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    Wednesday, August 5, 2020

    Borderlands Is farming canon

    Borderlands Is farming canon

    Is farming canon

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    In the son of cramerax dlc litith brick and morecai referred to a boss that they fought over and again.

    submitted by /u/novastorm229
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    printable things

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    hey guys so i was asked to make up nameplates/tags for bl2 and wanted to share it if you wanted to print some too. plan on making ones for bl3 and whatever else. Enjoy!


    edit 1: added S&S, old and new Anshin, and Atlas! thanks so much for the support, will be adding more soon!

    submitted by /u/TheKwinkyist
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    Is scone a good skill?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    Just trying to setttle an argument

    Edit: yes I spelt it wrong there's some pretty good jokes in the comments

    submitted by /u/ApolloMalo14
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    Takedown at the Guardian Breach in a Nutshell

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    TLDR: For those of who prefer to watch rather than read - https://youtu.be/0CuYm5NdSCo

    Before we start...

    It's been less than 2 months since Takedown at the Guardian Breach was introduced into Borderlands 3 but with everything that's going on in the world, that kinda feels like a lifetime ago. I was going through some older notes recently and found my thoughts on running the takedown for the first time. It's still probably my favorite piece of content in Borderlands 3 so - if like so many of us, you're having a tough time at the moment - I figured it'd be fun to take a trip down memory lane and relive some laughs.

    Make sure you let me know your memories of running this takedown for the first time; trying to get some positive vibes flowing today - I think we could all use them!

    Takedown at the Guardian Breach in a Nutshell

    Depending on how high your Mayhem level is set, this Takedown can take a fair while to complete, especially if you're playing it solo. I was planning on giving you a deep, detailed breakdown but thanks to the Internet and social media, most of us now have an attention span of around 18 seconds so before you get distracted by those shiny keys sitting over on the table, here's the Takedown at the Guardian Breach summarised in a nutshell.

    First Area:

    Before going anywhere, I decide that a change of clothes is necessary because after all, we're going to a new planet for the first time and I want to make a good first impression. My initial instinct was to create something to help me camouflage but somehow I end up making Zane look like Joe Exotic and weirdly, I'm ok with that. I stock up on Ammo and turn around to find myself standing face-to-face with a group of people who are cheering me on. Instantly, I feel the heavy weight of expectation fall on my shoulders and for a second, consider cancelling the takedown trip entirely and instead just going home to watch reruns of The Office on Netflix. One civilian in particular looked like she'd seen a lot of disappointment in her life though so I figured I'd do it for her.

    I go and collect my mission from Tannis but don't stay long because she's recently gotten four new gaming PCs in her office and won't stop asking me to play Fortnite. I head to the bridge and chart a course to Minos Prime, because apparently I'm the only person left aboard Sanctuary 3 who knows how to actually pilot the ship. Seriously, why is there an 11 year old unofficially in charge when there's an actual Vault Hunter on board… you know what, it doesn't matter. Roasting Ava can be saved for another time...

    Touching down on the surface of Minos Prime for the first time, I find myself admiring just how brilliant the environment looks. Gearbox have done such an incredible job with the aesthetics that while gazing in awe, I fail to see the huge gap right in front of me and fall to my first of many jump-related deaths. The sad trombone sound effect plays and the game tells me I've been defeated. To be fair though, I hadn't even started the Takedown yet and respawned ahead of where I died so technically, I've feel like I've discovered a new skip and you can all just call me SubParJoltzDude.

    Soon, I reach a blocked door surrounded by two crystals that someone clearly forgot to plug into the charger overnight because they're dangerously low on battery. Just like an iphone (allegedly,) if I don't keep the crystals from running out of charge, they'll explode. I run between both plates individually and thankfully, the crystals seem to have super fast charge enabled because the door pops open in no time.

    In the next area, I encounter jump pads for the time in the Takedown. They kinda remind me of those powerful water jets you find in a pool and just like those jets, if you sit directly on top of them, something wonderful happens. I completely miss a floating asteroid that I thought I was meant to land on. When I effortlessly touch down on the platform I was meant to land on, I look back and wonder if this is a sign of good things to come for me when it comes to jump puzzles in this takedown.

    Spoiler Alert: It isn't.

