• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 28, 2020

    Borderlands Bought BL3 super deluxe on sale and kinda disappointed at how the game is optimized.

    Borderlands Bought BL3 super deluxe on sale and kinda disappointed at how the game is optimized.

    Bought BL3 super deluxe on sale and kinda disappointed at how the game is optimized.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    I don't know if it's only me or not but my PC runs way more demanding games than this a hell of a lot better. I just got to skywell and the game constantly stutters and drops frames and that's even going on the lowest settings, typically I play around medium when I know my computer can handle high/ultra no issues just because it's fine to me and I prefer performance over graphics. So I'm not understanding why in games like cod and such I run it smooth yet this cartoony game can't seem to do it?

    submitted by /u/Skyhighyoshi
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    FL4K's Mayhem Pet Scaling, Rakk Attack and Bugs - FL4K is in a weird spot

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    Hey! I hope you're all doing well. I'd like to premise this by saying this patch is indeed a welcome change to the general state of a lot of the things that have been underwhelming for a long time during this game's life. This is not an attempt at complaining about how overpowered or not Iron Bear, Clone and whatever else are, this is entirely about FL4K. The situation with the other characters and their skills might be brought up for comparisons and examples, but that whole heated topic is NOT what this is for.

    This will be a wall of text and some math, and i'm also not great at reddit formatting so, sorry in advance.

    With that out of the way, i also want to say this to FL4K players: please consider not overhyping a pet attack that is exclusive to one pet and only does respectable/mediocre damage on the hardest content even if fully specced for it. Anything kills Killavolt, Traunt or Athenas in this game, especially on FL4K. Sure, that means something, but not much in the end if we want a nice spot for pets in the future.

    A full pet-centered build that maximizes damage formula effectiveness is performing pretty much just as bad as before in the hardest content with any pet that isn't Scorcher, and even WITH Scorcher, it is severely underwhelming in [True] Guardian Takedown, severely as in it's no different than before besides the fact that the pet might finish something off or kill flesh enemies through multiple cycles of the fire pool.

    I say this because we are literally missing a chance, or maybe the only actual real chance since the game released, to finally get pets to a good spot by exposing all the issues with them to Gearbox and actively talking about such things.

    Yes, the Scorcher's lava pool does seem to have something weird going for it. Something that in pure scale talk is x600~x800 levels of weird from Mayhem 0 to 10. But that doesn't matter when this is what it took for a pet to have a noticeably good attack that still falls short in the hard content compared to literally anything else you will see in other characters, or even on FL4K themselves.

    I don't feel too good about just saying this, but it is a case of actually bringing the reality into the spotlight: pets are far from overpowered, they're at best reaching close to an acceptable state. The health buff though was perfect and introduced a massive QoL improvement to any pet related gameplay.

    Here's the baseline pet damage formula:

    • Final Damage Output = Base Damage x Pet Damage x Sic' Em x DE4DEYE x Go For The Eyes x Splash x Elemental Multiplier x Harmageddon

    Base Damage = (BaseHit + GammaBurstRad) 
    • The Gamma Burst Radiation that applies to pet attacks doesn't actually apply to a multitude of pet attacks.

    Pet Damage = (1 + FuriousAttack + LickTheWounds + Furryous + PowerInside + Ferocity + Frenzy + PsychoHead + PackTactics + IntStalker + DangerousGame + GrimHarvest) 
    • All the Pet Damage present in Hunter Skills (Furious Attack, Interplanetary Stalker, Dangerous Game) does not get boosted by Big Game/Hunt Power sources, with the exception of Frenzy and Psycho Head On A Stick (which were already pet-affecting hunt skills from the start and didn't receive it through a buff).

    Sic' Em = (1 + SicEm). (1 + 0.30) at 3/3, up to (1 + 0.60) at 6/3 
    • Sic' Em applies to Attack Commands only.

    DE4DEYE = (1 + DE4DEYE). 
    • This is the 35% damage bonus against targets above 75% health. So, (1 + 0.35).

