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    Sunday, August 2, 2020

    Borderlands Borderlands: Presequel underappreciated?

    Borderlands Borderlands: Presequel underappreciated?

    Borderlands: Presequel underappreciated?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Anyone think the presequel was a bit underrated? The gameplay stands out from the other games that had things incorporated that never returned. It had low gravity and laser weapons which we have yet to revisit. Many people I talk to about borderlands either did not know that game existed or just did not bother to play.

    Also Shadow-trao boss fight from the Claptastic Voyage is still the hardest boss they have made in the series from my experience.

    submitted by /u/SAVEPANDORA
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    Bug with Discovering all Named Locations

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Recently the devs seemed to fix the name locations achievement bugs. I got nekrotafeyo, pandora, and eden-6 when i logged in 2 or so patches ago. Yesterday i finished up promethea and got that achievement too. I have done all side missions including circles of slaughter and eridian proving grounds. I have 223/223 locations discovered but "Master of All You Survey" won't unlock. The only base achievement i have remaining are: win a duel, revive another player, and discover all locations

    Clearly this achievement is still bugged. Anyone else have the same issue? Im on Steam PC

    submitted by /u/Nero_Wolff
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    Three Golden Keys

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:24 AM PDT


    Expires August 3rd at 10 AM.

    submitted by /u/Loreweaver15
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    Would this be an interesting BL3 plot to set up BL4? A 60 Second rough draft and I made this idea.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    In barely a minute I thought of more creative outcomes to conflicts without it being heavily bias with the hero's coming out unscathed. This is all 60 seconds a rough draft. You don't have to kill someone to make an interesting consequence for power.. The mental toll of being made disabled after losing to someone has ALOT of writing potential. That's basically what they tried to go for with Lilith but she only shows sadness ONCE.

    If Tyreen was a less annoying villain more fascinating rather than their edge lord teen idea of a streamer they could've made her really powerful where we had to prep and get stringer ourselves as she decommissioned us and NPCs over time. Divide and Conquer. Then we finally get on her level late into the game or close enough to team up against her and her army but her plans already come to fruition where we plateau in strength. Katagawas supportive business deal becomes a real thorn in your side as hes hindering your progression with overwhelming force. This delay makes us seek out and rebuild Atlas and Rhys it's becoming to much for one ship to handle. This delay allows her search to move smoothly thus she gets this distorted otherworldly boost of strength by accessing the destroyer forcing a real retreat kicking off planet hopping as we now have to build our ranks and find real power to combat what we perceived to be a God.

    Imagine if she was the reason Maya's arm was missing making her doubt her power just as Lilith would? Making her afraid to let Ava fight back as she failed moments before. This being why she is so hesitant. Imagine needing to round up the old crews from all 3 main games because this shits gotten out of hand? Janey and Ellie can remember and team up for Scooter for Pandora. Amongst the scraps of our victory the real story the war the watcher talked of can begin to rear it's head making itself known. It's coming and we're tired. But we have to fight this and thus there's the set up for BL4 or large DLC and even more Vault Hunters to fight back with or just two more. Now that we are all together a real faction begins to form for BL4 against the new or old threat.

    submitted by /u/FarikoWishless
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    Should I get the Switch versions of the series?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    I have been wanting a Switch for years now but never could get one, and I was wondering if I got one should I get the legendary collection for it?

    submitted by /u/YoumuBlade
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    Discovered Fix for the Armory Glitch on Console (roland only right now)(works on classic and remastered/enhanced)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    As many of you might know, you can clip into Knoxx's armory on the mission Super Marcus Sweep. This means the timer doesn't go off, so you can open all of the chests, and with some smart jumps, you can actually refresh the armory 8-10 times in an hour without having to save/quit and go fight Knoxx again. This is how most people farm Pearlescents besides Crawmerax.

    However, if you go into the elevator room in the armory, it checks off "Steal Loot" in your objectives and prevents you from finishing the mission or ever going into the armory again. This has ruined thousands of save files and cost people thousands of hours put into characters.

