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    Saturday, June 6, 2020

    Borderlands I'm gonna miss the cartel

    Borderlands I'm gonna miss the cartel

    I'm gonna miss the cartel

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    I know borderlands 3 has made a lot of mistakes but the cartel thugs/underbosses spawning in to firefights throughout the world's was a great addition and I for one am going to miss it when it's gone.

    submitted by /u/Askarus
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    Do i need to have all mods to play the super randomizer? and do i need to have the community patch to run it?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    So, i have tried super randomising my bl2 for a while now. I'm very close to giving up. i hex edited the game and did everything, but whenever i execute the command to randomize it just freezes. Please help.

    submitted by /u/asdfwhichmeanshelp
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    Which one?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    Hi, I decide to start entering the Borderlands franchise since I just got Borderlands:The Handsome Collection, so I really want to know your guys opinion, which game should I play first? Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel or Borderlands 2?

    submitted by /u/MAAGloryYT
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    Just got the free Handsome Jack bundle on Epic Store - Unable to save.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    I just lost about 4 hours after saving and quiting, then launching borderlands 2 out of epic store again and finding no progress has ben saved. It even asks me to create a new shift username, doesnt keep the resolution settings i changed, nothing!

    Tried disabling cloud saves for borderlands 2, got past opening cinematic and saved and quit, exactly the same. As soon as i quot out of borderlands to main menu, go back a step and then reenter - it has no saved progress, asks me to start a new game.

    Would really appreciate any suggestions, i've never come across anything like this before.

    submitted by /u/orphanofquinn
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    Just beat NVHM with Krieg

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    And I'm terribly undecided on whether I want to go Hellborn or Bloodlust. Is one more staple for melee Krieg? I know bloodsplosions are super nice, but can those be chained easily or do they need a bit of set up? With Raving Retribution + RtB I wouldn't even need Elemental Empathy would I? Just rock a forever exploding FotFH and stay on fire forever?

    On the Switch btw

    submitted by /u/GingerVitus215
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    I have 3 level 57 characters and I still haven’t been able to play online (PS4)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    Every time I try to play online I get the swirling loading sign. I don't know what I'm doing wrong; my internet connection is working, I'm downloading moxies heist right now (I have tried before downloading so bandwidth isn't an issue)

    Has anyone had this issue?

    submitted by /u/larsonwasright
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    What’s your ranking on the DLC’s?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    I really like Claptastic Voyage!

    submitted by /u/greenbatborg
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    I keeo getting "comnection to the host was lost" when I accept my friends game invite. Does someone know how to fix it? Thanks!

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    I play on Epic and he plays on Steam.

    submitted by /u/lolerino8
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    Borderlands 2 on Switch Needs FOV Slider

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    That's it. Just wanted to say that.

    For the large part of us that come from PC or the next gen consoles, getting used to the default FOV and lower fps is near impossible. With the slider, I can't state enough how much better the game would be.

    Consider that the other Borderlands games on the Switch have an FOV slider... So... Not sure what happened here lol

    submitted by /u/PharoIsNotBad
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    Farming the fibber on bl2

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Ive been farming for a redundant, ricochet fibber for I kid you not 8 hours now and havent got one. am i doing something wrong or is this just the worst luck of all time?

    submitted by /u/altcauseidontfitin
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    Trying to avoid resetting UVHM as much as possible, so I'm waiting till I'm level 72 to pick up a sandhawk. What are some good alternatives for farming Pyro Pete solo?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Charater Info: Level 62 Maya, right now farming Pyro Pete the Invincible with a bee and shock Avenger (and Legendary Siren COM and shock Bone of the Ancients). It works but could definitely be improved.

    I don't want to do the story over and over again to get new sandhawks. I'm thinking maybe a DPUH would be good? Or maybe a Bone Shredder? Any other ideas?

    submitted by /u/Slyzavh
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    I can't sign in to my SHiFT account on Switch at all.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    Title, I tried using the account I've been using for my Xbox to no such luck. Just got the game today and tried to find a solution for half an hour with no such luck. Do I have to make a new account?

    submitted by /u/therealcooldude
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    How good is Moze late game?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    I've played all the other VHs a ton and have gotten them all to high level and I find them really fun. Is Moze fun at endgame now?? I know I used to hear that her Iron Bear gets super weak by late game and I want to know if that's fixed now. Also, does she have just 1 good build or several? And are those builds fun? Thanks for taking the time to read/answer this!

