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    Saturday, October 24, 2020

    Borderlands Melee weapons in the next borderlands game

    Borderlands Melee weapons in the next borderlands game

    Melee weapons in the next borderlands game

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Anyone else want to see actual melee weapons in the next borderlands game? Melee is a very fun playstyle in BL and it sucks that we're limited to a single built-in one and the occasional gun with a melee addon.

    submitted by /u/coyotesfrontier2
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    Breath of the Dying Legendary

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    Anyone else love this gun?

    I never see anyone talking about this, and yeah it is a base-game gun and not the usual preferred DLC M10 builds, but I have yet to find any easily obtainable mobbing gun more insanely powerful (especially in base game) and useful in so many circumstances as this one.

    Especially on Zane with his clone's capstone, the clone will clear rooms with ease on most Mayhem levels without you even doing anything or helping.

    And it's easy to farm from the Blinding Banshee mini-boss on Nekrotafeyo for people finishing the base game and about to start mayhem mode or DLCs (especially Handsome Jackpot).

    submitted by /u/bathroom_break
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    Borderlands 2.5 Difficulty.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Hi, me and a few friend are planning to play BL2.5 mod soon.

    How is the difficulty in the mod? We are looking for for game to be significantly more difficult than the vanilla game.

    Should I install a mod to add a difficulty slider as well?

    Ideally a situation where each fight requires you to use multiple elements, abilities wisely but not to the point that you are spending every minute in FFYL like in BL1 (unless you are just rushing in without thinking).

    Cheers in advance.

    submitted by /u/SchmoopyLT
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    Best Character Customization

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    What's your favorite character customizations for the Borderlands 3 characters?

    I'm looking to change up how my Zane looks

    submitted by /u/AndyThePenguin
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    Borderlands 1 Underdome DLC achievement

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    I'm looking for someone on PC to playthrough the DLC with, I want to reach the round 20 on all arenas to get the achievements. 😀

    submitted by /u/AveSatanna
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    What is the drop rate for the psycho krieg customizations?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    It would be really nice to know the rough or exact drop rates.

    submitted by /u/CoffeeMain360
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    How can I decide which legendaries to keep?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    I am a gear hoarder and now have my vault almost completely full. I main Flak but also have a Zane that I may eventually get to level 65. I always think.. Well maybe I might be able to use this one day, when honestly it will probably be in my vault forever. Are there any pieces of gear that I can trash no matter what? Like stuff that just doesn't work in any build?

    submitted by /u/ZGriswold
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    What is the point of slag?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    I am still trying to get the point of why they have slag weapons in this game. it would have just made more sense to rebalance the guns to do damage in a different way instead of just having to coat an enemy with something before you can actually do damage. to me that's just insane and a huge waste of bullets.

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
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    Borderlands 1 GOTY Nintendo Switch First Impression

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Hello, if you are reading this, thank you! I have been playing Borderlands on and off for some time now. Of course it all started on xbox 360 with Borderlands. Now that I play mostly on Nintendo Switch ( I know not the best console but it is functional when you have kids) I picked up the collection. I have played through Borderlands 2 a few times and The Pre Sequel a few times. Never touched the original but figured I would make a few run throughs for old time sake. So upon first loading I noticed that holy cow the game looked so crisp. Everything from the HUD to the signature Borderlands style, I just remember playing on my xbox 360 and how the buildings and characters almost looked like clay models. Being in HD and remastered just blew me away. Now I am talking with good ole' Cl4P-TP and just remember him being reminiscent of a 16 bit spongebob back in the day. Now Clappy looks so good! Fast forward and I am opening my first red chest to find some new shiny loot. What's this? I can actually read the text on these guns???? ( part of this issue was probably my super old tv I played on ) Now I am at a gate and some bandit runner roar their engines, I look up to see the bottom of a runner all muddy and dirty just feet above my head ramping into the clearing just beyond this door that Clappy is gonna Op.... oh wait he ran away! There you are CL4P-TP open this door. As he opens I am thrown into my first fire fight. Seeing the bandits head directly in my cross hairs I pull the trigger for the first time and POW! I see those numbers I have seen millions of over the years start popping out! Now I remember, I remember how all the late sleepless nights started for me. I remember the excitement of when I found my very first Defiler and started melting those bandits! Now I sit here at work looking up build ideas and tips for making my Mordecai an unstoppable killer. When I was younger I played for fun mostly, now I still play for fun but who does not want to be the most powerful baddass possible! Now Mordecai is in a slumber until I can get home tonight and get some more XP and keep this journey moving forward. I am blown away with this remaster, quite literally! Thanks for taking the time to read this far!