    As far as I know, there is no known fix for this on console. With Roland, I've crafted a straightforward way to get back into the Armory even when locked out, and a way to get back into the hallway of the Armory to complete the mission. This allows you to complete and turn in the mission. From there, you can pick up the "It's like Christmas" mission and refarm the armory, so long as you don't go into the elevator room.

    I will be streaming the whole process with a detailed explanation tonight at https://www.twitch.tv/wretchedlazarus/ at 8pm Eastern Time. If anyone who is interested can't tune in, I will be making a video out of the VOD which I will upload to youtube and post on this thread.

    A few disclaimers: -This is pretty precise, and is even more difficult on Remastered versions of the game -I've only done this with Roland, but I believe it's possible with every character with perfect grenade jumps. The level of precision you would need with other characters is ridiculous, but I do think any character can do it -I've only tested this on classic, not remastered, but in theory this should work on remastered. -I did and will be doing the fix on PC, but all of this works on console -If this is known or has been discovered, my bad, but I haven't found any information on this being a known fix after hours of crawling the Internet -One of my viewers, AlarmedScroll4, initially discovered that it was possible to get back into the armory in the first place and showed me how. He also did it on remastered which is how I know it is possible. -Yes I am using this discovery to promote my stream

    submitted by /u/BenevolentPG
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    Borderlands 1 - Best Duo combo?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    My wife and I haven't played Borderlands 1 since it was released years ago. And even back then, we didn't know what we were doing.

    What pair of classes do you think fit together the best in BL1?

    submitted by /u/XBgyManX
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    any good eridium farmin spots?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    i just finished 3 and id like to know if theres any spots that i can farm eridium in or please send a link of a video that still works today

    submitted by /u/elatedgiratina
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    Daily specials

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    Here's a thought: what if Borderlands 3 had a "daily specials" that modified certain aspects of the game to help it stay fresh and keep players interested. First of all they would be optional. Here's some suggestions.

    Manic Mondays: enemies and players get a 50% buff in movement speed

    Two for Tuesday: enemies with unique drops have double the chance to drop their unique gear, and have the possibility of dropping two of the same item.

    Wacky Wensdays: non-unique enemies are random.

    Thrice for Thursday: Triple spawns for non-unique, non-badass enemies.

    Fast Farm Fridays: unique enemies with a chance to spawn will instead always spawn. Players get a 20% movement speed buff and 10% more XP. Loot tinks are twice as common.

    Savage Saturday: players and enemies get a 25% damage buff.

    Gunday Sunday: a random, unique enemy will be assigned a 100% drop rate for their items.

    submitted by /u/mattzahar
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    Skittermaw bassin's enemy level in Gun, love and tentacle

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:06 PM PDT


    For some reason, skittermaw bassin in the only area of the DLC where the enemy were at least 10 levels lower than me when I entered. Every other location had enemy with my level. I started the DLC at level 30, and ended it at level 45. All the location gave me some form of challenge, all except Skittermaw bassin who was stuck at level 16. I don't get it, all the other area were following my level.

    The only thing that might explain it is that I must have picked up the poster in Sanctuary around level 16.

    Any clues?

    submitted by /u/drouinfrank
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    Bl1 enhanced crashing help!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    For some reason whenever I open my inventory or a shop the game crashes. I have no idea what could cause this as it was working fine before. I play on steam.

    Edit: I fixed it. I had to delete the willow game and engine files instead of just the binaries file and reinstall. No idea what was wrong. But it fixed it.

    submitted by /u/MortusMelee
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    Vending Machine Expansion Item Drops?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Just a simple question. Do the legendaries that can come from the vending machines include DLC weapons, shields or class mods or just base game stuff? Does it change if you're in the DLC areas?

    submitted by /u/Raimsurion
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    Bl2 load split remover not working

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    How do I get it to work i launch the game activate the remover and press compare game time then start bl2 and when I am loading it does not stop anyone k ow why I am new to livesplit and i play bl2 on epic games

    submitted by /u/hearthwave
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    Bl3 legendary weapon concept

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    So I was just thinking about an age old meme, the "no full auto in buildings" meme in fact. Now this is just a cool concept I was thinking up but what if that was a gun in the game?