    submitted by /u/annathetravelbanana
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    Borderlands 1 : Detailed Drop Rates off Enemies?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    I was curious where I can find that info. I've had tremendous luck going through Crimson Fastness, I got an Anaconda Masher and Hellfire off a Badass Defender and Infantry. However I'm mostly interested in Shotguns as a Commando class Soldier, and I ran into several Lance Infantry with highly damaging shotguns, including 3 badasses, and none of them dropped their guns. Do Shotguns ever drop off Lance?

    submitted by /u/TheShock_Master
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    I want to report a bug

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    A really big one. So I played Zane on Mayhem 10, doing some side quests when all of a sudden the quest broke and I couldn't progress. So I save quit two times and noticed that I only had 30 fps. I have good gear so it would be surprising that it would even drop to 30 at all, but running at 30fps? So I save quit again and the main menu ran at 15fps. Even less than the game. So I closed Borderlands, restarted it and it seemed kinda odd that it wouldn't start right away since it always did it. Then my mates on discord started lagging. I could hardly open Task Manager but when I did I saw: 100% cpu usage. Wtf. I immediately force shut down my pc. Now it's working just fine.

    submitted by /u/idontdodrugs69
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    How fast can I go through playthrough 2 on bl1

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    So I just beat the first playthrough and I saved and exited my game. I figured I could do the DLC when I next boot up the game as I don't care if I was overleveled, I just want to go through the story. But when I booted up my game today, my character was thrown into playthrough 2.

    So now the dlc's are all scaled up and I definitely won't be able to play Knoxx until I beat the game again. How fast/how many hours will it take to beat playthrough 2? Is it worth it to redo everything for some dlc?

    I do want to start bl2 soon so I don't entirely want to spend time replaying the game I just binged for some dlc

    submitted by /u/sebargh
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    PROBLEM(with save files)- I NEED HELP

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    So I recently acquired the handsome collection from the epic games store, and I've been playing through tps, and I'm trying to do some read only/gibbed stuff with my save, but i cant find my save file location. I went to New Volume(Q:)>BorderlandsThePreSeuel>WillowGame but the save data isn't in there, and I've scrounged every other file looking for it too, anybody know whats up?

    submitted by /u/pink_follower
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    Is it worth it?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    So im going to get a switch but the question is if borderlands legendary collection is worth it? I have been waiting for it but is it even worth my money?Plz tell me if it is worth it but anyway thanks for reading this and bye!

    submitted by /u/charliejaed20
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    BL1 Remastered Secret Armory question

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    I started the dlc at level 50 something, and then went and reached 69 cuz why not and I got far enough to do the armory glitch and everything was scaled to at most level 55. What I'm really asking is, Isnt there a way to have level 69 loot in the armory or was that just a fever dream?

    submitted by /u/hiyowassupyall
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    Nothing gold can stay.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    So I was excited to get some of those keys,you know, the gold ones. The most I know about them is that you make a shift account and redeem codes. What I didn't know is that you needed an Xbox Live subscrlption. I never play online, and don't have the money for it, so I never bothered with it. That sucks;but hey,what are ya gonna do?

    submitted by /u/Carnifex_carnivore
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    BL1 on Switch settings

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    What's everyone's settings as far as stick sensitivity and fov? I just started playing, and something just feels off to me.

    submitted by /u/flaming_poop_chute
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    Made in fyrestone achievement/trophy

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I've been trying to plat the game but I can't seem to unlock the trophy above. Is there any fix for this ?

    submitted by /u/Handsomejack72
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    Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Badass Rank glitch. All time i press "j" after back to save file its increase my rank and gives me tokens, how i stop this?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Well hello, basically the title says, i just finished Gaige and Maya on BL2 (Handsome collection from Epic Store ) and try to play TPS , i always used Community Patch in BL2 so i use for Pre-Sequel too. Everything so far goes pretty good, but when i start "Read only" farm for some guns for my Athena i noticed that my Badass rank somehow increase, and now i have almost 700 points. I remove them with "Profile edit" to 100 and freeze the number and rank, but its dose not help, mb some one have fix or i did something wrong. I know that i can disable bar (what's i did first but its rly annoying right now) Actually rly wanna play with Community Patch TPS, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Diasmek
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    How do you get GeniVIV to respawn?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    So, trying to farm the Messy Breakup shield, so I turned Mayhem mode on and headed to where she is. Fought her, but she didn't drop it, so I headed back to Sanctuary, sold all my loot, and went back, but this time, when I got to her location, after dropping through the hole in the floor, she wasn't there, just an empty room. Is there a cooldown or something?

    submitted by /u/OklahomaHoss
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