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    Monday, September 7, 2020

    Borderlands Bought TFTB 2 days ago and this game is f**king AWESOME!!!!

    Borderlands Bought TFTB 2 days ago and this game is f**king AWESOME!!!!

    Bought TFTB 2 days ago and this game is f**king AWESOME!!!!

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    I bought TFTB from a key website for 30€ and I think it was worth it. Love the game and the humour. And goddamn I want to know what exactly happened at the end!!!! Gonna replay it and try to unlock every character!!!

    submitted by /u/DontReworkNunu
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    The Lore Implications of Borderlands 3 is amazing....An All Out War glooms om the horizon...

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    That is what this is all leading up to....

    Despite BL3's main plot being a failure the real story it tells in between and after it is where it shines the most out of any Borderlands game thus far.

    After you beat the game so much is happening and the implications and theories can go on and on:

    1. The Proving Grounds: The Lore Implication here is IMMENSE. Not only does the Overseer Guardian imply there's a greater audience beyond it but also that you would meet again. But instead of calling you Vault Hunter. It calls you GUARDIAN. It goes on about how the Guardians ultimately failed, this is true. But in our success, they find opportunity. Strict Eternal Proof. The Overseer sees itself as a prisoner of the Vaults. Those proving grounds are proof that Vault Hunters are extremely capable warriors. So capable infact they surpass Guardians. So....why not make them the Future Guardians? The real question this leaves us is to whom did we prove ourselves too? My guess is that honestly....There's Eridians still out there....and they're probably worried about beings like the Destroyer and Gythian rolling up on our Universe that could wreck havoc....They're going to need Vaults and they're going to need better Guardians to guard them. Who is better than a Vault Hunter? The Eridians are still alive. Mark my words. Theyre a threat. Theyre the ones responsible for the Seraph Guardians no doubt. Mind controlled humans that have been given immeasurable power. This is their plan for us to become their Guardians.

    2. Jackpot, Guns Love and Tentacles, And Bounty of Blood. We are making alot of allies

    What was the result of these dlcs? INFLUENCE. Think about it. After completing the DLCs Moxxi has an entire Space Station under her control.

    Mancubus and his Extra Dimensional Lodge is at our disposal, and Eista who is an famous intergalactic hunter considers us friends and his tribe of warriors as well.

    The Town of Vestige and their devils along with an entire facility of Corporate Tech that involves weaponizing the planets exotic element, core, is at our disposal because were friends with the new sheriff.

    Were making friends and allies wherever we go....BECAUSE WERE GOING TO NEED ALL OF THEM FOR WAR

    1. Nyriad's Writings and her warning

    Mainly about the Sirens but 2 interesting tidbits were an implication of the fate of Guardians should there be no more Vaults left to protect and the existence of a 7th Siren that shouldnt be found. Another potential problem now the Destroyer has been defeated, what other being could be a threat to the Universe? Other than entropy......Death itself.....My theory is the 7th Siren is MISTRESS DEATH. Who is waiting for us to free her. That would explain how death literally follows you around during the Mayhem 10 modifier....almost smiling....creepy. Another cosmic threat no doubt. Considering an empowered Nyriad that originally sealed the Destroyer didnt even recommend anyone going after her that must mean she or he is dangerous (Most likely she)

    1. The complete and utter defeat of Maliwan, the last dangerous company.

    Maliwan, Hyperion, Atlas, and Dhal were godforsaken companies ran by the economic and or political elite. Their purpose was entirely for their own success and marketing as opposed to the well being of others, with Dhal weapons being specifically made for Assasins.

    All of these companies have been brought down a notch over the years and Maliwan is the last of them. Whereas Tediore, Valdof, Jacobs, and Torgue are all made for a greater purpose aside for wealth and often benefitted the common individual. Keep in kind these companies are all still not good but in comparison to the others, Tediore, Valdof, Jacobs, and Torgue are the least evil of the others. The Destruction of Wotan is the last and foresure statement that Maliwan is no longer a threat. You could argue Vladof is dangerous because of their Ursa core but they got wiped out.

    Now that theres seemingly no corporations that could pose an intergalactic threat....MAYBE THEY CAN WORK WITH US FOR THIS INCOMING WAR. We already have Atlas, Jacobs, and Torgue on ourside. Maliwan and Hyperion could join us. Tediore is already a company for the people. That really just leaves Vladof and Dhal as to wether or not they could help us.

    1. Scourge The Invincible, The Rogue Guardians

    Pretty Self Explanatory they hate humans. They hate Vault Hunters. They seem to be attempting to take over. However whats interesting about Scourge is that he proves one astounding thing about Guardians. They really are sentient. They have feelings. Ambitions, desires, and they're more fleshed out than previously thought. Theres factions amongst them. They see Vault Hunters as a genuine threat. Theyre on a crusade. Like Im talking straight up DEUS VULT. Scourge sees The Watcher and the Overseer as wrong that humanity is not worthy to take up their mantle. They must dealt with before they run out of vaults.

    And with that now leading up to the 4th DLC we have essentially covered most aspects of Borderlands lore. 3 Potential Threats are made known in just Borderlands 3: The Eridians themselves, The Guardians, and a 7th Siren.

    With DLC 4 featuring Psychos....maybe we might figure them out and they become our allies too? Good cause we will need an entire planet of them in an all out war.

    submitted by /u/Raymancer
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    Error Joining Friends Game on Epic Games for Borderlands 3

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    Hello, I have had this issue for about 3 weeks now on Epic Games. Every time my friend joins my game or vice-versa, we keep getting " Your connection has time out. Please check your network ". We tried turning off cloud saves, and messing with the inbound and outbound rules of the firewall. We are not sure what to do anymore.

    submitted by /u/Pseudo_RiotMatias
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    Problems with connection

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    I just bought the handsome collection for ps4, to play with my friend BUT we can't connect to each other :( says that there is a connection error with the cables ou something like that :P Does anyone else had a similar problem? (To make things even more confusing, we can connect to a world of a random player but we can't host each other... i have no clue of what is happening)

    submitted by /u/AlbertoRomero23
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    Borderlands Survey!!

