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    Monday, October 5, 2020

    Borderlands So. I just played this for the first time and.. Damn it’s good

    Borderlands So. I just played this for the first time and.. Damn it’s good

    So. I just played this for the first time and.. Damn it’s good

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    I wanna preface this by saying I've barely played any Borderlands games (Am planning on playing through them all though), as I've only played the beginning of 2. That said, I still thoroughly enjoyed this game a whole ton.

    From the amazingly well choreographed episode intro sequences, to the character arcs and dialogue, I thought it was just such a fun ride. The music used was perfect, and jokes were funny as hell, and so much happened in every episode in the best possible way. There were a lot of good reveals and twists, and it also seems to be a lot more replayable than other Telltale games that came before or after it.

    The only problem I had with the game was Fiona's pistol. At first, in episode 1, I LOVED the idea. But then they just kinda don't do anything with it, which made me really sad. Hell, you don't even barely use it after episode 3 (At which point it loses its charm anyway because Athena gives you unlimited shots..) which was a huge bummer. Besides that's though, any other complaints I had with the game are very minor by comparison.

    How did all of you feel about this game, being hardcore fans of the base games? Is it better or worse from the perspective of a fan? Would love to know ☺️

    submitted by /u/TheJuicyBandit
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    Why is it that nobody told me how great Borderlands is????

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    Damn. This game is AWESOME. I cannot stop playing this.

    submitted by /u/Techandmusicfan
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    [PC] Can anyone help me with the revive a player and win a duel achievements?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, ive played borderlands 3 entirely solo. I only have 2 achievements left in the base game before getting the equivalent of platinum on PC. Its the revive another player and win a duel achievements

    If anyone could help it would be much appreciated, and won't take very long

    submitted by /u/Nero_Wolff
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    When you think of Borderlands, what character do you think of first.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    I actually think of Krieg and Zero. Krieg is someone that I love and is the only character that brings mental health to the spotlight and made me feel that just because I have depression, anxiety, and other stuff doesnt mean I'm useless. Zero introduces nonbinary characters to the series and probably one of the first characters in games, makes me feel valued in this world and makes me happy to be seen in the series that I was raised on.

    submitted by /u/Hi1mKai
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    Side missions

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Can i finish the first borderlands only doing the main missions or the side missions are required? I'm thinking about not doing the side missions because they are so many... i will not deny that i am lazy

    submitted by /u/kaslundak
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    Veins of helios

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Ive been going through the pre sequel again so i can do all the side quest i missed and i completely forgot about this area. Its the least amount of fun ive ever experienced in bl. Its confusing, too big, and the jump pads are so inconsistent sometimes it just shoots you to your death. Also tassiter sucks.

    submitted by /u/Catman309
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    Ultimate Badass Lunatics Help

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    I've been playing through the game as Krieg the Psycho and throughout both normal mode and tvhm I haven't encountered any obstacles too insurmountable but now that I'm in UVHM stuff is really starting to ramp up. I got through Captain Flynt and into Sanctuary relatively easily but now I'm having a hell of a lot of trouble with the Firehawk quest, particularly the Ultimate Badass Lunatics.

    I play as melee krieg so a lot of my build revolves around damage reduction from Release the Beast, the Rough Rider shield, and Taste of Blood, and super high melee damage from Empty the Rage, Silence the Voices, my class mod, etc. Unfortunately though, these Lunatics seem to ignore all of that. They two shot me from max health (125,000), first bringing me down to around 40%, then putting me into FFYL, at which point I find it's nigh impossible to kill them even when they're slagged because they seem to have upwards of 10,000,000 health (mind you both I and they are around level 52). Even when I manage to enter Release the Beast thanks to weaker enemies doing the extra bit of damage I need, they still do stupid amounts of damage and I can only manage to kill them if I get some lucky staggers from throwing the axe. Out of 4 tries now I've only actually made it to the Firehawks' Lair once and that didn't go to well once the UBLs started coming out of the ceiling.

