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    Monday, August 3, 2020

    Borderlands Just me or are snipers underwhelming?

    Borderlands Just me or are snipers underwhelming?

    Just me or are snipers underwhelming?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    We get 4-5 new shotguns that work well (enough) each DLC and event. But there's 5 snipers worth their salt in MH10. 3 are from GL&T. Even then the Unseen Threat takes 4-10 shots depending on the enemy. With Jakobs slogan literally being about one shot one kill it sucks not seeing actual power from Bolt Actions. And semi autos take two full mags to catch up. A buff would help. Look at the Monocle/Headsplosion for example. Left in the dust. Yes 1 shot is easy mode if you can aim. But even 3 shots consistently would feel much better. Every enemy in Mayhem is a Badass variant after all.

    Sandhawk is an SMG that got nerfed to Sniper for less ammo. The Krakatoa is an Assault Rifle with a small ammo pool. Not real snipers to me. Im personally disappointed with how weak they feel requiring builds specifically made to kill anything quickly. Yet playing through all DLC for the first time it's overwhelming how man shotguns we have seen in this back to back DLC run. I've started testing them once then banking or selling them. Maliwan snipers in general charging is so.... Why?

    submitted by /u/FarikoWishless
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    How important is tales from the borderlands and the commander Lilith dlc?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    I just bought borderlands 3 after playing one and two but I haven't played tales from the borderlands or the commander Lilith and the fight for sanctuary dlc. How important are they and is it worth going back and playing them first?

    submitted by /u/lookatmemonkey-
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    Why did The Pre-Sequel fail?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    I'll start this out by saying that The Pre-Sequel was one of the best games in the series story-wise. The writing was extremely deep, and the locations were incredible. The amount of different dialogue was incredible, something I miss in BL3. The side quests were pretty good too, but of course the crown jewel is Claptastic Voyage. That DLC was absolutely amazing. I thought this game was amazing. It played almost exactly like BL2, and the writing was just as good. Seeing that each player had unique responses to situations, this game felt really flushed out. The level design was also top-notch too.

    That's why I am asking why this game did so bad. I know it has an endgame that isn't as good as BL2, and they didn't have the target dummy for a while, but from a gameplay stance this game was incredible. Was it the name? "Pre-Sequel?" Should it have been called Borderlands 3 and then have players know that it was a prequel?

    What went wrong?

    submitted by /u/hackersmacker
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    Unlocking the Wanderer Head [Zane]

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    So I created a new Zane character recently, and opted to go with the Lv13 Love, Guns and Tentacles start.
    This skips a segment of the story to get you to the first mission on Promethea. What I didn't realise was the Wanderer head was unlocked by completing the "Cult Following" mission, which I have skipped.

    Is it possible for me to still unlock the head, even though the mission is technically completed without reward?

    submitted by /u/S_H_I_V_A
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    Iron-Willed The Shoddy

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Bounty Of Blood DLC:

    Just received this gun from the side quest. I don't really see why Moze's so pissed off, this gun has some pretty decent stats (Better than some of my others in some areas). Is it actually that good of a gun, or is there a reason behind her being a n g e r y?

    submitted by /u/Mini-Z
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    I'm looking for people to play with in the pre sequel

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    DM me it you wanna join. Any level is acceptable

    submitted by /u/ramzay_
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    Xbox BL3 player returning. Need Some Help

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I am finally returning to Borderlands 3 after being away since the launch of the first DLC. I am currently playing on Xbox and noticed so much has changed. I was trying to catch up on what is new and what i need to look at again or redo as far as builds go.

    Does anyone have any advice or quick tips to know with all these changes?

    I play all characters and have them all to 50 (just noticed there is a new level cap).

    submitted by /u/b3wild3r
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    Hyperious the invincible solo

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Think I need to highlight I'm on a ps3

    I'm currently playing Maya (lvl 72) with a blurred trickster class mod

    I don't have the ability to farm a new sandhawk without resetting my playthrough.

    I don't have commander Lilith

    I have not gone to the op levels yet

    Build and gear, along with strategy would be helpful. I can answer most questions asked.

    Though I have a lot of time, I'm not going to be spending the next couple of months leveling a zero just to bore him

    submitted by /u/PH03N1X_F1R3
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    LFG I am at level 60 looking to do the two takedowns. East Coast USA

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    I been trying to solo and matchmaker to do the two takedowns but I haven't been able to complete either. I am on PS4 and I play at Fl4k. I have a decent load out, I just can't seem to get past 2nd stage Wotan and I can't get past the charge three crystals in the other take down. If anyone would be able to help and create a party to take it down tonight I would be very much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Infamous_Fridge
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    Couch Coop Unreadable?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    I only play Borderlands with my teenage kid. We loved 2, played side by side splitscreen for years, looked forward to finally playing 3... and within moments of starting I was ready to quit. I don't wear glasses, never have, but the text to pick up anything, sell anything is impossible to read. And not something SETTINGS address. From what I have read this is a known thing, wondering - without the patience to wade thru all threads about updates - if there is a FIX thats come out, coming out?

    submitted by /u/scrupulousmean
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    I can't get into Borderlands 2

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    I played Borderlands for the first time on my Xbox 360 way back and remember having a blast. However, for some reason when I got to New Haven that thing happened that inevitably happens to every game at some point where you put your controller down for the night and then you never boot up that game again to play for some reason.

