• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 13, 2020

    Borderlands The Season Pass purchases funded the two raids, seasonal events, and the Mayhem Mode overhaul which were all given for free. I'm pretty bewildered at how insistent this sub is on bitching about value.

    Borderlands The Season Pass purchases funded the two raids, seasonal events, and the Mayhem Mode overhaul which were all given for free. I'm pretty bewildered at how insistent this sub is on bitching about value.

    The Season Pass purchases funded the two raids, seasonal events, and the Mayhem Mode overhaul which were all given for free. I'm pretty bewildered at how insistent this sub is on bitching about value.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    On virtually every post I've looked at this morning people are acting like Gearbox has poisoned the water in their local community or some shit. Give me a break, guys.

    Even if the Season Pass DLCs don't compare to those of BL2 in terms of the amount of content (I'm still not convinced the difference is as dramatic as people are saying, save for maybe this last one), the quality was definitely still there, the new weapons have been predictably good, the worlds added have been great, and the boss fights have been generally awesome (and that's something entirely unique to BL3 in this series). They then added two full raids and some lame seasonal events (save for the Cartels - that was cool) in addition to a Mayhem Mode overhaul. If any of these free updates were behind the season pass pay wall you know 99% of the subreddit would be bitching about that, too.

    The game is huge now. Do I wish they did some things differently? Yeah, I do. BL3 isn't perfect. But neither was 2...or any of the other games in the series.

    Now they've announced 4 new skill trees coming (one more than the 3 we'd get with a new character, plus 3 more action skills and all the chevron modifiers) and people are acting like this is some huge travesty just because they don't get more dialogue. Really? Playable characters were barely voiced at all for half the series' history, and now people are acting as if this is a core component of the game that's being ripped out and sold to the players to milk them for cash. Take off the rose-colored glasses and calm the fuck down, people. Your video game is going to be fine, and you don't have to pay for things you don't want.

    submitted by /u/blands_man
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    I just came back to this sub after finishing the DLC expecting everyone to be mad positive…

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    Why is everyone complaining? Like every other post is a BL3 complaint comparing it to BL2. I enjoyed the DLC and I put it up there with some of the best in the series so I'm a lil confused

    submitted by /u/YaBoyGaara
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    What is the BEST Iron Bear Class Mod for Moze?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone! (DLC4 gear will be spoke about in this post, so if you want to avoid spoilers, skip this for now <3 )

    It's your friendly Neighbourhood Moze Main, Nootmad, coming back at you with another opinion post, this time will be going over the new DLC4 Flare Class Mod and compare its effectiveness against the Raging Bear Class Mod for Iron Bear! If you guys aren't a fan of long text posts, I actually made a video on it that you can find here! ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLW8fYrlSJc ), but if text posts are more your speed, here we go! Hope you guys find it useful :D

    Time for the actual post..

    So yeah... What do these class mods do exactly?

    The flare class mod gives Iron Bear 100% damage at full fuel capacity, and this damage increases decreases with the fuel bar. Basically meaning, the less fuel you have remaining in Iron Bear the less damage you will do. The Flare class mod can boost Stainless Steel Bear, Cloud of Lead, And Means of destruction. But, i highly recommend getting one with 5 in Stainless Steel Bear.

    The Raging Bear class mod on the other hand, gives you extra iron bear damage when it takes damage up to a 50% cap, and decreases fuel usage after killing an enemy. It can roll with stoke the embers, deadlines and stainless steeel bear. I highly recommend getting a combination of Stainless Steel Bear and Deadlines, as long as stainless steel bear holds the majority of the points. I personally use 4 stainless steel bear and 1 deadlines, but 3 stainless steel bear and 2 deadlines gives you an iron bear that lasts even longer (wink wink, nudge nudge)

    So i know Bear trooper exists, but in all honesty, it doesn't compete with either of these 2 class mods, so im going to ignore that from todays discussion.

