• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 25, 2020




    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Today we will release an update for Borderlands 3, which will be live on all platforms by 12:00 PM PST. This patch adds support for the new campaign add-on: Bounty of Blood! It also includes Phase II of the Mayhem Mode updates, which introduces damage scaling in Mayhem and support for Mayhem gear in all loot sources!

    To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign that says "Hotfixes Applied"! If you are experiencing any issues or want to provide feedback, please submit a ticket to support.2k.com.


    • Added support for Borderlands 3's third campaign add-on: Bounty of Blood!

    Due to complications related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, only English and German voice-overs will be available at launch for Borderlands 3's third campaign add-on Bounty of Blood. Localized subtitles for all supported languages will be available at launch, and localized voice-overs will be added at a later date.

    • Increased the level cap by 3 to 60
    • Added 3 New Guardian Rank skills and Guardian Rank Increase

    - Groundbreaker: Melee or Slam attacks will trigger an Aftershock, dealing 25% of all non-melee damage you have dealt over the last 5 seconds
    - Dead Man Walking: While not moving in Fight for Your Life, your meter drains 50% more slowly.
    - Lead or Alive: When you enter Fight for Your Life all your guns are automatically reloaded


    • Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur during the mission "The Family Jewel" in Floodmoor Basin
    • Addressed a reported concern where the game could become unresponsive after alt-tabbing out on PC
    • Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when the host backed out to the Main Menu


    • Added Mayhem Level damage scaling to melee, slide and slam
    • Added Mayhem Level skill damage scaling
    • Added Mayhem Level pet damage scaling
    • Added Mayhem Level vehicle damage scaling
    • Updated several passive skills to properly respect Mayhem Level damage

    The damage sources above now scale their damage according to the level of Mayhem you are in. Each type of damage is scaled uniquely to account for how different skills and gear interact with the different types of damage. This is significant change and we will be monitoring the community's feedback intently and adjust gear, skills, or damage scaling to ensure that build diversity flourishes. To accommodate this scaling, a few passive skills were updated to use a new form of damage that prevents them from scaling inappropriately.

    • Added skill damage as a rollable stat on Class Mods

    Class Mods now can roll additional Bonus Skill Damage. When paired with the base Mayhem Level skill damage scaling, we anticipate builds centered on skills to become viable in late Mayhem.

    • Added Mayhem Levels to Grenade Mods

    Grenade Mods drop as weapons do in Mayhem, with additional damage relative to the Mayhem Level it was acquired in.

    • Enabled all sources of loot to spawn Mayhem Gear

    Mayhem Gear can now be acquired from all sources of loot in the game. Vending machines, chests, mail, mission rewards, and Loot enemies all have a chance to award Mayhem Level weapons and grenades.

    • Changed damage source for Remnant, Short Fuse, Indiscriminate, Do Unto Others, and Ties That Bind to address that they "double dip" and scale inappropriately at higher Mayhem levels

    As a result of this change, players will notice that Ties That Bind will not scale properly with Action Skill damage. This is a temporary fix that will be addressed in a future update.

    • Vehicles now scale damage uniformly instead of just against non-vehicles
    • Addressed a reported concern where splitscreen players could sometimes not scroll through the Mayhem 2.0 modifier list
    • Addressed a reported concern where Mayhem Modifier Drone Ranger Healing Drones sometimes did not replicate position smoothly for clients
    • Addressed a reported concern where the tether from the Boundary Issues Mayhem modifier would sometimes persist after enemies died
    • Addressed a reported concern where the Mayhem vehicle damage scalars sometimes did not apply when players were in gunner seats
    • Addressed a reported concern where the Laser Fare Mayhem modifier would sometimes generate new laser beams when it took damage
    • Added the ability for DigiClone and Iron Bear to support damage scaling


    • Addressed a reported concern an issue where vehicle health would sometimes be cut off
    • Nativized Hotfixes


    To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign that says "Hotfixes Applied"! If you are experiencing any issues or want to provide feedback, please submit a ticket to support.2k.com.


    • Melee and Action Skill damage further increased


    We are looking at adjusting manufacturers and weapon types across the board to bring greater parity at the base level between weapons. We are still monitoring balance between Legendary gear but wanted to first address groups of weapons to increase opportunities for weapon builds.

    All pistols will see a slight increase with JAKOBS pistols receiving the smallest bump and MALIWAN pistols receiving the largest. As enemy health pools increased, low mag size weapons like pistols became less popular. The damage increase across all pistols should provide more opportunities for builds to equip a pistol to accommodate their other weapon choices.