    Anyway, this is fairly frustrating as I've been looking to rush to the Clan War mission so I can get a Slagga and start the Mick Zaford experience farm, but only a few campaign missions in and I seem to have come to a roadblock. I'm sure I can get through this with a few more attempts but I've already lost a few million in revival and ammo restock expenses and I'd like to avoid that in the future so advice dealing with these lunatics would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/PurpleKunai
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    Clap Trap Should Be Playable In Every Game

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    We all have vault hunters we love from older games and wish Gears box would bring them back.

    In an ideal world, we would get them, with 3 trees and new dialogue and all of that great stuff. But, we all know Gear box would never bring in 4-6 VHs.

    But I personally Feel Vaulthunter.EXE can alleviate this in some way.

    Take the top 3 most played VHS from the previous game, and dedicate each tree to that VH. Each tree would be representative of said vault hunters most popular tree. (Gaige with Ordered Chaos)

    Ofcourse you can Mix and match for the chaos that is Fragtrap, but it's all very true to that character.

    And this would happen in every game. He should definitely be a 5th vault hunter, as he focuses it's important we always get our 4 new vault hunters.

    It doesn't have to be THE Claptrap, as he still needs to be an NPC. Let's say he got bored of Veronica and turned her into a Fragtrap doppelgänger lol

    I wish Gearbox would give us what we want though. New VHs, as they were always the most exciting :(

    submitted by /u/112DB
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    Fun fact about jack

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    His arm cannon thing shoots bullets not lasers

    submitted by /u/mysterious-games
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    Which borderlands bundle should I get

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    I'm thinking about getting all of them is the handsome collection and Borderlands 3 seperate the best bet or should I just get the second one only I just want a game with a good story and 4 player mode but I don't have to get them all

    submitted by /u/exSPiDERmate
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    How to change language BL GOTY

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    How do i change the langauge of borderlands goty edition?

    submitted by /u/PupDup420
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    So what is your favorite mayhem level during 2.0?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Let's start this one off with the negatives and then go to the more general stuff. I loathe M2.0 with my heart and soul. I think the modifiers suck, I think the sponginess of enemies on the higher mayhem tiers suck and I think that the screen clutter some of the modifiers dish out plain suck.

    There, now that that's out of the way I want to ask you where you feel comfortable? I like mayhem 8. On 8 you don't have to deal with too much nonsense, there are only 2 modifiers an easy one and a very hard one, sure I'm not getting the best stuff out there but it's good enough for me.

    What are your favorite levels my dudes?

    submitted by /u/bellystraw
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    The differences?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Is there any important differences between Borderlands GOTY and Borderlands GOTY Enhanced that I should note? (I'm trying to figure out which one I should stream)

    submitted by /u/SycoViolet
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    Help in Borderlands 1

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Okay guys I need fucking help. I'm working on crawmerax the invincible. Its normal diff. I use the glitch to get him stuck. Yet its the back piece that I need to kill him. Anyone free to help me and possibly play some future games?

    submitted by /u/SpiritualWizard
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    I need some help and inspiration for worldbuilding.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I am building a world for the heck of it, and will possibly use it for a tabletop rpg with my friends or something. Its based off of the borderlands universe, but it has some small differences to streamline things a little better. For example, sirens are not restricted to just 6 in number, they remain extremely rare, but putting a numerical limit on something like that is the best way to cockblock yourself from good writing further down the line. I'm thinking of there having 6 different types of sirens, based on the ones we see in the games. Also sirens in my world will have the power-levels of the sirens we play in game, not the power of the NPC sirens. For example, a siren with lilith's ability, will be able to do everything lilith can do in the first game, but it will not be able to teleport other people or sealing an entire moon as she does in later games.

    I've always seen the skill trees in borderlands as the actual classes for the average person in the borderlands universe. For example, if we are taking Roland's skill trees in BL1: most of Atlas operatives, once they manage to digitize their turret, they need to choose whether they are infantry, supports, or medics. They don't have the option of cross-classing like Roland does. Our Vault hunters in the Borderland games are absolute monsters that have access to 3 skill trees instead of one.

    Now we get to where I need help. Do any of you have any ideas of how each of these skill trees could be integrated in a lore aspect rather than only gameplay? In addition, how do all of the similar skill trees differentiate from each other: How would the snipers from mordecai's sniper skill tree differenciate themselves from the ones from zero's skill tree, or Aurelia's skill tree? Obviously, they all have a different action skills, but I am looking for creeds, types of people, stereotypes, possible tactics, etc. Anything to just help flesh out the world.

