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    Saturday, September 5, 2020

    Borderlands Is the warrior a vault monster.

    Borderlands Is the warrior a vault monster.

    Is the warrior a vault monster.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    In number 3 it's said the warrior is a protector of the destroyers vault and will kill anyone who try's to release it. And at the end of number 2 the warrior doesn't come out of the vault he flys up from behind it. What if the vault jack was trying to open was a second door to the destroyers vault and the warrior was just the guard to its prison. Comment your opinion.

    submitted by /u/chclhchlfphxhlgd
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    Are Maliwan Weapons actually good on Moze?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    Hey Everyone!

    It's your friendly Neighbourhood Moze Main, Nootmad, coming back at you with another opinion post, this time around what i think are the best Maliwan weapons you guys should try out on Moze! If you guys aren't a fan of long text posts, I actually made a video on it that you can find here! ( https://youtu.be/rrLAMT6bECw ), but if text posts are more your speed, here we go! Hope you guys find it useful :D

    The Guns!

    Right off the bat we have the beacon. The spiritual successor to our original favourite, the hellshock. Its a DLC3 pistol that drops from jerrick logan in Bloodsun Canyon. The beacon combines the ability to do splash, a fast fire rate, and solid base damage to dish out a tonne of damage to bosses and enemies alike. It can also pair with any element unlike the hellshock that is locked to shock and incendiary, and thus makes it flexible enough to build around and not suffer for not having the right element. Pairing this with the 300/90 annoint and a mindsweeper is a match made in heaven and you can rest east knowing this pairing will allow you to tear through literally any content in the game without breaking a sweat.

    Im also going to quickly mention the hellshock as it is a base game weapon and can be obtained by everyone. What it may lack in the ability to do splash, it makes up for by having a x2 projectile variant that also has faster bullet speed making it a bit more usable for longer range engagements. Its slightly better ammo economy makes it more synergised to use with a consecutive hits annoint for example, but should you have the option between a hellshock and a beacon, id suggest the beacon any day of the week without any hesitation.

    Our next weapon on the lineup is the thunderball fists. I already spoke about this pistol in my video specifically on the best pistols for moze so we'll keep this quick. Put simply, this gun has flown under the radar of a lot of people and should not be underestimated. Combined with the 300/90 annount and something like a mindsweeper, you will rain sweet thunderballs all over the inhabitants of all known planets in the galaxy.

    Skipping right along, we have our shiny new maliwan shotguns. Starting with, the flakker. Oh wait. I meant the nothingness. The nothingess is a DLC2 shotgun that drops from Gmork in The Cankerwood. And yeah.. Its basically the flakker, but has multiple elements and a high splash radius to make it good aoe clearing weapon. It lacks in bossing potential but still a decent option if you are craving a weapon that performs like the flakker but actually has some decent damage outpit to back it up. The 300/90 annoint shines nicely with this gun and is what i would recommend.

    The next shotgun we will go over is the Insider. An alien barrel shotgun that is actually a world drop as far as i could find. If there is actualy a drop source for this, please let me know in the comments. But yeah, the isnider is a solid shotgun that reminds me of something like the trevonator. A multi projectile high fire rate shotgun that does splash should never be underestimated. With 300/90 annoint, this shotgun is incredibly solid and is deinfely one of the better shotgun options for moze.

    And now we arrive at the powerhouse of maliwan weaponry, the Flipper SMG. Its a DLC3 weapon that drops from the Minosaur in Bloodsun canyon. High fire rate, multiple projectiles, splash damage and the ability to be any element makes this gun by far one of or if not, THE best weapon for moze currently in the game right now. This weapon can make effective use out of multiple class mods like mindsweeper and blastmatter, and annoints like the 300/90, consecutive hits and the 200% splash annoint

    Now considering the Flipper is a DLC3 weapon, we can slo quickly touch on the base game equivalent that is the Kybs Worth. Its a drop from Wotan the Invincible in the Maliwan Takedown and is an incredibly solid weapon if you dont have access to the DLC3. the kybs can spawn to up to a x3 projectile variant and with annoints like consecutive hits, 300/90 and splash annoints accessible to it, it makes it a very solid alternative to the flipper. Its fire rate balance also makes it good to use with things like the green monster class mod to get access to a multi element bullet hose should that be what you are after.

