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    Sunday, August 9, 2020

    Borderlands Can i start with borderlands 2?

    Borderlands Can i start with borderlands 2?

    Can i start with borderlands 2?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    Do i need to worry with the story and world building of the original borderlands? or can i just google a synopsis and jump into the second game for some dumb fun

    submitted by /u/sliimysludge
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    First time playing Borderlands

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    So my brother (maybe 5 years or so ago) told me to play this I played a little bit and kind of wasn't impressed (huge mistake). I finally decided to give it another go for personal reasons. I love it I just got passed the Nine Toes fight and now I'm on my own to do whatever missions I want from the mission board. My question is how should I play this game? I'm kind of lost. Do I run around and grind to level up then do missions? Sorry I know it's kind of an oddball question I just wanna get the most out of my first time experience

    submitted by /u/Bones36588
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    Guardian Takedown

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    I've completed the maliwan takedown a few times and I don't have trouble with all the content in the game on mayhem 10, but for some reason I can't get past the first section on the guardian takedown. I guess it's mainly because I don't fully understand the part which is causing me to fail from the crystals. Can someone explain the section? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong since killing the guardians isn't an issue.

    submitted by /u/MinisterSinclair
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    3 Golden Keys

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:30 AM PDT


    Expire at 11 AM EST on August 10th.

    submitted by /u/Loreweaver15
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    Question on BL2 second playthrough

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    So I've been playing BL2 again solo and I'm on my first playthrough. I'm currently overleveled since I did the dlc first (didn't do b&b yet and the post game dlc, don't remember what it's called) was planning to do a second playthrough on TVH mode. Just got through the wildlife sanctuary and I'm overpowered. Would it make sense to breeze through the main and do the side quests I didn't do on the first for my second playthrough? I was just wondering about that as they would be more if they weren't really trivial ranking. Thoughts? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/xlizen
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    Axton Digistruct Peak Guide (OP 10, No Grog, Sham, Norfleet, Bee-Hawk, etc.)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    Hello there, I hope you are all doing well today! I am here to present a Axton guide for taking down Digistruct peak (through OP 10) that requires no Norfleet, Sham, Grog, Bee-Hawk, DPUH, and so on. Important to note that I used this build on the Unofficial Community Patch but the advice, gear, and build translate really well to the vanilla game for Axton.

    Gameplay + Commentary for those of you that don't want to read it all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuvRPatzm7U

    Section 1: Build

    Green/Guerilla Tree:

    • Sentry (5/5): More DPS for the turret and also more uptime for the turret which means more DPS for you (battlefront buffs). Turret soaks up significant aggro, the longer it is out the better.

    • Ready (5/5): 40% reload speed is a significant dps buff. There really isn't much else to say about this one.

    • Willing (5/5): Axton has fantastic synergy with shields because he has so many shield skills. This is a great one that significantly increases the uptime of your shield. Take it!

    • Onslaught (5/5): Fantastic kill skill. It massively increases your DPS (especially with metal storm) while also giving you movement speed to get out of trouble or reach the next target to continue chaining kill skills.

    • Scorched Earth (1/1): This one is up to you but I personally like the DPS boost that the rockets give. It is also gives 10% explosive damage on the UCP. Important to note on the vanilla game that this ability has a hidden 15% turret damage penalty. I still think it is good on both versions but again, it is preference.

    • Able (4/5): This is just a fantastic skill for survivability. All you have to do is damage an enemy and you get constant HP regen. What is not to like?

    • Grenadier (1/5): The only reason we do not max able is so we can grab a point here. This is because I like to switch to the grenadier com for certain situations within the peak and that boosts this skill. If you don't plan on switching to the grenadier at all then don't bother.

    • Double Up (1/1): This is just a great skill. Adds another turret that slags for you. Yes please.

    Blue/Gunpowder Tree:

    • Impact (1/5): Gun damage certainly never hurts and it also gives accuracy on the UCP which is great. Still, a solid skill without the accuracy bonus and it will be boosted by our com to 6.

    • Expertise (4/5): Another skill that will get boosted by our com and I absolutely love this skill. Movement speed is great, aim speed is great, and more importantly, we get weapon swap speed. That is a direct buff to your DPS!! The faster you can slag and swap or swap to the weapon you need the more DPS you do. You can swap impact and expertise skill allocations if you prefer.

    • Metal Storm (5/5): This is a great kill skill that has awesome synergy with Onslaught. Really pumps up our DPS.

    • Steady (5/5): Recoil Reduction, Grenade Damage, and Rocket Launcher Damage... this is such a good skill. It's everything you want on Axton. Must have in just about any Axton build.

