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    Tuesday, June 16, 2020

    Borderlands Possible memory leaks in Borderlands 3 w/ latest patch

    Borderlands Possible memory leaks in Borderlands 3 w/ latest patch

    Possible memory leaks in Borderlands 3 w/ latest patch

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Anyone else having issues with the latest patch? I keep getting crashes almost immediately after starting up, and when I check task manager it says the game is using over 9 GB of RAM on a 16 GB machine

    submitted by /u/fatal_death_2
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    BL3 PS4 game issue

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    So my friend and I have been playing the game on PS4, we just reached the end of the game on our second playthrough and during the Tyreen fight, his game game him a dialog box saying something along the lines of [save corrupt. would you like to reattempt?]

    After pressing yes it gave him the dialog box again, after saying no, the game carried on playing temporarily and then on the next checkpoint it did the same thing again. he pressed yes, then the game crashed his console.

    He restarted, did startup repair, everything seemed fine, we finished the Tyreen fight, then mid cutscene his console crashed again. he did startup repair again, and loaded the game to see his character was gone. just wiped from existence.

    Admittedly he hasn't cloud saved it so we aren't holding out hope, but he ws wondering if there was any way to fix it. after lookinhg online, it seems to be a known issue from launch which was supposedly patched in a hotfix shortly after launch but it's just weird to see this so shortly after a new hotfix. Having finished 5 characters of my own on PC with no issues whatsoever, it's jarring to see so many issues with the PS4 version.

    TLDR: friend's game crashed his console like 4 times and eventually deleted his character. wanted to see if there are any ways to recover it besides cloud save.

    submitted by /u/wraithakr
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    Just had my love of borderlands used against me in an argument on gun control?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    One of my friends and I are on opposite sides of the political spectrum and we constantly butt heads on it, today at work we were in an argument about gun control and near the end of the debate he dropped this bomb "you're such a hypocrite because you're for gun control but your favorite game is borderlands! Explain that?" I kinda just sat there dumbfounded for a sec that THAT was his big argument, and I just said "the same way I live dead by daylight nut I'm not pro serial killer" and left. Anyone else had something like this happen or is this just my curse to bear

    submitted by /u/Dryingpan101
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    Caustic Caverns is awesome

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    TLDR; didn't play BL2 when it first came out but I am now and really enjoying these cool areas!

    Late to the party as usual only now getting into this really cool game that is Borderlands 2. I did play Borderlands 1 when it first released and loved it but for some reason never got around to playing the 2nd one much. Last night I had 2 missions in Caustic caverns so I explored that place fully and had a great time, the mine cart mission was great and I loved the atmosphere, design and theme music for the zone.

    submitted by /u/Perjoss
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    What types of alcohol exist in the Borderlands universe?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    We all know about Mordecai's affinity for rakk ale from the BL2 mission Rakkaholics Anonymous. There are of course the various Moxx-tails from Moxxi's bar in TPS. But how many people noticed the bottles of swamp bloom ale on Eden 6 in BL3? Have you caught any other mentions of alcohol in the games? I'm asking for more name brand Borderlands specific drinks. Not just 'beer' or 'whiskey'.

    submitted by /u/BaconFlavordGum
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    The mission Mighty Morphin' makes me want to endgame myself

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    I've been having so much trouble with this mission. i'm lucky if i can get a pod to spring up, but i swear they only ever make a pod when i'm not trying to do that mission.

    submitted by /u/Cory_Baxter69
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    In BL1 Does the merchant of death glitch still work?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    When I play through all the characters, I wanted to know if I can still use merchant of death to still gain xp infinitley.

    submitted by /u/GreedySpoons
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    Is Borderlands 3 fun offline

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Don't have fast enough internet connection to play online, do you guys think I'll still have fun with it?

    submitted by /u/SquidwardGOAT
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    In what way do we think about or imagine playing games when not playing? Academic Survey exploring thoughts and motives to play (Moderator Approved)

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    Hi Borderlands players,

    I would like to invite you to participate in this psychological survey. Responses from Borderlands players would be very helpful for seeing whether thoughts and motives for playing are different when the game involves a story line and single player or co-op play rather than multiplayer. I am conducting this online survey as part of my Clinical Psychology Master's research project. If you are 18 years of age or over and have played a video game in the past 12 months, you are invited to answer 10-15 minutes worth of questions. The questions explore thoughts such as how much we desire playing a game, motives for playing, and mental health.

    Your participation will be a valuable addition to our research and your responses will be kept anonymous. If you are interested in this research or would like more information, please click on the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2GGBFVZ

    Alternatively, please forward or share this link if you know of anyone who may be interested in participating in this research. Thank you. This project has ethical approval from the University of the Sunshine Coast (S191375).

