I ran up to TK and he said "Smells like offworlder. How you liking our planet so far?" I always just assumed they were from Pandora but I guess not

    submitted by /u/WaterDevourer
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    What narrative means could have been used to make the story of Borderlands 3 better?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    It is no secret that BL3 had a lot of criticism on how the story was portrayed and there are a lot of things that were either missed oppurtunities or could have been handled better.

    As I looking into the BL3 story again, a few ideas popped up in my mind that I felt it should have been handled better or maybe Gearbox can find a way around their poorly written story through their DLCs.

    Antagonists. –

    I had a mixed opinion on the Calypso twins. It was a big risk to make a villain that was better or just as likeable/love to hate as Handsome Jack but I was willing to give it a try. And I felt that the antagonists were a missed opportunity. When it comes to humour, the whole phrase "don't forget to like, favourite and obey" could have been expanded or added more puns or poking fun of the whole "attention seeking teenage internet pop stars".

    Because honestly, the times the Calypso twins talked, their comments were more cringey or lackluster in their performance such as in the times that they taunted you when you were on Sanctuary.

    Another missed opportunity was also the dynamic of the twins. It was clear that Tyreen was the more dominant one of the two and there were moments that were hinted throughout the story that Troy felt like he was under her shadow because most of the time when the twins are mentioned, Tyreen mostly gets the recognition while Troy is always on the sidelines.

    If Gearbox made the twins fight against one another or made Tyreen more eager to have all of the attention while Troy was focusing more on the family mentality as they constantly kept on mentioning throughout the game, this would have made the dynamics between the twins and also between the twins and the player more interesting, similar to how when you learned about Handsome Jack's background where on one hand, you can understand his position but at the same time, you cannot fully sympathize with him.

    Also, there is little mention of how the twins managed to get the entire population of bandits to view them as gods and even willing to kill the Vault Hunters for them. It is a big shift from bandits killing the Vault Hunters and sometimes even each other because they are maniacal, psychotic and sadistic, to all of a sudden managed to band together for a common goal because of a higher purpose.

    The Sirens. -

    The Sirens had gotten a lot of attention this time and I think it made sense because there is a lot of mystery around them. While I still like that Gearbox managed to keep them shrouded in mystery just enough for us to try to fill in the blanks, I think that the sheer focus on the sirens could have been handled better, particularly the actual Sirens that we know – Lilith, Maya and so on.

    Dr. Tannis as a siren was a surprise but not really a big one either because considering that we was able to contact you telepathically, that meant that she must have had some access to some sort of siren abilities. It is nice that this was a detail that was so overlooked and never expanded upon to keep Tannis is a siren a mystery but it was not that surprising because the hint was apparent. Having Lilith lose her powers was a shocking detail because it never happened before in the series. However, it would have an opportunity for better character growth if Lilith lost her powers forever when Tyreen died and were passed on to someone else. And of course, Ava.

    She is not a good character as a whole. She did not even earn Maya's powers because she was too stubborn, brash, hot-headed and eager for action and her egocentric behaviour was also what indirectly led to Maya being killed. I felt that if Ava acted more reserved and secluded after Maya's death because she felt guilty instead of venting out her anger onto Lilith (which did not make sense because Lilith was not even there when Maya died), that would have been a better opportunity for character growth and way for Ava to eventually earn Maya's powers in the end.

    The Vault Hunters. -

    I noticed that Gearbox focused more on giving the Vault Hunters are more active role in the story as they even talked with the characters that are around them and you noticed the differences in their personalities based on how they interacted and their choice of words.

    But there is still a bit of mish-mash of what their motivations were to eventually help and bond with the Crimson Raiders but at the same time, do side-missions for other strangers or even the occasional side-mission by the Twins (that one side-mission on Eden 6).

    In the previous games, this made sense because the characters were the players and the players were motivated to gain more money and guns. In BL3, the Vault Hunters are both mercenaries for hire and also eager to help the Crimson Raiders the minute they meet them even though they probably did not know the history of Pandora beforehand.

    And there were also other moments where the Vault Hunters did nothing or in the story, the Vault Hunters did not act but could have potentially done something like when they were captured by Troy once on Eden-6 and did not even show signs of struggle or trying to break free, or when Lilith had her powers stolen and did not show the Vault Hunters trying to find a way to get to her before they found another way around.

    The other characters. -

    Many of older characters were either side-lined or not given that much interaction in the story like Brick, Tiny Tina and Mordecai. I cannot think of a way to make them more integrated in the story but they were missed compared to how they were more a part of the story in BL2.

    Also, a lot of new characters were forgettable too – I honestly forgot about Lorelei and Clay and they did not stick with me throughout the history even though their vibrant personalities made them instantly likeable. Or people like Captain Traunt and Katagawara Jr were pretty forgettable both as antagonists and as bosses, even though they taunted you many times.

    submitted by /u/sammyjamez
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    Things I want to see implemented to the Legandary Collection

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    I've tested all 3 of the Borderlands titles on the switch, and I really really REALLY love being able to play this franchise anytime I want! I think there are a few things that should be updated into the game that would make it an overall better experience.

    #1 Add an ADS motion control option

    Where the motion controls are only active when you are aiming down sights, I have shaky hands and so having the feature on (even on low sensitivity) I see that annoying extra movement when I am not aiming to shoot.


    I know Gearbox isn't to keen on adding crossplatform play, but hey what about transfering saves from Steam to Switch? I would love an excuse to switch (crap a pun) between my PC and my Switch and not lose any recent progress.


