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    Sunday, October 25, 2020

    Borderlands Any word on the health or Dr Zed voice actor Ric Spiegel?

    Borderlands Any word on the health or Dr Zed voice actor Ric Spiegel?

    Any word on the health or Dr Zed voice actor Ric Spiegel?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    Apparently he was not in Borderlands 3 because of ill health. He's my favourite character. Any word on how he's doing?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Gaslight
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    How does 70% cryo damage w/ Terror work into the damage formula?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    So I picked up a couple 70% terror cryo annointed redistributors last night and my thoughts were resurrecting Chain Zane but not sure if the 100% SNTL damage is just better or not?

    I'm thinking that even if the Damage output is lower compared to SNTL the Cryo effect would be a big enough bonus too offset, especially with all the bonuses to Cryo Zane already has. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, maybe tomorrow but just thought I would see if it's even worth it or not.

    submitted by /u/raydawg2000
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    Why can’t I do playthru 3 bl1

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    I play the remastered one and i can't do the third play thru my siren is level 56 btw

    submitted by /u/kothree
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    New Weapon Rarity Idea

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    In a previous post I made, I had an idea for a new weapon rarity, but didn't elaborate much on it. I though more about, and I realized that it could be a cool and interesting addition to BL3, so here's my idea on a new weapon rarity, aswell as some examples.

    The new rarity can be named anything, but what's special about the weapons is that they would have 2 manufacturers. Allow me to explain:

    Essentially, a gun would have 2 parts, a primary manufacturer and a secondary manufacturer, for example: Vladof-Hyperion. The 1st part determines the base of the weapon, meaning the weapon will have all associated bonuses of that manufacturer. The 2nd part determines what secondary gimmick the gun will revieve. A Vladof-Hyperion would have the high fire rate, mag size, and dual barrels of a Vladof and would receive either inverse-accuracy or a frontal shield from a Hyperion.

    As far as stats for the weapons themselves go, they would be better than most purple items you can find, on par with the damage output of most legendaries, and will have a few extra specific stat boosts based on the manufacturers and gimmicks. In this example of Valdof-Hyperion, the gun would receive 1 specific stat boost from Vladof (Further increased fire rate or mag size) and 1 from Hyperion (Increased frontal shield capacity, reduced shots until max accuracy, or increased crit damage).

    These weapons would also have guarunteed annointments, each of which benefits the weapon specifically. There would also only be 2 or 3 annointment options per combination.

    These weapons may sound not all that great, but when you think about the amazing combinations you could get, you may realize just how effective they could be, especially if when match the damage output of most legendaries.

    Here are some examples of Dual-Manufacturer weapons that I thought would synergize well, aswell as examples of stat bonuses and annointments.

    Vladof-Hyperion: Addition of weapon shield or inverse-accuracy. Stat Bonuses: Additional increased fire rate and reduced shots until max accuracy. Shield Annoints: • When shield breaks, 30% increased fire rate. • While shield is active, 50% bonus damage. • (On weapons that start slow and get faster) Upon reaching peak fire rate, weapon shield begins recharging. Reverse Recoil Annoints: • When peak accuracy is reached, begin regenerating ammo. • When peak accuracy is reached, 150% bonus crit damage.

    Atlas-Maliwan: Addition of elements, elemental damage, and elemental effect chance. (Normal shots do X element, shots against an enemy hit with a tracker deals Y element.) Stat Bonuses: Additional increased elemental damage and elemental effect chance. Annointments: • Enemies that die from elemental damage explode, dealing X damage of that element. • When shooting a tracked enemy, DoT damage is increased by 300%. • After killing an enemy, your next magazine will do an additional 100% damage of a random element.

    Torgue-Jakobs: Critical hits ricochet 1 gyrojet to the nearest enemy or throw a sticky bomb toward the nearest enemy, depending on what they were shot with. Stat Bonus: Additional increased explosion and crit damage. Annointments: • For each sticky that lands on an enemy, their crit damage is increased by 10%. • Critical hits ricochet an additional gyrojet or sticky to the nearest enemy. • After dealing explosive damage with this weapon, explosion radius is increased by 5% for 10 seconds, stacks up to 50 times.

    COV-Dahl: Addition of secondary fire mode. Stat Bonuses: Additional increased handling and better recoil. Annointments: • Handling and recoil are improved by 2% every second, stacks up to 50 times. Repairing the weapon removes all stacks. • As heat builds up, weapon damage increases, up to 150% • After getting a kill, heat buildup is reduced by 20% for 20 seconds, can stack.

    As a bonus, here are a few ideas on ways these guns could be implemented:

    1. A full DLC could be made revolving around an agreement made by all the corporations either before the wars or just recently. They collaborated and mixed weapons until corporate greed took over and each tried to hoard weapons for themselves. You are hired by one of the manufacturers to get ahold of the selling rights to these weapons, or are hired by an outsider to steal a massive cache of these weapons which have long since gone out of production. (Maybe COV just started slapping weapons together, explaining why they are a part of it, idk).

    2. A set of headhunter-esq packs, where each of the corporations have their special weapons in some sort of storage, but the defenses of said storage have failed in some way (was taken over, power went out and was infested, etc). In each headhunter, you are hired by a different corporation to secure the cache, and must fight a raid-like boss at the end, which rewards you with 1 guaranteed Dual-Manufacturer weapon, the base manufacturer determined by which corporation you do the mission for, and a chance at more than 1. The bosses can be fought again after completion.

