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    Sunday, July 12, 2020

    Borderlands Humor of BL3

    Borderlands Humor of BL3

    Humor of BL3

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Is anyone else a little dissapointed by the humor of BL3? Like I found myself audibly laughing at a majority of the jokes in BL2, idk if that's because if different writers it just the lack of handsome jack. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/bruh_moment_6969
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    I ended the story, made all side missions and play a little in playthrough 2, I'm at level 38 and want to play the DLCs. In P2 they are level 42 while in P1 they're level 35.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    What do I do?

    Keep playing in playthrough 2 until get the level to DLCs

    Or play a few easy DLC missions in playthrough 1 until I get the same level as the missions

    I played some missions in Jacobs Cove in P1 but get bored cuz enemies are too easy

    submitted by /u/j0a0v1c70r
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    Borderlands 3 is a solid game.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    I've seen a ton of negativity surrounding this game, from lack of (insert item type) legendary versions to poor bad guys, etc.. Earlier in the year I asked this sub if I should invest in it, myself being a BL fan since midnight launch of pt. 1. Basically the only response I got was "no" super glad I ignored the advice now.

    To me it just feels like a borderlands game, I've thoroughly enjoyed my first play through. The main baddies do what they do best, make you despise them. Whether that be because of the things they do to the characters you had come to love, or that they're just obnoxious. You hate them. That's the point.

    The story is goofy and dumb, pretty much like it always has been. If you've been in BL for the story all along, IMO you're not playing the right game. I'm here for the loot, references, dumb ass jokes, awesome enemy design, and cool boss fights. All of which this game has.

    I'm not deep into the endgame content, which I suppose that means I don't have any insight on. I'm not super hardcore into gaming anymore, I'm here for the fun of a game. The only real disappointment I've found was that there's (apparently?) a lack of raid bosses? Either way, I've enjoyed the game. Still confused as to why people hate it so much.

    submitted by /u/Btb7861
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    DLC Problem

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    Just started DLC 3 playing with a friend. When we got to get the Devil BIkes i did not get it unlocked. Even when i steal a bike from an enemy it does not allow me to Summon it at the Catch -a-Ride.

    Any help to solve this?

    submitted by /u/Dragon_of_Greed
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    I don't get the hype about Mayhem Mode

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    I just finished the story campaign for the first time and decided to give mayhem a go while finishing off a few side quests, but I don't get the hype. All it seems to do is make enemies into bullet sponges, even with the improved weapons, am I missing something? I'm only playing mayhem level 1 at the moment.

    submitted by /u/JayEdwards88
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    Why Do People Still Play B2?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    I'm genuinely curious as to what it is about this game that keeps people coming back after about 8 years. I am aware that it is a great game and arguably the best in the series but it still makes me wonder how it can average upwards of 4,000 players active at a time.

    submitted by /u/DoFLOmingo21
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    New to the Series and have some questions

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    I bought the legendary collection on Switch, and I recently beat Borderlands 1. What I'm wondering is if I should play TPS or 2 first, I'm fine with through the game, as if I play one the other will be spoiled

    submitted by /u/_Metatile_
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    Say what you will about the Calypso Twins, but...

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    It's pretty visible just through their words how much fun their VAs were having. Yes, they were annoying. Yes, the fact that they were supposed to be taking the piss out of livestreamers fell flat. But I really admire how much the VAs were clearly having a blast with getting to act so obnoxious.

    submitted by /u/joeydeath538
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    Borderlands 1 ps3 panacea shield help?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    I'm not asking for a handout, merely knowledge of how to find one. It's too late for weewee's super booster for me, and Google isn't helping. Any ideas where I can look for one? Is there a specific boss I can farm? The Claptrap dlc rewards? Knoxx's armory?

    submitted by /u/lilpenguin1028
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    [EPIC] Borderlands 2 stuck in verify

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    So like many other people, I was introduced to the world of Pandora when Epic Games gave the Handsome Collection away for free. I downloaded Borderlands 2, had a lot of fun, and eventually decided to move the install location to another folder.

    The next time I opened the Epic launcher, it said that I had to repair Borderlands 2. I've tried uninstalling, clicking verify, restoring the files back to their original location - but nothing works. I keep getting the Repair message.