    Second Area:

    Eventually, I'm confronted by three ominous portals which open up and spew a variety of different Guardians out at me whose sole mission is to mess up my pretty Irish face. Among these enemies are the Schismatic Diadem's. These big boys have a massive glowing orb where their brain should be and unless you put them down, these mindless morons will just charge straight at you and explode kamikaze-style.

    Three more iphone batteries that are almost down to 1% need to be manually recharged while I ward off attackers. This is noticeably trickier than the first set of crystals. Not only because there's an extra one to take care of but because unless you keep the Guardians off the plates, the crystals won't charge. This is easier said and done though as the Guardians thrust themselves at you with the precision of a Russian Olympic gymnastic and the ruthless aggression of a Russian Olympic gymnastic. It's easy to find yourself overwhelmed and surrounded if you're not careful.

    Even though this is early on in the Takedown, you can definitely feel that a frantic pace is being set, especially if you choose to run this end game activity solo!

    Next up, I discover some vanishing platforms that make me question whether or not I'd accidentally eaten some magic mushrooms for lunch. After some very slow and precise jumps that'd make even Super Mario look like a little bitch, I plunged down a laundry chute to face my toughest challenge yet.

    Mid-way Boss

    Anathema the Relentless is the mid-way boss of the takedown and for a long time was putting me into Fight For Your Life by literally blowing up at me. After some strategic planning, I decided to adopt the same strategy I use at home when my girlfriend blows up at me in anger - tactically retreat to a completely different area of the house unless it's safe to return. The only difference here is, instead of coming back and having a mature conversation, I pummel Anathema in the face over and over again with a corrosive assault rifle and re-aggravate the situation. Sure, it's not the best relationship but we're working on it and really, isn't that what really matters?

    This boss encounter is my favourite in Borderlands 3 and is right up there with my favourite in the entire franchise. Scrambling frantically to the temporary safety of different levels while being attacked by vicious mobs is awesome. Whoever was on the design team deserves a raise.

    After finally getting fed up with me, Anathema heads to bed for a long, well earned nap and I press on, still determined to find the source of the mysterious Guardian signal.

    I fight my way through more waves of enemies and once they're all down, I take a moment to really appreciate the level design of these temples. Everything from the plants, the buildings and even the terrain itself has a distinctly eerie, alien vibe. I was a huge fan of the Malliwan Takedown but this has definitely raised the bar.

    I must have been mindlessly daydreaming about the beauty of the level design for too long though because before I knew it, I'd missed a vital jump by an absolute street and found myself clinging for dear life on the side of a cliff. For a second, I thought that maybe I'd discovered yet another skip and that finally I'd get some of the love I so desperately crave from the Borderlands subreddit…. buutt it wasn't meant to be and I plummeted to my death.

    What made this death so annoying wasn't the fact that it happened two feet away from the final boss but instead, after restarting at the checkpoint I made it all the way back only to miss an even EASIER jump on the second attempt. By this point, I was shouting so many curse words that compared to me, the Incredible Hulk would have looked like one of the pacifistic monks of Athenas.

    Finally, I stuck the landing, took a ride down the world's most uncomfortable slide and landed outside a portal that'd take me straight to the takedown's final boss and the answers I'd been searching for.


    Scourge the Invincible Martyr is both the final boss of the Takedown at the Guardian Breach and an avid whip enthusiast. It's 2020 so I'm definitely not going to judge, but highly advise you do your best to avoid this attack otherwise you'll be going down faster than the economy during a recession. What? You thought I was going to be something dirty? You're disgusting.

    Each time I blast away a portion of his health bar, Scourge acts like a scared punk and calls in his mates as reinforcements. Thankfully for me, some of those buddies just so happen to be the Schismatic Diadem's from earlier on. Before Scourge can unleash a devastating attack to obliterate me, I pop one of the Diadems with an esports-worthy headshot. They explode right next to him, making Scourge stagger worse than I do on the way home from the pub on a Friday night after drinks with the boys.

    Seriously though, if you had a mate who had a tendency to explode surely you wouldn't want him literally standing by your side when you're going into a fight. "Listen, I appreciate your enthusiasm Trevor but you do have a tendency to kinda kill us all so maybe sit this one out?"

    There was one immunity phase where I couldn't shoot a diadem in time so I just crouched and cowered being a pillar crying and apparently, that keeps you safe too so… choose the approach that suits your personality best, I suppose?

