• Breaking News

    Monday, June 29, 2020

    Borderlands Dukino's mom is stomping my ass.

    Borderlands Dukino's mom is stomping my ass.

    Dukino's mom is stomping my ass.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    if i dont die to the owie laser i die to the owie balls.

    EDIT: i beat it like right after posting this lol

    submitted by /u/Cory_Baxter69
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    The Bounty of Blood weapons are amazing

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    This is how weapons should be designed, if they are powerfull and do lots of damage they either have low mag, high recoil, short range, or if there is some gimmick like stacking it pays off only if you are good at optimizing those special effect.

    Whoever is behind the gun designs of this DLC has my respect. Every gun feels unique and that is was Borderlads should be about.

    submitted by /u/MrPl4nt
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    Borderlands 3 needs an “ignore mission” feature

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    There needs to be a way to narrow down the missions that you can flip between in game. For instance, I only want to use the d-pad for bounty of blood missions since that's what I'm playing, but I have 23 side missions from the main story available.

    submitted by /u/savagemonglet
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    Would be nice to have a loot the universe event with or very near each level cap increase

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    I enjoy playing with the gear I like. And thanks to the last event I had all the stuff I liked to use. Now I'm stuck rebuilding but most of my fave stuff is world drops (or limited event drop like OPQ)...so I'm stuck just boss farming with fingers crossed which is not motivating me to play.

    I know...i should just wait till the level bumps are done...but it's a fun game that is hard to just let sit idle for that long.

    submitted by /u/SPEEDFREAKJJ
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    Will there be a borderlands 3 spin off title?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    I mean like how we got the pre sequel in 2s engine between the release of 2 and 3, will we get another title that is in the 3 engine in between the release of 3 and 4

    submitted by /u/Onlymymate
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    I was playing bounty of blood with my friends and we found an exploit with the Jet Beast vehicle.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:45 PM PDT



    Not sure why the frame rate is so bad in these clips.

    submitted by /u/S-witDr
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    How would BL2 characters look in BL3 (Krieg)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    One of the things I enjoy about borderlands 3, is the change in skill trees, so here I have made a layout for how I think Krieg the Psycho's skill trees would look. With new skills and augmentations, some of which is based on the UCP.


    submitted by /u/Akkator006
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    Bounty of Blood Heads

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Does anyone know where to find these. I have finished all the side quests and crew challenges. I have had one to drop from farming the final boss. Are they just rare drops?

    submitted by /u/HotMeltedCheeze
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    What was the point of making Commandant Steele a siren?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    The way Borderlands presents it, the vault key had charged naturally over the last 200 years, so Steele wasn't charging it like Lilith is shown to do in BL3 (ignoring a massive plot point in BL2, but that's beside the point). And there are tons of examples of non-sirens using the keys to open vaults - Jack, Typhon DeLeon, Rhys and Fiona in TFTB. So why did she need to be a siren? It's not even like you fight her at any point. And it's never even really shown what her powers. It just never comes up and I constantly forget.

    submitted by /u/Red__Burrito
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    Weapon Farm in Vestige (Spoiler?)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Not sure if this has been noted yet but once you finish the campaign for DLC3 there is an infinite chest spawn you can do. As long as you do not collect the mission chest at the end, the two Jakob's lockers will always respawn when you load in, allowing a guaranteed 2 free legendaries per spawn on Mayhem 10. You cannot go back to farm the last boss tho until you finish the mission.

    submitted by /u/Judgement_Nut
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    My guardian ranks bugged out with new DLC

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    I just finished the new DLC and noticed my guardian ranks got screwed up, all my Enforcer points got moved and so instead of a bunch of melee and gun damage I have 1 percent in everything but 15 percent Vehicle damage.

