• Breaking News

    Monday, August 24, 2020

    Borderlands I can't imagine anyone else than Dameon Clarke in the role of Handsome Jack for the movie.

    Borderlands I can't imagine anyone else than Dameon Clarke in the role of Handsome Jack for the movie.

    I can't imagine anyone else than Dameon Clarke in the role of Handsome Jack for the movie.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    If the character is going to be in the movie, it absolutely HAS to be played by him. I'm quiet sure that no actor will be able to fill his shoes in this role. It's like he was born for it, kinda like RDJ with Iron Man.

    submitted by /u/Warma99
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    About Krieg and "Her"

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Just now seeing the mini-teaser for the next DLC, I wanted to make a post about something I've seen a lot of regarding Krieg: Maya is NOT the only love of Krieg's life.

    Yes, ever since the Meat Bicycle Made for Two short, there's been a relationship built between Krieg and Maya even through the Wedding Day Massacre headhunter DLC where Krieg describes Maya (and Tina) as special people in his life. However, looking deeper into his voice lines throughout borderlands 2, it becomes apparent that the proverbial "She/Her" that he mentions most often isn't Maya, but somebody he was at least imprisoned with by Hyperion who also escaped.

    Best example: "I'll never forget the way her holes cried... The way she screamed in agony as she pushed the knife slowly into my sternum... Such a beautiful symphony of feelings, and at the end of it, she was so much greater! My operatic diva of flesh and steel!!"

    Most of the time I've seen people take most examples of Krieg missing or thinking about "her" and immediately go on about "Aw, listen to him talk about Maya!" and while a lot of those times he is talking about Maya, I want more people to go into this DLC aware that Maya isn't the only woman Krieg is searching for. (In fact, he's definitely been searching for this other "her" long before even meeting Maya)

    TL;DR: Don't be surprised when we see Krieg not with Maya in the DLC, but with some other previously unknown woman, whether it ends up being a girlfriend, sister, daughter, etc. (Also her name might be Sammy, from the Son of Crawmerax DLC?)

    submitted by /u/BigSquidSalad
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    PC - Constant Connection Issues When Trying To Join Friends

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    We are able to play other games completely fine. We constantly have issues trying to join one another, but have no clue what the issue is. We are always stuck on "joining player" but eventually times out. We have tried invites as well as manual joins.

    submitted by /u/xSavage-aF
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    Raid On Digistruct Peak vs Holodome Onslaught vs Takedown on Maliwan Blacksite [Discussion]

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    Which arena-survival style challenge is your favorite?

    My favorite is Digistruct Peak because of the challenge, mob variety, and beautiful map. Then again BL2 is my favorite.

    submitted by /u/Yobro_49
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    Online Multiplayer?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is a known answer, I couldn't find a for sure answer online. I have the Legendary Collection for Switch and was wondering, is there multiplayer online for these games? If so, can I play with a friend who has it for Xbox or PS? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Tinnedman
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    Disappearing player names

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    My friends and I have a problem where our player names will disappear from over our heads after a while. This makes it hard to tell where everyone is and is a real problem when someone calls for help.

    Anybody else experience this and/or have a solution?

    submitted by /u/maverickmyth
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    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    Guys so, I was playing Borderlands Trying to get the Wanted:Krom:Kill Krom trophy in Ps4 and I killed Krom got the artifact and turned in the mission but I didn'tget the "kill krom" trophy even dough I killed Krom and turned in the mission

    submitted by /u/GoatProfessional5164
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    How many dlcs will BL3 get? Seeing as the space map is huge...

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    If we only get 4 that's like somebody dropped the ball.

    submitted by /u/bob6784558
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    How do you guys feel about aligance runs?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    I've done quite a few aligance runs on each of the games and was curious what you guys thought of them. If you've done one, which manufacturer and vault hunter did you use? If you've done multiple aligance runs, which one was you're favorite? Are their any you'd reccomend for other players or ones you'd advise against?

    Edit: Sorry if I dont see your comment, reddit derps out for me sometimes and dosent show me new comments

    submitted by /u/RedSlothGaming3
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    Borderlands 1 Scaling question

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Me and a friend just completed playthrough 1 and we've never done the dlcs so we figured we could try out the dlcs together before contining playthrough 2. It occurred to me though, if there is scaling involved we will be massively overleveled for the start of playthrough 2 if we do infact do all of the dlcs so my questions areeeeee

    Do the DLC quests and enemies scale to our level to a degree? I noticed the items are scaling somewhat and so is the vending machines to a degree, so I'm curious if the enemies are always gonna be close to our level in the dlcs.

    Do the enemies in the normal game/playthrough 2 scale to the players levels at all? We are both level 38 give or take a bit of exp, close to 39 myself. I kinda don't wanna do the DLCs if its gonna give me 10 levels and then I start playthrough 2 and the enemies in fyrestone are like level 35 or something like that.

    submitted by /u/darthdarticus
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    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Hello today I bought this game and it will end up arriving tomorrow I bought the handsome collection addition and I wanted to ask in this subreddit which of the two games should I play the preschool first or the two And also if you could give me some tips for a newbie

    submitted by /u/lespecaslocas
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    Do you need all of the DLC for borderlands 2.5?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    all i have is the game of the year edition which doesn't include all the DLC

    submitted by /u/lightfire232
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    Borderlands 1 GOTY Enhanced and BL 2 Remastered Raw mouse input

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:17 AM PDT


    Is there a way to make mouse input better and sens lower than 10 in remastered editions? I am able to make good mouse input with low mouse sens in regular borderlands 1 by changed some lines in willowinput. But this does not work in enhanced and remastered. Just can't play like that. The mouse is too fast and feels laggy.

    submitted by /u/Feodotu
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    Does anyone know how to fix this problem

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    In BL3 I keep having my Xbox shutdown every single time I in a cutscene or fighting ads

    submitted by /u/Wandering-the-web
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    How to fix tvhm In bl3

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Put anointments and make the game harder slightly more in tvhm only and add a dialogue skip in tvhm also!

    Edit: this is only my opinion, I just want to know what would be your ideal way to fix tvhm from being pointless! I think the main problem is mayhem mode in normal mode because the reason you continue in bl2 is because the max level in normal is 30 so maybe also reduce xp in normal to make tvhm worth!

    submitted by /u/paycolt2000
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    Farming mission rewards on Mayhem 10

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    With the mission rewards, can i just do the mission on mayhem 1 then just switch to mayhem 10 to collect the reward?

    submitted by /u/PapaNootNoot
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