    Go For The Eyes = (1 + GFTE). (1 + 0.75) at 5/5, up to (1 + 1.50) at 10/5. Also known as "why does this exist as a skill in its current form?" 
    • Go For The Eyes doesn't seem to apply to the extra Radiation Damage from Gamma Burst.

    Splash = (1 + ClassModSplashDmg + ArtifactAreaDmg + SplashDamageAnoint) 
    • Splash applies to Attack Commands only.

    Elemental Multiplier = (ElementalBonusMultiplier) 
    • This is only the actual elemental multiplers (like Fire vs. Flesh), not elemental damage boosts. Pets don't get elemental damage boosts.

    Harmageddon = [(1 + 0.05)], up to [(1 + 0.20)] 
    • Each unique status instance is an additional + 0.05, which goes up to 0.20 for a x1.20 multiplier.

    The Mayhem Pet Scaling is applied as just another multiplier.

    At face value this may look like an incredibly good damage formula. Hell, it looks more impressive than Zane's damage formula. But that's just at face value. In reality, the only thing you'll be having 90% of the time is Base Damage x Mayhem Scaling x Pet Damage boosts. The other multipliers are way too exclusive or limiting in their uses.

    Sic' Em, for example, is limited to boosting Attack Commands. Trying to properly use attack commands is known to cause severe disappointment in anyone who tries and, what's more, to get them doing justifiable damage for their hassle to use, you will need Splash Damage boosts and/or anointments. Go For The Eyes doesn't apply to a lot of attacks, doesn't apply to the Gamma Burst Radiation, and is a terrible skill to begin with. DE4DEYE is about the only proper multiplier you can introduce and that will be gone eventually, while also not really making that much of a difference anyway because the damage that will be multiplied is unsatisfactory from the start.

    If you build strictly and purely to maximize pet damage, you may usually end up with around a x4 highly varying Pet Damage multiplier (due to stacking skills, kill skills etc.), with some of those other multiplier appearing at certain occasions depending on what you have/use. This specific route comes at decent cost to FL4K's own performance (something you won't see happening much in the other characters currently). The usual builds ran by FL4Ks usually hang around the x2~3 territory for Pet Damage, which is just a good increase all around. The problem is, both of these don't really matter much anyway because boosting bad damage only gets it so far.

    The pets not performing super well without much investment is very much acceptable considering they are passive, always there companions, so they can't be completely OP murder machines just by existing. But we also have an Action Skill called Gamma Burst which is heavily centered around them with more than 1, 2 or 3 hints that they are actually supposed to do damage in that state. The formula above is also the formula for a pet affected by the Action Skill.

    You may notice it gets nothing from Action Skill Damage boosts, and that's because it just doesn't. Only the Gamma Rift at the start of the cast actually gets something from it, which yes, does make sense, but sense or logic is known to not be present in a lot of things in this game (example: Short Fuse had Action Skill damage in it the whole time). Another thing is that the extra radiation damage given to pet attacks during Gamma Burst doesn't work on... a lot of pet attacks.

    These issues explained, let's jump into pet mayhem scaling.

    Pet Mayhem Scaling

    Most of the testing was done with just 5/5 Ferocity to introduce a different multiplier in case Gearbox had anything else weird going on with damage scaling. You can take any of these base hit values and use them in the damage formula to simulate that attack's damage. The Scorcher test had no Ferocity but it was later confirmed that pet damage applies to it as it should.

    Also, remember, a Skag Pup has around 1.56m health in Level 60 Mayhem 10, and on the Guardian Takedown you are pretty much facing a Traunt per second (TTD Mantakores have 55M, Guardians around 100m etc.). Put this into perspective, hitting millions hasn't meant anything ever since M2.0 launched.

    Huge thanks to Prismatic and Plenipotence for participating and helping in the testing, Pleni also figured out the Jabber gun scaling thing. The "Final Hit Values" are all within margin of error, the small discrepancy they may have is normal.

