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    Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    Borderlands Is there a Claptrap dialogue compilation video for BL2?

    Borderlands Is there a Claptrap dialogue compilation video for BL2?

    Is there a Claptrap dialogue compilation video for BL2?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    I loved Claptrap's dialogue, both during quests and random comments, and have been really wanting to hear it again. But after playing BL3, I'm no longer as interested in starting BL2 again and playing it through just for the lines.

    With how iconic Claptrap is, I'm wondering if anyone has made a compiled video of all the quest dialogue featuring Claptrap for Borderlands 2? I always found him really funny, so hoping I can listen to his dialogue without having to force myself through the game at the moment.

    submitted by /u/mip3
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    Random question

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    So in my first playthrough of the game (literally yesterday) I was doing some random missions Scooter gave me, in which i found out T.K Baha died, so I was wondering if there was a way to save him?

    submitted by /u/orangefootcat
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    Borderlands: Game of the year edition

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    For those who are on Playstation 4. The first borderlands is on sale in the Playstation store for $10. Comes will all DLC.

    submitted by /u/Rxckless92
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    How could anyone view Lilith as a villain?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    One of many common refrains I saw in the (mostly negative) fallout of BL3 was that a bunch of people wished Lilith had been the villain (there was a thread with hundreds of upvotes suggesting it).


    What in the first two games gave off "main villain" vibes about her character?

    Yeah, in the first game she enjoys killing people but so do all of the other player characters. In the second game she devotes her time to protecting sanctuary from bandits with the whole Firehawk thing. After that she helps you take down Hyperion.

    The common criticism of her is "her carelessness helped Jack charge the vault key!" She was careless, yes. But the VH and Roland couldn't have destroyed the last eridium injector without her (so Jack would've been able to charge the vault key anyway). And even if the argument is true, that doesn't make her an intentional villain. Just a brash, arrogant hero who fucked something up.

    And then we have main source of hate for Lilith, which is TPS. They blame her for maiming Jack but he was already an evil nutjob by that point. And it wasn't her idea alone to betray him, either. And also being against Jack (psychotic maniac) doesn't make you a villain.

    And in BL3 she's pretty bland an inoffensive so I didn't get any villain vibes from her there (honestly I didn't get any sort of vibes from any of the characters which is half the problem with BL3 lol).

    I just never understood the whole "Lilith is basically a bad guy" vibe that's very popular on this sub. She seems like a person who maybe is a little sadistic (was cool with insane Firehawk cult dudes burning each other alive) but ultimately has a good heart (immediately put a stop to the Firehawk cult when they started trying to hurt other people. She also deeply cares for Roland and her VH friends). Can someone explain why she's viewed as evil or a villain?

    submitted by /u/fuckthrowawayboy
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    The guardian true takedown mode scaling

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Is the guardian takedown still bugged? Me and my friends were doing it last night and mobbing just seemed ridiculous (there was 3-4 of us and even on mayhem 10 none of us have struggled through any sort of mobbing like that)

    submitted by /u/Jhhvt
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    Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition is $30 on Amazon

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    15 left for PS4 at time of writing. Am I losing my mind? Is this deal real? What did I just buy? I cant believe the sheer value.

    submitted by /u/BobSaget_Returns
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    Naming a build

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Remember my previous post about the Mordecai build where i only spec into the Sniper and the Gunslinger trees? I still need to name it. Does anyone have a good name to it?

    submitted by /u/Arthur_just_Arthur
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    Question about after you finish Guns Love and Tentacles

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    After you go back to the lodge after beating the final boss theres this voice I heard on the echo and it started with an H I think. It was like Heirophant or something. I couldn't tell who or what it said because I got a phone call. Can someone tell me what it was and if it was important or not. Thanks a lot.

    submitted by /u/Alecrizzle
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    Question about Over Powered stuff.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    How do I get higher Overpowered Levels? I know you have to do Digistruct Peak missions but how many do I have to do? Also how do I find Overpowered weapons? Do weapons you find turn into them or only certain weapons?

    submitted by /u/_Chaos_Insurgency
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    Anyone tried game streaming with any of these games?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    I'm looking to try to play borderlands on my phone by using game streaming function of xbox. Just wanted to know if anyone has tried this yet. Specifically borderlands 2 and borderlands 3.