    So now, lets compare the Flare and raging Bear class mods. And for simplicities sake, we shall go over the negatives of each class mod first.

    Lets start with raging bear. The major downside is that the raging bear class mod takes time to reach its peak efficiency, and by that, i mean it takes time to get to its maximum damage and fuel efficiency. Its second downfall is also shared with the Flare class mod, as neither of their special effects boost Mozes damage in the slightest, but, i wouldn't consider this as much of a pitfall, mostly because the only reason you'll be using this class mod is because you're going to be running an Iron Bear build.

    On the other hand, the Flares major downside is that once iron bears fuel reserves drop below 50%, you really start to feel the damage drop off. The flare class mod doesn't do much in way off increasing the duration that Iron Bear can stay up for, limiting its effectiveness in extended duration mobbing situations.

    So now, we can move on to bright side of things, and go over where each of the two class mods shine.

    For any raid or difficult mobbing content, i highly recommend the usage of Raging Bear due to its reliable damage and decreased fuel usage, allowing it to be used for extended periods of time.

    From doing some bossing comparisons between the Flare and the Raging Bear, i very easily found that the Flare class mod outperforms the raging bear class mod by a mile. And this is where i believe the flare shines. For single target burst damage, making it perfect for raid bosses like Wotan and Scourge.

    I also want you all to bear in mind, that these discussions dont even take bonus stats on your class mods into consideration, so depending on what stats you have, they may sway the performance of the class mods in either way.


    So in summary, my view on the class mods are this. Raging bear is superior for mobbing and the flare class mod is ideal for the bossing situations. Keep both in your inventory if you want to fully optimise your damage across all situations. If you made it this far, i just want to thank you guys for reading the whole thing, and i hope you found it useful. I also want to let you know that i actually do a lot of video breakdowns just like on my own YouTube Channel here ( https://www.youtube.com/nootmad ) so feel free to check that out if you're after some up to date Moze builds and general information to improve your game knowledge! Like always, if you have any questions or thoughts, let me know in the comments! I hope you guys found this quick discussion useful and I'll see you guys next post! o/

    submitted by /u/nivman1410
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    Game broken

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    I have borderlands 2 on switch digitally and now for some reason whenever I open the game it says the software was closed because an error occurred I tried deleting and reinstalling but nothing worked

    submitted by /u/Pageguy
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    Tales from the Borderlands

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    I can't buy Tales from the Borderlands on steam, and I read somewhere that they took it off steam for some reason and are trying to get it back up, but that article was from over a year ago. Does anyone know any other ways to get it, or when it will return?

    I wanted to go through and fully play all the Borderlands games in order on steam and try to get all achievements, and I'm really hoping it comes back soon

    submitted by /u/Rayzeran
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    Flustercluck was not a fustercluck

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:06 PM PDT

    I just finished the new DLC and I have to say by far it was my favorite of the 4. I loved the story and how we kinda go through how krieg handles everything and his trauma. I loved how all the side missions were simple yet actually mattered in understanding Krieg a bit. Also the dialog was amazing. I was constantly laughing. And then thr ending was so good.

    submitted by /u/rebornphoenixV
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    FPS problems, help!?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    I have a i5 9400f OC and a GTX 1660 6gb

    16gb ram

    1tb ssd

    and the new dlc still chugs quite a bit, i even have it on very low capped at 60FPS

    submitted by /u/NeuroticPsycho11
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    The new Zane CoM having brain freeze could make a super good mobbing build

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    Get a +5 brain freeze variant and 98% of the enemies in the game should freeze right? Making things a bit easier for you. Especially if you use something with a decent firerate.

    It's not nearly as good as seein dead (the only good zane class mod) but it could be very fun

    submitted by /u/bellystraw
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    Is this a bug?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    Why I can only do a text post?

    submitted by /u/MrAuster
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    Borderlands 2 very hard to play compared to 3

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    I decided to play some borderlands 2 after playing 3. I just found it very hard to play. The recoil is all over the place and it's damned hard to acquire a sight picture. The iron sights themselves are very hard to aim as well, since most SMG/AR I found so far have some very coarse grained iron sights. I can barely shoot accurately with any automatic weapons beyond 10 to 20 meters. Is this just me using some weird/wrong setting or is this the same for everyone?

