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    Tuesday, October 6, 2020

    Borderlands Borderlands lore is great! Lets do a lore-dump with a bit of worldbuilding. Anybody that likes the borderlands lore and has some headcanons about the universe is welcome to comment, I want to hear everything you guys have to say!

    Borderlands Borderlands lore is great! Lets do a lore-dump with a bit of worldbuilding. Anybody that likes the borderlands lore and has some headcanons about the universe is welcome to comment, I want to hear everything you guys have to say!

    Borderlands lore is great! Lets do a lore-dump with a bit of worldbuilding. Anybody that likes the borderlands lore and has some headcanons about the universe is welcome to comment, I want to hear everything you guys have to say!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I am building a world for the heck of it, and will possibly use it for a tabletop rpg with my friends or something. Its based off of the borderlands universe, but it has some small differences to streamline things a little better. For example, sirens are not restricted to just 6 in number, they remain extremely rare, but putting a numerical limit on something like that is the best way to cockblock yourself from good writing further down the line. I'm thinking of there having 6 different types of sirens, based on the ones we see in the games. Also sirens in this setting would have the power-levels of the sirens we play in game, not the power of the NPC sirens. For example, a siren with lilith's ability, will be able to do everything lilith can do in the first game, but it will not be able to teleport other people or seal an entire moon as she does in later games.

    I've always seen the skill trees in borderlands as the actual classes for the average person in the borderlands universe. For example, if we are taking Roland's skill trees in BL1: most of Atlas operatives, once they manage to digitize their turret, would need to choose whether they are infantry, supports, or medics. They don't have the option of cross-classing like Roland does. Our Vault hunters in the Borderland games are absolute monsters that have access to 3 skill trees instead of one.

    Now we get to where I need inspiration. Do any of you have any ideas of how each of these skill trees could be integrated in a lore aspect rather than only gameplay? In addition, how do all of the similar skill trees differentiate from each other: How would the snipers from mordecai's sniper skill tree differenciate themselves from the ones from zero's skill tree, or Aurelia's skill tree? Obviously, they all have a different action skills, but I am looking for creeds, types of people, stereotypes, possible tactics, etc. Anything to just help flesh out the world. (EDIT: Also, who is stronger in a fist fight, a siren brawler or a berserker brawler?)

    For example, the capstone skill form the Mordecai's sniper tree allows the person to completely ignore enemy shields. So there could be an ruin-delving squad composed of only people from this class that specialise in killing eridians. Since eridians typically have really strong shields but are very fragile physycally, a squad of these guys would rip through eridians as if they were not there. These same people would also dominate against a squad of people from Moze's ''shield of retibution'' tree since the latter sacrifice health to get massive shields. A group of people that ignore shields would destroy a group of people that are from the ''shield of retribution'' class.

    In terms of stereotypes, maybe the people that are from Mordecais's sniper tree are known to be very intelligent and problem-solvers (taken from the skill that allows them to gain more experience). However, maybe they are also seen as aloof and arrogant because of this. They could also be seen as loners and people mock them as being in love with their bloodwings instead of people.

    I also want to clarify that I want these things to be rather general. In my previous example with the snipers that can ignore shields, sure they are all probably good marksmen, but each person is unique and not wholly defined by his class. For example we could have a person from this class that likes to be in the fight and so is more used to running and gunning with an assault rifle or shotgun. He would still be able to ignore shields, but he just uses that ability in a way that suits him, and he probably compensates with stronger personal shield and maybe a hyperion gun that has a front shield to it for added safety. His bloodwing would be trained to attack whatever ennemy is behind him in order to cover his rear while he goes forward. I want diversity within the classes themselves. Though of course stereotypes of the classes can completely ignore this aspect since by definition stereotypes put people together by their base qualities or faults without acknowledging the individuals.

    In order to keep things simple, I am thinking of using the gun companies from BL3 since they are the most clearly defined. So you can use them for added flavour or ''builds''. Its also fine to adapt the skills slightly for them to make more sense. For example, in Mordecai's rogue tree, the capstone skill allows Bloodwing to attack 5 times. I would change that to the rogue having a link with 5 different bloodwings at the same time. This makes more sense as a single bloodwing would be attacking as much as he could in a real world and would not have a set cooldown. I also like the idea of a professional rogue with a flight of bloodwings around him.

