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    Sunday, August 23, 2020

    Borderlands Is anyone else a bit concerned about power creep lore-wise? (spoilers inside!)

    Borderlands Is anyone else a bit concerned about power creep lore-wise? (spoilers inside!)

    Is anyone else a bit concerned about power creep lore-wise? (spoilers inside!)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    Doesn't the whole Siren thing start to go a little off the rails now?

    At first it was just cool additional powers. Locking enemies in place, maybe liquifying a bandit or two? All cool.

    But how did we get from that to literally engulfing an entire moon and absorbing immortal beings to become an unstoppable force that can eat up the entire universe?

    Like, we're still just playing as Vault Hunters. We basically just shoot guns. Admittedly we're pretty good at doing so, but while I am willing to suspend belief up to a certain point in favor of gameplay and such, it still has to be somewhat believable no?

    In BL2 we "just" took down a giant company and a big monster. I can totally see this as a possibility if you're a badass. Killing beings that could very well be considered actual gods by shooting pistols at them feels a bit icky though.

    Why even go this far? Can't we just continue getting sucked into good old company wars? It's what the series is about anyway.

    submitted by /u/Avongrove
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    Why don't people like the pre sequel?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    I genuinely enjoy it. I have like 2 gripes with the entirety of it. It's a good part of the series, and the only downside of it is the lack of end game content. But people apparently hate it? Why is that?

    submitted by /u/Illustrious_Foxx
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    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    I really enjoyed BL3. I played it with my buddy, and we did every side quest along with the story line. Here is what I learned in our ~45 hr playthrough with me as FLAK and him as Moze

    • Moze's ability is broken. He was able to kill almost any boss easily, and it almost made it UNFUN to use, because of how broken it was

    • FLAK was super fun. I loved all the bonus health regen, and free crits I could get

    • Overall, doing all the missions made us over leveled and at no point was the game a challenge (unfortunately). Can't wait to try out mayhem mode and really crank up the enemy difficulty

    • Grenades are worthless compared to BL2. I'm not sure if this is a hot take or not, but we rarely used grenades. Was much faster to just shoot the baddies.

    • I went into the game with only 2 spoilers. 1, Lilith's powers are stolen somehow. 2, everyone hates a character named Ava. To be honest, I didn't think Ava was that bad. EVERYONE hated her so much, I was expecting her to betray us at some point and hand us over to the bad guys

    • The story was mediocre at best. Actually, the story itself was fine. But was actually super awkward was that during cutscenes our characters were NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. Like, our characters were just jacking off as Lilth is attacked, or as bad guys fly in.

    I will not try to recap some of my favorite and most memorable missions:

    • In a jungle and had to kill all the jabbers at a bar. Turns out, she built the bar on a jabber breeding ground lol

    • "We're on the blood path now"

    • Aurelia is a bitch

    submitted by /u/RandomnessFortheBest
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    Amara Augment Glamour

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to make a short post because I know there has been some confusion in the community including myself concerning Amara's action skill augment Glamour. Glamour used to often stop you from progressing and would stop you from killing enemies because a bug was causing enemies turned friendly by Glamour to stay permanently friendly. On July 23rd Gearbox addressed a series of Glamour bugs and it is working well now as it no longer makes confused enemies permanently friendly and you can damage enemies while they are confused. A lot of people, myself included, had been previously dissuaded from using this augment because of this drawback but Glamour is very strong now and provides a great source of defense for Amara especially with enemies dealing M10 damage. I don't actually use Glamour myself in my standard build but I do in a variant where I learned the augment was working surprisingly well it is really strong for content like the circles of slaughter or anytime you are fighting dense mobs. I had a clip of it but it won't let me post it here but I implore you to try it out and give it a fresh chance.

    TLDR: Glamour no longer makes confused enemies permanently friendly and you can damage enemies while they are confused.

    submitted by /u/Fonsecapro17
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    PLEASE let us reset DLC campaigns separately

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    I know I'm not the only one who dislikes the story of BL3. I've played it again and again, not because I love the story, but because it gives us some gameplay.

    Right now our options for replayability is farming items and the takedowns. But we're all in at least somewhat agreement that the DLC campaigns are MUCH more enjoyable than the base game campaign. I think it would be awesome to play the DLC again without resetting all the locations of the campaign. I mean, even the devs must realize we like the DLC more than the base game, right?