    Once I've taken down enough of his health, Scourge yeets me into a completely different realm to take a time out and recharge which, I'm pretty sure is against the rules but I don't see a referee anywhere nearby so I just carry on. I wipe out all the minions as fast as I can because whatever he's doing back there is regenerating his health, fast. I jump through a portal and return to find Scourge indulging in some much needed "me time."

    I did actually date someone once who was really into crystals and their healing properties so it didn't really surprise me to see the big fella turning to alternative medicine for a bit of a pick me up. One of the things I specifically remembered learning about crystals, however is that that their healing capacity is significantly diminished if they're smashed to f#*king pieces. So, I proceed to smash the crystal into a fine dust. Clearly, this was one of those expensive crystals though because Scourge wasn't happy with this and jumped straight back into the fight.

    After another inter-dimensional trip and a course of crystal therapy, I can smell victory and light Scourge up with everything I've got. With his armour and health completely exhausted, Scourge dramatically descends into a portal of darkness and I'm crowned "King of The Takedown." It's not an officially recognised title but I feel I've earned it.

    I head over to my fresh pile of loot and it's only then that I realise that to get a video made in time I turned Mayhem Levels off so everything on the ground is absolutely useless and all of this has essentially been for nothing.

    Classic Borderlands.

    Hopefully you enjoyed reading and had a laugh, everyone! Appreciate you getting this far and hope you, your friends and your families are all keeping as safe, healthy and well as possible! Take care, guys!


    submitted by /u/SubParLover
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    Starting a Zane playthrough. What guns is he good with and what should i look out for?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    So i just started playing Zane and he is really fun. Im running a hitman build but i dont know what kind of weapons he is good with. Snipers? Shotguns? Idk so yeah any ideas on what generic weapons to look out for and what legendaries/ uniques to pick up would he appreciated

    submitted by /u/isuckatnames06
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    Were the Eridians evil?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    I'm not sure as while they made the vaults with monsters in them, I'm not sure if they were trying to protect everyone else by trapping the monsters in vaults, or if they made the monsters and were planning to use them to take over the unverse or whatever. Also, how did they get wiped out

    submitted by /u/Bootlebat
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    Team speedrun?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    I've seen multiple speedrun of each game but i was wondering if a multiplayer/team speedrun had been done and how crazy it would be.

    Like one get the mission while the other is already there to complete it while the two other are doing the same thing for a other mission in the same map.

    If it have been done, can you refer me to some good one?

    submitted by /u/electrojoeblo
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    Can you snipe through the play through?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    I know I'm late but I'm finally getting to start playing the borderlands 3. In the other 3 games I've primarily sniped through, only using other gun types as last resort. Is that possible in this one or should I keep other gun types from the start?

    submitted by /u/hawaiian42
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    If they were to add a D&D themed dlc to Borderlands 3 too, what do you think the classes would be called?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    Amara would obviously be a monk, I think Zane could be a fighter, Fl4k could be a warlock just to spice things up, and I have no clue what Moze would be

    submitted by /u/PowerToHealLeopards
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    Borderlands 3 best solo class

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Please send image of best built or the one you pay from the class you choose

    My classes I play in games

    Borderlands 1: Lilith

    Borderlands 2: Krieg

    Borderlands: the pre-sequel: Jack

    submitted by /u/DiscoNic1P
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    Borderlands 1 Multiplayer Lag

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Anyone got the same problem and knows how to fix it ? I can't enjoy the multiplayer part, because the game lags when joining lobby's, if I host a game and randoms join I don't have any lag. I have a switch lite with the latest update, the game is installed on my micro SD. My WiFi is working great.

    submitted by /u/syone02
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    The most overpowered build ever?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    What is or has been the most overpowered build ever? 2x unkept herold salvador? 2x infinity Pistole auto aim nisha? Im interested what other really op shit is out there

    submitted by /u/Baselord1
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    I'm thinking about buying the legendary set for switch is it worth the $50

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Just trying to decide if I should buy it on switch or wait until I buy a xbox

    submitted by /u/jakobi48
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    Help for trophies

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:57 PM PDT


    I need help for online trophies for ps4. plz contact me if you wanna help me.