    Kinda tilting but not game breaking.

    submitted by /u/AggroBomb60
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    The handsome jackpot heist, but rich.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    Has anyone done the heist dlc with billions of dollars? I'm interested if Gearbox even thought anyone would be crazy enough to grind all that cash. (or use cheats)

    submitted by /u/Psycholossus
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    The Monarch

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    So can anyone tell me if they patched something with he monarch? I've been farming for a better level 60 monarch on mayham 10 and have received 6 monarchs with no elements is this a change or just bad luck?

    submitted by /u/AliBruhh
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    i accidentally got a legendary from the hodunks.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    i was exiting lynchwood after getting my cheeks clapped by dukino's mom. the exit leads right to where the hodunks/zafords, so i melee'd them for the hell of it and tector dropped the cuting slagga.

    submitted by /u/Cory_Baxter69
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    quick question about mayhem mode

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    After beating normal mode, can I turn on mayhem mode immediately in tvhm? Thanks !

    submitted by /u/Axcel2Yuki
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    My girl Moze

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    Havent played since the handsome jackpot dropped, any patches to Moze I should know about? Any one have a good build they want to share?

    submitted by /u/draknid92
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    RNG, Drops, and Mayhem

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    I'm sure this whole idea has been beat to death on this sub, but gearbox really needs the attention on this subject. In mayhem 10, there is little room for flexibility in builds, often with most classes using monarch, recursion, stagecoach, and other DLC weapons. However these few guns (I would say around 10 NEEDED) are staples for many builds, and quite frankly cannot function without them. My problem here is the farming and RNG in mayhem 10. Trying to get a gun with good parts and the element was already hard in borderlands 2/3, but with the addition of anointments (which aren't necessary, but extremely hard to play without), it's spreads the chance of getting a gun you want so thin.

    To add on top of this already low drop rate of a specific gun, mayhem 10 increase loot quality (which is amazing, and nothing feels better than just walking around a bunch of stars on the map), but will decrease the percent chance of enemies dropping dedicated drops by widening the loot pool. A problem with this, is A) it reduces the loot pool chance of dedicated drops B) it decreases the need for farming specific enemies as "it could just world drop" Just yesterday I spent 6 hours of the day looking for a good recursion, with 0 dropping. So I decided to move on and farm a monarch, in which he dropped a shock cryo recursion.

    I understand RNG is RNG, and some can get it on the first chance, but instead I think mayhem 10 should either - increase the quality of common enemies to mayhem 8 (or whatever number works so it's balanced), but increase the percent chance drop of dedicated drops - or increase the percent chance of dropping multiple of the dedicated item

    With such a high level of gameplay in true vault hunter and true takedown, things like anoints and parts matter, and while the majority of players do not pay attention to this, it doesn't excuse the abysmal drop rates due to increased random legendary drops.

    i don't want another trevanator

    submitted by /u/ryant__
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    Should I get Borderlands on Switch?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    Once upon a time, I was a heavy PC gamer, and had hundreds of hours on all 3 Borderlands. Then I had kids, and rarely found time to play PC games. Now that Switch has come out, I get to game so much more! Now I'm debating whether or not to get Borderlands for Switch. Has anyone played on both PC and Switch? Very interested in hearing your thoughts on the Switch version. Is it worth another purchase?

    submitted by /u/W0lfish
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    Need help in something

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    Whats a better value. Season pass for bl3 or handsome collectiom for bl2 and presequal with all dlc?

    submitted by /u/RaspberrieRapist
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    Help choosing which character to main....

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    I just bought the Xbox version of borderlands after selling my PlayStation and games. Haven't played since early December. Which character ends up being the most op at the end game? I plan on playing all of them but want to use the best and most fun character first.

    submitted by /u/veryaveragebear
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    Can you still get a raging bear from billy?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    I've been farming for 2 hours and gotten probably 35 legendaries, not one was a raging bear. The only good guns I have are sand hawks and a shock kaoson, should I attempt fighting Wotan? Should I fight Wotan and just drop my mayhem level?

    submitted by /u/ShaRpSh0otEr111
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    BL3 mail system bug?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    I am on PS4 and don't know if anyone else is experiencing this but.. literally every piece of mail in the mail system has the picture of an old BL2 Jakob's assault rifle on it lol. Am I the only one seeing this??

    submitted by /u/T-Dawg5000
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    Digital season pass

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    I've recently bought the digital Super Deluxe edition of Borderlands 3 for the PS4. I check the store in game and it still says I have to buy the campaign DLC's. Is it already activated or do I till have to buy it?

    submitted by /u/PizzaAddictedDante
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    Better 2nd character to play for 2nd run in bl2?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Between Krieg, Zero and Gaige. Which one of these characters have better potential for damage and perform greatly in UVHM? I would appreciate it if you guys could just list a few major pros and cons that I should keep in mind and I will try to decide for myself.

    Edit: Also which one do you find the most fun of all?

    submitted by /u/6519719Mm
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