    • Longbow (1/1): 110% more turret health which means more aggro relief for you, and more DPS for the both of you. Plus being able to place the turret with longbow is awesome and very flexible.

    • Battlefront (5/5): Straight buffs to our damage while the turret is out. Great increase to your DPS and you will be using the turret a lot. Definitely worth it.

    • Do or Die (1/1): Throw grenades in FFYL and another 10% to your grenade and rocket launcher damage. Great skill and can really help in a pinch.

    Red/Survival Tree:

    • Healthy (1/5): Goes to 6 with our com and that ends up being quite a lot of health. We aren't relying on health-gating so this is a good skill.

    • Preparation (5/5): Shield capacity increase and constant regen when our shields are full. This is great because Axton is very good at keeping his shields full. Great skill!

    • Pressure (5/5): - Shield recharge delay, and reload speed the lower your health. This can really save you in a pinch and is much better than last-ditch effort. More shield skill stacking!

    • Forbearance (4/5): On the UCP this gives damage reduction instead of max health and I quite like that. However, -status effect duration is really good in the OP levels. That stuff can kill you really fast. If you don't like this skill throw more points into Quick Charge/Healthy.

    • Phalanx Shield (1/1): The UCP makes Phalanx Shield scale better while also giving shield capacity. However, I just like what this skill does. It can help to zone out enemies and provide the turret with a little extra survivability. Especially if you place the turrets in hard to hit spots for the enemy. Skip if you want.

    • Quick Charge (3/5): This is just an awesome skill that you can certainly max if you want to. A Shield regen kill skill stacks really nicely with our other shield skills. I always find that it does a ton without maxing though.

    • Mag Lock (1/1): This is another skill that I just enjoy using. I can put my turrets in really hard to hit spots for the enemy and they have a really tough time hitting it. I find it to be very useful but again, it's a preference.

    • Grit (5/5): This skill is just really cool. You already have so many survivability skills and then you throw the cherry on top. 20% chance to avoid death and gain that damage back as health. This skill won't always be useful but when it works you'll be very thankful you had it.

    • Gemini (1/1): Double turrets. More DPS, more aggro control, more flexibility. Amazing skill, especially with all of our other turret skills and buffs.

    • Skill Tree Link (UCP changes not visible): https://bl2skills.com/commando.html#55055141011405515010015054130151

    Section 2: Gear

    • Weapon 1 (Slag): Slag Pimpernel and the Slagga are usually my go-to options. They both slag very effectively and will get the job done. Use whatever slag weapon you prefer but I find these to be highly effective.

    • Weapon 2 (Generalist): Lots of options here! My favorite options are the Peak Opener, Ogre, Kerblaster, Hail, Kitten, Bearcat (UCP only), Hornet, DPUH, Bekah, and/or any weapon that fits Axton's kit and can do a lot of things well. This is basically your favorite weapon slot, something you can use for any situation and (almost) any enemy. I find all of these to be highly effective and fun guns to use on Axton. I primarily rely on the Peak Opener in this video but any of these guns will do the trick.

    • Weapon 3 (Specialist): This is the slot I use for weapons that I want to fulfill a specific role. Typically, I switch around between the Baby-Maker, Pimpernel, and Unicorn/Swordsplosion. You could also utilize the Blockhead, Slowhand, Twister, Interfacer, Conference Call, Butcher, etc. Essentially, this weapon slot is to blow up the really bad guys. Baby-Maker spam can make quick work of even the tankiest enemies in the peak, Pimpernel provides great long-range coverage with very high DPS (this one could fit the generalist as well), and then the Unicornsplosion can be a nice mid-range option to rain hell down on your enemies. Just choose what works best for you!

    • Weapon 4 (FFYL Weapon): This is basically my rocket launcher slot for Axton. He does insane damage with rocket launchers and my favorite two options are the Badaboom and Creamer. The Creamer, being a Moxxi launcher is super nice for damage and sustainability. The Badaboom is just a disgusting damage option that is much better for FFYL than the creamer. I don't use the Norfleet but that is also an option. Topneaa, Tunguska, World Burn, and Nukem can all work well too.

    • Shield: Antagonist and the Blockade are my go-to generalist shields. They do everything well. Big Boom Blaster can be nice to regen some rockets and grenades when needed as well. Occasional use of the Bee to blow up beefy boys like Saturn. Not necessary, but takes way too long to kill enemies like Saturn without it (our primary use for the shield).