    Anyone have any ideas as to how I can fix this?


    submitted by /u/CapitalEcho
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    Where did Mordecai go?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    I can't turn in "This Just In" because Mordecai has just disappeared from Sanctuary, I have no idea where he went. Brick and Lilith are gone too. I have completed the story, so they should just be at sanctuary. What happened? Where did he go? I also cannot turn in any of Mordecai's other quests, and Lilith's and Brick's quests are also blocked.

    submitted by /u/MattgMac04
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    DLC Weapons

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    Im about to finish Handsome Jackpot and was wondering if I uninstall the DLC after I finish it, will I lose all of the weapons that I found?

    submitted by /u/KombatKamel
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    Physical copies missing download codes?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Me and my friend purchased 2 new physical copies of Borderlands: The Legendary Collection, but upon opening the games at home, neither of us can find any download codes for Borderlands 2 or Pre-Sequel.

    There's a little pamphlet of game info, and it says "visit 2k to download the Legendary Collection", but it only lets us download the game manuals, not the games.

    We literally can't find our download codes anywhere. Did anybody figure this out? Are our copies tampered with and missing the download codes or something?

    Update: After filing a support ticket with 2K, calling the retailer we bought from, and talking to Nintendo customer support, we ended up getting refunded by the store manager who said they've have a handful of issues with physical copies of new game bundles missing digital download codes. We ended up downloading the full collection digitally.

    submitted by /u/vermilithe
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    Bl2 super randomizer mod help..

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    So I've recently decide that I wanted to come back and try the super randomiser mod for borderlands 2, but every time I try to activate the enemy randomiser it sticks me with an infinite loading screen, I've seen people say to disable the headhunter dlc option but I don't know where to do that. If anyone can, please help.

    submitted by /u/BobbothanRoss
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    I deal jackshit for damage

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    I finished the story and said fuck it lets go straight to mayhem 10.

    I grinded for gear and i got a good chunk of legendarys. Yet i can headshot someone with a 16k damage Nimble jack and it barely scratches their hp bar and I die from just looking at them. Meanwhile my pet deals 1Million damage with a single attack in aoe while 3 badasses and 2 anointed together can't even make it's hp bar wiggle.

    I feel like a Npc in an escort mission. What am i doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/Nilly00
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    Endgame - where to begin?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    I never played any of the BL games until BL3 came out and I fell in love with the series. I only played the base game (no DLC's yet) and bought the rest of the games on steam.

    I just finished Borderlands GOTY Enhanced and all DLC's which was great (story is a little lacking but it's still an awesome game IMO). I finished claptraps robot revolution and ended with a level 46 Lilith, did a little Gift Shop loot chest farming to upgrade some of my weapons.
    I kind of want to start getting into some endgame before I move on to BL2, but to be honest I don't even know where to start.

    BL doesn't seem to do a great job of really explaining any of the endgame stuff.. Like what do I do from level 46 to level 60 or whatever so I can do the Crawmerax mission? At this point I only get like 5XP per kill (weird?) so it seems like a hell of a grind to get to 60.

    submitted by /u/MasterOfNone585
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    Pre sequel problem saving i think?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Hello all. I have been playing pre sequel with my partner a simple 2 controller game play, no guest account included. Got up to the bit after leaving jack behind and then saved and quit the game. When we played again, we were back at the beginning and my character was replaced by another. Played again then saved and when i went back another time all my character's things were gone. Decided to restart a brand new game and this time when saved it took us back to the beginning again (with all the enemies killed but having to run all the way back to where we last were) is this normal?

    submitted by /u/effyballs
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    Modded items on switch version

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Does anyone have any modded stuff i could have? I just played a ton of this on xbox one and i want to mess around this play through :D

    submitted by /u/camernnnn
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    Borderlands GOTY all side missions

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    So is there an achievement for all side missions base game? Pretty sure I've done all of them but no achievement

    submitted by /u/gingyrasta
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    Skills & Anointments

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Gearbox had communicated even before release that they wouldn't be adding more characters, but would be working on skill trees. Currently there are some anointments that work better for certain characters than others, for instance Moze being in Iron Bear during her action skill means that many of the "during action skill" anointments lose some value.