    submitted by /u/xJuun
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    Does the Unforgiven boost crit damage from all sources ie pet crit?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Asking for future reference when flak's new skill tree is released.

    submitted by /u/DoIMakeYaRandy
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    Borderlands 1 underdone trophy’s

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    For a very long time I've had an issue where the game crashes when I'm nearing 20 rounds, either way I finally managed to just finish the larger Angelic ruins trophy and now have the trophies for all three larger challenges but the "Big tournament" trophy still hasn't popped? I did do two larger challenges about a year ago on a different stage if that effects it. Anybody got any tips on what's going on?

    Edit: Turns out it all has to be done on one character

    submitted by /u/Decapitated-Turtle
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    Borderlands Fan

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:09 AM PDT

    Hey guys! I just got a vault symbol tattoo to celebrate my birthday! I'm so pumped! It came out really well. I was going to attach a picture but I don't think I can :(

    submitted by /u/RaymenNoodley
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    I joined a friend’a game. I’m in the floor in a weird 3rd person perspective. Help.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    Read the title.

    submitted by /u/ItsYoBoi_
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    Is the Legendary Collection worth it on Switch?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I'm a click away from purchasing and downloading this but just wanted some feedback and opinions. I've only ever played the first game when it originally came out. I've now got a switch and have been thinking about buying this collection for a while. Any other switch players that have no regrets getting it or wish they hadn't? Not sure how it would run on the switch or if online is popular at all.


    submitted by /u/DoyleG
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    Borderlands with horses?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    I was thinking that it would be pretty cool to have horses in the borderlands games, sure we already have vehicles, but can you imagine horses on pandora? They could be alien looking horses that have 8 legs and travel 120 mph like any other vehicle. Would go great with the wild west kinda theme going on in the weird world of borderlands.

    What do you think? Awesome idea, or crazy daydream?

    submitted by /u/AssassinCamFen
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    Lilith's name connection to other cultures

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    So, i was curious about Lilith's name. I know that Lilith was i think the first wife of Adam in the bible, and in many media Lilith is sometimes depicted as the Succubus, demon who uses it's attractive look to hunt for it's victims. Lilith is a siren, and siren concept is similiar to the Succubus. Does it connects to her character/lore/backstory ? What do you think about that?

    submitted by /u/Top_Campaign_9909
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    a question about bl2.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    i finished the story on normal on BORDERLANDS 2 a while ago, i instantly started TVHM and played a few story missions. Today i loaded my normal character (locked at lvl 30) and the last quest "Talon of God" is incomplete, but i remember doing it and finishing the story. But now not even the first objective is complete, is this a bug? or is it supposed to be like this?

    submitted by /u/Cobalt74
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    Looking for UVHM advice

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I'm playing BL2 through on UVHM for the first time (after thousands of hours casually invested into the series), and I just hit level 72 with Maya. I want to go through the four DLCs as a maxed-out character, but is there any advantage to grinding through Digistruct Peak until I get to OP level 8 first? Or is this pointless?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/aarondigruccio
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    Ok so im playing through tps as clap trap. Was this a bad idea?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Is the game more enjoyable as another charachter? And if you play as another characjter do you get another story?

    submitted by /u/JohnWickUniversity
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