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    Saturday, October 3, 2020

    Borderlands Borderlands 2 is the most hours I’ve ever put into a video game

    Borderlands Borderlands 2 is the most hours I’ve ever put into a video game

    Borderlands 2 is the most hours I’ve ever put into a video game

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    BL3 is fun but is just missing...something. A couple of the DLCs have been great but I finish them and I just have no pull to play afterwards. I miss wanting to play!

    submitted by /u/EarlPronk2
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    What BL3 needs is an Adventure Mode to really beef up the end-game loops.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    When I heard the new that Gearbox was adding a new game mode that would "completely change the way we played", my mind started racing at the possibilities. I make no secret that I like Borderlands 3. I really do, I find the moment-to-moment gameplay (the gunplay, movement, quality of life features, multiple action skill options) is the best the franchise has ever seen. But like many, I found the story disappointing. . . And as a player that plays multiple characters I just cannot bring myself to play through it another 2 times to bring a character up to THVM mode.

    To me, the story contains so much waiting around, returning to the bridge to speak to Lillith, and general busy-work (not to mention gating off inventory slots) that it is such a slog to go through, it ruins the pacing of the game and prevents me from doing what I really enjoy doing -- wading into crazy combat encounters with ludicrous guns and really having fun with the awesome mechanics they have added.

    That is why I propose: Bounty Mode

    After beating the story campaign, you can unlock Bounty Mode. You start on Sanctuary with all locations, all inventory slots, and mayhem mode unlocked. The Bounty Board on the ship has been completely retooled -- every game session it is propagated with different randomized bounty lists such as:

    • Kill Killavolt in Lecra City (Promethea)
    • Kill 20 Jabbers on Eden-6
    • Ring all the bells on Athenas
    • Collect 30 Alien Samples on Nekrotafeio
    • Defeat 5 waves of enemies at the marked location in Konrad's Hold (Pandora)

    Completing bounties gives you planet specific resources (Meditation Crystals for Athenas, Swamp Wood for Eden-6) that Tannis or Ava can use to do things like:

    • Add a random anointment to an unanointed legendary
    • Reroll an anointment to another random one
    • Bring an underlevelled gun up to your current level
    • Raise the mayhem level of a gun by one (Up to the current Maximum Mayhem Level completed, running a full set of bounties on M6 will increase the cap to M6, for example)
    • Reroll an item, randomizing the gun parts (or in the case of COMs, etc, rolls new bonuses and skill distributions)
    • Go up a level
    • Redeem for 1 guardian token
    • Redeem for a Golden Key
    • Get a Chaos trial key

    The Chaos Trial is a new trial, similar to the other ones already in the game. It takes a key to enter, and the loot at the end is much, much better. Enemy density is much higher amd the mob types are randomized every time. This might lead to combinations not encountered in the game like Maliwan Troops and Jabbers, Loader Bots and Saurians, Nekrotafeio Aliens and Skags. If the maps can be procedurally generated, sweet! If not, even a cycle of premade maps would be pretty cool. In Chaos Trials, mayhem modifiers are disabled (the enemy hp buffs from your mayhem level, however, remain) making it a tough skill based challenge to really test your builds.

    I believe adding a mode like this would help bolster up the endgame loops considerably. It keeps us in the action and constantly working towards goals to boost our characters and improve our gear. It makes us go to different maps instead of farming the same locations over and over. Gives us a new endgame challenge, and most importantly, keeps us in engaged in the most awesome parts of Borderlands 3, the frantic action and amazing gunplay.

    What are your thoughts? What are end-game challenges or loops you would like to see? Have an idea for a cool mission? Please share below! I'd love to see what you awesome folks come up with.

    submitted by /u/PNDMike
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    Pick Another Character for Me

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm going through the franchise again. I had an awesome time with Gaige in Borderlands 2. Death trap helped out a lot. Now I'm onto the Pre-Sequel.

    My first playthrough was with Claptrap but ultimately ended up completing my first playthrough as Athena. From what I remember, the characters actually talk/react to NPCs in the game so I would prefer a character that has relatively good voice acting. I will also be playing solo so keep that in mind.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/StaticHippo4
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    So BL2 is freezing my PC how do i fix that?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    My specs are:

    GTX 1660 ti


    16gb ram

    I dont know what is wrong every other game runs fine. But boraderlands 2 just decides to freeze which makes me have to restart my PC what is going on and how do I fix it?

    submitted by /u/HeadphoneMC
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    Need some people to play with on bl2/3 add me on steam 1127319021

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    Add me if you have xp lobbies or just want to play

    submitted by /u/Kronos_xo
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    [PS4] Need help with "And They'll Tell Two Friends" for Platinum trophy!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    My friend and I are in need of someone to help us get the trophy of having played coop with atleast 2 other people. Would anyone be willing to hop in our lobby with us to help trigger this trophy, please?

    This and reach level 50 are the only trophies we have remaining, thanks in advance!!