    BL2 and Pre sequel

    submitted by /u/WadeLallin
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    I've just replayed BL2 for the second time (still on the DLC) and have PreSequel and 3 on the shelf. With that in mind, is it still worth buying BL1?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    As in the title, it's £8.24 for BL on PlayStation Store. I'm loving replaying BL2 after first playing it many years ago, and have the sequels still to play. So, with that in mind, is it worth going back and playing the first one?

    submitted by /u/BaBaFiCo
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    Your Maya build is trash - a discussion and reference of Maya play styles

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    Your Maya build is trash, you wanna know why? Because it's not the same build I use. See my Maya uses Scorn, and Ruin. I don't use Thoughtlock, but I heard you do, which means you're actually just shitty at the game.

    The above paragraph is an exaggeration, well mostly, of things I hear people talk about when discussing what the most effective way to spec Maya is. This post is inspired by a short discussion I witnessed on another post, and it reminded me of why I get really frustrated seeing people circle-jerk over how to best build Maya.

    You see, the thing is Maya is incredibly well designed, probably one of the most fluid characters in the series. All three skill trees are amazing, and speccing into her in different ways can be super viable and fun. Yet people still argue left and right over this or that about her. So here's some examples on different ways to build her, and why they work...

    *Note I may have an assload of time spent playing Maya, and I'm pretty knowledgeable, but it's been a while since I really dug into her so keep that in mind. Additionally these build examples I'm using are just thrown together, but keep in mine, gamers, so so so many of Maya's skills are fucking amazing. This means that in any given build style, you'll see different specific skills used and they're still just as viable. What I'm using these builds for is to demonstrate the overall idea and archetype, rather than the specifics.*

    Endless Thoughtlock DPS build: https://bl2skills.com/siren.html#505501455105050000005504510501

    This seems to be one of the most popular builds, it's raw fucking damage. Using Thoughtlock, Sub-Sequence, and Suspension means that you're keeping your action skill up for ages. This means you get a constant bonus damage and health regen from Wreck and Elated. Additionally, Chain Reaction is that much better since you can reliably make use of it for longer.

    The downside to this build is a lack of survivability. If you rely entirely on her skills to keep you alive, you will be walking a bit of a tight rope to stay alive. But like I said, this style is raw damage, so it's more of a good offense is a good defense type thing than anything. A build like this will likely rely on abusing the Grog Nozzle to stay alive. The Magic Missile isn't necessary, but it's a good idea to have.

    Key skills: Thoughtlock, Sub-Sequence, Suspension, Wreck, Ruin

    Staying Alive Action Spam: https://bl2skills.com/siren.html#520501550005050055515504510501

    This is the build I run, or something similar anyway. This build has wonderful DPS, while also keeping great survival. A build like this is not looking to keep your action skill going forever, instead it looks to spam it on single targets. This build also doesn't even need the action skill to be going to do great things, being that Scorn can easily slag everything on the field, falling back on high damage weapons and damage buffs like Cloudkill to carry you though the fight. Converge also makes this so much more viable, since you can crowd enemies and rain hell.

    The reason I love this build is that it's so free. You don't need the Grog, you don't need the Bee, or the Magic Missile. However, some people don't like the idea of never spamming action skills and defensiveness so that's fine.

    A build like this will benefit from using the Legendary Siren and the Bone of the Ancients to get 90% cool down on action skill, making it so you don't even need to use Quicken. However, if you want a different COM then Quicken picks up the slack. Thus, giving you more freedom on how you can spend points and what gear you can use.

    Key skills: Scorn, Wreck, Converge, Ruin, Chain Reaction

    I'm Not Like Other Gamers: https://bl2skills.com/siren.html#550501555105050155515500510000

    This is by far the least popular build type I see, but just like anything else it can very well work. Ruin is amazing, but it's not necessary to to kill things, this this build doesn't need it. This build style focuses on survival, and the endlessness possible with Thoughtlock. Notice, however, that you can hit Chain Reaction and Cloudkill to get high damage anyway. A build like this is probably less free in the guns it can use, but also doesn't have to rely on the Grog or Magic Missile.