    Melee Pets

    • Melee Pet Generic Attack (Base Skag used for the test, should apply in general to all basic melee attacks), 5/5 Ferocity, M0-10 Comparison, Level 60
    Mayhem Level: Base Hit x Ferocity = Final Hit (Actual Final Hit Value)
    M0: 2998 x 1.5 = 4497 (4497)
    M10: 62K x 1.5 = 93K (94K)
    M0 to M10 Scaling (2182 - 108K)= x21 Multiplier

    The actual mayhem scaling boost to all of FL4K's pets is this one: a x21 multiplier. However, the Jabbers have something different going for them alongside this boost, as we will see.

    Gun Pets

    • Jabber Sidekick, 5/5 Ferocity, M0-10 Comparison, Level 60
    Mayhem Level: Base Hit x Ferocity = Final Hit (Actual Final Hit Value)
    M0: 2182 x 1.5 = 3273 (3273)
    M10: 108K x 1.5 = 162K (162K)
    M0 to M10 Scaling (2182 - 108K)= x49~x50 Multiplier

    • Beefcake, 5/5 Ferocity, M0-10 Comparison, Level 60
    Mayhem Level: Base Hit x Ferocity = Final Hit (Actual Final Hit Value)
    M0: 5634 x 1.5 = 8541 (8451)
    M10: 280K x 1.5 = 420K (420K)
    M0 to M10 Scaling (5634 - 280K) = x49~x50 Multiplier

    • Gunslinger Jabber, 5/5 Ferocity, M0-10 Comparison, Level 60
    Mayhem Level: Base Hit x Ferocity = Final Hit (Actual Final Hit Value)
    M0: 418 x 1.5 = 627 (627)
    M10: 20K x 1.5 = 30K (31K)
    M0 to M10 Scaling (418 - 20K) = ~x48 Multiplier

    The guns used by the Jabbers scale with player level like any other gun, and also with Mayhem Level. Not only that, they were also affected by the weapon buffs to Jakobs Shotguns and Pistols, which means Beefcake and Sidekick got base damage buffs. Gunslinger's base damage went unaffected.

    Their scaling resulting in the x48-x50 multiplier you see in the above examples is explained by:

    The level scaling of the guns multiplied by the mayhem scaling pets got (the x21 you see on the melee pets), which means:

    1.09^10 x 21 = a x49.71 multiplier. 1.09 is the scaling of weapons per level. 

    The Jabbers still put away their guns during Gamma Burst. I don't think i need to explain why this is an issue considering what was just learned.

    The big one: Spooderant Scorcher Fire Pool

    • Spiderant Scorcher Fire Pool, No Pet Damage Boosts, M0-10 Comparison, Level 60, vs. Flesh Target
    Mayhem Scaling Comparison
    M0: 1848
    M1: 4296
    M2: 7719
    M3: 12K
    M4: 17K
    M5: 43K
    M6: 129K
    M7: 292K
    M8: 499K
    M9: 860K
    M10: 1M
    M0 to M10 Scaling (1838 - 1M, might be anywhere between 1M - 1.5M at M10): x603~x800 Multiplier depending on actual final number

    The Scorcher's Fire Pool likely has some other dumb stuff going on with it, that absurd multiplier is just what a pure mayhem scaling multiplier would be doing to it. It might be affected by other mayhem scaling stuff like Mayhem Action Skill Scaling in some way, but it is currently unknown.

    Yes, this looks ridiculous. What looks even more ridiculous is that this is what it took for a pet do to respectable damage, sometimes.

    Rakk Attack

    Rakk Attack is also another topic that i will touch upon. Here's a brief peek at the Action Skill Damage Formula (applies to Rakk Attack and Gamma Burst's rift explosion):

    Final Damage Output = Action Skill Base Damage x Action Skill Damage Boosts x V1 x V2 x Splash x Elemental Multiplier x Harmageddon

    The Mayhem Action Skill Scaling is applied as just another multiplier.

    I won't break the whole formula down here due to it being too much stuff. Check this thread on Gearbox Forums if you're curious about the breakdown.

    I suppose that by now, Head Count being completely broken for this Action Skill since M2.0 launched (and semi-broken before that) is common knowledge, but i'll still reinforce that. This has been in need of a proper fix since the Maliwan Takedown patch (if not even before that), but it got half-fixed for a month (issue wasn't entirely gone) and now, since the M2.0 Patch, it is entirely non functional for the Rakk Attack Action Skill.