    You guys have fun and show me just how imaginative this community is. :)

    Here is a list of all the skill trees if you need any reminders:

    Mordecai: Sniper, Rogue, Gunslinger

    Brick: Brawler, Tank, Blaster

    Lilith: Assassin, Elemental, Controller

    Roland: Infantry, Support, Medic

    Zero: Sniping, Cunning, Bloodshed

    Salvador: Gunlust, Rampage, Brawn

    Axton: Guerilla, Gunpowder, Survival

    Maya: Motion, Harmony, Cataclysm

    Gaige: BFF, Little big trouble, Ordered chaos

    Krieg: Bloodlust, Mania, Hellborn

    Athena: Phalanx, Xiphos, Ceraunic storm

    Wilhelm: Hunter-killer, Cyber commando, Dreadnought

    Nisha: Law and order, Fan the hammer, Riflewomen

    Claptrap: Boomtrap, I love you guys, Fragmented fragtrap

    Timothy: The hero of the story, Greater good, Free enterprise

    Aurelia: huntress, Cold money, Contractual aristocracy

    Fl4k: Master, Hunter, Stalker

    Mose: Shield of retribution, Bottomless mags, Demolition woman

    Zane: Under cover, Hitman, Double agent

    Amara: Brawl, Mystical assault, First of the elements

    submitted by /u/howlingbeast666
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    Looking for Group, Borderlands 1 Enhanced PC (Again)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    Anyone want to do a fresh playthrough of BL1? Or if you have a max level character, maybe help to kill Crawmerax since I can't seem to do it alone with Roland?

    submitted by /u/TagMeEverywhere
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    how large is helios space station?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    I watched a comparison of a bunch of sci fi ships, and was thoroughly disappointed when I didn't see helios space station pop up. After a bit more looking, it turns out there's not that much on exactly how large it it. What's the best estimate we have?

    submitted by /u/coilovercat
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    The BEST DAHL guns for Moze! | Borderlands 3 Weapon Discussion

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    It's your friendly Neighbourhood Moze Main, Nootmad back with another post! And today I want to share with you guys a few of what i think are the best Dahl weapons to use on Moze! If you aren't a fan of reading, i made a video you can find right here! But with that out of the way, lets get straight into it!


    • In no particular order, lets start with the Kaoson. Its an SMG that drops on mayhem 6 and above from none other than the legendary Captain Traunt, the boss you can find at the end of the hardest area in the game. Athenas. The kaoson can come in a single, or multi projectile variant, and also any element. I personally recommend the radiation and corrosive elements, but if your in the mood to be the avatar and get all elements,. Go for it! The best annoint i would recommend is consecutive hits or the 300/90. I absolutely wouldn't recommend a next 2 mags annoint as the base mag size for the kaoson is on the low side, and the fire rate is on the higher end. The balance between the two isn't that great. Because of this reason, id also recommend a mindsweeper class mod to get the most damage possible out of the kaoson without a doubt.


    • Following the kaoson, is the similarly named Kaos. Now. I've spoken about the Kaos multiple times already but considering this post is specifically about Dahl weapons, it would be a crime to not mention it. The Kaos is an assault rifle from that drops from the psychobilies in Ambermire on Eden 6. Can roll in any element bar radiation, and the annoint i suggest is consecutive hits. Mindsweeper class mod is easily the best class mod to use for this, although the green monster can slip itself into a usable build too.

    Blood Starved Beast

    • Lets start a change of pace for a little while now and cover a DLC4 weapon in the form of the Blood Starved Beast. It drops from Evil Lilith in Castle Crimson. It can come in a x2 or a x3 variant but i recommend the x2 due to the balance between damage and ammo consumption. IT can also roll in any element. So what makes the blood starved beast unique? Well.. The gun basically has an in build short fuse mechanic (you know.. Mozes capstone skill that has a chance to create a secondary explosion). However, the secondary explosion that the bloodstarved beast has happens every now and again but isn't proccing every shot. However, this doesn't mean the gun is bad in the slightest. This gun is incredibly powerful. Stick a mindsweeper class mod on this bad boy and you got a very powerful mobbing alternative if you get sick of all the meta alternatives.