    Some results may be impacted by the global pandemic and political climate, so I will interpret them with caution.

    submitted by /u/ThankYouKindly1
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    Question about Borderlands 1 Mechanics

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Hey there. I've just picked up these games for Switch and I'm loving my first playthrough of the first game. I have a question about two mechanics;

    1. Sometimes bosses will regain their power after I die, sometimes they don't and I can run back to them to keep whittling them down. What gives? Why does this happen sometimes and not others? Am I missing something?
    2. I beat the final boss and went back to play some missions I missed, but after I saved and exited I was pushed into NG+, meaning everything is harder. What level should I be at to start the DLCs on NG+? Currently Lvl 41.


    submitted by /u/allnewmeow
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    Damage Multiplier vs Burst Fire Count

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    I'm playing borderlands enhanced edition on my ps4 and thought I figured out the intricacies of the way guns work in this game however I've been stumped by how two mechanics work in concert with each other, the damage multiplier and the burst fire count.

    Please correct me where I'm wrong but I was under the impression that if a non shotgun/revolver weapon had a damage multiplier in its description like a repeater having 100 x2 for example, then that means with a single click of the trigger, that repeater would shoot two bullets at once, each for 100 damage that would reduce my ammo by two.

    In addition to that I was also under the impression of a weapon as a burst fire count in its description like for example a repeater having +300% burst fire count with 100 damage per bullet, then then that means when I click the trigger once, three bullets get shot one at a time in quick succession, each at 100 damage with my ammo lowering by 3.

    Provided I'm not incorrect in those assumptions which if I am please do me a favor and correct me, then what I'm confused about is how those mechanics work for a weapon at the same time. Like for example let's say there was a repeater that did 87 damage with a multiplier of x3, AND a burst fire count of +300%. Based on what I mentioned above then that should mean when I click the trigger, my gun shoots a total of 9 bullets, with there being 3 shots fired, each shot having three bullets, and my ammo lowering by 9. However I do have a repeater with those exact specs and even though my gun does shoot three shots in a row with what I believe to be 3 bullets per shot, instead of my ammo lowering by 9 it only lowers by 3. Could anyone explain why this is? And no this isn't a complaint about wanting my gun to waste more ammo in fact I love that gun and use it often, it's just genuine curiosity because I want to know how the mechanics work.

    Also please keep in mind this is only for borderlands 1, I've never played the other games so if the mechanics are different in the other games I wouldn't know. Thank you for any help you can give me!

    submitted by /u/zaihed13
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    This bull takes me back to my days playing TPS

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    I haven't beaten the Guardian Takedown, not because of any enemies, but because I can't take the boost pad after the first room without that rock either stopping me and making me fall to my death or the rock launching me into oblivion. Every single god damn run I waste all this time in the first room and this rock maintains to be the most difficult boss in the game. Reminds me of the Veins of Helios where I'd get halted by these damn floating objects. Seriously fuck this stupid rock four runs have been halted by this shit.

    submitted by /u/GammaAnomaly
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    mods not working correctly on Borderlands 2 from the epic games store

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    I just started modding the game today and all of the mods I have are not working correctly for the guns since when i exec it it only changes the name and skin but doesn't change anything else. Is there a fix? I followed the instructions in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOgHCpMJ3Ec

    submitted by /u/GuccyeeT_
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    What’s the current top smg and pistol for Zane?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    Current Seein' Dead mod has given me 35% damage increase on all pistols and smgs and I want to make the best of it. With Kaoson getting nerfed, what should I be going for? What pistols would be good? Am doing a Clone/SNTL build

    submitted by /u/Phoenix200420
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    PLEASE help!! Are Red and Belly from Pre Sequel brothers or boyfriends?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:31 PM PDT


    Me and my friends were playing borderlands and we had just gotten up to RedBelly, we were making our way through the base and to the boss fight when I found one of those audio logs. It was Belly singing "Red and Belly sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." My friends had thought they were brothers, I thought that they were just friends. And I've looked around and have found NO information about this anywhere! So PLEASE help me out, we need the answer

    submitted by /u/cursedcornmeal
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    Does anyone know the actual drop rates for pearlescents it n BL1. Just curious.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    I've been farming them for a few days now on my Lilith and I've only gotten 4 so far. 1 from a loot midget and the other 3 from Crawmerax. Haven't gotten a single one from the lance chests. I know they're supposed to be really rare but I've been averaging out on 1 a day, and I'm talking practically an actual full day of farming. Guess I'm just looking to understand what I'm getting into a little more.

    submitted by /u/Hyperevogames
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    will menu's ever be fixed for 32:9

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    as you can see menu's are almost unusable, couldnt complete the cartel event as i could not read what the challenges were.

    submitted by /u/laevisomnus
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    (Help) Borderlands GOTY Enhanced: keyboard input buildup/delay

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    GOTY Enhanced loads fine, but if I engage in combat with any more than a couple of enemies, my keyboard becomes unresponsive: my character will slowly stutter backwards, and then whatever I input while my keyboard was unresponsive will execute in order, as if it was queueing.

    I've tried disabling W10 game mode, game bar, switching keyboards, USB ports, mucking around with every nVidia control panel setting for the game, in game options, etc., etc., etc., but no dice.