    P.S. I'm playing on a PC with mouse and keyboard.

    submitted by /u/hechang27
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    How were the Borderlands 3 DLCs?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    I felt that Borderlands 3 was a great game, but it was missing the personality and humor of Borderlands 2. Made it feel very bland. Did the DLC bring any of that back?

    submitted by /u/Zarski843
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    BL3 DLC4 Final Boss Bug (No actual spoilers)

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    So, decided to try this dude on M10, with a shiny new hellwalker. Fight went pretty well, all things considered. Was lucky to have the big heads boost as one of my mayhem mods.

    That's where things went downhill. Kill the boss, all well and good. Except, the big headed bugger stopped me from getting in the portal! His corpse was so big, the portal was an tantalising arms length away, but I couldn't get through it due to the body stopping me. The impassable box that surrounds the corpse was big enough to block portal entrance!

    Not sure what to do about that, or how to report this as a bug. Cue one very sad F4LK

    Edit - just ran boss a 2nd time, same issue. if you kill final boss with big head mayhem mod, you can't get through the portal

    submitted by /u/KennyA08
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    Is someone at Gearbox a death metal fan?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    I was looking at the list of shields for a build I'm thinking of and came upon the Scream of Terror from the halloween event. Its red text is "Behold the flesh and the power it holds" which is a line in the song "Flesh and the Power It Holds" by the death metal band, Death. I was wondering if this is actually a reference to the song or is this a quote from somewhere else?

    submitted by /u/MetalArbiter
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    Change weapon skin bugged?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Is anyone else having a problem changing the skin on their weapons? When I inspect the gun to change the skin there isn't even a key assigned to change it.

    submitted by /u/Air-Due
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    One For All Amara 2.0 Build!!!

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    Hello wonderful people! Checkout my "One For All Amara 2.0" build! This is a revamp of the first version I made pre-level 65. This build is a Facepuncher build that utilizes new gear from the most recent DLC! Let me know what you think and I hope your day/night is stellar!


    submitted by /u/ItsByrdman778
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    New OC character skill trees (repost for title change)

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Hey guys, about a week ago I posted a new character skill tree concept for a character named Omen. I received more positive feedback than I expected (honestly I expected the post to get lost in the subreddit), and it inspired me to write another character, and I would appreciate more feedback. This character focuses mainly on supporting her team. Rather than being a character with extreme combat ability, she more focuses on making her teams combat ability better. She can make enemies weaker, make allies stronger and can even heal. Please let me know what you think and if anything should be changed! (I apologize for any typos or spelling errors, I messed around with some abilities a lot.)

    -- Skill tree 1 – Instability. This Skill Tree focuses on making enemies weaker and more susceptible to harm.

    -- Action Skill – Nanoswarm: Cypher unleashes a swarm of nanobugs on her target, causing them to Panic and take small amounts of damage over time. Panicked enemies cannot fight back and move around unpredictably. Lasts 10 seconds. (If the target dies while Nanoswarm is active, Nanoswarm returns to Cypher and refunds some cooldown.) Cooldown: 25 seconds.

    -- Skill Set 1:

    - Glitch in the System: Enemies have a 5% less chance to inflict status effects on you and your teammates. 5 levels. (25% less chance to be inflicted by status effects at level 5)

    - Alias: Enemies are 4% less likely to target you. 5 levels. (20% chance to not be targeted at level 5)

    - Sabotage: Enemies have a 3% chance of jamming their gun when targeting you, causing it to be unable to fire for a few seconds. 5 levels. (15% chance of jamming at level 5)

    --Skill Set 2:

    - Preparation: Enemy status effect duration on all teammates is reduced by 6%. 5 levels. (30% shorter duration at level 5)

    - Short Circuit: Enemies shield capacity is reduced by 2%. 5 levels. (10% less shields at level 5)

    - Action Skill Augment: If a target dies while Nanoswarm is active, it seeks out another target for the rest of its duration. Nanoswarm now lasts 15 seconds. (Nanoswarm will continue seeking targets if the second and onward target dies until its duration is up.)