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
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    Best place to farm base game heads?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    I really want that sombrero head for Zane haha

    submitted by /u/cmhallam
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    Need some help.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    So I just began Ultimate Vault Hunter mode and I left off in Digistruct Peak. When I switched from True to Ultimate Vault Hunter and hit continue, I expected to see the beginning cutscene and immediately drop me off in Windshear, but instead it kept me in Digistruct. I got the mission Cleaning up the Berg, but I didnt get the ECHO device from Claptrap like you should when starting a new game. Will this impact my playthrough at all or should I not worry?

    submitted by /u/_Chaos_Insurgency
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    DLC question

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    With the season pass wrapping up with the Kreig DLC and us moving into year two. After some thought I wonder.

    What would you like to see from a future campaign dlc. If they make any more. Like would you like to see a jungle themed dlc. Or one focused on say Zero. Something like that.

    edit. Sorry if the title is a bit confusing

    submitted by /u/FeistySherbert
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    Crawmerax help

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Okay guys. I know of the glitch. I just cant complelty destroy his back piece. I begging anyone for help. Ive put a dozen hours in crawmerax and now I have to beat him. Please people of reddit, I'm asking to come join my game and kill this sonofabitch. Please and thanks everyone.

    submitted by /u/SpiritualWizard
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    New Player hints (Solo)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Hi I just got the game with all DLCs.

    Can someone give me a quick rundown of what every VH is about?, which ones are more geared towards solo play?

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/eichfourenness
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    Need help with achievement

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Would anyone be able to help me get the And They'll Tell Two Friends achievement?

    submitted by /u/MoriMissme
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    How They Could've Made Ava Less Cringe (a longshot, I know -- spoilers for BL3)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Hey kiddos!

    (spoilers for BL3)

    Ava is universally despised on this subreddit and for good reason. She's a cliched, shallow, ANNOYING AS FUCK, poorly written character. But not only is all that true, one of the most beloved characters in the franchise died protecting this little shit (and the writers did it in the most awful way possible to boot).

    But it didn't have to be like this!!

    Maybe, just MAYBE Ava (at least conceptually) could've been salvaged if she'd been implanted into the story along these lines...

    So at the beginning of the story you have Tyreen Calpyso using her life drain ability to take Lilith's powers away. As we all know, there can only be 6 Sirens in the universe. So when Lilith loses her powers, that would create a space for one more Siren to exist. So out in the universe, Ava would wake up as a Siren.

    Maya would track her down. Ava would initially be freaked out and panicked by everything. Sirens in the Borderlands universe don't exactly have the easiest life (you get kidnapped and tortured a lot). But Maya would understand and sort of be like a big sister/mentor.

    In this version of the story Maya wouldn't die unceremoniously at the hands of Troy Calypso. She'd help Lilith and the other vault hunters track down the vaults and the Calpysos. She may not even get her powers drained since in this version Sirens would know to stay the fuck away from Tyreen. There'd still be the lingering resentment between Lilith and Ava from the original story but now it would make more sense. Lilith would be crushed over losing her powers (which she never really seems to be in the actual story) and it would be natural for her to resent and be intensely jealous of the person who became a Siren in her place (some random bratty kid). Ava would be a living symbol that Lilith would (as far as she knows) never get her powers back. But when Tyreen dies there'd be another "Siren gap" and Lilith would be a Siren again.

    By the end of the story the two of them would manage to patch things up somehow. Lilith would never leave the raiders to a 10-year-old (or whatever) in this version of the story. She'd leave it to Maya or Brick/Mordecai or literally anyone else. And the ending could set up Ava as almost a Lilith 2.0 in that she's kind of brash/annoying/headstrong. But this time you have the influence of a Maya-type trying to reign in her worst impulses.

    Just spit-balling ideas here. If you HAD to have Ava be an important-ish character, how would you NOT make her the Scrappy-Doo of Borderlands?

    submitted by /u/FireConsumes
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