    Key skills: Thoughlock, Suspension, Sub-Sequence, Wreck, Chain Reaction

    Those are just some archetypes I wanted to point out. They all have pros and cons but Maya is so damn well designed that as long as you're hitting certain key skills with any given build, you can do just about anything you want with the lesser skills and gear. She's not near as gear dependent as other characters, which is a symptom of her skills being that good. This post may have a snarky title and intro, but it's really an attempt to teach at least someone out there some nuance behind Maya. Hopefully this is something newer and experienced players can learn from.

    Of course, any respectful feedback is welcome. :)

    submitted by /u/CaelThavain
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    How to reach millions of damage to kill in mayhem 10?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    I'm an Amara main, I got hellshock in mayhem 4 then the monarch in mayhem 6 and anarchy from the GL&T DLC. I've hit a wall and most build videos I've watch require very specific anointment or RNG such as 300% more DMG to enemies with 90% hp with a 120% melee which is not very practical for someone new to mayhem 10.

    So what weapons or builds should I go for a new mayhem 10 newbie?

    submitted by /u/ShotOwnFoot
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    Let's talk about the biggest injustice against Borderlands players

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    The fact that you never actually use Zer0's sword is the most lame fucking thing in the world I mean honestly wtf.

    That's all, I'm thinking about this and it makes me angry and sad.

    submitted by /u/CaelThavain
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    Twitch EchoCast question regarding claiming red chest rewards

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    Heyoooo Vault Hunters

    I have been watching streamers open red chests with EchoCast. When I watch on my PC, it lets me choose 1 item to be sent to me, but when I watch through my Android mobile it just sends me a random item. Is this how it works on mobile? I have tried the Twitch app and my phone's Chrome browser (both mobile and desktop sites) but I can't choose a reward.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/LatinSpirit247
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    BL1 stopped launching when I started playing BL2

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    I'm really just wondering if anyone else has had this happen, and maybe help someone in the future if they have the same issue: I played 70+ hours of GOTY enhanced and decided to move on to BL2. When I booted up BL2 for the first time, it "found" my save data from GOTY enhanced so it could give me fancy loot as a loyalty reward or whatever.

    Anyways, when I went back to play GOTY enhanced, it refused to boot up. Event Viewer showed an issue with a KERNELBASE.dll file or something like that. Turns out, when BL2 looked for my save data, it kind of nuked my C:/Users/xxxxx/Documents/My Games/Borderlands GOTY folder. The only way I could fix it is copy my save data as a backup, and delete that whole folder. Then when I went to boot GOTY enhanced, it booted fine and re-made a new folder. Luckily I have cloud saving turned on through Steam so I didn't even need the backup save file I made.

    After I did this, GOTY was working perfectly. Then, SAME ISSUE WITH BL2 THIS TIME. Same thing - deleted the C:/ folder, booted back up, working perfectly now. I've been going back and forth between the two games for a few days now and it seems like it was a 1 time thing, but super strange..

    submitted by /u/MasterOfNone585
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    Did they balance skags?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    I've played the old original borderlands 1 through a few times and I just recently started GOTY/EE on steam.

    Is it just my imagination or are the skags moving WAY faster than normal, WAY more aggressive, and attacking from WAY farther than usual?

    I never had the dlcs other than zombie island but I never noticed a change in skag balance, so I'm guessing this is either:

    1. I'm going crazy
    2. One of the other dlcs balanced skags so they aren't quite as shit, and are an actual threat now
    3. This GOTY/EE of the game balanced skags so they aren't quite as shit, and are an actual threat now

    So which is it? These skags are pretty nuts, I just cleared out shock crystal harvest cave and some of the smaller skags were relentless way more than normal. It's kinda throwing me off and I'm ready to get out of fyrestone because of it. So far I haven't noticed any real balance change for bandits, they move the same and have same aggro range.

    If they ended up balancing spiderants like this, I may just not play this version because spiderants moving faster and being more aggressive sounds like a waste of my time.

    submitted by /u/darthdarticus
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    Can some give the best build for Fl4k in solo mode?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Please put a image of skill tree because my game is in french and i won't understand the capacity name. And also pet

    submitted by /u/DiscoNic1P
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    Crashing in Devils Razor on Steam.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    I keep crashing in the main story line in Devils Razor. Right after you load in for the first time. i pass the arch and my graphics card crashes. AMD says it isnt on there end. Anybody else have this problem? Running Ultra settings with a AMD Ryzen 9 3900X and an AMD RX 5700 XT.

    submitted by /u/brickmastaflex
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