    Currently, all of Moze's skills are duration-based and put her inside Iron Bear, but it can be ended early. Expectations for a fourth skill tree are for Moze to have a pet-version of Iron Bear, though questions arise if this would stay on the field and has a separate activation, like FL4K's gamma ability or attack command. This would increase the demand for anointments with Action Skill End timing for the character. I would also expect some skills within the tree based on overall durability (red tree), clip size and fire rate (green tree), and more abilities for recharging the action skill (blue tree is mostly explosion and duration/recharge rate).

    Zane's current skills are all also duration-based, so again balancing would be to add a one-off usage, and expectations are for this to be a shoulder-cannon. Zane already has a lot of skills to increase duration and recharge rate, and basically has a way of duplicating a weapon of his shield. Especially with how his skills replace and borrow from his grenade pool, I expect the shoulder cannon to have a few skills, possibly even the capstone, possibly making the shoulder cannon into an RPG-launcher with a mod to the grenade that's fired, such as nuke range.

    FL4K already has both short- and duration-based skills, with Fade Away having the ability to be extended. Though the images gleaned this far seem to point to a Loaderbot pet, the actual action skill doesn't have much data. They do have a melee-cooldown ability, a critical tree (red), and a lot of lifegain spread throughout the trees. Unlike the other characters (Zane cryo, Moze Fire/corrosive, and Amara Fire/shock/corrosive), FL4K has little elemental focus in the skill trees, some from the pet and other from the gamma ability. The only defensive abilities are for lowering aggro, and damage reduction when moving. I expect the loaderbots to increase damage reduction or shields, with the higher tiers of the pet further increasing it, possibly with the swirling-blade loaderbot giving a chance to reflect bullets or something. The actual ability is probably one that will incentivize FL4K getting more in the thick of things.

    Amara is the one with the least information available. Her upcoming ability is guessed to be some kind of fireball. She already has some defensiveness with damage reduction after her action skill or proximity to enemies, and most of her skills as quick, with even the Phasegrasp ability having a short duration, so I expect this to be a longer one, so possibly an area-of-Effect ability, whether places on ground or centered on Amara or a target. Most of Amara's builds favor her being up close and personal with enemies, so I expect this to be useful a bit further back, probably complimenting her blue tree moreso than the others.

    Put another way, the characters new abilities will allow the characters a change to play style that is refreshing, but doesn't undermine the roles complimented by the existing skill trees.

    submitted by /u/SquelchBelcher
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    quickest way to level up?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    recently got the game on pc, used to have all 4 vault hunters lvl 50 on xbox some time ago but only really play pc now. after finishing the story, what's the best way to level your character nowadays?

    submitted by /u/jarrodleonard7
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    Anyone else feel like bl3s combat areas are worse than bl2s.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    Recently i played through bl3 once and tried out the mayham modes, once i felt like i went through about as much as i could i simply quit, theres a point where the combat no longer feels fluid, im being knocked down constantly and feel like i have to rely on luck to get through simple encounters. Ive now recently gone back to bl2, started from scratch and ive noticed something about the areas where you fight, while bl2 there are open areas where you fight theres often corners and cover where you can easily maneuver around and manage to stay alive, i never really got that feeling in bl3. In bl3 it felt like im constantly either running forward and trying to get kills or trying to just stay back and fire from a distance. I suppose my best example I have in bl3 is the killavolt quest, while im going through the streets sure theres some buildings im able to get on top of, it doesnt feel like theres actually anything in the area to maneuver around. Then when you get to one of the token holders it just feels like your put down into a arena that again im either firing from a distance so im not shreded in a single second or im just relying on luck to kill the entire arena before it kills me. The quest in bl2 that kinda put this into perspective to me was the assassination quest you get from the bulletin board when first entering sanctuary. In that quest i went to the factory and when i entered i found myself often using the stairs and railing for not only cover but as well as ways to put distance between me and the enemies, when it really clicked though was when there was a gap that had a pipe in the middle, i was once again being shot at and chased so i took the jump and when i made it to the other side it felt like i had yknow actually used the environment and area to my advantage, thats a feeling i never got from bl3. Maybe im just a dense idiot who somehow missed every bit of this in bl3, i dunno currently im hoping thats what it is cause while i do adore the enhanced mobility 3 gives me i dont feel like it gives me any ways to actually use it in combat, where in 2 i have severely limited movement compared to 3s yet i still feel like im moving around the area in 2 where in 3 i just feel like theres a wall of enemies.

    submitted by /u/disnoticus
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