    • We then pull a 180 and say hello to DLC2, Guns Love and Tentacles. And more specifically, the Soulrender assault rifle that drops from Tom and Xam in Hearts Desire. The soulrender can roll in any element, and as far as anointments, go, i recommend the consecutive hits anoint. The soulrenders special effect is that it creates skulls that do splash damage that home into enemies. These skulls do an incredibly solid amount of damage and can also proc skag den which does a little bit of damage too i guess. Mindsweeper or even green monster works very nicely with this gun without a doubt.


    • Now lets move away from DLC gear and back to base game weapons, and we can touch base on the Sandhawk. The sandhawk is a sniper rifle and in my opinion, one of the strongest guns in the game despite consuming more ammo than i consume Hershey's kisses in a day. The sandhawk can roll in any element and drops from Katagaw Jr in Atlas HQ over yonder on Promethea. As far as anointment, i recommend getting yourself one in the consecutive hits anoint, or the 300/90 anoint. Mindsweeper carries this gun into god tier territory and I absolutely would not recommend blastmaster for this weapon of mass destruction due to its ammo guzzling nature.

    Star Helix

    • Moving swiftly along, we get to the star helix. Yet another assault rifle that drops from the power troopers, also in Atlas HQ on Promethea. The star helix can roll in all elements bar corrosive and i suggest the consecutive hits annoint for this gun. The star helix however does have a downside and that is its firing pattern. The gun has a bit of a sweet spot to fire from in order to get maximum damage and will take some getting used to as opposed to just standard firing guns like the Kaos for example, but once you nail that sweet spot, your damage will be reliable enough to clear any mobbing encounters in this game. A mindsweeper class mod works best for this in my opinion.,

    Breath of the Dying

    • And last but not least, the breath of the dying. You can get it from the blinding banshee in Desolations Edge. Its a corrosive locked rifle that upon getting a kill, will spawn corrosive orbs in all directions that deal huge damage. Now the selling point of this gun is also its downside (for moze specifically) as in order to proc the special effect, you need to get a kill with the base element itself, and not through other means like additional damage instances like skag den or short fuse. However, the gun is still very powerful and can still be used even without constant proccing of the special effect. I highly recommend the mindsweeper class mod and consecutive hits anointment for this killing machine


    So yeah, that rounds out what i think are some of the best Dahl weaponry you can get for Moze to smash through any content currently in the game. Like always, if you have any questions or think i missed out on some other spicy Dahl guns, let me know! (there's a lot so I'm sure I might've missed an underrated gun). If you do like guides such as these, i do a tonne of these over on my YouTube Channel here! But with that, i bid you farewell, fellow Redditors. See you in the next post! <3

    submitted by /u/nivman1410
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    Bl1 Enhanced Edition Achievement

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Me and a friend is looking for help with an achievemt on Steam Bl1 enhanced edition, the achievement is "And They'll Tell Two Friends" and we need a third player.

    submitted by /u/Heyneee
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    UVHM Space Cowboy Loot Midget Farm Question

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    Just started UVHM and I've heard that the Loot Midget in Space Cowboy is one of the quickest and most lucrative legendary/pearlescent farms in the game, so of course I'm interested. I've also heard that enemies always scale with your level, even if the mission they're a part of is a lower level, but the wording was kind of ambiguous.