    PSN: Dope_Antelope

    submitted by /u/thedopestantelope
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    Boss battle EOS

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Hi, first thing first, I play very casually but really love the series. So like my character build and everything is just what I find fun to play/use. But I have a couple of questions. Are the glitch weapons better to use over legendary weapons? Is there a better way to fight through the sheer amount of time it takes just to get his shield down, and it to just go back to normal? I would just like what ever tips or tricks anyone can provide. Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/Angy-Boi
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    Looking for Group on Borderlands 1 Enhanced, PC.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Currently looking for help to beat Crawmerax or just in general. Maybe play through the storyline with a new character or somethin.

    submitted by /u/TagMeEverywhere
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    BL1goty multiplayer not working ps4

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    I'm like a magpie when it comes to this franchise and saw that goty was on sale for $10 on ps4 so I got a copy for my best friend and I (we are quarantining separately because I'm hella high risk due to EDS, stating this before the flood of just play split screen comments) and we are both having it say "unable to connect to network while game is installing" despite it not installing anything. Please help bc I want to get them into the series and this isn't a good first impression

    submitted by /u/AffectionateSeaweed6
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    Any help?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    every time I try to download a save file and error pops up saying " FATAL ERROR: Failed to connect with local Steam Client process! " I've tried every fix I've searched for online and tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game as well as verifying the integrity of bl3 files. Anyone know a fix or have any idea what I can do?

    submitted by /u/NeneDaGangsta
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    Weapon damage or melee damage anoint for Face-Puncher?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    I have 2 redundant face-punchers, one with +100% weapon damage on action skill end, and another with +100% melee damage on action skill end, and I'm using them on a melee damage amara. Which one is the better anointment overall? Both of them are practically the same, as far as stats goes.

    submitted by /u/Booiseeu7
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    Class mods and 4th weapon slot unlock when starting with DLC?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    I started a Moze playthrough but did the skip to level 13 start at one of the DLC's option. I'm level 21 or so and haven't unlocked the 4th weapon slot or class mod slot. Is there a way to unlock this WITHOUT progressing through the main story missions?

    Quick update, so it won't make you do anything on the first planet and you get to the mission to unlock your class mod almost right away. Still kinda weird, but much better than having to do the whole first area just to unlock something that's way more than a few hours into the main story. Still haven't got the 4th weapon slot or artifact though.

    submitted by /u/PointGod1111
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    Borderlands the handsome collection PS4 Corrupted save help

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    HI so I was playing though the campaign an I beat the warrior I was level 32 with some good guns an I thought since I have the handsome collection why not look at the dlc since I never got to see it on Xbox 360 I went to do the pirate dlc I can't remember the name of it an as soon as I loaded in the game crashed I thought okay no problem went back in an it said my save was corrupted I went to the save cloud whatever it's called an the only save I have is a Level 9 I probably can't get it back but is there anything I can do to get it back I was trying to go for the platinum an am really disheartened an don't want to have to do another playthrough thank you

    submitted by /u/niceguy2003
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    Are any of the borderland games cross platform?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    I want to play with my friend who's on playstation but I'm on pc

    submitted by /u/jojokehanddust
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    Merging multiple mods with the epic games version of BL2?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    the filter tool is gone, nowhere to be found because it was supposedly replaced by the "better" BLCMM, which is not an option for people like me who don't have the steam version

    any ideas?

    submitted by /u/dervest
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    should i play bl3 ?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    first when they announced the game i have bought it + the pass
    played it for 16 hours and never touched it again ...
    it just felt off compared to genius bl2 ..
    should i go back and give it another try ? is dlc any good ? or should i just forget about it and reinstall my good old bl2 ..

    submitted by /u/fpshoter3
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    [BL3] Finally Played BL3 and just feel...So Disappointed

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    It seems like a cliche on this subreddit but I just need to vent to a community who will understand and who was/is as passionate about the franchise about I was.

    For me, the biggest culprit was how bad the story was (but that's not all). I'll summarize the most egregious things.

    This post has spoilers for the story!

    Lazy Writing: I understand video games can't go into the same depth that novels or TV shows go to because they have to consider things like game play, level design, etc.

    That said, even within the context of a video game story BL3 felt lazy, rushed, and thoughtless.

    You start off on Pandora, which evidently isn't a toxic rainforest like it was at the end of the last BL2 DLC but whatever.

    About an hour into this the two Calypso twins beat the shit out of Lilith (an extremely strong character canonically), steal her powers, and humiliate her in front of millions of people on the galactic internet. And how does everyone react to this?

    Barely at all! They all just sort of shrug it off. Even Lilith herself, who should be devastated, acts the same, delivers her lines the same way, etc. It's like it didn't happen at all. Seems like this should've been a much bigger deal than it was. I knew immediately that she was going to get them back when everyone was reacting to it in such a "meh, whatever" fashion and I ended up being right, which sucks. It would've been so fascinating to see the character grow and change. What is Lilith if she's not the Firehawk? If she's not a siren? I guess we'll never know! It seemed like they were setting up an arc where she has to learn to view things from 1,000 feet instead of from the front lines. Where she has to learn to lead an organization instead of being a boots-on-the-ground vault hunter. But nobody has an arc in this.