    3. They could just add a single raid boss that drops these Dual-Manufactirer weapons at random.

    All of these DLCs, aswell as annointments and stat bonuses, are just ideas. I'm far from an expert at game balancing, but I believe the overall idea could offer some new ways to play and would be a lot of fun.

    Thank you for reading all of this, I know it was a lot. Please feel free to let me know what you think of these ideas, and if you have anything to add or have something you would remove, let me know!

    submitted by /u/GuyWithTheCats
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    Quests in borderlands 1 claptraps dlc not scaling PT2?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Playing through the dlc and all the guns I get are all level 38-42 but I'm level 46 and each new quest is not scaling up?

    Really annoying as the lack of appropriately levelled guns is making is pretty hard lol.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Vanilla---Bear
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    Terror annoints

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    I'm messing about with my amara and am looking for annoints that stack terror

    Is there any other way to stack terror all ive found is one that only gives me a 25% chance on melee

    submitted by /u/pkgdogg92
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    Discussion time, what is the most annoying enemy in borderlands history?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    My answer, probably the Goliath Blasters from bl2, although they dont appear very often, everytime they do they kick my ass even if I over level them, they are just so stupidly overpowered and annoying, second place probably goes to BUL loader, I'm fine with every other kind but they always seem to absolutely destroy me.

    submitted by /u/Charliwarlili
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    Mod for fast travel in dlc?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a mod that can add fast travel to the dlc in goty enhanced, because the driving simulator dlc is driving me crazy.

    submitted by /u/jojokehanddust
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    Takedown at the Guardian Breach - Glitch? Not working for anyone else?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Hello there - I was posting this to see if anyone else was experiencing a glitch with this particular mission. I play solo on PC, and every time I do this mission I can never get past the first doorway after starting the mission.

    In other words, I get to the vendor machines for ammo and health, then I can open that door to start the mission. Upon entering, I cannot seem to get anything to work to get me through that first door. I've tried it without Mayhem mode on and then every single rung of Mayhem mode... Nothing I can do and no amount of time will get me through that door.

    Anyone else experiencing this or know of a solution? I searched thoroughly but I may have missed something. Please enlighten me if I am just a small brain.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/TheGreatOszz
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    Borderlands Modded Weapons

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Do modded weapons and things still exist on Borderlands GOTY?

    submitted by /u/Decapitated-Turtle
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    Quest - Won't get fooled again

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    I really do appreciate the placement of this quest making the run path inconvenient just enough to make you have to complete it each playthrough. It's the little details for developers haha

    submitted by /u/Drams89
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    BiiiiG QUESTION!! (not really)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    What is your top 5 list of guns?

    Let me know what character you are using too down below!

    also........how do i become a badass on this sub? :)

    submitted by /u/anonymoussss1678581
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    Bl1 Enhanced Edition Achievement

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    Me and a friend is looking for help with an achievemt on Steam Bl1 enhanced edition, the achievement is "And They'll Tell Two Friends" and we need a third player to just join our game.

    submitted by /u/Kelloggs_49
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    Need help with my Moze build

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, so I finished the game yesterday for the first time, rushing through the campaing, so I wouldn't get overleveld by doing all the side stuff. Now I entered Mayhem Mode (stage 1) to scale all missions up and the build I had been running so far seems to have gotten signifiantly weaker (at least with my weapons atm). I know what MM does, but it feels out of proportion because I was melting through enemies and some bosses as well before.

    I've added screenshots of my build in the link below, am on level 38 right now and only using Torgue weapons for the splash damage bonuses.

    Should I respec, change my weapons or both? Is there a way for me to keep my Torgue weapons, or would you advise to get a new loadout? I'm open for anything besides spamming grenades.https://imgur.com/a/QFaVxUk

    EDIT: I think I figured out what my problem was. The Torgue assault rifle i use as my main weapon has weird bouncy projectiles. I hit with normal shots and explosive shits bounce away in a totally different direction. My other weapons are viable enough.

    submitted by /u/LeeKay203
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    Any good playlists?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    Are there any good playlists with good music for Borderlands on Spotify? (While im playin Borderlands)

    submitted by /u/Canemann
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    Looking for PS4 players

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm currently looking for Ps4 players who could help me clean up my remaining quests in Presequel, as well as in BL 2. Appreciate it :) My username: Silent__Dennis

    submitted by /u/realMrDennsiDennisR
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    Help needed

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    So me and my friend are trying to play borderlands 2 together, epic games btw, but when we try to join eachothers lobbies it says that connection to host was lost, any way to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Xx_BruhMasin_xX
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    Mayhem mode and Guardian rank questions

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    So on Guardian ranks, I completed the game before noticing that they even existed, let alone that they were off by default. So that's dozens of hours where I've not being accumulating points. Why on earth wouldn't they just let you accumulate points, even if you didn't use it?

    On mayhem, my partner and I are around level 38, having just completed the main storyline and so switched on mayhem 1. It's this the best way to go about scaling difficulty as we play towards level 65? I understand how TVHM and Mayhem differ, but if we just want to get better gear and level faster, I guess going through the mayhem levels slowly is reasonable?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/The_Cost_Of_Lies
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    How tf do I not die multiple times during a mission

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    I'm playing as Krieg and all the guns I get are dog shit and I keep dying, I'm level 14 and guns I have takes a long time to kill anyone.

    God forbid if I encounter someone with badass in their name, I keep running and shooting for a long time.

    Is there any gun I don't know about that will make the game a little more easy for now. I'm tired of dying.

    submitted by /u/Vishal_Shaw
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