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    Monday, July 13, 2020

    Borderlands What happened to S&S Munitions???

    Borderlands What happened to S&S Munitions???

    What happened to S&S Munitions???

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    I understand that the whole "manufacturer specifically designed for high mag capacity" just went to Bandit (BL2) and then COV (BL3). That's not what I mean. The Bandit to COV transition made sense story wise (bandits unite under one flag and change the "company" name), but where did S&S Munitions go? What happened to their corporation, did they just yeet out of the galaxy or what? I've played every game and almost every DLC and I can't recall hearing anything in game about why they ceased to exist, if anyone knows I would greatly appreciate the info, it's been nagging at the back of my mind as I'm replaying BL1

    Edit: thank you to everyone who has contributed to this post, y'all have deepened my understanding of the series and I love you all for it :)

    submitted by /u/LionHeart6607
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    What’s your favorite joke in Borderlands 3?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Mine has to be "Like the nihilist said on his death bed: Here goes nothing"

    submitted by /u/greenbatborg
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    Playthrough 2 claptraps

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    Anyone knows which claptraps give you additional inventory space in the second playthrough?, I already rescued the claptrap that was in Sledge's safe house and it gave me an upgrade and wondering if there are more. (Borderlands 1)

    submitted by /u/Badmotherfuyer95
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    Legendary drop rate in B:TPS for Switch?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Feel like I have the worst luck ever. Played through 20hrs of Borderlands 1, 25hrs of Pre-Sequel and I've found 1 legendary! 1! I'm doing every side quest, opening every locker etc. No boss farming though. What are the drop rates like?

    submitted by /u/soiwalkedintothisbar
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    I've 3D printed a talking Claptrap and made a tutorial for it

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 04:51 AM PDT


    I've wanted to make a Claptrap for a really long time and now I finally finished him. You can download the files for free here: https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/34222-talking-claptrap-cl4p-tp

    It uses an Arduino and a simple all-in-one mp3 player with a speaker output.
    I've linked all the parts that you need and the instructions here: https://blog.prusaprinters.org/how-to-build-a-talking-robot-with-animated-leds_37072/

    submitted by /u/Mikolas3D
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    Casual Borderlands Player Here; Why is the Pre-Sequel seemingly so hated by veteran Borderlands players?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    I don't play the games religiously, but I've done many full playthroughs of BL2, TPS and 3. I like the franchise but never really found anything massively enjoyable to make me want to continue playing after completing the story and snagging a few Legendaries. However, from my time playing with friends who are more into the games than me and being around alot of Borderlands Youtubers, I noticed that the Pre-sequel seems to be most people's least favourite borderlands game, but I never got a clear answer why. The game came across like a Bastard child of the series that was the butt of every joke.

    I can only think of 2 things off the top of my head, that being the Grinder and the general Setting.

    I never understood the hate over the grinder since it's a completely optional thing, so if you wanted the true, classic grind for specific Legendaries, that was still entirely possible, just now there was a way for noobs like me to have an easier time and to make the end game more accessible to more people.

    Then there's the setting of Elpis, the Aussie moon of Pandora. It was a little strange, yeah. I don't really know what to add to this other than I guess some people found it a little too strange.

    But there were some parts that I liked, such as being able to use Moonstone to open Moonstone chests that contained those sweet-looking weapons with the little bonuses. I also liked the low gravity portions, but I know more than a few people would disagree on that.

    submitted by /u/Papa_Swish
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    How to jump piss wash?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:26 PM PDT


    How do I jump that?? It's called "piss wash" and part of my mission is to jump it.

    submitted by /u/smalldoglady
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    Finally got the rarest achievement in the game

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 09:04 PM PDT


    Now time to pay Moxxi some visit for her achievements.

    submitted by /u/H0oman
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    Borderlands goty dlc level scaling?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Is there any way for the dlc to level scale without having to do a 2nd play through or anything because I actually want a slight challenge while I'm playing through a game

    submitted by /u/Mewhiningaboutgames
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    Borderlands GOTY Pearl, Hybrid, and Perfect Weapon Farming

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Howdy y'all,

    I've recently started streaming BL: GOTY and I have been streaming for 12-15 hours daily for pearls, hybrids (spent 36 hours getting a mediocre Ajax Ogre), and perfect weapons. For anyone who is a fan of the OG Borderlands and wants to see efficient routes and methods for farming all of these, please stop by my channel. I am not a genius at the game, but I think I make pretty good content 👁👄👁


    I typically stream from 12pm - 3am EST!