    And the fight between the twins and Lilith felt rushed (all very fast). Lilith stopping to have a chat with them in the middle of a fight "Zomg you're a siren????" and that being the thing that distracts her was incredibly stupid, even by the standards of Borderlands. The tension felt cheap because they didn't do anything narratively to earn it. When Roland gets killed in BL2 it's earned. When Lilith gets captured it's earned and you feel the tension because they've been shit-talking back and forth with Jack for a while by that point and he even tried to blow up Sanctuary. But when the Calypsos jump Lilith, it was a very cheap way for the writers to inject tension into a story that, overall, had very poor pacing and had a tough time raising the stakes or even showing you what they were.

    More broadly, all of the characters felt muted and uninteresting. And then of course we have the often trodden over things of Rhys and Vaughn not talking. Lilith and the other BL1 vault hunters not talking, etc.

    And then you have truly absurd, insulting retcons like Tannis being a Siren after Angel dies in BL2. WHAT THE FUCK??? I get that this isn't supposed to be Shakespeare and that Borderlands deliberately treats itself like a joke (which is what I liked about the second game. It was a joke that took itself just seriously enough whereas other video game stories take themselves soooo seriously that it ends up making me laugh).

    I could talk about how bad the plot is all day honestly so let's move on to the worst thing.

    Maya: Major spoiler territory here. This falls under the bad writing category but its' so egregious that I had to give it it's own section. Why on EARTH, PANDORA, OR ANY OTHER PLANET would you take a beloved player character from BL2 and give them the most pathetic, meaningless, idiotic death possible at the hands of a SECONDARY antagonist, no less. And it was all to protect some bratty character every single person who played the game HATED (Ava). I wasn't a Maya main but I still thought she was hot/cool. Definitely a good Siren counterpart to the fiery/at-time-arrogant Lilith.

    But instead of a potentially cool interplay between those two you get Maya dying like a fucking idiot. Honestly it's shocking. I thought they made Lilith look like a dummy in BL2 when she rushes into Jack's trap despite being warned but BL2 Lilith looks like Albert fucking Einstein compared to what the writers did to Maya in BL3. It was just so senseless and stupid.

    The writing honestly made me feel so cheated. They took this vivid, awesome, loud, exciting world full of (admittedly exaggerated but still fun) and just sort of ruined all of it in just a few hours. Maya's death was the most obvious moment of this.

    Level design: Why does the game start on Pandora? In a game that promises going to space and exploring new locales, starting off on Pandora doing fetch quests and running through a desert is kinda boring but fine. We were promised a fun space adventure. I thought we'd see really exciting and vivid new locales. Imagine the awesome BL art style but on so many different kinds of alien worlds. Instead everything felt the same. And the levels were not very fun to walk through/explore and were confusing at times.

    TLDR: The story is bad, kiddos! The improved gunplay and mechanics can't overshadow the joyless slog of playing through the at-times boring levels and absurd, badly done story.

    submitted by /u/FireConsumes
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    Lore Conclusions Ive drawn to from DLC4

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    • One reason Psychos wear masks is because their mouths are hideously deformed from the process of psychosis. Once an individual losses their mind they are vulnerable to falling victim to an infectious idea called "Vaulthalla" that seemingly exists within the mind of every psycho. Once this idea exists in a persons mind it begins to consume them leaving them near identical to the gatekeeper of Vaulthalla. The Psychoreaver. Once a person becomes insane they begin to display various characteristics both physical and mental to the Psychoreaver, which would include its appearance and personality

    -The Psychoreaver is the gate keeper for Vaulthalla. Vaulthalla is an idea that causes Psychos to become insane in pursuit of getting inside of it because they all inevitably succumb to the Psychoreaver. It exists within its own space, and all Psychos are connected to it. The Psychoreaver is an enraged barbaric entity that is responsible for the similar characteristics we see in all psychos. The wearing of masks, their deformed faces/bodies, lack of pain, personality change.

    -Because we killed the Psychoreaver, and the 2 personalities of Krieg have made amends with each other. The madness within Krieg has declined to the point where he can now begin to form new memories. Thus marking the beginning of a more sane Krieg as hinted in the credits to the DLC. The irony is sane Krieg wanted to leave his body for this very reason but ended up achieving his goals without compromising who he is.

    -Sirens can live on in other peoples minds. If they develop a strong enough connection with an individual or through an object. Maya lives on in Krieg's mind. Lilith does too.

    -Either there are or were Guardians on Athena or they somehow entered Krieg's mind. Guardians seem to be attracted to Siren activity.

    -The Lodge can move from planet to planet, Maya encounters it on Athenas.

    -The reason Psychos are rampant on Pandora is likely because the gas that Hyperion was experimenting on was leaked into a major water supply, causing insanity to develop in the brain. Well that and the existence of the Great Vault and desiring to get into it potentially triggering the experience of Vaulthalla, which would result in being possessed by the Psychoreaver. The environment itself being so mentally taxing that it could cause individuals to become insane, with it being occupied by various criminals and lowlifes from all corners of intergalactic society and viscous beasts.

    submitted by /u/Raymancer
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    Rate all borderlands game from best to worst

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    My opinion is bl2, bl1, bl3 and then blps

    submitted by /u/E-E-G
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