    Rakks start from a 190K value of "Base" Damage on Mayhem 10 (6161 x 31). To scale them to their max potential and actually have them be a great supporting or even main source or damage on a build, they currently require much heavier investment than any of the other characters and their Action Skills, and by that i mean much heavier, for a much smaller reward:

    Splash Anoint and Spash rolls, Grim Harvest + filling out the best spread of general damage/elemental boosts for the Action Skill formula are necessary means to achieve meaningful values of damage for the action skill itself. Their elemental lock to Fire/Cryo also makes them extremely weird when you meet anything that isn't a semi-ideal target for their elements.

    This could honestly be ok if Head Count was working and if you have proper guns supporting the damage, because Rakk playstyle lends itself well to that. But currently, this is pretty much the only action skill that requires such a heavy amount of investment to just make it good at killing its ideal targets on its own, and then you will inevitably meet something that negates its effectiveness completely (like a takedown full of tanky shields).

    Right now, you can have Rakks hitting Flesh enemies (ideal targets) for around ~17M if you have a perfectly god rolled build that gimps FL4K's own performance (actually tried and tested), all skills and anointments up and if the Rakks cooperate (which they have a tendency not to, must be a pet thing). Cryo Rakks will hit those same targets for measly 3Ms-5Ms under the same circumstances, and their ideal targets (armor) for not much more. Both have a terrible time against shields and swapping between Fire/Cryo Rakks creates a situation where your augment choices end up weird.

    Some of the other character skills perform way better without any investment/just very low investment than rakks ever do when fully god rolled and specced for it. Of course, it really doesn't have be that level of good, but something would be welcome.

    The short of it is: being rewarded for the investment is obviously not a problem, it is rather how things should be. But it also does pretty much nothing of much value damage wise if you don't invest heavily for it. Rakk Attack is not at a bad state, it could simply use a good bump for competitiveness, especially since it's the only actual Action Skill Damage thing FL4K has.


    The last thing i'm here to say is that FL4K is [pretty much] broken. And i mean this in the buggy way. We've been giving week 1 buggy Zane a run for his money for 9 months now, but maybe it could be time for this to end. Of course, i'm half joking, but the sheer amount of bugs is not small.

    Here's some things that are bugged/still suffer from bugs/are unresolved:

    Head Count; Hunter's Eye Human Crit not working on Megavore; Half of COV enemies are not actually human; Some beast enemies are not beasts; Interplanetary Stalker's Main Damage gets nothing from Hunt Power; Pet Damage that was hotfixed on hunt skills gets nothing from Hunt Power; Hunt Power on the Cosmic Stalker Class Mod also doesn't boost the last 2 cases; Rage And Recover is bugged and much worse than what it says on the card; Fade Away Targeting Issues; Until You Are Dead can cause Fade Away's Mov/Regen boosts to end mid-Fade when cycled; Friendbot's Pet Damage does nothing; St4ckbot still resets from pet DoTs, Hollow Point and Non-Critical Splash; Dominance seems to have some weird spaghetti to Glamour, also doesn't trigger even after multiple hits; All other stuff mentioned before and potentially undiscovered stuff...

    • You can find these bugs in more detail in these Gearbox forums threads: 1 2

    The last thing i want to say is that i absolutely love playing FL4K. Contrary to things i've heard or read, me and many others enjoy believing and consistently proving FL4K has only got stronger since release, and that they're very much on the top tier grade of characters. However, here i have presented some of the number of things that currently hold FL4K back from what they could be. It's so much stuff that it actually sounds a bit scary when you imagine the potential.

    We've been on a very "uphill" battle in getting fixes for a character that has been very buggy and broken for a long, long time, but it had a cover up going for it by actually just being a good character. But this is the time to finally bring this all to attention.

