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    Thursday, August 27, 2020

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 is the most fun I've had playing a game in a while

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 is the most fun I've had playing a game in a while

    Borderlands 3 is the most fun I've had playing a game in a while

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    So I bought the game after playing it during the free weekend. I played Borderlands 2 back in 2015 and had a great time with it, but I just couldn't justify spending 60 bucks on Borderlands 3 despite knowing it'd probably be fun. So, I jumped for joy when I saw that it was available to play for free. I didn't hesitate to buy it as soon as the free weekend was over.

    The story is cringey as hell, as we all know, and some of the characters are just annoying. I played as Zane, and there were so many times where I had to just wince from the failed humor attempts. There were maybe one or two times where I laughed from dialogue or story moments. The gameplay more than makes up for it, however. The amount of loot and the different varietes of weapons makes it remain endlessly interesting. It's been a long time since I've been absolutely glued to my screen from enjoying a game this much. The pacing is top notch. By the time I hit the end game, I was jumping around like a lunatic, blasting everything in the area, dodging bullets, lobbing grenades, etc. It really gets exciting and chaotic and that's what makes Borderlands so fun.

    Some really frustrating things though with matchmaking: Why do I get sent to a loading screen if I disconnect or get kicked out of a party for whatever reason? There were numerous times where I was in the middle of a quest and had a connection issue or the other party member disconnected and suddenly all progress was lost. I don't remember this being an issue in Borderlands 2, but it may be that I'm just not remembering it correctly. It just seems like a somewhat clunky system.

    That brings me to the next thing that made Borderlands 3 so much fun for me: the MUSIC. I haven't heard a soundtrack this good since Deus Ex. Funnily enough, I even thought to myself a few times "Hmm, kinda has some Deus Ex vibes." Then I googled the soundtrack and I see that Michael McCann (The Deus Ex soundtrack composer) did the music for this game and not only that I see that JESPER KYD made tracks as well. What a dream combo! If I had known this earlier I'd probably have bought the game earlier at full price. The soundtrack deserves some major praise and I'm surprised it's not mentioned more often. Music makes a huge difference in video gaming IMHO, and Borderlands 3 hit the nail on the head.

    Anyway, great game and good times. Looking forward to some DLCs.

    submitted by /u/sooninthepen
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    I'm 10 hours into Borderlands 1. Does it get better? Should I just go to 2?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    Hi all -

    I'm about 10 hours into Borderlands GOTY, and recently out of Fyrestone. I've enjoyed the game quite a bit, but I can't help but feel the monotony coming on rather quickly. The combat is great, which I understand is the highlight of Borderlands, but there's not much else. The locales are all blending together on Pandora, I've barely seen more than 6 or 7 variations of monsters or baddies. Every single quest is either a "kill 15 bandits," "kill 100,821 skags," or "fetch me X,Y, and Z" quest.

    Aside from infrequent check-ins from the hologram lady, there's not much of an overarching story so far. It's not pushing me toward this "Vault" in any meaningful way, and I haven't met any characters of real interest, either. (Besides Ned. He's cool.)

    Is this just a symptom of it being a decade old game? Does Borderlands 2 improve upon any of this? Or the presequel? Or should I stick out Borderlands 1, if it's going to improve its pace a bit better?

    Thanks for any insight!

    submitted by /u/RiversRubin
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    So about Maya....

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    • With the wake of Kriegs' fantastic Flustercuck, I figured Maya being there in whatever form she'll be in might change some things somehow. So I figured, you know, might as well post this while the subject is still fresh... relatively speaking since it's been months already and a lot of people are still comparing about it. Just to get off my chest.

    • To start off, I do not approve of Maya's death, but I've been scrouing the internet for criticism against it. While I agree that Ava being there existing didn't exactly help the matter, a lot were emotional responses. Just that "she's too badass" or, "it was too soon" that or "what a waste of a character." "They just forgot about her immediately."

    • I guess whether you spent a lot of time with her is subjective, but considering she was a silent character who never really interacted with others aside from a handful of plot irrelevant DLC up until this game, yeah it's a MAJOR gripe. Not exactly fair for her to be killed off just when she finally gets to actually speak to other people regularly and do stuff for like two missions, when Lilith is still a main character for most of the game and is teased to still be around even after her sacrifice.

    • It wasn't exactly for shock value either, since it let to.... whatever they were doing with Troy before he just died later on, him emerging from simply being a parasite and finally gaining independence from his sister. Plus in the context of the story it led to the Calypso's using her powers to bring down Elpis and trying to unlock the Great Vault early. (Makes me wonder how they were gonna bring Elpis down without Maya's power though...)

