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    Wednesday, June 10, 2020

    Borderlands Do the devs have plans to optimize bl3?

    Borderlands Do the devs have plans to optimize bl3?

    Do the devs have plans to optimize bl3?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Will the devs ever optimize bl3 a little bit better? With a combination of medium and a few low settings I cant even hit 120 fps in 1440p. I bought this game a while ago and finally got around playing it but the performance kinda sucks. I have a RTX 2080 super, r7 3700x and 16gb 3600mhz ram. Games like cod, bfv, doom all have so much more complex graphics and I can easily run those. Its kinda dissapointing...

    submitted by /u/MidranKidran
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    Could Borderlands Have Had Character Endings?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    In the Borderlands franchise, a decent amount of the vault hunters are just used as players and not necessarily characters (examples being Salvador or Axton). Of course every vault hunter has a back story and a couple ECHO logs about them but I don't feel like that really completes the characters. It would've been cool if after killing the final boss of each game we got to see a non-canonical ending for each of the different vault hunters. Maybe seeing what they did with the vault, how their lives carried on after their respected adventure, etc. , without having any actual affect to the canon. I realize it's FAR too late to add these into the games but I just think it would've been a neat detail to the games and especially to polish off the characters we really wouldn't see again.

    submitted by /u/VitaminAlpha
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    Bounty of Blood DLC gameplay preview

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    In BL 3 we are called "Vault Hunter" by everyone. In 2 we weren't.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    So I just had a realization.

    In BL3 every enemy and ally calls us "vault hunter".

    In BL2 Lilith calls us "Killer", Tina calls us "Shorty", Claptrap calls us "Minion", Jack calls us things like "Pumpkin" or "Kiddo", there's certainly a lot more I'm forgetting.

    Makes me realize how varied and different all the various characters sounded in 2.

    submitted by /u/SanityIsOptional
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    There Should Have Been Eridian Shields

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    I'm playing BL1 again, and while running through the Eridian Promontory I had myself a thought. It would have been an interesting concept, a neat gameplay feature, and even something that makes sense lore-wise in game for there to be Eridian shields as equippable shields.

    I mean, what's the major thing you notice whenever you're fighting an Eridian? They have amazing shields. Eridian weapons already existed, so humans are already capable of utilizing their equipment. I feel like it would have been a very neat, late game piece of gear. In my head, they'd have a massive capacity but a very small recharge rate. And possibly, to balance it out and since Eridians are so frail, maybe a minor health drain like -5%.

    I dunno, I just think it might have been possibly a neat idea.

    submitted by /u/Selacha
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    Was able to play TPS split screen for the first time today with my friend recovering from COVID today. I have to say, it's a massively underrated game and deserves a better rap. She played baroness and I played Claptrap, made for lots of fun combos with all of Claptrap bonuses and baroness boosts!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Was nice that my friend had recovered enough to have the energy to play some games. I picked up a copy for both of us to have something new to do throughout the rest of quarantine.

    submitted by /u/socialjusticechamp
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    BL2, any low level players?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    I'm on PS4, I have an lvl 11 Krieg and level 16-18 Zer0. I need help killing the gluttonous thresher as Zer0, and I need some help defeating the W4R-D3N as Krieg. My username is CrashAllMighty, I will be online once someone replies. Also, I do not have a mic.

    submitted by /u/derpboi67
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    What to do?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    All right I dont know what to do on bl2 so give me a challenge or something.......btw I'm lvl 80 op 10 and have a nice 1400 guns every skin including borderlands legends skin and 17 days of gameplay and almost every achievement.......so please give me something else to doooo!

    submitted by /u/mr_sandman1324
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    Flynt's tinderbox is e-tech?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    So I'm on Epic Games version of BL2 and I am in UVHM with the Medical Mystery: X communicate quest (the doc mercy one) which I hate doing because the weapon provided is pretty bad, so I started a boll/savage Lee farm for both of their legendaries, and whenever I kill Lee with Flynt's tinderbox it will give me a point for killing a bandit with and e-tech weapon. Is this a bug or what?

    submitted by /u/Crowgutter777
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    A Hunter Through and Through

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    Can anyone help me get the Achievement A Hunter through and through? I'm on Xbox and it's the last achievement I need for Borderlands 3. I would also help you get it too.

    submitted by /u/crazysoxfan22
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    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:01 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/THEREALKRIEG
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    Borderlands Enhanced will not launch

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    I've tried everything; verifying, reinstalling, launching from the .exe in the win64 folder, downloading C++ 2015, deleting the old .exe then verifying then reinstalling, renaming the .exe, restarting steam, starting steam offline, and every time I get the same message saying it's failed to find file for package core for a sync preloading. I'm at a loss what do I do.

    submitted by /u/TheFreudianSlip69
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    Why do most guns become so garbage after op levels/mayhem?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    It's really aggravating having to grind for like 5 guns that are the only viable options when trying to play the game at a higher difficulty. The amount of times i've found a sick new legendary that does .1% of the enemies HP genuinely pains me. I just wanna use the guns I find for their gimmicks instead of the damage attached to them.

    submitted by /u/FlamingPotato43
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    Does the Fight For Sanctuary dlc go on sale?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    I want to buy it to access the op levels but 15 is way too much money

    submitted by /u/Radioooo
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    Borderlands 2 Switch Drop Rates

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Did they up the legendary drop rates on the port because it feels like every boss is dropping legendaries left and right. Even mini bosses like Scorch dropped the Hellfire on the first kill. It kind of sucks because Borderlands 2 legendaries were hard to get but super rewarding to find.

    submitted by /u/claustrophobicsquid
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    Newbie Playing Borderlands 1 - Questions!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    Hi everyone :-)

    So I'm having tons of fun with Borderlands 1. That's my first Looter shotter - and I find the it pretty damn addictive!