    I thank you for reading and i hope you have a very nice week, and i also leave you with two more resources you may find useful:

    FL4K's Predetermined Skills - Two F4ng/Leave No Trace

    [Guide] Fade Away, Enemy Targeting and Hidden Machine

    submitted by /u/Ratore
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    Finally, thank you

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    I just want to say thanks for having a playable mayhem 10 mode. Im having 200% more fun

    submitted by /u/Mrexsp
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    BL2: Why do I see lower level missions while playing in order? How do you use your Claptrap locker?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    A silly statement on the face of it but the gist of it is that I'm encountering levels that seem to be out of place with my level. I have about 50 hours in BL2 with a Level 25 Mechromancer and Level 14 Gunzerker. My general decision-making process is to maximize my time and levels when new missions appear. So if I enter a new map or if I finish a story mission, I try to complete all the optional missions on that map or related to the story mission to minimize my time traveling and bulk up in levels / loot before preceding to the next story mission.

    I've been finding that a level or two later I'll find new missions which are several levels beneath me at trivial difficulty. One example was finishing all the missions in the map with Scooters sister and then finding out she had more missions for me - but they were at (something like) Level 16 and I was 18 or 20. Is this because I aim to complete all optional missions and this is for players don't play that way?

    Also, how do you use your Claptrap locker where you can pass along up to 4 items to another character? Originally I put in Level 5 - 10 weapons for my then-new Gunzerker character to use but now I'm trying to remember to use it 'pass down' lower level weaponry that would be lots of fun to use and keeping the rest in the bank. That takes some memorization though.

    submitted by /u/intrinsic_space
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    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    Hey Vault Hunters, I got a question?

    I'm been a Zane player (lvl 60, goodish setup and build) for months and now I'm asking myself, "new character or stick with my main?".

    See, I have a FL4K save and played a bit on it, but not at of time on it.

    So, my question to you guys who know the characters, builds and weapons better than me or the people who will see this and go on be great Vault Hunters. Should I stay with my Zane character or try my FL4K save???

    submitted by /u/READ-it_12
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    Is the Brains sidequest for Zombie TK Baha worth doing?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    For some reason the devs decided to put this quest in a really out of the way location, I played this game blind and only heard of it through a video that I watched. I never knew this sidequest even existed. Once I heard that this quest actually has a use for the brains I had been picking up this whole time I thought I was good, surely I had picked up the required amount of brains before the quest activated.

    Nope, not at all. I was a little disappointed, to say the least. I'm at level 45 on the first playthrough. I'm kind of a completionist but this quest really bothers me. Is there any reason to do this quest at this point? I'll definitely do it during my second playthrough.

    submitted by /u/FlatD13tSoda
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    transferring save files

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    hello. so im getting a new pc by next week or so and was wondering how do i tranfer my save files? last time i thought epic cloud works and reformatted my pc and all my saves were gone. i started playing again and will be getting a new pc. is there any way to transfer it? thank you

    submitted by /u/qpogii
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    What level do legendaries start to drop?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    I am currently in my 20's on BL1. I saw a video on the sniper rifle the Bessie and was amazed at how good it was. What's the earliest I can get this gun?

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
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    Borderlands 3 freezing

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    So Borderlands 3 keeps freezing on me at the 2K symbol after recent update. Can't play the game at all. I'm on PS4. Thinking about doing a fresh install. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Redixer
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    Starting borderlands on the switch. Send me friend code if you want to play through the games for the story with me ����

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    Send friend code if you wanna play I'm new to reddit. And switch. But I love borderlands. And can't wait to play but I would love some fellow vault hunters

    submitted by /u/hawkernaut55
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    Sand hawk here I come

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    Welp....after the newest update my Lvl. 60 Moze one shots Mayhem 10 Katagawa Jr. with the nuke augment. I think I just found my new farming spot.

    submitted by /u/Judgement_Nut
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    I have successfully pulled off my first attempt at farming

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    I was lookin for the fastball which can drop from boll in three horns divide, i eventually found it after about 30 minutes

    submitted by /u/Cory_Baxter69
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    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    Is crossplay available yet? Cause I went on borderlands 3 and looked at my friends list and it brought up my PlayStation friends. So could I play with them?

    submitted by /u/moistdarksider2
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    New heads & skin for dlc 3?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    Am I just dumb or what? I have gone through the entirety of the dlc and still haven't gotten a single new head or skin.. do I have to complete all of the new crew challenges or something? Was hoping someone could elaborate that knows. Thanks ahead of time.

    submitted by /u/T-Dawg5000
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    Continuing solo

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    If I continue the dlc on my own would that mess up my friends progress, or as long they host later they'll be fine

    submitted by /u/GronakTheOrc
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    Self-down as Amara after using Phasegrasp?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    I keep downing myself as Amara.