    • So it was an important plot point as well, as infuriating as that is. One guy even said that the feeling of Maya "needing" to die and not feeling natural was part of why it was upsetting. Which I agree with.

    • As for everyone just forgetting about her, not necessarily true. No one but Lilith and... (sigh...) Tannis spoke up at that pathetic excuse of a funeral, but the other characters did have a reaction... provided you talked to them about it; Out of curiosity I checked with Ellie, Moxxi,(sigh...) Tannis... again... That stupid ass robot... (You can tell how impressed I am with the responses of the last two just by reading....)

    • Didn't get anything from Marcus though, he just didn't say anything every time I clicked "Talk".

    • I already saw what Zer0 had to say online, though I would have talked to him anyway if I didn't think he disappeared from the freaking ship at the time (Then I found him later on.) Seriously, he shows up on the ship and says nothing about Maya without having to have the player talk to him, the hell? He was a playable character and fought alongside her against Jack and whatever else Pandora had to offer. Why didn't HE speak for Maya there instead of freaking Tannis of all people?

    • Ahem... point is, they did respond to their friends' death and were appropriately stricken with anger and grief (except Tannis and that metal thing...). Ellie even said the VH's did right by Maya after killing Troy. Not only that, you also get the Cloud Kill gun, based off the fan favorite Maya skill and a Maya-themed paint job for the truck, the same one you were riding on your way to the Promethean Vault with Maya. Which is awesome. It's cool that you can't change the Siren marks on it as well. I know how it sounds, still a neat touch.

    • So yeah, they did honor Maya... but not as well as Roland in BL2. Or particularly well in general.

    • Back to my last point with Zer0, the problem was that the Sanctuary crew's reactions counted on you, the player, having to go out of your way to talk to each them out of your own volition and curiosity. Roland's memorial in BL2 was an outright side mission that tasked you with telling every character in Sanctuary about his death and hearing their reactions. Unlike Bl3, It was invoked, and unlike with... THOSE particular two, there were no jokes involved other just ONE bit of Scooter being Scooter (Now I'm sad, is this what sad feels like?) But people kept complaining about Maya saying "they just forgot about her". It's incorrect, but I get it. Everyone had their chance to speak up about it when you got to the bridge after Promethea, and it was just the Siren trinity (Lilith, Tannis, and Gremlin) of this game talking. You couldn't even take at least a moment to overhear the Sanctuary NPC's talk about what happened before you move on to the next mission. Like in BL2, were the OG vault hunters talk to each other in the hub after a main mission was complete.

    • Not to mention, again, Zer0's in the same game as her. Rhys name drops him in front of Maya and she doesn't react. Zer0 references Maya, right before you're off with her to the next vault, but she doesn't do the same with him. There couldn't be an instance where the two speak over the Echo or something? Anything? Not even an indication that Zer0 was fighting along side Rhys' forces at the Cathedral of The Twin Gods or expressing desire/good luck in avenging his friend?

    • What's also disappointing for me is that Maya wanted to learn more about her Siren heritage and their connection to the Vaults, that was part of the reason why she left Athenas and the main reason why she became a Vault Hunter. And then she dies the first third of the game in just as when we were staring to learn more about Sirens and the Vaults. Any sort of moments and development she could have had regarding that sort of plot, and any potential interactions she could have had with her past Vault Hunting friends, were squashed for the sake of being a plot device for the story, and to serve the character development of Ava and Troy. We all know how that stuff turned out.

    • The payoff of her death didn't feel satisfactory, and it feels less tragic and more disappointing. Not sure what this Vaulthalla thing is gonna be like or how they'll bring closure to this.

    • Come to think of it this really does sound redundant. Ah well.

    submitted by /u/SilentB3ast
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    My take on the COV propaganda posters

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Got Bad Touch before Good Touch??

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    The first time I started tipping Moxxxi for Bad Touch, she gave me Good Touch first. Does this mean I have to fight BUNKER and I can't even Bore with bad touch?

    submitted by /u/Unfortunate_Sun1969
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    So, have we lost all hope of cross platform play?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    So my friend sent me an article about how the new call of duty will have both cross platform and cross generational cross play and it reminded me how annoyed I am at Borderlands 3's lack of cross play. My cousin plays on PC and I play on Xbox and we've been holding out hope that they will add it. Has there been any news on this? It's kind of wild that in a game designed to be Co-op, that this feature wasn't in it at launch when its in so many other games.

    submitted by /u/rooter22
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    I'm severely disappointed they did not add the option to choose mayhem modifiers with today's patch.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    Like seriously what is the point of it being random? Nobody actually does random modifiers, everyone just rerolls until they get what they want. It costs nothing to reroll except time, it's just a massive waste of time and we are all gonna have to reroll our modifiers again in a week when the event ends.

    submitted by /u/Ug1uk
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    If you could change BL3 story what would you Add/Change/Remove?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    BL3 story ain't the best so what changes would you make?

    submitted by /u/BigBaconBot62
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    Borderlands GOTY Enhanced is full of bugs.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, creating this post to see if I can find any solutions.