    -- Skill Set 3

    - Solar Flair: Melee Override: Pressing the Melee button will instead cause you to shoot a grenade that explodes in a small radius, causing enemies hit by the grenade to become Blind and take a small amount of Fire damage. (Blind enemies have significantly less accuracy for a short duration) (Damage of Solar Flair is based on current player level.) 1 level. Cooldown: 20 seconds.

    - You're So Jealous: Enemies will sometimes become Jealous of Cypher's skill. Jealous enemies will be stunned for a few seconds and will be intimidated into doing less damage. (10% chance to activate after another one of Cypher's skills activates within enemy line of sight. Damage is reduced by 10%) 1 level.

    - Unapologetic: Killing an enemy has a 3% chance to mock them, causing other enemies in the area to throw a temper tantrum in protest. Enemies throwing a fit will take them out of the fight for a few seconds. If an enemy takes damage while throwing a fit, the damage is increased by 5% but brings that enemy back and makes the person who damaged them more likely to be targeted. 5 levels. (15% chance to mock at level 5, 25% damage increase at level 5. 20% increased chance of being targeting.)

    - Action Skill Augment: Nanoswarm can now target 2 enemies but reduces the damage dealt by each Nanoswarm by 25%.

    -- Skill Set 4

    - Cast Out: Landing a critical hit on an enemy lower than Badass rank has a 2.5% chance to cause other enemies to target their comrade for a few seconds. 5 levels. (12.5% chance to activate at level 5.)

    - Enjoy The Fall: Shooting an enemy in the leg has an additional 4% chance to trip them. 5 levels. (20% bonus chance to trip at level 5)

    - Action Skill Augment: Nanoswarm now does Shock damage to enemies it latches on to.

    -- Skill Set 5

    - Mom's Protégé: You've inherited all of your Mom's skills when it comes to hacking and modifying. Enemy's guns and vehicles within 10 meters of you deal 15% less damage to all teammates and have a 10% higher chance of being affected by any Status Effects Cypher applies. 1 level.

    Mom was my hero; beautiful, smart and so frickin' devious. I want to be like that.

    - Action Skill Augment: Nanoswarm bypasses Shields and does direct Health damage.

    -- Skill Tree 2: Balance. This Skill Tree focuses on making your team stronger and allows them to kill enemies easier.

    -- Action Skill – Overload: Activating Overload causes all teammates shields to rapidly regenerate for 10 seconds and gives their shields a Shock Nova blast if broken. Cooldown: 45 seconds. (Regenerate 15% of max shields per second for all allies for the duration of the effect. Nova damage is based on the current level of each individual player.)

    -- Skill Set 1:

    - A Gift: Increase Magazine size of all teammates weapons by 4%. 5 levels. (20% at level 4)

    - Tinkerer: Increase Fire Rate of all teammate's weapons by 4%. 5 levels. (20% at level 5)

    - Added Grips: Increase accuracy and stability of all teammate's weapons by 4%. 5 levels. (20% at level 5)

    -- Skill Set 2:

    - Motivation: Increase all teammates Action Skill Cooldown Rates by 10%. 1 level.

    - Failsafe: Entering Fight For Your Life gives you 20% extra movement speed, allows you to be revived 30% faster by teammates, and makes any allies within 5 meters of you take 10% less damage. 1 level.

    - Action Skill Augment: Overload instantly gives 25% of teammates shields back on top of the regular effect.