    And winding up the maliwan weapons. We have the krakatoa and the complex root. Lets start with the krakatoa first

    The krakatoa is a base game sniper thats gone through multiple weapon balances to make it a solid weapon to use in its current state. Drops from Tumorhead in Lectra City. Although it is locked to incendiary, it is still a very solid all round sniper for moze to use, and its fire rate allows it to be used very easily in a bottomless mags setup to use this sniper as a very versatile mobbing weapon. 300/90 annoint and 200% splash shines nicely with it and the latter can be used to great effect as a boss killer.

    Moving on, and wrapping up the list, is the complex root. AKA, the tactical nuke. This sniper drops from Lani Dixon in Ashfall Peaks in the Bounty of Blood DLC. This sniper will guarantee killing everything you can se in a single shot, and also yourself. Go big or go home right? The 300/90 annoint works incredibly well with this lethal weapon of mass destruction and can be used for both bossing and mobbing alike.

    The End

    So yeah, that rounds out what i think are some of the best Maliwan weaponry you can get for Moze to smash through any content currently in the game. If you made it this far, i just want to thank you guys for reading the whole thing, and i hope you found it useful. I also want to let you know that i actually do a lot of video breakdowns just like on my own YouTube Channel here ( https://www.youtube.com/nootmad ) so feel free to check that out if you're after some up to date Moze builds and general information to improve your game knowledge! Like always, if you have any questions or thoughts, let me know in the comments! I hope you guys found this quick discussion useful and I'll see you guys next post! o/

    submitted by /u/nivman1410
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    Character skill tree concept

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I know they said they wouldn't be adding new characters to the game (which I think is a mistake, as it's a huge a part of the replayability) but I figured I'd throw around an idea I had a while ago that I abandoned for a bit and only came back to today. (Please let me know if I posted this in the wrong spot)

    This character is a Necromancer type, focusing on attacking using minions/elements and self-sustainability. Any feedback is appreciated.-

    Skill Tree 1: Summoner

    Action Skill - Reanimation: Omen summons the dead around him, reanimating the corpses of 4 bandits to fight alongside him. Minions stay until sacrificed or killed. Cooldown: 60 seconds

    -- Skill set 1:

    - Blood pact: Increase max health based on Minions currently alive for both you and your minions. 3% per Minion. 3 levels. (36% max with 4 Minions alive at level 3)

    - All my friends are dead: Minions deal 3% more damage. 5 levels. (15% at level 3)

    - No one escapes: Minions are healed by 1% of their max health for every enemy Omen kills. 5 levels. (5% per kill at level 5)

    -- Skill set 2:

    - Sacrifice: Instantly revive a downed teammate by sacrificing all minions. 1 level.

    - Return to me: Instantly revive yourself by sacrificing all minions. 1 level.

    - Punishment: If a minion dies, the enemy that killed it instantly takes 17% of that minions max health in damage. 3 levels. (50-51% of Minions health in damage at level 3) (Does not hurt Omen if he sacrifices Minions.)

    - Action skill augment: Climbing the ranks. One of your minions is guaranteed to be a badass with increased health and damage.

    -- Skill set 3:

    - Ghostly Arsenal: Minions have a 7% chance of throwing a copy of your grenade at their target. 5 levels. (35% chance at level 5)

    - Bone Armor: Gain 1% damage reduction for every minion alive. 5 levels. (20% damage reduction with 4 Minions alive at level 5)

    - Action Skill Augment: Ghastly bomb. Holding the action skill button while targeting an enemy will command your remaining minions to rush at your target, blowing themselves up for 200% of their max health in damage.

