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    Borderlands BORDERLANDS 3 HOTFIXES: JULY 2, 2020

    Borderlands BORDERLANDS 3 HOTFIXES: JULY 2, 2020


    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:20 AM PDT


    Today we will release a hotfix for Borderlands 3, which will be live on all platforms by 12:00 PM PST. This week's hotfixes re-add the two previously disabled Mayhem modifiers and address some reported concerns.

    Everyone has had a great time seeing the community's reactions to Bounty of Blood and all the changes that came to Mayhem Mode with this last patch. The team has been enjoying and laughing along at all the quirky and different builds that everyone has been playing and sharing with others. We are happy with the amount of diversity in overall gameplay that came out of the changes that were made and hope that it has encouraged you to revisit some other skills, builds, and gear that you hadn't previously. Due to it still being early in the life span of the changes, we are continuing to watch feedback and what is coming out of the community before reacting to any builds that might appear more overpowered or threaten to limit what players feel like they can play.

    To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign that says "Hotfixes Applied"! If you are experiencing any issues or want to provide feedback, please submit a ticket to support.2k.com.

    • Reenabled the Mayhem Modifiers Boundary Issues and Drone Ranger
    • Prevented the camera from resetting after closing Photo Mode in a vehicle in the campaign add-on Bounty of Blood
    • Addressed an issue with Amara the Siren's Glamour sometimes not respecting the enemy's allegiance in the campaign add-on Bounty of Blood
    • Addressed a concern that the Gunner Class Mod Megaton Mind Sweeper was sometimes spamming errors in the game log
    • Addressed various grammatical concerns throughout Borderlands 3

    This hotfix it also updates descriptions on some skill cards for Moze, the Gunner, to make them accurate to what was happening during gameplay.

    • Updated the Gunner's Molten Roar's skill card to include text for its 100% damage boost to the Salamander Thrower and remove the listed fuel penalty
    • The plus sign for the damage on Gunner's Hammerdown Protocol has been removed
    • Updated the Gunner's Target Softening skill description to list the 50% magazine penalty for Vanquisher
    • Updated the Gunner's Active Tracking skill description to list the magazine size
    • Updated the Gunner's Shockhammer skill description to list the reduction to Bear Fist base damage
    submitted by /u/uiu125
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    Iron Bear is a powerhouse.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Moze main here. Bought this game on release. Moze is essentially the only VH I have played. To say Iron Bear was buffed is an understatement, they pretty much gave Moze a new skill. That's what it feels like now. I reset my skill points and went all in for keeping IB out as long as possible. Wow. She melts enemies. I never could play M10 as I'm a dirty casual, but I tried M5 and M6, and there was such a huge discrepancy between damage with guns compared to damage with Iron Bear. IB is a slaughtering machine. I was on M6 and had the modification that gave me increased movement speed after every kill. It was hilarious chaos. Probably the most fun I've had on BL3.

    Before Iron Bear was just a way to avoid dying. Now I want to be in IB the whole fight. I'd say it should have felt like this since release.

    submitted by /u/Vannysh
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    Gearbox, would you kindly FIX THAT DAMN JUNK/FAVORITE/NEW ITEM TAG IN THE BANK ! Or give each char a "personal" bank ?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Seriously, what's the point of a 400 shared bank if you cannot organise it in any kind of way because each time you open it, favorites items get forgoten and everything is new again ?

    Is it too much to ask to have a place where you can both store away gear you don't want to carry (to go farm) and have stuff you haven't yet sorted out ('cause you farmed it) ?

    I ain't asking for some loadout, just a way to find back the gear you might want to stand out in an ocean of loot.

    submitted by /u/Kaining
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    Why doesnt the "When action skill is active, weapon damage is increased by 200%" work well?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    It seems like a God Roll for Zane because your action skills are active all the time, but it doesnt seem to do much. What am I missing here?

    submitted by /u/TradeMark310
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    Shift code for 3 golden keys

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Lilith totally made Jack go crazy. Right?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    After completing tps I've come to the conclusion that The Vault hunters and Moxy fucked over jack and turned him evil right? Or am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/Psycholossus
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    Can my laptop run Borderlands 1/2?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    Bare with me here, it's an old laptop but it's been doing me good for this long...