    Seriously though, BL1 and TPS have an FOV slider on Day 1 of release. Can we PLEASE get that glorious FOV slider patched into BL2?

    I am still super happy to have this game collection on Switch, I just really hope gearbox doesn't ignore this game like they ignore the broken PC version of BL1 Enhanced :(

    submitted by /u/decepticonslayer
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    Is there a list for borderlands 2 shift codes for switch?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if the ones from the pc or consoles still work. Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/pandora_native
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    I cant connect to any online games, and my friends cant connect to me

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    Error is "Cant connect to host", what can i do?

    submitted by /u/Tisacountdosnotexist
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    Is melee buffed again(since the release of M10)?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    If not, is there any info on possible changes coming?

    submitted by /u/Zonero
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    Best order to play through The Legendary Collection?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Sup y'all, just bought The Legendary Collection for Switch and was wondering what the best order to play through the 3 games are? I've played through the main campaign of Borderlands 2 and maybe 1/4 of the DLC, and i've played a couple hours of the pre-sequel, if that makes a difference. Haven't ever played the first one. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/chilloctopus6
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    Did I screw myself over with the DLC scaling?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    So this is my first playthrough of the Borderlands games and I'm absolutely loving it, but I've run into an issue. I finished Playthrough 1 and ended around level 35 I think. I started to do Playthrough 2, but got bored pretty quick because I was just doing the same things over and really wanted to get to the new DLC content. So I went and did Jacob's Cove pretty easily, not a lot of issues. Ended that at about level 45, then went to do T-Bone junction. Immidiately noticed that the levels of enemies were around 50, so I went back and grinded through a bit more main story to get my levels up, went back and no problem. Now I'm pretty much done with General Knoxx except for the last few optional missions (Circle of Duty and Crawmerax). Here's the problem. No matter how much I level up now (currently at 62), the enemies seem to keep scaling up as well as the recommended mission level to be one or two levels above mine, which means doing these missions doesn't get any easier as I level up. Did I screw up bad by not doing a full 2nd Playthrough before doing the Playthrough 2 DLCs? I know I could just go back and do them on Playthrough 1, but I'd have to redo all the missions I've already done and I'd be WAY overleveled. Help!

    submitted by /u/Evilsj
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    Should i buy borderlands legendary collection in the E Shop or should i buy a physical copy?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Should i buy borderlands legendary collection in the E Shop or should i buy a physical copy? What do you think?

    submitted by /u/cashgamer519
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    Is there other online modes than the story?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Hello so im currently playing the handsome collection that was given away for free in epic that includes borderlands2 and presequel , i started first with borderlands 2 and i dont really understands how the online mode works , so i wanted to ask you guys , i would really appreciate if someone enlighten about this thx 🙏

    submitted by /u/ddialga
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    how do i get mini map in bl1 goty for 360?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    theres space for it in the corner and I've seen it in yt vid previews but i cant find it in settings

    submitted by /u/Bunkerthrower19
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    BL2 switch port question

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if Borderlands 2 on switch still has the OP levels or if the level cap was moved up instead? Hoping that if the OP levels are kept, they'll at least release an update or something, since the OP levels were just tedious to get through because of the scaling. I know the switch version doesn't include the fight for sanctuary, but I was wondering if they'd at least made that change or if it's just a straight port with no changes, thanks.

    submitted by /u/izzydizzy99
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    Friends - AU/NZ preferably

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    I hope this doesnt get banned.

    I wana do all borderlands games plus DLC with some other people. Preferably Aussie or Kiwi, due to ping, time zones. internet, If you are interested message me back on here. or message me on steam - slowfatwombat

    Also im playing it on PC- so yeah

    submitted by /u/SlowFatWombat
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    Any "Raid" Type Bosses in BL1?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    I'm on PT2 in BL1 as Lilith and I'm just curious if there are any raid or raid-like bosses in BL1. I know there is Craw, but are there any other than him that are farmable?

    submitted by /u/GuyWithTheCats
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    New Player here, does Borderlands incorporate weapon retirement?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    I just recently started my first playthrough of Borderlands 3 and as a former destiny 2 player I was interested if there was weapon retirement (if you are aware of it) or any equivalent in this game?

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/HiThereMyFriendz
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    Borderlands on the Nintendo Switch?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Has anyone purchased the bundle on the switch? How is it? Would you recommend it? I'd be playing mostly on handheld.


    submitted by /u/-bagel-bandit-
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    Cartel Event

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    The cartel event still seems to be active on my profile..can anyone explain? My home screen still shows the "Villa Ultraviolet", graphics, I have to deal with the enemies in game etc. I thought event ended 6/4?

    submitted by /u/bubbagump101
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    Borderlands The Pre Sequel "FATAL ERROR" Popping up whenever I try and select a new character. [NEED FIX]

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    I need a solution to my fatal error issue, the game had worked completely fine whenever i first installed it but i deleted all my characters to get a fresh start and now every single time i try and select a new character my game crashes and then an the error shows. i installed the pre sequel through the epic games launcher. not sure if that information makes a difference but i assume it could be of some use.. Any information helps! thank you!!

    submitted by /u/OJMS0227
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    How do I transfer shift rewards from PS4 to PC?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    I'm trying to figure out how to do this because I had the halloween heads and christmas cosmetics on PS4 and I can't find them on the same account on my PC. Can someone help me?

    submitted by /u/Retr0Mxsked
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