    I just finished all the missions in "Arid Badlands" and moving to the next map. I have couple of questions I picked a long the way:

    1. A Class Mod has dropped for me just once (so I guess those are rare). But the class is Siren (I'm playing Mord). I'm assuming you can't share gear across toons and I should sell it?
    2. The pickup mechanism is quite strange. I kinda hate this "OK - So much fun clearing this section! Now let's move around like chicken with my face facing the floor picking stuff across the section). I do use long press E sometimes, but the range is pretty short - and sometimes I miscalculate the range and find myself switching my current weapon when a weapon on the floor. Is there a better way to do things? or this "post fight" E dance to pick Money/Ammo is mandatory? I just don't enjoy much the "Look down" Part.
    3. I often try to pick Guns every gun I find - so I can sell it later. This hinder the game-play a bit - as there's a lot of drops, and at some point I'm full. So I have to drop a lower price gun to be able to pick the more expensive gun. I'm not sure if it's worth the time. I was thinking maybe I should just pick all Blue and Above weapons and check later when I'm in "Town" what I can use and what I should sell. And that's leads me to the next question.
    4. There's so much information on each weapon. Magazine size, accuracy, damage - each weapon has it own speed etc etc. I find it hard to know 'Is this an upgrade'? I started by "Wow - this is has tons of damage - I should use it" - and later figured there's a lot of other variables and damage is not enough. A strong hitting weapon, with slow and small magazine might be a problem. Does a weapon with 30x2 damage is better than straight 60 damage? I'm assuming it is because everything has a chance to proc twice? What I mostly care about is "DPS" and most games do huddle a lot of information into a Damage Per Section. Is there any guidelines I should follow perhaps to help me know what's an upgrade? Right now my first indication is weapon level. I try to prefer guns with higher weapons level if I'm not sure.
    5. Do Purple items also randomized? or they have static stats?


    submitted by /u/Tall-Guy
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    House of the Ned Achievement Glitch? [Remastered Edition]

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    I've done the mission on playthrough one and playthrough two and it hasn't popped yet. I really don't want to make a new character just for this one achievement. The other story mission achievements popped but why not this one?

    EDIT: Nevermind it popped like an hour after I actually did the mission. Thanks gearbox

    submitted by /u/Big-Boi-Bary
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    Loyalty mods: where are them?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    I'm having trouble searching the Dahl loyalty mod for the siren, but as in the title, the question applies to all loyalty mods, where do I get them? Are they random drops?

    submitted by /u/Celenthanos
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    Game Crashing on PC Moxxi's Heist

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    I'm playing through Moxxi's Heist and got to the mission where I have to kill the Stanley MK2 trash bot to enter the trash chute. As soon as I jump down to the courtyard and start shooting him the game immediately crashes. No warning, no stuttering, just an immediate crash notice. This is the only place where the game has crashed and the fact that it happens every time makes me think there is some kind of bug. I've tried lowering / modifying my graphic settings and it hasn't helped. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any tips? I'm playing Zane on mayhem lvl 10 if that is a factor.

    submitted by /u/Jekhall2
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    New take down

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    What time the new take down and phase 1 released?

    submitted by /u/Boppa813
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    Is it possible to automatically complete 1k duels challenge through commands, or glitches? Borderlands 1.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    So there is a challenge stated: "Complete 1,000 duels" The experience earned is minimal, and I'd like to complete it rather than spend the time dueling myself in co-op. If I could, I'd literally spend hours gearing up and dueling other players until I hit it. Unfortunately I genuinely think this challenge is not possible and auto-completing it shouldn't be considered cheating (However that's a completely different topic altogether and i dont want to get into it :P) I'm open to opening up saves with an editor, or anything like that. Any form of auto-completion, I don't care if it gives me exp or rewards, just that it says complete. Is there any sort of way I can tackle this with PC?

    submitted by /u/KhanWolfSnowFox
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    Question before signing into Shift on my Switch

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Back when BL3 released, they had a special reward randomizer thing on their website where you click to receive a random reward that could be for any of the games. When you next signed into that game, you receive the item at the current level of your character. In my shift rewards history, it appears to list those rewards for every platform(Switch is not listed). Did anyone get these items when they signed in on Switch? Basically I want to wait until I'm max level if you do indeed get them

    submitted by /u/godlywhistler
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    Should I get the trilogy on PS3 or Switch?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I could get 1, 2, and TPS with all DLC for almost half the price of the trilogy on my Switch. Are there improvements that would make the Switch collection the preferred version?

    submitted by /u/Tpark117
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    Man, do I love Jack

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Played through the game a few times and jesus do I love this character. Decided to play through the pre sequel and now I love him even more. Gave Tales from the Borderlands a go and now I'm officially obsessed with him pls help. I cant understand how my friend isnt that impressed with him like what?

    submitted by /u/throwaway6789241323
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