    Recently me and my friends discovered the Borderlands universe and we couldnt help it but to fall in love for it, sadly the first game we played was Borderlands 2 due to a Steam sale. And now we decided to play em all in order.

    The thing is, we started to play Borderlands GOTY Enhanced a week ago, but the huge amount of errors/bugs are really preventing us from enjoying the game. Things like the map being blank, someone getting disconnected every time we use a teleport, vehicles not spawning correctly and the game just crashes every now and then.

    Is there any way possible to fix any of these errors? I just want to have the cleanest Borderlands 1 experience possible. We are playing on Steam, 4 players online. Any tips/help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/TheMosdeep
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    Borderlands 3's Writing is Bad and Harmed Both the Game Itself and the Series as a Whole Going Forward.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Borderlands 3 was given to inexperienced writers who had barely worked on the series before. Gearbox needs to hire writers who understand and love the series if things are to improve.

    I think it is generally accepted amongst the Borderlands community that whilst Borderlands 3 is the best in the series with regards to gameplay, the writing was poor the say the least. I've been playing through the main campaign again recently and it only served to highlight this issue to me, so I felt the need to make this post explaining where I felt the writing went wrong, how it could have been better and hopefully how it might improve in the future.

    Where it Went Wrong

    Sirens:The writers of the game seemed to constantly write themselves into corners, and in their attempts to get out only made things worse. Nowhere is this more clear than in how badly this game treated Sirens. Sirens have always been an important part of Borderlands lore and their connection to the vaults means they play very important roles to the stories of the games. Making BL3's story focus around sirens wasn't an inherently bad idea, but I think it illustrates how the writers unnessecarily wrote themselves into corners which led to making boneheaded decisions that ruined the lore and harms the series going forward. The main issue in my opinion is "Tannis is now a siren." This is, in my opinion, the worst sin commited in the game. It brings up so many unanswered questions. Do you always choose your successor? When do you choose? Does this mean there's an afterlife where dead sirens make their decision? Why on Earth would Angel choose Tannis, they never even spoke? It also ruins future stories that could involve sirens. For example: Lilith can't be dead. Otherwise why wouldn't she have granted her powers to one of the Crimson Raiders? It also limits design for future playable characters and villains. There are only 6 sirens and since siren powers continue on after the siren dies, that means that now there are only 6 possible powers, where before there could have been infinite. I believe that the decision to make Tannis a Siren was an out the writers used after writing themselves into a corner. They needed someone to charge the vault keys and they had already made Lilith lose her powers and killed Maya. Why had they killed Maya? Well they had said that Ava would become a siren and Troy needed a way to pull Elpis. They created more problems trying to solve problems they had already created.

    Speaking of Sirens, lets talk about the Calypsos. Contrary to what seems to be the most common opinion, I actually really like the Calypsos as villains. They're cocky and arrogant but their youth and fame makes them feel different to the likes of Jack. But again, they highlight some really baffling writing decisions. The entire game sets up Troy betraying Tyreen. From the beginning you are told that Tyreen is the real star, the one with all the power everyone loves. Troy has to leech off her both literally and in terms of power and stardom. Then, Troy kills Maya. He no longer needs Tyreen. He is powerful and has a chip on his shoulder. You can see the power going to his head. He sees his ability to create the anointed as superior to Tyreen's powers. They start bickering more and more. By the time you confront him, he has gone mad with power, abusing his followers and draining Tyreen to fuel his abilities. It was all going great. And then he just...dies. You kill him. That's that. No betrayal. No satisfying character arc. It was a baffling decision. The only reason I can think to not have the betrayal take place was that Tyreen had been advertised as the primary protagonist. Or maybe they just wanted a female villain. Neither are good reasons to not have the betrayal take place.