    -- Skill Set 3:

    - Second Chance: Increase Fight For Your Life time for all teammates by 5%. 5 levels. (25% at level 5)

    - Cupids Arrow: Shooting an ally heals them for 30% of current weapons damage. 1 level.

    - Show Some Love: Increase healing effects on all allies by 10%. 3 Levels. (30% at level 3)

    - Action Skill Augment: Overload now heals both health and shields. (7% per second for both Health and Shields. 70% Health and Shields regenerated total.)

    -- Skill Set 4

    - Sweet BBQ: Increase all teammates chance to inflict Status Effects by 5%. 5 levels. (25% at level 5.)

    - Modified Sights: Increase critical damage for all allies by 5%. 3 levels. (15% at level 3.)

    - Action Skill Augment: Increase Overload duration by 5 seconds. (15 seconds total)

    -- Skill Set 5

    - Taking Advantage: Increase all allies' damage dealt to enemies currently affected by a status effect by 30%. 1 level.

    You're only given these kinds of opportunities once in a lifetime, so make sure you leave your mark.

    - Action Skill Augment: Reduce Overload cooldown by 15 seconds.

    -- Skill Tree 3: Equilibrium. This Skill Tree focuses on making your team stronger while making enemies weaker, a combination of both previous Skill Trees while also providing extra bonuses for Cypher herself.

    -- Action Skill – Aura Synchronization: Create a wide area of effect around yourself, increasing the damage of all allies within the area and reducing the damage dealt by enemies. (20 meter radius. Increase ally damage by 10%, decrease enemy damage by 10%) Lasts 10 seconds. 45 second cooldown.

    -- Skill Set 1

    - Pressure: Killing an enemy gives you one stack of Pressure. For every stack of Pressure you have, reduce enemy movement speed by 2% and increase ally movement speed by 2%. (10 stacks max (10% total loss/gain of movement speed.) (Stacks slowly decay after a few seconds.)

    - Eye For Quality: Increase all stats for all teammates weapons of Epic or Legendary quality. Increase chances of enemies dropping Epic or Legendary gear. (10% stat increase for all for Epic/Legendary gear for all teammates. 10% higher drop rate of Epic gear from enemies, 5% better drop rate for Legendary.) (Drop Rates also affect loot crates.)

    -- Skill Set 2:

    - Self-Sustaining Systems: Regenerate Health for all allies based on current amount of stacks. (0.5% of Health regenerated per stack.) 3 levels. (1.5% per stack at level 3.)

    - Powder Keg: Killing an enemy with a critical hit has a 5% chance to create a slag cloud, causing any enemies within the cloud to take extra damage from all sources. 3 levels. (15% chance to create a slag cloud at level 3.)

    - Action Skill Augment: Aura Synchronization now heals allies within its radius. (Heals 2.5% of max health per second while with radius.)

    -- Skill Set 3:

    - Warhead: Increase Explosive Elemental damage dealt and reduce Explosive Elemental damage taken for all allies by 5%. 5 levels. (25% more/less Explosive damage dealt/received for all allies at level 5.)

    - Me Time: Increase Cypher's Stats by 10%. 1 level. (Increases Damage, Accuracy, Health, Shields, Movement Speed and FFYL duration.)

    - Inspiring Presence: Benefit your team based on current action being taken. Decrease team Damage Received and increase team Damage Dealt while standing still. Increase team Accuracy and team Reload Speed while moving (not sprinting). Increase team Movement Speed and team Shield Regeneration while sprinting. (All stats increase by 10% and are only based on Cypher's current action being taken.)

    - Action Skill Augment: Increase the Radius and Duration of Aura Synchronization. (5 meter Radius increase, 25 meters total. 5 second increase, 15 second Duration total.)

    -- Skill Set 4:

    - Not a Fan of Baddies: Increase all allies' chance of inflicting Status Effects on Boss-type enemies and decrease Bosses ability to perform Status Effects. 1 level. (20% increased/decreased chance of Status Effects inflicted.)