    • Class Mod: Legendary Solider, Expert Grenadier (Legendary Grenadier if on UCP), and Expert Veteran (blue) are the ones we will use. Primarily, the soldier com because it boosts some of Axton's best skills (Sentry, Ready, Impact, Expertise, Healthy, and Preparation), while also buffing fire rate, gun damage, and cooldown reduction. It is fantastic. The grenadier COM is primarily for spamming grenades on some of the mini-bosses (Scorch, Dukino's Mom, Black Queens, Doc Mercy's, Assassins). Expert Veteran is taken for its synergy with Tediore chucking if we really need to burst a dangerous target (good for just about anything in the peak just heavy ammo consumption so be wary).

    • Grenade(s): Axton has so many fantastic grenade options that it is impossible to narrow down. I primarily use the Slag O-Negative (use a purple slag transfusion on vanilla), Meteor Shower, Quasar, Storm Front/Electric Chair, Antifection, Magic Missles (grenade regen), and of course, the Fastball variants are great. All of these have different niche uses so use what you feel is best for the situation. Shock grenades excel against spider ants, and can also help burst down the Assassins quickly. Slag O-Negative is my generalist grenade that I use for survivability. Antifection is not necessary since NO enemies in the peak are weak to fire but it is still very high damage and I like it for the Black Queens/Doc Mercy.

    • Relic: Bone of the Ancients, Explosive Relic, and a Tediore Allegiance Relic if you really want to go crazy with chucking. Bone is the one I usually rely on the most because of CDR and damage buffs to elemental weapons. Explosive Relic is for when I want to rely on explosive grenades, Baby Maker, or just an explosive weapon.

    Section 3: Peak Tips

    • Be patient with the Peak! Do not try to force things or rush things too much, it is the quickest way to fail a run. Play safe, regen grenades when needed, switch gear when needed, and rely on your turrets! They are a significant form of aggro relief.

    • Prioritize corrosive weapons. For some reason, in the Peak flesh enemies do not actually take bonus damage from fire. They are considered "non-flesh" and take neutral damage. This means that fire is not totally useless but no longer retains a distinct advantage to flesh enemies. However, corrosive is not resisted by anything (other than some weird interactions with spider ants, use shock for them) and still deals bonus damage to loaders. Corrosive DoT also tends to do more and stick longer on enemies. Making it the more versatile choice for the peak. Link to the thread explaining this more in-depth: https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/digistruct-peak-enemy-typing-issue-and-why-your-fire-guns-suck-there/1119745

    • Lastly, approach mini-bosses with extreme care! Dukino's Mom, Saturn, and the Assasins are probably the most dangerous parts of the peak. Don't be afraid to use the bee for them if you need to but I find it is only really necessary for Saturn. Dukino's Mom absolutely loves to aggro on the turrets and will completely ignore you (can see this in my video). This allows you to rain grenades and DPS on her very easily. Saturn will destroy your turrets faster but behaves similarly. He can be taken down from a safe distance with the Pimpernel/Hail. The Assassins require good turret placement. Try to place them opposite one another so you can create a crossfire, and the enemies won't clog up into one place too much. As always, focus Reeth and Rouf first! They do the most DPS!

    Thanks for checking the post out! Please let me know if you have any questions. I will link the UCP changelog below if anyone is interested in the differences.

    UCP Changelog: https://github.com/BLCM/BLCMods/blob/master/Borderlands%202%20mods/Community%20Patch%20Team/Full%20UCP%20Changelog.txt

    submitted by /u/meizinsane
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    Some challenge for borderlands 2.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    I really want to restart borderlands 2, but with some funny and interesting challenge, the last one I did was Dhal only Axton. Have any idea?

    submitted by /u/Beedrillax
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    BL1:GOTY Enhanced Edition Frame rate issues on Save and Exit

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    This is an issue I have on the PC edition of Borderlands: GOTY Enhanced Edition.

    To expand on the title a bit the issue is specifically after saving and exiting about 6-10 times during a session. If I fully close the game and reopen it the frame rate goes back to normal. I've looked around a bit to try and find someone else with the same or similar issues but I haven't seen anyone with the issue exactly like mine. I've checked out a few posts about general frame rate issues that are consistent but my issue is *only* after 6-10 save and exits and once it happens it persists until the game is restarted.

    To go over a few things I have already tried as solutions;

    -I've gone through the Windows 10 game settings to make sure it isn't having issues there

    -I've made sure that the application is only pulling graphics through my GPU and isn't allowed to default to any other on-board GPU or graphics option

    -I've already checked if any of the in game settings are causing the issue and haven't found any correlations

    -My computer's hardware isn't too weak for the game.

