• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    Borderlands Ascension Bluff Red doors

    Borderlands Ascension Bluff Red doors

    Ascension Bluff Red doors

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Has anyone figured out what they are meant for yet? I've seen recent video of people glitching to the area. It's just an open arena w nothing

    submitted by /u/diznuts2020
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    Finding it harder to play.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I think I am just going to wait to play more until a mod comes out that removes the mayhem modifiers. Any information on mods for BL3?

    submitted by /u/Hobosoco
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    How to Make a Zer0 Helmet?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    Hello all, I've wanted to make a wear-able Zer0 helmet for a long time now, but when I look up guides on the internet they seem as if they are geared toward someone with previous cosplay/propbuilding experience. I am a rookie at this sort of thing and was wondering if anyone on this sub has built a zer0 helmet and would be willing ti post some advice. I'm willing to put in a lot of work, but I just have no idea where to begin. Thank you all.

    submitted by /u/Altoid_10
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    Handsome Jackpot Legendaries

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    So I've only been playing around two or so months. I just hit level 65 with Amara. Are there any legendaries to look for in this dlc?

    submitted by /u/jharrison231
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    Cant find ths kreig dlc starting point

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    I have it downloaded but nothing shows up in sanctuary

    submitted by /u/Xenostera
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    In the lore, are Atlas guns just the best, but why?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    I was reading up on the different manufacturers and they all have their thing about why they are the best. Hyperion is about aiming ''whats the point of a powerful gun if you can't hit the target?'' Jakobs is power ''whats the point of hitting a target if you can't damage it?''. Vladof is volume of fire, Dahl is reliability, COV/Bandit/Scav is massive magazines, Torgue is MANLINESS AND EXPLOSIONS, Tediore is the cheaper company that you can bulk buy for your family.

    Atlas just says they are the best. No reasons given, in BL1 they were really rare and powerful, but I don't feel like it is the case anymore. Anybody know what Atlas is supposed to be the best at?

    submitted by /u/howlingbeast666
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    Long break + Twitch Earned Items

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Hey everyone. I've just reinstalled after a pretty long break and see there's a new level cap to reach. Question is that I've got probably 100 items sitting in the mail from watching twitch streams last year and most of them are 10 days from expiring, should I be rushing to the new level cap so that I can make the most out of the items, or would these items be garbage now anyways? I saw a *new* Mayhem modifier on weapons, does that make them better than the items earned off twitch?

    submitted by /u/ZmobieMrh
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    Can I use a Nintendo Switch pro controller for Borderlands PC?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    I have a PowerA controller for my switch, which is currently the only console I have. Can I use that directly for Borderlands, or do I need to download a program to switch the button mapping?

    submitted by /u/wilhayrog
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    Can anyone tell me Borderlands gameplay loops?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Want to get into it, and want to know what to expect. Any diagrams will help as well. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/RealPro007
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    Problem getting the new halloween rewards (BL3)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    For me for reason it says that i unlocked those rewards where i clearly i didn't and if i check if i have them, they are not there, any solutions to this?

    submitted by /u/RhosalthTheDragon
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    3 or 2

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    So I was going to get into the borderlands series and should I go with three or two I've heard that 2 is good but I like the action skills from 3 better

    submitted by /u/jazygamer308
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    How does Mayhem levels affect guns?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    I'm a relative noob at this kind of thing. I was farming for an Anarchy on Mayhem 4 and the one I got had worst damage than the non-mayhem one I was using. The mayhem 4 had shock element to it, but that does not compensate for the lesser damage. I was under the impression that mayhem levels would raise the base stats of the guns, is this not the case?

    submitted by /u/howlingbeast666
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    Please GBX leave the option to enable or disable the Bloody Harvest Event on the menu

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    With sprinkles on top thank you

    submitted by /u/Raymancer
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    Is there a way of getting the 2019 bloody harvest rewards?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    I didn't play enough of the first bloody harvest to get all the rewards, can I still acquire them legitimately?

    submitted by /u/panzerwss313VRO
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    Do y'all play the whole game again just to experience a different character?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    I recently started playing BL2 and had no experience with it prior to it. They didn't told me I can't change my character once I started playing. I selected krieg because he matched the general theme of the game and he looked cool.

    I kinda wanna play zero too but I really don't want to play the whole game again.

    I wish they give us the ability to change characters before starting a new location, I know this will fuck up the skill tree.

    Did y'all play the game again just to experience a different character?

    submitted by /u/Vishal_Shaw
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    Boreman nates drop rates for psyco stabber

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I've been farming this enemy for about 5 hours now on mayhem 10 difficulty for the psycostabber ever since the hotfix for its buff. i have yet to get a SINGLE psycostabber. has anyone else had this problem?

    submitted by /u/gemlmao
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    Haven’t played since fall of last year, what’s changed?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I stopped playing because of college and life stuff sometime last fall, and then got my ps4 stolen when I moved this summer. Just recently got around to getting a new one and redownloading BL3.

    One thing I've noticed as I progressed through the story is that my pets will absolutely mail someone to death now, instead of just being bullet sponges.

    What else has changed?

    submitted by /u/HoneyBadger3495
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    Just got tales off eBay

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    I can't believe I skipped this for so long. The writing is great so far just finished episode 1

    submitted by /u/Drams89
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    Borderlands GOTY PS4 - can I make a copy of a save file at the beginning of playthrough 2?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Is there anyway to make a copy of a save file locally, other than to an external USB drive, so I can start a fresh playthrough 2 whenever I want?

    submitted by /u/keepwatchingtheskis
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    I played Borderlands 1 for about 2 hours and disliked the experience, does it get better, should I skip to 2 and what is point where I should be able to assess if these games are my cup of coffee?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Title, thanks.

    submitted by /u/Lufvave
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    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    How can I save my number 2 player levela on borderlands 2. Every time my number 2 players hops on it starts back at level 1

    submitted by /u/FanOtherwise
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    How often are you supposed to compare items you stumble upon?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    I know this sounds like a dumb question, but after playing the first game – which is also my first experience with the franchise – I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information the game throws at you regarding weapon stats (as there are sooo many different weapons).

    Whenever you go out on a mission, you find lots of crates that have weapons, and many enemies drop weapons themselves. If you were to pause the action to check each and every one of them to see which has better stats, not only it would take a long ass time to progress but also become a tiresome activity.

    In fact, at first I approached the game that way. However, later into the game I got tired and decided to ignore most of the loot around me as I rarely found better items than the ones I already had anyways. This decision bothered me a little bit cause I knew that I could be missing some items by completely ignoring them as I passed through.

    I understand that Borderlands is supposed to be a looter-shooter/RPG, so I expected to find a wide variety of items with different properties. However, like I stated it got overwhelming quickly. I hope that this explains my question.

    How often are you supposed to stop to compare items? Are the items that drop on missions even worth it or should I just stick to Marcus' vending machines?

    submitted by /u/LoserZoomer
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