    Strangely enough one time I wasn't shooting or attacking at all, until I activated Phasegrasp near an enemy. Somehow, I started taking damage from a DoT effect until I died.

    Why would my Phasegrasp kill me? Is there a skill that cause self damage from Phasegrasp?

    submitted by /u/SandBeam
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    Is it worth to repurchase Borderlands 3 on steam?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    After Borderlands 3 launched I had opted to getting it on ps4 instead of getting it on epic games store. However at the time when the dlcs started launching I didn't have the money to get the season pass so I stopped playing. Now, with the steam summer sale and the release of the third dlc should I get back in and get the deluxe version on PC now that it is on steam and is cheaper than the normal game?

    submitted by /u/MickeyMouse146
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    Borderlands handsome collection ps4 download

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    If the download only finishes the first part which is 19.183gb at what point does the game stop you from moving on? (the other part is 34.014gb)

    submitted by /u/TurnipTate
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    Major aneurism achieved

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    After farming for about four hours hoping to get a Magic Missile, I realized I can't read and was killing sorcerers instead of wizards.

    submitted by /u/GamingPhoenix776
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    Best way to aim using switch

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    I recently got BL1 on the switch and it's really good except it's so hard to aim. Accuracy has always been my favorite thing while playing on my PC but it feels impossible to aim and hit enemies, especially when they are running around.

    Is there any way to make it easier to aim on the switch? Like anything in settings or something?

    submitted by /u/minimuffinbasket
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    Borderlands 3 Xbox to PC cross save?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    just wondering if this is an option in the game? basically i played through all 4 vault hunters on xbox one to level 50 and what not, but since then i game only on PC now and really want to pick up the game during the steam summer sale but don't really want to have to restart all over again. is there an option that allows my saved vault hunters from xbox to be played on PC?

    submitted by /u/jarrodleonard7
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    how do i make a krieg that isnt shit

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    i dont like using my brain, i kinda just throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks (it doesnt work) tell me what to do fellow redditors.

    submitted by /u/Cory_Baxter69
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    I'm confused

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    As the title says, I'm pretty confused. I'm on mayhem 10 level 60 with many of the new legendaries and I feel like I'm shooting a Nerf gun, meanwhile a YouTuber shreds enemies with if he casts a sideways glance at an enemy. I'm not sure of all the patches and updates that have been made to mayhem 2.0 but all my guns feel like all legendaries did when mayhem 2.0 came out. I don't think my build is so atrocious (Fl4k, have yet to play on my Amara) that my damage on every weapon would be as bad as it is. I know I can always lower the mayhem Lev but I like playing on Max difficulty, but not when it takes me 5 an eternity to kill one enemy. If anyone could offer any insight to me it would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ya_boi_Logan
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    I went into the Elevator Shaft while doing the Knoxx Armory glitch.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I watched a video on how to perform the glitch and everything. It was the Super-Marcus Sweep mission, not It's like Christmas. I stupidly thought the glitch was only so you could open every chest, not to perform the run infinitely. In the video, they did say not to go in there but I thought that was only because it would set off the timer, not prevent me from doing the glitch again.

    I've read on some forums that if you partner up with a person who has the Super-Marcus Sweep quest active then it can fix the glitch. But I'm not even at max level, I'm level 45 on playthrough one. So I'm wondering if it'd even be worth it to try to fix this since the guns I get will eventually be terrible.

    Also, this problem doesn't bleed over into the second playthrough, does it? I really hope not.

    submitted by /u/FlatD13tSoda
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