    Edit: just fyi today is an unusual day for my schedule as I started a bit later than normal and won't be hopping on until 7pm. I'll be on from 7pm-4am est today though so 9 hours of armory goodness and memes is the plan

    submitted by /u/BenevolentPG
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    Borderlands 2 Help! ( Nintendo Switch Users! )

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get to op8 in borderlands 2 today and once I get to op8 I'd like to help a lot of other people as well! I hope some people can help me in getting to op8! I'm level 72 ( op3 ) please dm me on discord or comment if u can help it would mean a lot!


    submitted by /u/sunless_ac
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    Exclamation point and question mark bug on Borderlands 1 game of the year edition?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    So I'm playing with my friend and he's hosting our playthrough. Whenever there's a new mission available or a mission to turn in, he sees the classic yellow exclamation point and green question mark respectively. I cannot see this and I can only see green waypoints on these spots. Is this intentional?

    submitted by /u/Janwjwisididdush
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    Question about vault keys

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    So in borderlands 3, we are looking for vault key fragments. Are the vault key fragments just to make another key other than the one the calypso twins stole from lilith so we can open the vault on promenthean? P.s i didnt finish the game yet so please no spoilers (found the first key fragment and then heading to promethean again)

    submitted by /u/Zain1105
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    Welp, my game broke :( (Switch, Tartarus station quests)

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    My game started glitching out, menus took ages to load, the mini map stopped following and when I restarted the switch and my game, it had cleared my save. I lost 50hours of game at the very least with me sitting in Tartarus station at level 41 with "Meet claptrap at camp Fyrestone". Guess I'll be grabbing BL2 tomorrow and I'll never actually finish BL1 because after such a game breaking bug, I cant be bothered right now.

    submitted by /u/f33dback
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    Pre-Sequel Grinder Question: If I grind 3 corrosive weapons, will i definitely get a corrosive weapon?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I"m trying to kill RK5 still. I have 3 corrosive weapons (laser, pistol and sniper). If I grind them with moonstones will i Definitely get a corrosive weapon back?? can i exit immediately and try again?

    I have gotten him down to 1/2 health a few times but i always f*cking die!!! so frustrating. I'm losing all my wealth and weapons trying to kill this prick. I've tried the hop from jump pad to jump pad trick whcih works pretty good until i get knocked off course by one of those fairy bitches. Then i get lit up like July 4. I've had the best success by sniping from the elevator lobby and going up for a breath. Dont load up on ammo machine tho, he gets all his health back. Learned that the hard way. I usually lose my patience waiting for him to circle around and then venture out to get met by hoards of neverending firepower.

    Thanks for your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/eatmorepossum
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    The gamechanger I should've done from day one and I hate myself for not doing it earlier!

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Its changing the button location of the weapon swap function.

    I play BL3 on both PC and xbox for different reasons but I always play with a controller. It's just my style and how I like it. And the one button that always fucked with me was swapping weapons (it's down on the Dpad if you're wondering).

    Now in the earlier days of first playing I never had too much issue. The button swap was just another gimmick to try out every now and then. The problem was switching between modes means you have to remove your thumb from the left stick (your movement control) to swap. And in high intensity situations having yourself immobile even for a second can cause problems. So I only rarely did it.

    This last week I've been farming M10 with my brother. We are trying for the Guardian Takedown. And I got this nice corrosive and shock Flipper that works real well. But swapping between the two modes on a takedown was frustrating me. I happen to mention it after a failed attempt and my brother just casually goes "just change the input then". Later that night as I'm soloing for new gear I go into the controls, and 15 seconds later boom, weapon swap is on the B button now. And oh my god it feels so much more natural to be there. It just flows with the controls, so much more seamless. And since I never use ground pound or crouch that often I dont need that on the B, so no loss either.

    Overall I'm so glad I changed the set up for one button, to help make my experience so much nicer. And I hate myself for not doing it months ago!

    Tl;DR = I put the weapon swap button on B instead of down on the Dpad and I'm happier for it.

    submitted by /u/The_Fallen_Star
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    Better place to farm for Deathless?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Do you guys know any better places to farm to get the Deathless, farming Phoenix isn't super difficult, but it is really annoying. Anyone know of any places to get it, or am I just gonna have to bite the bullet and farm this thing?

    submitted by /u/Tanktrilly03
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    Is Kyb’s Worth still good at 60?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    The Flipper is amazing, how does Kyb's stack up?

    It's nearly impossible to find people to do the Takedown though.

    If it matters, I play M6 R4KK FL4K. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Grixote
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    How do class skills work

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    Do they stack upon a already max one and also do have have the skill so it would work

    submitted by /u/Crosslancer40
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    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Is Borderlands 2.5 worth playing if I already played reborn? Is it different enough?

    submitted by /u/Tswizle01
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    "Your connection has timed out". Issue connecting to friend's game

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    We recently got Borderlands 3 on sale and have been playing for 2 weeks now. It usually takes us a minimum of 1 hour of attempted connections to finally join each other's game, and very rarely, it'll take a few tries. Half of our game time is trying to connect to each other's games, and the other half actually playing the game.

    Things we have tried (none of them worked, of course):

    • forwarding these ports https://portforward.com/borderlands-3/
    • restarting our routers
    • restarting our computers
    • restarting the game
    • unlinking Steam and SHiFT, then relinking
    • disabling firewalls
    • finding each other through matchmaking
    • joining through SHiFT

    If anybody has solved this issue, could you please share your solution?

    submitted by /u/GIVEMEYOURBUTTER
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