    -Drivers are updated; didn't expect this to be an issue but I checked just in case

    -Limiting Frame rate to make sure it wasn't over working the GPU

    If it's any help, here's the PC specs:

    -Intel Core I-5 9400 @ 2.9 GHz

    -NVidia GTX1660 Super

    -2x8GB RAM (Don't remember the model, there were bought off a friend and I don't feel like opening the PC to check them)

    -Windows 10 OS; fully up to date

    I haven't noticed any issues with the application other than this, and this issue doesn't happen with any other games I play. I've seen some people say the game just runs bad because it wasn't optimized well, which has been a recurring issue it seems with BL2 for a while and then BL3 from release to current. On the average for BL1:GOTY Enhanced I clock a smooth 300 frames. After the 6-10 save and exits though, the game drops down to roughly 20-50 frames and sometimes I see 2 fps. I'm not using V-Sync as even when I tried it to see if it would help it did not, and I personally just don't like using V-Sync. I keep the Anisoptric filtering down at x2, and Anti-Aliasing is on. For most of the shadow options they are kept at high, dynamic on. Changing any of these did not have any bearing on the issue at all.

    If anyone has any ideas as to what the issue could be, or things I could try to fix it, that would be great. Any time I go to farm chests, bosses, Badasses, etc. I can farm for like 30 minutes before I have to restart the game to fix the issue. It takes like a grand total of 40 seconds to do that but it becomes a little irritating to have to do it so often. I like the Enhanced edition for the small quality of life changes it came with, and the updates, but the frame rate issue is getting grating. This has been happening since I bought the game.

    For a frame of reference for how my PC can handle other games; on Destiny 2 when I used to play it I never had any issues and ran the game on the highest quality settings at a rough 90-120 fps, Apex Legends could run around 120-144 fps, I can run Dying Light with relatively high settings at 100+ fps, I play Remnant: From the Ashes at 90-120 fps, and I can usually play BL2 at 200+ fps and have no issues. My PC isn't the strongest obviously but this issue seems unreasonable.

    submitted by /u/BromstineSareph
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    Borderlands 3 Cheat Engine

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    I'm trying to add golden keys. Is there an address I can use if I don't have any golden keys to start with and still modify them?

    submitted by /u/CommyO
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    People not liking bl3?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    I think bl3 is in a pretty good place so why are people hating bl3? Just wondering! The only thing I dont really care for is the mayhem modifiers but that is it.

    submitted by /u/paycolt2000
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    Easiest way to add "Fast Travel" to Knoxx DLC

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    To anyone still farming Crawmerax & Knoxx's Armory and are sick of all the driving, here's a quick easy guide to add "fast travel" to make your runs faster. No mods required.

    1. Navigate to: X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\BorderlandsGOTYEnhanced\WillowGame\CookedPC\DLC3\Maps
    2. Copy these files: dlc3_uberboss_p.umap and dlc3_lancedepot_p.umap
    3. Paste them into this folder: X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\BorderlandsGOTYEnhanced\WillowGame\CookedPC\DLC2\Maps
    4. Rename dlc3_uberboss_p.umap to dlc2_ruins_p.umap and replace the existing file that already has this name. (copy out the original ruins file if you want to keep it somewhere as a backup)
    5. Rename dlc3_lancedepot_p.umap to dlc2_hellburb_p.umap and replace the existing file that already has this name. (copy out the original hellburb file if you want to keep it somewhere as a backup)

    That's it. Now all you have to do is spawn into the Underdome and go through the Angelic Ruins portal to get to Crawmerax, and go through the Hell Burbia portal to get to Knoxx's armory. You can honestly replace any map you want, I just chose the Underdome maps because they're quickly accessible and I'm never going to go back and do the arenas again.

    NOTE: I did this on GOTY Enhanced. I have no idea if it will work on the original, or if the file names/locations on the original are even the same. Let me know if you get it to work!

    submitted by /u/MasterOfNone585
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    Is online as dead as the matchmaking is hitting me with?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    Connection based, or is no one playing this game? I can't even find people to play the takedowns with, I played a circle of slaughter earlier, played two-three hours later searching for a takedown and matched the same guy I played circle with. No shit. What's going on?

    submitted by /u/Btb7861
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    Possible reason for uneven XP?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Myself and a friend recently finished a playthrough of BL3, ending just after finishing the main story. We were never more than half a level away. Now, we just finished a play session, and realized the host was suddenly considerably ahead in xp - in fact, both starting at guardian level 1, I ended up at 10, they at 16. What could be a possible cause, and how to prevent it?