    Intel Core i5-3317U CPU @ 1.7 GHz

    6GB of RAM

    submitted by /u/DaddyGebel
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    The Company (spoilers)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    So yeah, in Bounty of Blood what was the point of building up this big mystery about "the company" if it turned out to be the most obvious company possible?

    My money was on S and S Munitions, personally.

    submitted by /u/SirSullymore
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    I think Zane's Clone might be a bit stronger...

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    I just solo'ed Maliwan Takedown, Level 60 M10.

    Corrosive Sandhawk, Corrosive Plaguebearer...with subpar anointments.

    And no Redistributor drop from Wotan. Of course.

    This is insanity, and I kinda dont expect it to last.

    submitted by /u/svensparx07
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    I keep losing moonstones

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    I had 24 moonstones I paused the game left it there for a while I came back and I had 8? Could someone explain?

    submitted by /u/bruh-moment99
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    the game won't start?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    whenever i launch the game it opens to the initial screen with all the copyright information and then freezes i think? i've waited about an hour and it hasn't done anything. if you need to know i'm running it on steam.

    submitted by /u/GRUCK63
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    Zane Chaotic Hood drops help!

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    So I have been grinding on M10 in DLC 2 on the statue in the graveyard, but still don't have this head.. Is there a better farming spot?

    submitted by /u/Y2Jordy
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    Anyone know where I can find a good full look at Lilith's Siren tattoos?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    I have amassed a few tattoos from video game imagery and Borderlands was one of the ones I wanted represented. Ive been wanting a sleeve and since tattoos are already such a prominent image in Borderlands with the sirens I was thinking it'd be cool to do Lilith's sleeve and I've found a lot of pictures of it but none that I feel have a particularly good enough look to give my artist a whole picture of what they look like.

    submitted by /u/dragondicks420
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    So infusion convert a portion of damage into action skill element, but what if ur action skill element is the same as ur weapon element what does it convert?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    I hate amara man her skill is top complicated

    submitted by /u/raindezedd
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    Can't find Bounty of Blood to download

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    My son is 15. We have had issues in the past with him being age restricted even though I have all permissions enabled. We both have the season pass and he has easily successfully downloaded the first two dlcs. I had to annoyingly search for the new dlc but had no issue finding and downloading it. He can't find it on any search. I even logged into the Playstation store on my phone with my account and the new dlc is not listed anywhere. Same with his account. I straight searched for a link to it while he was logged in. Found it. Tried to add to cart and got a vague message basically saying eff off that isn't working. It does the same to me if I sign in. Does anyone know what's going on, before I spend a couple hours going back and forth with a playstation idiot in chat?

    Edit: lesson learned. We will not ever be honest about his age again when making this type of account. It's been a PITA several times over.

    submitted by /u/Cthyrulean
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    Some thoughts/ideas about the mayhem modifiers system

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    I'm not (or not yet) particularly invested in BL3, but been reading here and there about it, and thinking about what they're trying to do, and what might be an interesting way to do it. I can't really imagine a context in which tying difficulty to random modifiers could be a good idea. They half came back on it: now that the modifiers can be re-rolled and do not reset, it's closer to a system where one can freely choose the modifiers (as long as one has enough patience to re-roll). So it is obviously ridiculous not to let people just choose directly the modifiers they want.

    And it would also be better to let people play without any of those fancy modifiers. Of course, if they are not mandatory, such fancy modifiers would most likely become a mere novelty thing that most people never use.