    -- Skill set 4:

    - Dark mist: Melee override. Using your melee attack will instead shoot mist in a cone in front of you. Enemies hit by the mist will take corrosive damage for a few seconds. 15 second cooldown. 1 level. (I'm not sure how they calculate melee override ability damage, so I can't give an exact percentage)

    - Action skill Augment: Element of death. Minions all have a random element applied to their weapons when summoned.

    -- Skill set 5:

    - Deathly Grasp: If an enemy of Badass rank or lower kills you, that enemy is instantly killed as well. You gain double exp for the kill.

    Everyone dies, but I know how to come back. Do you?-

    -- Skill Tree 2: Hidden Power

    -- Action Skill: Thick skin. Summon a shield around you that blocks all incoming damage until broken or depleted. The shield has the same amount of health as you. Lasts 10 seconds. 40 second cooldown.

    - Skill Set 1:

    - Remember the Fallen: Omen regenerates .5% of his max health per second when he kills an enemy. Lasts 6 seconds. 5 levels. (2.5% of max health regenerated p/ second at level 5. 15% max health total p/ kill)

    - Respect the fallen: When Omen kills an enemy, there is a 3% chance for his shields to instantly start regenerating. 5 levels. (15% chance to begin regeneration at level 5)

    - Gift of the Fallen: Increase your max Health and Shields by 10% per other player on your team. 1 level. (10% with 1 other player, 20% with 2, 30% with 3, co-op only)

    -- Skill Set 2:

    - Broken bones: You gain accuracy and reload speed the lower your health gets. Up to 8% accuracy and reload speed per level. 5 levels. (up to 40% at level 5)

    - Acid Bath: Change all damage to Corrosive while using Thick Skin. 1 level.

    - Long Live the King: Increase resistance to all elements by 7% per level. 5 level. (35% resistance to all elemental damage at level 5)

    - Action Skill Augment: Skin of Steel. While Thick Skin is active, return any damage you would have taken at 50% strength.

    -- Skill Set 3:

    - Elementalist: Killing an enemy with elemental damage gives you 4% of your max shields immediately. This effect is doubled if using Corrosive damage. 3 levels. (12% of max shields instantly returned at level 3, 24% if using Corrosive)

    - Hardened Heart: Increase maximum shields by 6% per level. 5 levels. (30% more shields at level 5)

    - Action Skill Augment: Give and Take. Increase Thick Skin's duration and Health by 100%. Thick Skin now only reduces damage taken by 50%.

    -- Skill Set 4:

    - In the Shadows: You deal 20% more damage to enemies not targeting you. 1 level.

    - Action Skill Augment: Chemical Warfare. Thick Skin creates a Corrosive Nova when it ends, dealing damage to all nearby enemies (Damage is based on level).

    -- Skill Set 5:

    - Hell is my playground: When killing an enemy of Badass rank or above, instantly regain 30% of your max shields. (This skill can be combined with Elementalist, returning 42% or 54% of max shields depending on element used)

    - Action Skill Augment – Nobody dies until I say so: Allies gain a portion of Thick Skins power. 20% damage reduction for all Allies for the duration of Thick Skin.-

    -- Skill Tree 3: Power from Beyond

    Action Skill: Your guns and grenades become otherworldly. Your currently equipped weapon's and Grenade's stats double for the duration of Power from Beyond. Lasts 15 seconds. 60 second cooldown.

    --Skill Set 1:

    - Helping Hands: Increase magazine capacity for all guns by 4%. 5 levels. (20% at level 5)

    - Come to me: Killing an enemy of Badass rank or higher regenerates 1 grenade. 1 level.

    - Spectral Magazine: Reloading after expending your entire clip gives your next clip 50% more damage. 1 level.