    I'm running a 3900x + 1080, and this is the only game where I have this problem. It hasn't happened in other BL titles either.

    Has anyone had this happen to them, or know of a possible solution?

    submitted by /u/Nazianzun
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    Idea of a BL2 re-release/overhaul

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Played some BL2 for the first time in quite a while after playing basically nothing but BL3 for ages and was just thinking about the idea of a BL2 re-release with some of the features/graphics of 3. I'm not talking about an update to 2, leave it as it is now, I mean what would essentially be a new game.

    As many flaws as 3 has, the mechanics (to me) are as close to perfect as a videogame can get and it would be great to have them in 2:

    • Improved graphics
    • Improved gunplay and gun sounds
    • Sliding/mantling/slams (lol slams)
    • Secondary fire features
    • Extra manufacturer features
    • Skill tree augments (?)
    • More in depth class mods and relics

    I think still keep the damage numbers, missions and voice lines since that would both save on work and keep BL2 as BL2.

    What do you guys think should or shouldn't be kept? I'm well aware of how changing/adding stuff would have a big impact on the gameplay (only would affect lore if it's done clumsily) and 2 is a jewel as is so I wouldn't want it to be turned into what may as well be a different game, but the gameplay options of having some of the stuff from 3 would be amazing.

    Obviously more of a concept than an actual suggestion since it would be a massive undertaking to essentially make what would be a new, totally separate game, but I can dream.

    submitted by /u/whitebaer
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    Borderlands GOTY Enhanced Co-op partner

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    I'm in the middle of Sledge's outpost and I want a partner to go with me and just generally game with me :)

    submitted by /u/classcantrap
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    Need help getting through normal mode a bit quicker and having some fun

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Hey is there anyone who wants to coop through bl2 normal mode? I don't really like playing alone and i want to get through normal mode a bit quicker :)

    Steam name is Avarake just let me know if you want to hop in :)

    submitted by /u/De4thL1nk
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    Does 3 read a previous save file for extra items like 2 and TPS

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    I was wondering if 3 does read previous save files and give you items like 2 and The Pre-Sequel does.

    submitted by /u/denverthrower
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    Ajax farm

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Is Ajax/ogre worth farming at all in BL1? I know the ogre is fairly decent, and I know you go past Ajax naturally to get to the armory for the main and side quests, but goddamn I don't want to have to drive all the way to Ajax every time if the ogre isn't worth it that much

    submitted by /u/demondeathbunny
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    [BL3] Yet another suggestion for a way to perhaps fix the endgame - more scaling!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    Well, duh.

    More scaling and more ways to scale is good for this game. Now, it is not impossible to find 2 truly identical weapons twice in a row. In the end, the loop is to farm. Farm for something better and - yes - more broken. The first playthrough is fine, with rarely anything crazy going on - shooting is satisfying, most abilities are useful. However, no one is going to play Mayhem 3, and skipping up to M10 there is very little interesting - the only way to play is to have one of ~7 guns. I think I had a pretty good idea to fix it (or at least the items variety issues) and maybe someone will find it interesting.

    Why not have M10 (or perhaps other levels, too) weapons have the property of unlimited attributes scaling with exponentially decaying probability of finding better these better attributes? We already have some weapons that do that in limited capacity (like the Brainstormer and the Monarch with varied pellets per shot). Let's stick with weapons pellets# as an example, as I'm a sucker for those (though the idea is transferrable to all items).

    Take the Monarch - let's say we have 3500*4 as base. It's a great gun, but going over and over for Killavolt with little variable return (there is very concrete, determinable best scenario and it's not even THAT amazing).

    We have x4 and x8. Let's say for this example that x4 is the base scenario for M10.

    We could get something like:

    Pellets # Probability of finding with that attribute
    X4 50%
    X8 25%
    X12 12,5%
    X16 6,25%
    X20 3,125%
    ... ... (important!)

    Why not have it scale all the parameters up with no limitation (using some sort of exponential decay?). Then, no matter what kind of gun you get you can always get back to maybe fish for something better and you get an added benefit of having a rush of dopamine to find something that truly, actually kicks some ass (imagine the flood of loot pictures on Reddit, and ya, probably especially Torgue ones). To find something just ridiculously dumb and useless would be fun to try (like a 30/s fire rate on an infinity).

    Moreover, it just makes most of the guns viable (just with lower probability), and thus more farm locations and thus more base gameplay. Monocle sucks for M10? Well, as unlikely as it is, you might get to find a x10 one (and/or x10 damage one)!

    Wouldn't it make the gameplay even more gun centred? No, if you also do the same for mods and relics (so for example having a mod that instead of having 7 or 8 skill points might drop the 13-14 points one).

    The only thing left is to define sensible probability distributions for different properties, but you only have so many of those (sticking with the pellet# example, it should probably be harder to find X5 ion cannon than X5 hellfire).

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk

    submitted by /u/YouDtNeedABetterGun
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