    For example, the capstone skill form the Mordecai's sniper tree allows the person to completely ignore ennemy shields. So there could be an ruin-delving squad composed of only people from this class that specialise in killing eridians. Since eridians typically have really strong shields but are very fragile physycally, a squad of these guys would rip through eridians as if they were not there. These same people would also dominate against a squad of people from Moze's ''shield of retibution'' tree since the latter sacrifice health to get massive shields. A group of people that ignore shields would destroy a group of people that are from the ''shield of retribution'' class.

    In terms of stereotypes, maybe the people that are from Mordecais's sniper tree are known to be very intelligent and problem-solvers (taken from the skill that allows them to gain more experience). However, maybe they are also seen as aloof and arrogant because of this. They could also be seen as loners and people mock them as being in love with their bloodwings instead of people.

    I also want to clarify that I want these things to be rather general. In my previous example with the snipers that can ignore shields, sure they are all probably good marksmen, but each person is unique and not wholly defined by his class. For example we could have a person from this class that likes to be in the fight and so is more used to running and gunning with an assault rifle or shotgun. He would still be able to ignore shields, but he just uses that ability in a way that suits him, and he probably compensates with stronger personal shield and maybe a hyperion gun that has a front shield to it for added safety. His bloodwing would be trained to attack whatever ennemy is behind him oin order to cover his rear while he goes forward. I want diversity within the classes themselves. Though of course stereotypes of the classes can completely ignore this aspect since by definition stereotypes put people together by their base qualities or faults without acknowledging the individuals.

    In order to keep things simple, I am thinking of using the gun companies from BL3 since they are the most clearly defined. So you can use them for added flavour or ''builds''. Its also fine to adapt the skills slightly for them to make more sense. For example, in Mordecai's rogue tree, the capstone skill allows Bloodwing to attack 5 times. I would change that to the rogue having a link with 5 different bloodwings at the same time. This makes more sense as a single bloodwing would be attacking as much as he could in a real world and would not have a set cooldown. I also like the idea of a professional rogue with a flight of bloodwings around him.

    You guys have fun and show me just how imaginative this community is. :)

    Here is a list of all the skill trees:

    Mordecai: Sniper, Rogue, Gunslinger

    Brick: Brawler, Tank, Blaster

    Lilith: Assassin, Elemental, Controller

    Roland: Infantry, Support, Medic

    Zero: Sniping, Cunning, Bloodshed

    Salvador: Gunlust, Rampage, Brawn

    Axton: Guerilla, Gunpowder, Survival

    Maya: Motion, Harmony, Cataclysm

    Gaige: BFF, Little big trouble, Ordered chaos

    Krieg: Bloodlust, Mania, Hellborn

    Athena: Phalanx, Xiphos, Ceraunic storm

    Wilhelm: Hunter-killer, Cyber commando, Dreadnought

    Nisha: Law and order, Fan the hammer, Riflewomen

    Claptrap: Boomtrap, I love you guys, Fragmented fragtrap

    Timothy: The hero of the story, Greater good, Free enterprise

    Aurelia: huntress, Cold money, Contractual aristocracy

    Fl4k: Master, Hunter, Stalker

    Mose: Shield of retribution, Bottomless mags, Demolition woman

    Zane: Under cover, Hitman, Double agent

    Amara: Brawl, Mystical assault, First of the elements

    submitted by /u/howlingbeast666
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    Anyone have Borderlands 1 and want to get “And They’ll tell two friends” trophy with my girlfriend and I? Just need it real quick to get it out of the way!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    As the title states we just need 1 more player in order for the trophy to pop!

    submitted by /u/SaintNack
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    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    So I started the Pre Sequel again and forgot I could never defeat Deadlift the one boss I could never beat Is there anyone on xbox one who would be able to help me

    submitted by /u/Yokomokos
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    Favorite BL2 VR character?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    I'm starting my first VR playthrough.

    Who do you say is your favourite character to play as in vr?

    I am considering Krieg, Probably the only character I never played as but I also really want to go with Gaige because she was my main and my favourite in the original.

    submitted by /u/Bleeper2000
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