    Not Understanding Character Complexities: The writers boiled down many of the characters from previous games into simple, 1-note versions of themselves. The effect this had differs from character to character and varies from turning previously well liked characters into catchphrase-spewing annoyances to completely misunderstanding who characters are supposed to be. I think 3 characters in particular illustrate this point. Vaughn, Claptrap and Aurelia. Vaughn was a great character in Tales from the Borderlands. He started as a meek, scared Hyperion employee and ended up a badass, albeit still jovial fighter who could not only survive Pandora, but thrive. In BL3 he is a BRO WHO LOVES BANDIT LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE AND BLOOD FUEDS BRO. He's a dumbass who just shouts his catchphrases over and over. Claptrap is supposed to be a relatively well-meaning but stupid and hapless robot who makes things worse through incompetence but overall has a decent heart. In BL3 he is a malicious arsehole, fucking people over left and right and only caring about himself. In TPS Aurelia was not a good person. She was a rich bitch who killed for fun and cared little for anyone else. But she wasn't evil. She hated Jack for what he did, and her actions towards her brother never went beyond sibling bullying. But then BL3 rolls around and suddenly she's 100% evil, willingly submits to the Calypsos because that's what evil people do and shoots her brother without a moment's thought.

    I believe that the reason for all these problems is that none of the writers had worked on the series before BL3. The characters all read like they were given poor summaries of who everyone was and then asked to write them and little care was given to established lore or where decisions would lead the series in the future.

    How it Could Have Been Better:

    This segment is mostly pointless. What's done is done. I'm generally against retcons in stories but still, I'd feel remiss if I didn't at least try to illustrate ways in which the story could be better.

    First of all, Tannis doesn't become a siren. Sirens passing on their powers is a godawful idea imo, for reasons I have illustrated above and Tannis' powers are not needed in the story beyond charging vault keys. So who charges the vault keys? Maya. Maya shouldn't die. And Lilith shouldn't lose her powers when she does. I think Lilith losing her powers was a good moment and establishes the twins as a threat so I would definitely keep it in though. I would have Lilith retain her powers until Promethea, then Lilith takes the place of Maya in the cutscene where Maya previously died. Except instead of Troy killing Maya, instead Troy just drains Lilith. The only use Troy makes of his powers is making annointed, kidnapping Tannis and phaselocking Elpis. Making annointed wasn't something Maya could do anyway so as long as Troy steals someone's powers, that's unaffected. Kidnapping Tannis could just be done by phasewalking in, grabbing her and phasewalking out and the laser that pulls down Elpis could just have been some ancient Eridian device designed to open the Great Vault.

    Next I would have Troy betray Tyreen following the boss fight against him. It had been setup perfectly for that moment. You beat him, he lays there defeated/dying and chooses to kill Tyreen to save himself. The rest of the game can proceed with Troy in Tyreen's place.

    Fixing specific character issues could take up an entire post of its own so I won't go character by character. It is a symptom of over-arching issues with the writers that I'll cover in the next section.

    How to Improve in the Future

    Long story short, Gearbox needs new/better writers. I did some research into the writers of the game and none of them had worked on a Borderlands game before production of BL3 began. It is clear that they don't understand the lore and characters of the series and beyond that their own story decisions are questionable at best. I don't work in the games industry I don't know how the process of getting better writers would work, but Gearbox needs to do something. I will say that they did a great job with the DLCs of BL3, which were mostly self contained stories with new characters. Maybe Gearbox should hire a loremaster to advise the writers on what does/ doesn't make sense within the Borderlands universe.

    submitted by /u/TheEmeraldOil
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    Do the BL1 DLCs not have any fast travel?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    I'm in the Noxx DLC and I always spawn back at TBone Junction whenever I turn off my game.

    submitted by /u/Nerdzilla88
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    How do I level up in TVHM?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    This is my first full play through of BL2, I've played before and finished the story, but I never tried TVHM it UVHM. A few days ago I started a TVHM play through and found that it was challenging pretty quickly. I started the play through around level 33, and today I am 41, and on the quest "Wildlife Preservation" I'm having trouble leveling up, is there a certain boss I could farm for xp? I'm going to B0RE farm BUNK3R but I'm not there yet, any help??

    submitted by /u/Unfortunate_Sun1969
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    Scaling question

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    So i've beaten all the DLCs so far, but not the main story, and the level scaling is weird. All the enemies in the Jackpot automatically scale to my level, but in the other addons they dont. Is there something i can do to make them actually scale? PC btw

    submitted by /u/reggienaldsimons
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    Need help with cramwerax and underdome on ps4

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    I'm doing them both on ng at level 69 so it shouldn't be too bad with another player

    submitted by /u/Robalobalobalob
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    Introducing the Borderlands 2 100% Challenge!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Are you bored during this pandemic and want to revisit one of your favorite games? Well I've spent some time creating the Ultimate Borderlands 2 challenge. Inspired by The Hunt I wanted to create a possibly insane challenge for the game.