    We also increased damage of all TEDIORE SMG weapons because we believed the damage from the thrown weapon explosion would be an integral part of the loop. However, throwing the weapon was impractical compared to shooting enemies with other SMGs. Now the trade-off to throwing at full magazine versus shooting will be more dramatic.

    COV, DAHL, and JAKOBS Assault Rifles were increased to match some of the VLADOF Assault Rifles. We will evaluate VLADOF Assault Rifles in totality after players try the changes to the other manufacturers first.

    Finally, we increased the damage of our traditional multi-pellet shotguns. HYPERION, MALIWAN, and JAKOBS all received a damage increase. Some of these shotguns were underperforming compared to fast-firing weapons so now they will pack a greater punch.

    • Increased pistol damage across all manufacturers
    • Increased damage on Tediore SMGs
    • Increased damage on COV, Dahl, and Jakobs Assault Rifles
    • Increased damage on Hyperion, Maliwan, and Jakobs shotguns


    These hotfixes are related specifically to the Bounty of Blood campaign add-on. To receive the changes and avoid seeing any of these issues arise, make sure that you have your hotfixes applied at the main menu.

    • Removed two straggler townsfolk that were clapping their hands at the wrong time
    • Addressed a potential progression blocker where FL4K the Beastmaster was sometimes unable to grab an important ledge
    • Stopped Juno from sometimes getting stuck on a walkway
    • Addressed instances where cash registers would sometimes float
    submitted by /u/TheXanderZone
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    I forgot Mayhem was optional.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    I won't rehash all of the known problems with Mayhem 2.0, and I wish that playing at the highest possible level was more enjoyable, but my biggest problem was the balance going in to the new DLC.

    I kept asking myself "what Mayhem level should I play it on? Should I just use OP gear? What modifiers will get in the way of new content?" That's when I remembered an important detail: Mayhem is completely optional.

    I don't love the fact that I had to put away my best gear to keep it fun, but I turned off Mayhem mode and have only been using guns since I turned it off and I noticed 2 things.

    1. This game is way more fun this way. A bit too easy, but beyond that across the board better.

    2. I'm not nearly as worried about the new DLC being plagued by things like power creep or exploitative anointments.

    TL;DR: it may be a good idea to just turn off Mayhem mode, run a few trials or Slaughterdomes, only use the gear you find from those going in to the new DLC. It's what I'm going to do, at least.

    submitted by /u/Soranhort
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    Iron Bear Stength Post After Phase 2

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Just curious what everyone thinks of iron bear now that action skill damage has been increased. I find that iron bear is now destroying. I have only tried up to Mayhem 6, but IB seems to be a ton stronger now!

    submitted by /u/Tswizle01
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    Borderlands 3 - Bounty of Blood Official Launch Trailer

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    Bounty of Blood features a fantastic Matthew Mconaughey impression

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    At first I thought it was him. It's definitely not, but it's as close to him as you can get.

    submitted by /u/hoppin_johnny
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    Is anyone else having issues getting the new DLC to pop up in the PlayStation store?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Like it's not in the store for me to download and I thought it released at 3?

    submitted by /u/Lie_Ren13
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    I’m not sure how they could do it, but I would love to see unique character skins in BL3

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    I'm sure I speak for most people when I say that the skins we have in the game feels like an outdated model. Color swaps? That's all we got? I would absolutely love to see them, even if it's just two or three per character, add unique character skins. Moze could get that sweet Russian/Vladof looking skin from her early concept art, Fl4k could get one where it's just his robo skeleton etc. There's a ton of potential there and they could add it in so that you only unlock when you you've completely an Elite character challenge or something. Maybe like, "Reach max level with this character and beat all story modes missions (DLC included) with them" or "Get x-amount of kills with this character while using their ability"

    Hell, for new and unique character models, I'd shovel out $5 per skin if they wanted to do that! I don't see them adding any new vault hunters anytime soon so I guess this would be close to the next best thing? What do you guys think? Too much for a cosmetic item?

    submitted by /u/Dee_Dubya_IV
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    Honestly, if they just...