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    For my year 11 research project I am doing the communities opinion on the Borderlands games, this survey is short with 7 questions involving common opinions about each game. Please complete if you have a little spare time! Follow the link below to complete, thanks for your time!! Borderlands Survey :)

    submitted by /u/Stixop89
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    Rakk hives Unseen attack?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    After like 15 playthrough, i just experience a attack that i have never seen before.

    Maybe its because i only play solo and i try to face him to it his eyes.

    If you stand behind him, he shit acide in your face!

    submitted by /u/electrojoeblo
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    BL2 Switch Gaige Shield/weapon merge glitch

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Does this glitch still work on switch where you get infinity shield with death trap? And the weapon merge glitch? Asking for a friend o.o

    submitted by /u/Sentezu
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    Best way to play through BL1?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    I think I am gonna replay through BL1. I have played through the main game and most of the DLCs before with my sister, but that was a few years ago and I didn't fully understand all the complexities of the game (how the elemental damage worked, techs and procs and such) and never made it to the endgame for farming.

    I feel a lot better as a borderlands player now that I have played through BL3 multiple times and have a good understanding of how it works and the endgame. So, while I am waiting for DLC 4 to come out I thought I would journey back to the OG.

    Eventually I would like to get one of each VH to max level. But, I don't fully understand what playthrough 2.5 is. Furthermore I am wondering what the best way to play through the game is?

    I've seen a lot of people say to save all side-quests until playthrough 2.5 when they scale, but some people say to just play through everything as most of the quest rewards aren't that good. Thoughts, advice, words of caution?

    submitted by /u/tonguesmiley
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    Stuttering on Borderlands 2 (Handsome Collection, EGS)

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Every couple of secconds the game stutters, without the FPS changing. I've tired turning down DirectX, turning down graphics settings, disabling my FPS counter, turning it to Fullscreened, nothing has worked. Looking for any kind of help here.

    submitted by /u/Tooadman
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    How long does it take to finish all of borderland 1 DLCs?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    I really what to play borderlands 2 but i know i need to play borderland 1 DLCs first!

    submitted by /u/cashgamer519
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    Nearing the end of NVHM and not sure what to do next

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Hey fellow Vault Hunters, I'm sorry if these questions have been addressed previously, but a quick search didn't help me.

    My situation is I'm currently at level 40 in Carnivora and I assume I'm nearing the end of the story on my first playthrough. I have completed all Crew Challenges for every map so far, and all side missions as I encountered them (but haven't returned to previous maps so there may be more, IDK). I intend to complete the DLCs after finishing, and want to complete all side missions.

    I know that beating NVHM unlocks both TVHM and Mayhem Mode, but have a few questions about how they work and what I should do next:

    1. What is the best way to go forward and reach the level cap from my current situation? Should I go ahead and do the DLCs once I finish the main story, or try to reach the level cap first?

    2. Is there a difficulty or drop difference between NVHM+Mayhem X and TVHM+Mayhem X? e.g. is TVHM+Mayhem 1 harder but gives better loot than NVHM+Mayhem 1?

    3. I saw that item drops scale by Mayhem Mode level, so that a gun that drops in MM2 will be more powerful than the same gun if it were to drop in MM1. How does this affect Legendary drops? So if I were progressing through the MM levels in order and looking for Legendaries, would they drop again in subsequent MM levels with better stats, or would I be stuck with a Legendary weapon scaled to a lower MM level? (I know that certain Legendaries only drop in MM6 or above)

    I appreciate any help!

    submitted by /u/tamelotus
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    I Played Borderlands 3 and i am absolutely Stunned

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    Nothing Special. Borderlands 3 Turned into my Favorite Game

    submitted by /u/Boy666lol
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    Should I leave DLC till max level, please? (BL3)

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Just wondering (if like BL2) should I leave the DLC's till I'm at cap, so the weapons will be good for end game, or can I farm the bosses or whatever?

    I just noticed that a lot of the posters on S:3 have quite low level requirements. So am I supposed to play these at the right level?

    I just don't want to gimp myself out of good loot that I will be needing later. I know I made the mistake with the pirate DLC in BL2 where there was a sub machine gun right near the start that was amazing for mechromancer. I can't remember if I was able to go back and get higher level ones (as someone gifted me some with different elements on anyway when I was up to TVHM) I just want to be sure.

    I did try googling about this first, but could not find a sufficient answer.

    submitted by /u/VM8RA
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    Online multiplayer questions BL2 and BL3 - PS4

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    A buddy who lives in a different state and I love getting on PS4 and catching up while playing multiplayer games. Our normal go to is Diablo 3 because it's easy to pick up and there's no pressure to try to keep up with tasks weekly if we are busy (I.e. destiny). We're currently looking at new games to continue doing this. I suggested borderlands 2 since we've never played and it should be relatively cheap. I'm reading conflicting things online about the multiplayer versions requiring ps+. If we both had a copy of the game, would we be able to play online with each other through the campaign and everything of that sort or would one of us need to have ps+? Is this the same with borderlands 3?

    submitted by /u/EwoodCCrunner
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    The hunt is on

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    I'm on a quest to gain every unique legendary and was wondering if bosses will drop their Mayhem 4 unique loot on higher levels or do I have to be on Mayhem 4 to get them.

    submitted by /u/Hvonne-The-VII
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