    - Perfect Posture: Increase teams resistance to Crowd Control effects, decrease enemies resistance to Crowd Control effects. 1 level. (Increase/decrease CC resistance by 20%)

    - Action Skill Augment: Aura Synchronization makes allies Action Skills stronger while in the Aura. (15% Action Skill damage/health/shields while in the Aura.)

    -- Skill Set 5:

    - Who Gave The Support a Gun?: While any of Cypher's Action Skills are Active, Cypher gains a Shoulder Mounted Turret. The Turret targets any enemy Cypher is currently shooting at. 1 level. (Turret takes the form of whatever gun Cypher currently has equipped, but does not receive any special abilities the weapon has. (If Cypher has a shotgun equipped, the turret becomes a shotgun, etc.)) (Damage of Turret is based on current player level.)

    I met a mercenary named Wilhelm who had something like this once. Don't tell him I took his idea.

    - Action Skill Augment: Aura Synchronization increases ally damage dealt and decreases enemy damage dealt by an extra 10%. (20% team damage increase total. 20% enemy damage decrease total.)

    Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/Kobsauce
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    Advice for farming lvl 50 gear on TVHM

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    I know you're supposed to stay as close to lvl 50 (which my Anar/LBT mechromancer currently is, though close to 51) as possible before moving on to UVHM, but I'm stuck on Saturn and the Super Duper Badass Constructor or whatever the f*ck they're called (I call them fullmetal assholes) and the only good corrosive gear I have is a purple Maliwan pistol (as you can imagine, not very effective against the former two gigantic hunks of sh*t) and a Pandemic grenade mod (I've tried slagging them too, though they don't change color whenever I try and don't think it works on them.) I've been farming Bunker, but it has only dropped lvl 48 stuff (not to mention 1% of it being anything that isn't white or green, though I guess that part is just the nature of the beast, as frustrating as it is) and so am unsure if he'll even drop anything that will actually help.

    Would appreciate advice as to how I can farm decent gear pre-warrior and other tips for my current predicament before I start ripping my hair out in fustration. This would probably be much easier if I let my mechro level up, but I'm afraid of it biting me in the ass in UVHM.

    submitted by /u/Catmandu101
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    Who did it better: Vaughn or Groundskeeper Willie?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    On the topic of staying out of their heads:

    My vote is for Groundskeeper Willie, but I am also on the "BL3 humor sucks" bandwagon. And the episode that line comes from is classic.

    Also I don't think this was a ripoff or deliberate reference -- just a case of simpsonsdiditfirst.

    submitted by /u/Zeno_of_Elea
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    Discussion time, (borderlands 2) which area is the hardest for unprepared players?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Clarification, unprepared could mean under leveled, weak gear or just not knowing what you're getting into. In my opinion I have to say the bunker at thousand cuts, I went there extremely under leveled and was getting crapped on by literally everything, the badass constructor near the end beat my ass and so did bnk3r, which area do you think is the hardest to go to unprepared?

    submitted by /u/CharliWarli212
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    1.8 second boss kill m10 no glitch

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Just messing around with and discovering some 50/150 weaps paired with Front Loader shield. Didnt see amy specific skills for Flakk to take advantage of though. https://youtu.be/evnDqS_HDP0

    submitted by /u/colbycadwell
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    I'm stuck in the happily ever after quest

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    So I'm doing the happily ever after quest and forgot I was on a higher mayhem level than I'm able to deal with in a speeding vehicle. I open the gate for the firework thieves and they zoom off. I manage to get two crates but then my car explodes which wouldn't be a big issue but by the time I get to the next catch-a-ride the firework thieves have disappeared on my map. I lost them right after Skittermaw basin and I've been trying to find them ever since. I reloaded the map to lower the mayhem so my car wouldn't explode as quickly but in retrospect that probably didn't help. I went to see if I had to open the gate for them again but the button was inaccessible so I can only assume they're out there somewhere

    submitted by /u/ZaiopePerSe
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