    submitted by /u/vonBoomslang
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    New BL player, confused

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    I recently bought borderlands legendary collection on switch and I have never played it before but had heard good things. Me and my sister wanted to play it co op on the same console and started the game and played for about 2 hours. When we Came back to the game the next day we realised that it didn't save the player 2 progress? It just saved my progress as player 1, she has a separate profile on the switch as it required one be set up before we could play and she linked her Nintendo account to it. If anybody could suggest what to do to prevent my sister losing all her progress again that would be great?

    submitted by /u/Formal-Fee-2259
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    Any fix for the dx12 crash? Crashes while playing.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    So whenever i play it sometimes crashes and i can play for some while played for some minutes crashes then no error played again then the following message "video driver crashed please make sure their updated to the last" Specs: 1660 super 451.67 latest drivers I5 9400f Game is put on hdd 1tb not on ssd 120gb 8gb ram.

    submitted by /u/FellToast
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    Does the Bounty of Blood DLC always scale to level 57, or is it just my game?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    so back when DLC3 came out, I started the DLC but decided to go back and level up before proceeding so I wouldn't have any drops be lower than 60, but I encountered this strange issue where not only did that DLC not scale, but it messed up the scaling for the other 2 DLCs as well, where it would randomly switch between level 57 and 60, but only on rare spawns iirc (I had both DLCs beaten at the time as well). I tried looking around to see if anyone else had encountered the issue, but I didn't find anything, so I just decided to wait a while to come back and see if it ever got fixed.

    well flash forward to now and even after resetting my playthrough, the DLC still scales to 57. I made sure to beat the first mission as well considering I know BL3 can have some weird mission level scaling at times, but it seems the whole DLC still stays at 57. the only thing I could think it could be at this point is if the DLC as a whole just stays at level 57 until you beat it or something, but I'd prefer not to play through it only to learn the issue doesn't get fixed, so hopefully there's some fix to it.

    submitted by /u/theghostalive
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    How does co-op work in BL1?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    My friend has been playing Borderlands 1 (single player mode) for quite a while now, while I started playing a couple days ago. We thought of giving multiplayer a shot today and it was so fun. But then I started wondering about the system works. Like, does the difficulty level increase for the one at a lower level if someone on a higher level joins? I read somewhere that weapon drops are better, but that's all I could find so that's a bummer. Also also, does the mission depend on who's hosting the game or does it depend on who's at a lower level? Because obviously someone who's at a lower level won't get access to or be able to play the missions that come at higher levels. So yeah... I could Really use some pointers and stuff. 😅

    submitted by /u/Stupid_Dodo
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    Bl3 Glitch?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    I was fighting Troy and at the end when he says "Ty we were so close" that dialogue kept popping up along with other text boxes from past dialogue. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/vexisoje
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    At what point should I move up in mayhem level and how much should I move up by?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Just completed the story on mayhem 4 so I have pretty good gear. I assume now would be a good time to move up in mayhem level but how much should I move up by?

    submitted by /u/Superficiall
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    [BL2] necrotizing loot nests?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Do they still world drop legendary items ? I used to farm them when I played a year ago and got plenty but I farmed them twenty times and got nothing now.

    Do they still drop the same loot and I'm just being unlucky?

    submitted by /u/Mostwantedmika
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    I want to watch BL3 gameplay but don't want spoilers.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    I've not yet played Borderlands 3 since my laptop can't handle it but I know the gameplay is really cool. I've always wanted to watch BL3 gameplays especially like the Iron bear one but I'm afraid of spoilers about the plot. Do you guys know of any youtube gameplays without major plot spoilers (probably just running around shooting stuff in the face) or do I just have to wait until I can play the game in the future? Thanks a bunch!

    submitted by /u/Mond4T7
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    Read-only save file exploit not working on BL2 nor TPS. Was it patched?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    I've tried the read-only exploit both on BL2 and TPS, for farming quest rewards, and most recently luneshine chest farming. It has never worked for me. Save/exit after getting an undesirable quest reward leaves me with that undesirable reward upon reloading, with the quest finished. Same with the moonstone chests - my moonstones are gone upon reloading.

    Note that the golden key exploit does work for me; setting the profile.bin to read-only preserves both my keys as well as whatever items I get out of the golden chests, on both games.

    Was the save-only exploit on the savexxx.bin file patched? Does this have anything to do with the fact I'm playing both games from the Epic store vs. Steam? Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/GotoDeng0
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