    Like, seriously think about it. It could be a Dahl weapon so you could switch firing modes. I think that the weapon would be locked into full auto and instead of burst fire or semi auto it could be fuller auto, yknow to really enhance the joke.

    Obviously in fuller auto mode you'd shoot way faster than the normal mode as to relate to the original meme. The red text could be like "dayum bro ok". Which is obviously a reference to the response the man in the video gives to the guy's gun.

    Let me know in the replies about what you think! Of course this is just a silly concept and I don't expect it to gain any traction but I'd like to know if you have anything you wanna say!

    submitted by /u/ghoxmr
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    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    hey so, i just heard amara say "i wonder who will play me in the movie" coincidence there might be a borderlands movie? holy shit

    submitted by /u/elatedgiratina
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    What areas and enemies to farm in BL1

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    I've been trying to get highest level loot but I have not had the best time finding it. Any suggestions or tips?

    submitted by /u/stanleysmokestacks
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    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    I just beat the bunker in true vault hunter mode (barely), and my gear i got from farming loot midgets in the wildlife preserve earlier is severely underleveled, and i don't know anywhere to farm for higher level gear. What do i do?

    submitted by /u/MilkOnAStick
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    Challenges with challenges

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Whoever made borderlands 1 challenges, what the heck were you thinking. The amount of things you need to kill is so ridiculous. Two playthroughs in and I'm still pretty far from them. Especially with killing rakks.

    submitted by /u/rhinorat1
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    Pre-sequel: Is there only one legendary class mod for Jack?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Finally got 3 COM's of the same brand to moonstone grind a legendary. I've done it a half-dozen times and keep getting Celestial Doppelganger (crit/elemental chance). I was really hoping for a legendary antagonist (cooldown), especially since I already have a Celestial Doppelganger from a vending machine.

    Is there only one legendary, or only one available from the grinder?

    submitted by /u/GotoDeng0
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    What level do elemental weapons start dropping?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Is there a certain level that weapons with elemental damage start dropping? I was trying to decide how early I can use keys.

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
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    Spoilers for DLC 2 and Base Game. What's shock value worth to you? Yes it's long I know I type fast.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    I started the DLC telling my friend they're gonna kill death trap. That's how little faith I had in returning characters being done well at that point. When it happened I felt nothing but disappointment no sadness just saying see I told you this is what they do when they have no direction they try for cheap shock value.

    When it was revealed he hadn't died I wasn't hype I wasn't anything I simply said wow that's surprising but good then. I'm numb to character deaths. It feels so cheap to me. I felt nothing in The Last of Us 2 because just like BL3 no deaths feel built correctly the lead up dialogue and deaths themselves feel like "HEY! HAVE AN EMOTION NOW". I still have fun with bits of the story and love the gameplay but when it comes to trying to make you feel something they don't.

    They abruptly do things. Roland, Maya, Lilith, Death Trap, I felt nothing and I feel that's an issue when big fan favorites leave no impact and you expect it. It was so obvious they'd use DT and not gaige. What's your feelings towards character deaths? They can work so well used sparingly and written well. Like Scooter abrupt yet I felt sadness there they GAVE us time to grieve as well to process. BL main games don't take half a second then all NPCs never mention it again either. DLC 3 not having old Characters I see as a good thing I no longer trust them with their lives XD. But I fully expect random deaths of new ones to substitute shock value.

    submitted by /u/FarikoWishless
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    Why is it taking Gearbox/2K so long to make the Fight for Sanctuary DLC available on Epic?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    It's been over a year since it released, and even over a year past the deadline for getting the DLC for free on Steam/PS4/XBOne. I don't see any reason to withhold the DLC now, the files already exist in the Epic version, but not being able to purchase or download it prevents you from accessing the OP levels since you have to be level 80, which is impossible without the DLC.

    submitted by /u/ChuckGreeneTiR
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