    I've seen this in some other games, where some modifiers can be picked to add a bit of spice... but unless there's a real incentive to do it, it's fun for 30 minutes at most. And if there is a real incentive, the whole thing quickly becomes about picking the least annoying modifiers to still get the benefits (much like in current BL3). So, if the fancy modifiers are not mandatory, but should remain an important mechanic of the game, then an incentive is needed. And since it's Borderlands, the best incentive is probably loot. And the only way to escape from "pick the least annoying", would be to associate different incentives to each modifier. So if it's loot, a different loot pool to each modifier.

    In summary, how about this:

    - Mayhem levels with increasing difficulty (from enemy health etc), but modifiers are optional and selected rather than rolled.

    - When playing with a certain modifier, all enemies have an additional loot pool with a small chance to drop the item (or one of the few items) associated with that particular modifier. Maybe give all those items a different rarity too.

    - If there are Easy/Medium/Hard modifiers, the more difficult ones could yield items of better quality, or give a larger chance to drop the items.

    - Playing at higher Mayhem level could give more slots for selecting random modifiers (max 1 Easy at Mayhem 1, up to 3 of any difficulty at Mayhem 10).

    This could add one dimension to the farming process. We've had the World Drop system (kill random enemies and hope to get some cool stuff, prominent in BL1), the Assigned Drop system (kill that same boss over and over to get that specific item you want, prominent in BL2), and there could be a new one, the Mayhem Drop system (pick a specific modifier to get that specific item you want, and go kill random enemies - or a specific boss to simultaneously farm for an assigned drop).

    Like I wrote, I'm not particularly sold on the idea of such fancy modifiers being an important mechanic in the game, but if that's the goal, maybe a well balanced (not holding my breath) mix of the three Drop systems above could be interesting. Well, just some thoughts...

    submitted by /u/55tumbl
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    Is there a way to restart a quest from the beginning/ remove it and get it again?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    I was playing through true vault hunter mode as Zero and doing the quest where you go kill prospector Zeke. When I got to the top of the mountain to kill him I shot the helmets off some goliaths in hopes of infighting making my job easier. Apparently they made the job impossible as one of the goliaths immediately knocked him off the cliff and into some water that is out of bounds. I thought this was great at first because this just killed him for free until the I was told to go pick up his echo recorder that is now impossible to access. Is there a way to glitch it back in bounds or just restart the mission?

    Edit: I fixed my issue by just walking away far enough that it auto-picked it up for some reason. I still want to know if this is possible but just out of curiosity.

    submitted by /u/Rick__Donalds
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    Could someone help explain the grinding system in borderlands the pre sequel?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I've been testing out the grinder but I don't know how to use it properly could someone help

    submitted by /u/bruh-moment99
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    [BL3] Confused how to progress story with new character while playing with brother

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    My brother and I had played BL3 on Normal and completed it (he always joined my game). We had then been playing on TVHM and we got to level 58 or so and I decided I didn't like the character I selected. Now we don't know how to handle progress. I've started a new character and I tried to play with him (I joined HIS game this time) so I could quickly level up; he's playing on TVHM but the game kicked us back to the tutorial since I hadn't done anything in TVHM.

    What's the best way to handle this? I just wanna get my level up as fast as possible while still progressing the story; if that means I need to play solo and beat the game on Normal first, so be it. We're both confused as to how to progress with this lol.

    Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/inate71
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    Locations achievements bugged?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    I have all locations, but I never got the achievement for all, Eden-6, Promethea, or Pandora. Does this happen to anyone else? I was missing one place for all 3 planets but I got them all now.

    submitted by /u/savagemonglet
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    Do weapon drop rates scale with weapon proficiency?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    I rembemer in the ps3 version of Borderlands I think I found one eridian weapon my whole play through. While playing it on switch, I found a sniper rifle and decided to use it for a while -- now I'm finding them relatively commonly, I have one for each slot and I'm not even level 30 yet. My weapon proficiency is 4.5, so I was curious if that's what is causing the increase in drops.

    submitted by /u/sidneyaks
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    Bl3 crashing

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    I'm getting those total Xbox shut downs again one the one x, anyone else?

    submitted by /u/doomlite
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