    Anyways this was Thre Dog with your news.

    submitted by /u/GammaAnomaly
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    I just finished Borderlands 3 after a very long time of owning the game and it was honestly mediocre.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    I bought Borderlands 3 the day of release and played it all day that same day and I had a fairly good time playing until I got to about the middle of the story. If I'm being honest the story telling kind of turned into a heaping pile of garbage and I hate saying that because the Borderlands series is my favorite video game series of all time. After playing all of the Borderlands games and finishing them I hate to say it but Bl3 was my least favorite out of the bunch. I also think I should note I took a fairly long hiatus from playing the game because I honestly thought it was just bad story wise and even some of the gameplay mechanics felt "off". If I'm being honest it just didn't feel like I was playing a Borderlands game by the end of it. I would just like to know how others felt about this game and what their opinions on it are.

    Edit: Grammar

    submitted by /u/IneedatwitchUsername
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    Has anyone tried making their own fan-made weapons manufacturer?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Not necessarily by way of modding, but in concept. If anyone has, feel free to share!

    submitted by /u/SandLuc083_
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    I just had a BOMB idea to balance out the Vendors!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Make them kind of meh to begin with, I'd say only white and RARELY greens will be available.However add a new type of com that you have to buy, maybe one for each vendor! As you buy them (invest in the stores), the rarity and quality of gear that becomes available increases.

    What this would result in is not having overpowered items like purple grenades, shields and weapons right when you access the droughts! And makes the kind of gear available progressable!

    EDIT: There are 4 vendors, so you could add 4 more coms so it'd be even with how the shop is designed.

    submitted by /u/Islarf
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    Can an Xbox player play the story online with a PlayStation player?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    My friend has Xbox 1, and we've been playing the Story. I don't get to their place often, so I was wondering if I got it on my PS4 could we keep playing through the story?

    submitted by /u/POKECHU020
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    Cpu temp Peak when loading levels ? normal

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Hey gamers ,

    Recently went back to play borderlands 2 and realized that playing this game my cpu is like 55c which is not that bad i guess but when loading a level like going to another zone it peak for like 3-4 sec to 70c + never reaching 80c but still troublesome. Once loading finish which is pretty quick it goes down instantly to the 50ish

    Anyone got that or have an explanation maybe ? i got a core i9 9900ks 5ghz not overcloked as of now

    submitted by /u/Hroothgaard
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    GOTY edition or Handsome Jack collection?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    So both games are on sale for $10 and I was wondering if instead of buying both I should just buy borderlands 1 and buy it for a friend too.

    I've heard that the games are best played with friends?

    submitted by /u/JonathanLoyal
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    Drowning in brass/ Phalanx Doctrine/ Pearl effects on auto bear

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    I know that drowning in brass adds the bonus gun damage as hard point damage onto iron bears left augment.

    But I'm curious, is this is the case for Phalanx doctrine stacks? And does the 105 increase from Pearl stacks apply to the iron bear augments as well?

    The main thing I want to know is if any of these stacking effects listed above apply to auto bear. I know that auto bear's damage formula is somewhat limited when compared to the piloted mech. If anyone's got some info on the subject, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/RoadCode
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    What do you think of the seemingly new siren succession?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    So now that they randomly seem to just pass powers to who they want upon death. What do you think of Sirens basically being Maidens from RWBY? Even down to the fact you can steal it.

    submitted by /u/FarikoWishless
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    Hoping someone can help me quickly kill Haderax the Invincible on normal mode!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm on PS4 and anybody is available I'd really appreciate some help! I'm a level 50 assassin and as vapid as it is I'm really just here for the trophy! I'd appreciate any help thank you!

    I also don't have a mic I'm sorry):

    submitted by /u/WeHuntMonsters
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    Cramerax post battle music theme

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    Does anyone know the name or have a link to the music that plays after you've killed Cramerax the invincible? It's such an amazing piece and the vocalization sends chills down my spine every time

    submitted by /u/alexedgelord
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    Handsome jack

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    Am i the only one who finds jack uneeded and just has my experience with 2 and presequal ruined whenever he dials it to 11? the games can stand on there own they dont need him souring the mood completely.

    submitted by /u/Mystreanon
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    Hello everyone, Anybody know how to do the infinite ammo glitch, with the vladof launcher and weapon changing method??

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Is it fixed in 2020?? I just want to try it out

    submitted by /u/PargeLenis0
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    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    Does any other piece of BorderLands media(comics and such) explain the events of the Corporate Wars and if so please tell me how and why?

    submitted by /u/Hvonne-The-VII
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    (Spoilers!) Question for BL3 story haters

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Do you think the story would have been redeemable and the Twins tolerable if we fought them every time they came in front of us and killed someone ? (Which is alot of times)

    And we always lost to them or cut off till the part where we killed Troy and then Tyreen

    Like every time they came we had a mini boss battle with them, they would clearly overpower us and do what they have done (kill people). The only difference being we had a chance to fight but were unsuccessful against them. (Kind of like the Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within)

    Would that have made them a convincing threat ?