    -- Skill Set 2:

    - Break Your Heart: Killing an enemy with a melee attack (including override) causes you to melee 20% faster for 10 seconds. 5 levels. (100% increased melee speed at level 5. The 10 second duration does not increase)

    - Blood Transfusion: Killing an enemy with a Grenade instantly regenerates 3% of your max health. 5 levels. (15% max health returned at level 5)

    - Action Skill Augment: Constantly regenerate Grenades while Power From Beyond is active. (1 Grenade every 5 seconds.)

    -- Skill Set 3:

    - Say a Prayer: Entering Fight For Your Life allows you to walk at normal speed and aim down sights. 1 level.

    - Action Skill Augment: Power from Beyond lasts an extra 5 seconds.

    -- Skill Set 4:

    - Poison Gas: Grenades have an added Slag Elemental effect. 1 level.

    - Break Your Heart: Non-Critical attacks have a 10% chance to become Critical Hits. 3 levels. (30% chance to become a critical hit at level 3)

    - Unending Cruelty: Increase damage dealt by 1% for every bullet that hits the same enemy without missing, maximum of 5% extra damage. 5 levels. (5% for each consecutive shot, up to 25% extra damage at level 5) (effect lasts until you miss or reload)

    - Action Skill Augment: You deal 15% more damage from all sources while Power From Beyond is active. All teammates deal 7% more damage.

    -- Skill Set 5:

    - Brainless: Critical hits give .3% of your max Health back instantly. 3 levels. (.9% of max health returned at level 3)

    - Action Skill Augment: Constantly Regenerate Health and Shields while Power From Beyond is active. 8% of max Health and Shields per second. Power From Beyond now only lasts 10 seconds. (up to 80% max health/shields regenerated. This Augment can stack with other duration lasting Augments)

    Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/Kobsauce
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    The creepy and hilarious Shade, like or dislike?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I need more of shade personally

    submitted by /u/DuDus-Worm
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    the sirens birth right

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    i think tyreen was right about the vault being her birth right no it's not because of who her father was its because she is a siren in the pre sequel the guardians let Lilith go to the vault with no trouble

    submitted by /u/theshadow5898985
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    I want diversity

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    Is there ANY sniper that doesn't take multiple ammo per single shot that is better DPS wise than the Krakatoa?

    submitted by /u/Hvonne-The-VII
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    Does the Payback perk from Borderlands continue working once your shields start to regenerate?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Essentially I'm asking if unbreakable will cancel out Payback since it gives you shield regeneration, or if once your shields run out, that ten second time goes even if you get some shields back.

    submitted by /u/xitzengyigglz
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    DLC4 10.09 but at what time?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    Will it be 00:00 UTC or something like that?

    submitted by /u/saurgalen
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    Commando Builds

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    I need a build for a new speed run.

    Give me Gun suggestions and perks. I'm looking for a damage and turret based build.

    I'm only speed running two builds on this character that are being recorded.

    So give me full suggestions showing me all the perks and gun farms I should do.

    I plan on doing full runs through every mode.

    I'm not the best so I want at least a 15 hour run.

    submitted by /u/Gimmekarmapls_
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    Ok admit it

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Who else has been using a bl2 build with the recharger, sandhawk, unkempt harold and ogre on moze😂 started to for fun thru dlc3 and it still melts

    submitted by /u/tallfitfam6
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    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    After 9 hours and 3 mins I got the Sham. It's not worth it so Idk what to do with it. Suggestion on a build for siren just give me skill points and what it's best used for?¿

    submitted by /u/Gimmekarmapls_
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    So what's the skinny on Borderlands 3?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    I'm a big fan of the previous games, but I wanted to wait until every DLC was out for BL3 before hopping in. I've kept myself as blind to the game as possible. With the final DLC of the season pass on the horizon, my interest in BL3 is increasing and I am curious about a few aspects of the game. So here are my questions!

    1: Are Assault Rifles still underwhelming like they were in BL2? Or do they feel pretty good to use? I was thinking of playing an AR and Shotgun focused Moze for my first playthrough.

    2: How's the overall difficulty/balancing? Borderlands 2 was a bit too difficult for my comfort level and I hated how spongy everything felt. I loathed the Slag mechanic, and am glad to know it's not in BL3.