    Flash forward many years and I finally had a PC that could decently handle games after saving up money and among my first purchases was Borderlands 1 GOTY. Even after so many years I remembered most things up till New Haven. Everything felt familiar and it was so much fun. After New Haven, however, my enjoyment of the game began to steadily decrease. Not very quickly, but you know that feeling when a game begins to feel kinda... boring. Still, I enjoyed it tremendously. If my enjoyment of the game was a 10 at the start, it was probably still at least a 7 by the end of the DLCs, it just began to feel very repetitive although that may be a little bit my fault because I ended up creating this very powerful Roland shotgun build with an extremely high damage shotgun I found that usually 1 shots most enemies unless they're really tough in which case it'd take maybe 2-3 shots (and then my shields and health would regen because of the perks) so the game began to lose a lot of the challenge. I'll probably be crucified if I admit this, but to be honest by the end of it all as I was finishing up the DLCs, I usually turned on a TV show putting 80% of my focus on the show and like 20% of my attention on the game just mindlessly blasting enemies to get through quests not really paying attention to the story of the DLCs. Again, my fault. Since my first playthrough I have replayed the entire game, paying attention to the actual story of the DLCs which I thoroughly enjoyed, don't worry!

    Now, some of you *may* remember a post I made in the past about what to do after I beat Borderlands 1 Playthrough 1. I took the advice of the people saying just breeze through the DLCs then moving onto Borderlands 2. I beat all the DLCs except for the arena one within a few days after which I promptly booted up Borderlands 2.

    From the opening sequence in the icy wasteland the game just didn't hook me in. It just didn't do it for me. I slogged through the quests and actually got pretty far. I completed "A Dam Fine Rescue" which means I was almost halfway through the game in terms of storyline quests progression (perhaps not in terms of gameplay time but just in terms of quest completion) but still there was nothing. I also really hate the ridiculous power creep in the weapon damage and shields. In BL1 you could find a really good weapon that could last you several levels easily and if you were particularly skilled at the game maybe even longer, but in BL2 it feels like unless I get a new weapon every 1-2 levels I virtually cannot progress. This was about 4 months ago and I haven't picked up the game since. Even though I got that far into the game, there was so little enjoyment for me and honestly it made me kind of sad. I really, really wanted to enjoy the game. It's Borderlands for crying out loud!

    And the thing that confuses me the most is that so many people consider Borderlands 2 to be the best out of the tetralogy but I literally cannot see it. I can't understand how this could be their favorite. In fact, many people on this sub and also on r/gaming often tell newcomers to the series that they can skip Borderlands 1 because it's not as good and not as relevant to the story and after playing BL1 and almost half of BL2, I'm flabbergasted.

    I really want to have fun playing Borderlands 2 could anybody explain to me or help me understand this situation? Does anybody feel similarly? Also, I'm 100% going to finish Borderlands 2 before playing Pre-Sequel and then Borderlands 3 even though I hate it for the sake of the storyline, but please tell me it gets better from here!

    P. S. Please have mercy on my post

    submitted by /u/RenegadeAccolade
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    Sorry if this is a stupid question and/or if it has been asked a million times but...

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Can BL2 Switch cross platform play with BL2 PC?

    submitted by /u/marcus10885
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    Will Borderlands 2 for Nintendo Switch still get a patch?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    A few months ago Borderlands 1 and BTPS port for Nintendo Switch got a patch, fixing audio glitches and giving the game a FOV slider. Sadly Borderlands 2 didn't get a patch and doesnt have a FOV slider and is stuck on the default tunnel vision FOV. Is there still possibility for a patch or should i just quit hope of gearbox fixing this?

    submitted by /u/RoboProFish
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    Actual cross platform for bl3

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    So you remember when bl3 first dropped and Randy and the dev team came out stating they fully support cross platform for bl3. Then listed Xbox one ps4 steam epic switch. As of now the game is cross play on pc ie steam and epic. My question is does the dev team still plan on making the game cross platform from console to pc or is the game being cross play on pc only the extent of cross platform they meant for?

    I haven't heard anything since the pc cross play patch dropped on march. I haven't heard anything since about cross platform. But the verbage the dev team used calling it cross play and not cross platform may be an indication that its still a focus for the bl3 team.

    If your interested in fact checking if the dev team ever stated that bl3 would be cross plat form its just a quick Google search.

    submitted by /u/The_Skippr
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    Could Handsome Jack Be Alive?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    I know the first thing you said after seeing this is "What? No. He's dead. I literally blew his face off." but hear me out. In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, we are able to play as a class called the Doppelganger who's name is Timothy. If you can remember Timothy's action skill let him deploy Holo-Jacks to fight for him. Now, In Borderlands 2, when we finally fight Handsome Jack, the first thing he does and drop down some clones, which could very easily be Holo-Jacks. So what if we killed Timothy instead of Jack himself? They even say Jack is too much of a coward to fight us himself so why would he? Finally in Borderlands 3: Mad Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC, we meet Timothy again? But that's not really Timothy. Throughout TPS we spend a lot of time with Jack, so once Hyperion and Helios went down the real Jack knew enough about him to take his likeness, it wouldn't be hard at all.

    Are there any points I'm missing to prove or disprove my theory? Let me know!

    submitted by /u/VitaminAlpha
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    Game worth getting on PC again?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    Bought it for Xbox on launch, played the halloween event and stopped after because I wasn't a huge fan of the endgame, got a 10 dollar off coupon so I would buy the ultimate edition? Is it worth? Has the endgame been improved?

    submitted by /u/VexMyth0clast
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