    (Also would you push Ava off a cliff into lava for 500 Eridian ?)

    EDIT: Well haters isnt the word I should have used. More like "really really disappointed fans". Being one myself.

    submitted by /u/Darkat5
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    Another Zer0 theory..."Shes a killer....Queeeeen"

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    Guaranteed to blow your mind...Heres something that Ive realized about Zer0...not only do men think Zer0 is cool, women do too...

    Tannis seems to know who Zer0 is. But Zer0 doesnt seem to know who she is intially. So this gives me the impression that Tannis has been investigating his origin to get to know him. If anyones capable of finding out its her. She might not be in love with him but shes at least interested. This type of behavior does tend happen in people that are interested. Its a subtle form of stalking

    Moxxi obviously. Shes always asking for Zer0 to swing by. Im thinking her interest in him is out of curiousity. She wants to find out what hes packing. But I mean he is a badass intergalactic ninja...So shes probably never slept with a ninja before.

    Lastly we have Lorelai, Im not entirely sure shes into him as much as hes into her, but when they first met she notes that hes tall. Tallness is an attractive trait to some women, so I definitely think shes somewhat interested in him

    But you see where Im going with this theory. Women have the hots for Zer0. I mean what woman in their right mind wouldnt find him attractive (Tina and Gaige come to mind but being realistic hes probably just not their type considering theyre a bit young and immature. Ellie likely isnt into him either because again thats just not her cup of tea)

    So if women are into Zer0 what women is Zer0 into? Well if Lorelai is any indication, older badass/crazy gun totting women....Oh Zer0 nobody told you to not stick your d**k in crazy huh? So heres what Im thinking right. Because Zer0 is attractive to women hes likely had a partner at some point in his past. What with him being an assasin as well, and there being an entire bar and school for assasins Im thinking hes met an assasin chick....Again Zer0 doesnt seem super keen on this sort of thing considering how bad he is on things like card games....

    Im thinking either 2 things. This Assasin chick either has known Zer0 for a while and is completely obsessed with him but Zer0 doesnt know her. Or this Assasin chick has met Zer0 and they were previously in a relationship but broke up.

    Im more willing to think the second option. This would explain why after you kill Kategawa Jr. Zer0 questions to himself how Kategawa could have gotten that tech. He mentions "she" but denies it being possible of her doing that. Now some people think that this is Tannis. Tannis being the culprit raises a lot of questions like why on Darth would she and Kategawa even know each other or have met. I think its someone else we havent met. And that someone is basically just a crazy Assasin Ex-girlfriend of Zer0.

    Lastly I think this is the same person that killed Zer0s assasins in the Son of Crawmerax DLC. This person sends a personal message to Zer0 that only says 1.

    The significance behind that is huge. The 1 here is referring to Zer0s name and identity. Hes someone whos gone through life never have found an equal challenge. Not even the campaigns of BL2 were a challenge....Therefore the number 0 appears frequently on his mask. So not only is this person aware of Zer0s name and identity but also aware of the significance of the Zer0. The only person that could know that much about Zer0 is someone that knows or has spent enough time with Zer0. Now Tannis is noted as knowing a bit about him at least his gender and real name. But it doesnt make sense that Tannis is the culprit here. Her interest in Zer0 is slight at best. Whereas this person seems to be very interested in him to the point where he/she killed off active assasins that wanted to kill him and sent him a personal letter.

    To me this sounds like someone crazy obssessed would do. Like even worse than Kategawa Jr' s level, and He was obssessed with Rhys to the point where he copied his whole identity so he could sneak up on Rhys and likely because Zer0 is the closest thing Rhys has to a best friend, so by taking his identity hes effectively replacing him....yeah thats kinda creepy. Keeping this inlined with Zer0s theme regarding women, and it seems logical to me Zer0 has some crazy stalker assasin chick that wants to either match him or at the very at least prove her worth to him. Calling herself 1 as to prove this point further that the two are different. Zer0 being male looking for a challenge, 1 being female and hypothetically said challenge.

    This person would even go so far as to give Kategawa the schematics of Zer0s suite, the reasoning I could only imagine would be to spy on Zer0 to see how hed fare against someone close to his level. Obviously we botched that hypoethical plan.

    So TLDR: Man I wish I had a secret crazy stalker assasin obssessed gf that wants to be my challenge....huh maybe I already do and just dont know it...maybe you do too

    submitted by /u/Raymancer
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