    Links to get started: Rules & Spreadsheet & Route

    How do I play?

    To complete the 100% challenge you have to finish 8 major tasks

    1. Complete the game on Normal, True and Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.
    2. Finish ALL quests in every playthrough including bonus objectives.
    3. Kill every unique enemy, boss, and raid boss.
    4. Collect one of every unique, legendary, seraph, pearl, effervescent item.
    5. Complete every challenge/badass rank to max.
    6. Reach OP10.
    7. Fill out every map completely.
    8. Find all easter eggs.

      Wait that isn't everything?

    This challenge is meant to be for fun and not taken too seriously. Clearly it's not a true 100% because there are so many different sections to this game, you could collect all regular weapons or every weapon with every weapon part but you would probably be doing that till the end of time.

    What are the rules?

    • You must start with a brand new character and every character is allowed (Krieg has some trouble with certain challenges)
    • You cannot use save-editors or items from a previous character
    • Multiplayer is allowed and needed for some challenges but at least one person must have completed all tasks for the run to be complete.
    • If you CANNOT do any multiplayer, just skip over the multiplayer exclusive challenges
    • You can use Vanilla or the Unofficial Community Patch.
    • No Golden Chests
    • Regular/Torgue Vending Machines and Item of the Day deals are allowed.
    • XP exploits are not allowed but item duplications and other glitches are.
    • Read Only/Dashboard farming is allowed and needed in some scenarios. If you cannot do so, just do your best without collecting any read only items (like No Beard).
    • You must have all DLCs (besides cosmetic ones)

    If you have any questions feel free to let me know I could very well be missing stuff.

    Lastly as a bit of shameless self promotion I will be streaming my attempt at this challenge over on my Twitch later today (2PM PST)

    submitted by /u/ChaosCreeper59
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    dlc start

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Hello I am writing this post to ask more than anything how I can start the dlc I am just on a mission in which I have to return to Sanctuary which is flying im level 19 And I don't know how to start the dlc or in what order It is recommended pls advice i have the handsome collection

    submitted by /u/lespecaslocas
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    Am I the only one that ships Zer0 and Lorelei?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    I think they'd make a cute couple, and it's pretty much canon.

    submitted by /u/HomeLessFrogg
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    Master of all you survey

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    I recently saw that the trophy had been patched and as soon as I logged in it popped as did the platinum. My partner who is also missing the trophy didn't receive it. We always play in co-op and I just find it strange that it popped for one of us not both. Has anyone else encountered and fixed the issue?

    submitted by /u/lukemay2
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    Switch joystick dead zones?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Does it feel like the joysticks in the collection have huge dead zones before moving? Or just move slow?

    submitted by /u/ACDiblas
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    General opinion of using Gibbed?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    How do most people feel about using Gibbed for weapons and stuff? My plan was to use it for Sandhawks at some point just so I don't take hours to farm for the perfect ones..

    I played around with it yesterday just to see how it works and to give myself a magic missile and increase the level of my existing Harold, and instantly felt so guilty! I felt like I was cheating the game any myself because I didn't earn it. I deleted the gibbed save file and replaced it with my untainted backup.

    submitted by /u/MasterOfNone585
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    Only rolling [Easy] modifiers in all Mayhem modes

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    So quitting yesterday I had the usual MH10 distribution of modifiers from Easy to Very Hard, with Buddy System, Chain Gang and so on.

    Launching today I'm still on MH10, but my modifiers are

    • [Easy] Lootsplosion
    • [Easy] Speed Demon
    • [Easy] Galaxy Brain
    • [Easy] Slayer

    And it is actually what is applied to the game. So I tested rerolling, still only selects Easy modifiers. So I changed Mayhem level, still only Easy modifiers (different numbers of them).

    Anyone had this happen before? I have to assume it's not intended

    submitted by /u/Drycee
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    Returning VH looking for build advice.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Hey all! I haven't played the game since probably 3 months after Guns, Love and Monsters came out and I am finally hopping back into the grind.

    I am probably going to run Amara hard-core for a little bit and probably get around to finally playing Moze, but I was wondering what tips you guys had for building an endgame Amara? I am not looking for anything specific, so anything you guys have in mind will be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Frostb1te898
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    LFG Xbox

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    GT: xGreenxxDragonx Would really love to farm and run some take downs for a bit. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/xRedxDragonx
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