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    ...added the ability to level your guns up with Marcus by paying the card value of the gun per level, and added to ability to reroll anoints with Crazy Earl by paying Eridium (maybe twice the gun's level?), that would probably fix half the gameplay problems. It would take out so much frustration about having to farm for the gun with the best parts, anointment, AND have it be at max level.

    submitted by /u/Dragon_Disciple
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    Borderlands 3 DLC

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    I'm on Xbox and I can't download DLC 3 for borderlands 3. I own the season pass and it keeps saying that I need to "buy to own" but I have it downloaded on to my console. It seems like many other people are having the same issue and if you have a solution I would appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/Glxz_125
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    Can't play bounty of blood?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    It says I have to buy it, and when I go to the steam store it says I have to buy it as well, but I have the season pass, is this supposed to happen?

    submitted by /u/PM_me_your_nudesplsz
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    Is Borderlands 3 SDE worth the money?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:45 PM PDT


    Steam has currently BL 3 on sale. BL 3 SDE is currently around 50 euro's. I don't really care about the season pass tbh, but I feel like the DLC's are important for the game.

    Are these DLC's any good?

    Is it more worth to buy the SD for 30 euro's or SDE for 50 euro's?

    submitted by /u/ImImmortalOnReddit
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    New to the Series

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    Hello, everyone. I am basically new to the series. I got Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!, Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition, and Borderlands 2. I want to know the most appropriate order to play the series, and I also want to know if there is something similar to builds in Dark Souls.

    P.S. I am a Dark Souls veteran, and I have played many other RPGs such Final Fantasy VII Remake and Final Fantasy XV.

    submitted by /u/iBasharX
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    I want to play Bounty of Blood so bad I can taste it!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    I'm having trouble purchasing BL3BOB in game store on my PS4, anyone else having issues too? Doesn't even show as an option.

    submitted by /u/BGladee
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    Borderlands 3 last side quests

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    I want to get the "Complete all Side Missions" achievement, but I can't figure out what 2 side quests I have left. I have 93/95 missions completed under galaxy progress, yet when I look at each planet it says I have all of the missions complete on every planet. Is there some secret side quests that don't show up? I've done every proving ground and circle of slaughter too.

    submitted by /u/LJFozzz
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    Grenade with digi-clone?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    Does the grenade you have equipped matter if you're using digi-clone?

    submitted by /u/AHStephen
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    DLC not showing up in store

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Anyone else having this problem? Or am I missing something about the release time? I'm ps4 in the USA on the east coast. I go to the card table where the icon is, it prompts me to the PlayStation store, and then DLC just isn't in there. Any insight on this? Am I just dumb?

    submitted by /u/AllegedGrape
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    New DLC new player. Best starting character?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Just starting today with the new DLC. What's the best character for a mostly solo player?

    submitted by /u/AHStephen
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    Drop rates feel nerfed?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    Playing on ps4. M10

    submitted by /u/Flo0r
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    Borderlands on switch

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    Can borderlands switch do couch co-op?

    More exact, can we do couch-op and play with another person?

    Situation is we own 2 switches but will have 3 people trying to play it. Is it possible?

    submitted by /u/mezcao
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    Music issues in Bounty of Blood?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Has anyone else had the music just straight up not play during the first part of the DLC? I just jumped into it with a friend of mine today, and from the start of the opening cutscene until midway through the first fight in the town, there was no music. No ambient background, no battle music, nothing. I checked to see if I had music muted, but it was all good in the settings.
    It finally started up midway through the first town fight then continued fine after that for me, but my friend had it cut out again after traveling to the second area.

    submitted by /u/Invadercom
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    season pass bug?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    I own the season pass but when I land at Sanctuary, it wants me to purchase the new DLC? anybody else?

    submitted by /u/Unfadingprawn16
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    Xbox one X crash fixed?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    With the most recent update on Borderlands 3 does anyone know If the hard crashes on Xbox one X were fixed?

    submitted by /u/fabiowmsouza
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    SPOILER (Idk how to apply that to a post, sorry mods) Lost and Found Quest bug?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    So I'm at the Lost and found Side quest, the one in the Forest. Basically gotta go somewhere and with Oletta to get some guys old pet.

    Thing is, Oletta is just standing on the roof, isn't moving, I can talk to her, but the quest objective is to follow her, but I can't cause she isn't moving. And No, I haven't progressed further, I am still on the Story Quest that sends ya into the forest for the first time so could that be the issue? I really want to 100% this by doing all side quests

    Also, I made this as vague as possible with names so I don't spoil it for anyone.

    submitted by /u/Pyro-toxin
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    Bounty of Blood vehicle issue

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Just started (obviously) playing with my boyfriend. When we get to the Blastplains there's only one vehicle and you can't spawn another? Anyone else had this?

    submitted by /u/ashgem91
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    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    I logged on bl3 to play new dlc and when I did all the characters have big heads how do I get rid of this I haven't played in a while so I don't know why this happened

    submitted by /u/uwusenpai0w0
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