    3: Are the gaps between item rarities closer? I loved how in BL1 that item rarity and item level weren't the end-all, be-all for how good a gun was, and that it was possible to find a lucky, incredible Green weapon that was competitive with Purples, or just a solid gun overall that could last you 20 levels before finding something better. On top of that, Legendaries were used more for their specific effects and not their raw stats. In Borderlands 2, if you weren't using Legendaries, you simply weren't doing it right...

    4: What's the Legendary drop rate situation? I really liked how they could appear everywhere more or less equally in BL1, giving me good cause to just play where I wanted. In BL2 the drop rate felt waaaaay too stingy and I strongly disliked that I was incentivized to farm specific named mini-bosses in specific maps for specific guns. How's it work in BL3?

    5: Are there any known plans for additional playable Vault Hunters? I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been a new addition since release.

    6: In your opinion, where does BL3 stand in comparison to all the other BL games?

    Cheers! Hope to see you on Pandora (and whatever other worlds are in the game) soon!

    submitted by /u/Secret_Wizard
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    When should I play Tales from the Borderlands?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Should I play it before BL2 and/or TPS or is it standalone? I don't want to have it spoil anything and I want to know what the reverences are about but the game looks unique and really fun to play. Should I play L2 and TPS first or could I just play TFTB now?

    submitted by /u/tortoise315
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    Just started playing borderlands

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    I just started playing borderlands yesterday and I've wanted to for years, I have all of the first 3 games and dlc, does anyone have tips on how to gain exp really fast in the beginning?

    submitted by /u/SnooLentils8171
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    Any ways to deal with Buzzards without corrosion weapons?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Basically I've started a new playthrough as krieg on BL2 and I'm currently at tundra express hiding in a corner as 2 badass buzzards and 1 normal one are circling me shouting things down at me and I have no idea what to do I've got no corrosive weapons and am low on ammo, any tips on how to dispose of the buggers

    submitted by /u/CharliWarli212
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    How does it feel in handheld mode with joycons?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Only really play in mobile but iffy about buying a fps with the joycons.

    submitted by /u/UncouthPersona
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    DLC and levels

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    Hi all, returning B3 player reached mission 10 then stopped. Just got back into it and downloaded all DLC and now I'm level 25 but the main game next mission is level 17 recommended. Kinda worried I've now over levelled. Will the main mission adjust to my current level or will I always be over powered now?

    submitted by /u/quickbricky28
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    Is sntl/barrier/seeing dead the only good M10 zane build?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I'm trying to imagine a build that doesn't rely on that combo and can't seem to find anything that output the damage and survive. Anyone have any good setups?

    submitted by /u/raydawg2000
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    how do i activate the events?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    I read that there should be a option in the main menu but it's not there, theres only 4 option. continue, new game, options, and exit. same with the mafia event, it's says that i have to speak to maurice but when i go to talk with him, nothing happens, he just says a quote and nothing happens. are event temporary maybe?

    submitted by /u/Manomnster
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    Claptrap dlc

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    There will be another claptrap dlc like The Robolution and Claptastic Voyage?

    submitted by /u/sevachysis
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    Pick a Character for Me

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    I'm going through the franchise again before playing Borderlands 3. I've gone through Borderlands GOTY Edition (DLC included) as Brick so I'm now onto Borderlands 2. I plan on going through its DLC for the very first time as well.

    My first playthrough of BL2 was with Axton years ago because he was the most similar to Roland. For this next playthrough, I wanted a fresh new character to play with but have had trouble sticking by my choice. I've tried playing as Maya, Salvador, and Zero. Maya - I found a bit OP and boring. Salvador - I flat out did not like using his gunzerkering action skill. Zero - I died way too easily despite being quite a few levels higher than the enemies.

    I don't know who to choose so I'm hoping the community can help me out. I will stick with the most popular answer; I promise.


    submitted by /u/StaticHippo4
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