    What I'm wondering is this: If I start the Space Cowboy Quest at level 53, will the Loot Midget for the rest of the UVHM playthrough be level 53, or can I come back at later levels to farm the Loot Midget more with it scaling to my level?

    submitted by /u/PurpleKunai
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    DLC help

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Is the "Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt" dlc supposed to be that d**n hard? Most enemies are around level 30-35 on Normal mode, while I'm level 44, and I was struggling with it

    submitted by /u/NiklausKaine
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    Is anyone having trouble completing crew challenges spawning on Handsome Jackpot

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Trying to get the seeing dead class mod but he isn't spawning for me and I heard he drops it the most

    submitted by /u/Jhhvt
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    Cant Join

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    So my Bro and i played BL3 first times it was difficult to join him and it only worked if one of us (mostly me because i joined him) go on social go to play multi with random and got disconnected from shift then i could join but the last days even that didn't worked anymore. I use epic, he Steam.

    PLS Help ! And thank you!

    submitted by /u/PointShots
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    Borderland 3 Ally Revive Broken?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    I'm having a problem on the pc in Borderlands 3 were is cant revive claptrap and I tried logging out and everything. I been holding it down and resetting it. I need help.

    submitted by /u/Designer_Emphasis_77
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    Borderlands 2 save data seemingly reverted?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Last night I beat the main game as a level 30 siren and today when I went to play the DLC as I have the handsome collection my character was suddenly back to level 21 and on the mission the man who would be jack. Something I played three to four days ago. I've looked through every menu in the game and I cannot find a way to get my data back. Is there a way I'm missing or am I kind of out of luck here? It sucks because I was really looking forward to the dlc but I really don't want to play something I JUST spent days on again

    submitted by /u/kirbomb
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    Borderlands 1 is... just ok

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Do people really enjoy the gameplay and missions to this game as much as the others? I find it very lackluster compared to the others. To be fair, it's the last of the 4 that I'm playing so I don't have the nostalgia to help my opinion. I can see it being great when it came out.. but now it just seems a little tedious to complete.

    submitted by /u/ukauka84
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    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    While I absolutely loved The Heavy's 'Put it on the Line' for the intro to BL3. I can't help but feel that a opportunity was missed to have him AND Cage the Elephant collab to make one insane song instead. I don't know what do you guys think? Personally a decade from now when gearbox is teasing BL4 I hope this will come to fruition.

    submitted by /u/SlaptasticSalmon
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    Ashland Peaks Custom Waypoints Still Broken!!!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    I love this game, but it's incredibly frustrating to not have custom waypoints in Ashland Peaks! There have already been numerous posts about it, and yet it still isn't fixed!

    submitted by /u/dk45365
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    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Axton's "Tin Man" Christmas skin and the "Roguish Renegade" head are my favourites, but I dislike how random it is to farm for some of them

    submitted by /u/NiklausKaine
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    Kreig DLC

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Has anyone had trouble getting the misson to trigger, bought it last night and downloaded over night found it in Tannis' lab but the mission prompt didn't start and I can't find it to Navigate to from Sanctuary

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Cairus05
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    Should I do/open everything during leveling or save stuff?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    Title basically, is there anything I should not do/finish during the base campaign (typhon dead drops?) ?

    Or should I just do everything as it becomes available.

    Any other tips welcome.

    submitted by /u/Microchaton
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    Just came back to BL3 after a few months and have a question about legendary drop rates in mayhem 2.0

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    I played loads of BL3 earlier this year more or less until right before mayhem 2.0 dropped. Back then I played on mayhem 4 and a single run of the maliwan takedown would net me one or two dozen legendaries, and playing normally though the game legendaries would drop consistently from badass enemies as well as bosses.

    Ive been playing for about three days on mayhem 4 and 5 and in my experience the drop rate has been nuked. Playing through Bounty of Blood I barely got a single drop outside of bosses and chests, and only one gun was slightly better than my current loadout.

    Yesterday going through Psycho Krieg, the evil Lilith boss didn't even drop one legendary on mayhem 5. What?? Just to check i did a run of the takedown. 1 legendary in 30m min. ¿?¿?

    So what is the best way to farm for legendaries now? Am I doing something wrong?

    Honestly if its only bosses that drop them consistently i might just finish the DLCs I got left and bail. It's really unfun barely getting legendaries and even then 95% are not even any good, and to think of the farming that would require to get to mayhem 10 makes my head spin.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/loluz
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