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    Wednesday, November 18, 2020

    Borderlands The thing that ARM's Race does for Guns.

    Borderlands The thing that ARM's Race does for Guns.

    The thing that ARM's Race does for Guns.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:32 AM PST

    After playing Arm's Race solo for a while now I have to say, I enjoy what it does for normally un-wanted guns. Purple, Blue, Green, and even White rarity guns get a chance to shine in Arm's Race while in the main game it always comes down to [is it a legendary? If yes, what's the anointment? If no, it's junk]. Now in Arm's Race it's more like can I get a kill with this gun and how does it feel when I fire? I'm trying guns out that I wouldn't even bother with in the main game and it's just a nice change of pace. I kinda wish we had this in the main game, but I know that would never happen.

    submitted by /u/Bigcat9715
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    Worst enemy that you have ever dealt with in all of the borderlands games?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:06 PM PST

    Combination between rakks in BL2 UVHM and this one loot midget that killed me with a fastball several times.

    submitted by /u/speech_impediment_69
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    You. Will. Die.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:17 PM PST

    Anyone on PS4 with a level 61+ account wants to help me beat the boss for the trophy, would mean the world to me

    submitted by /u/swipth
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    On FL4k, my robot is constantly attacking me

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:14 PM PST

    I got the new class mod that makes my pet use his attack command when I shoot something with a 6 second cool down.

    He shoots me. Every time.

    Is this a bug???

    submitted by /u/ProfPorkchop
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    A couple QOL changes to Arms Race that would make Co-Op better

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:22 AM PST

    I've been having a blast doing Arms Race. Brings back early game borderlands vibes where anything you pick up could be a game changer. The timed circle and scattered spawn points makes the pressure of exploring and looting the map a lot of fun. I've avoided all the dedicated drops and legendary spoilers just so I could really have fun exploring all the new stuff.

    That being said, communicating in co-op mode is difficult because of a lack of things that are normally included in a regular battle royale that aren't in borderlands. It's important because you're being timed, so each second spent counts.

    • Friends need to be able to see your custom marker. I don't know why this never got changed/fixed, but ever since BL1 your co-op partner could see your custom marker. Different color markers for each player would be an added bonus.
    • An HUD compass a la BL1 style so that you can say stuff like "Reavers coming from the north" or "Air drop is southwest of us" and your friends know what you mean immediately.
    • Names for each area on the map menu. The other two points could make this trivial given that you can just better learn the map, but being able to say "Let's go to the treasure room at __________" saves more time than trying to awkwardly communicate where you want to go.
    submitted by /u/shikaskue
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    Made a 5e Claptrap race for the dnd players out there.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:38 PM PST

    +2 Dex

    • Age: With proper repair and maintenance a CLAPtrap can survive for 500 years. Hell, even without proper maintenance a CLAPtrap can survive for 500 years… They just go a little crazy and are really grumpy.

    • Alignment. CLAPtraps are all over the spectrum… It depends on how many short circuits they have.

    • Size. CLAPtraps are about 3 ½ feet tall, but weigh around 250 pounds. Your size is small.

    • Speed: 30ft

    • Wheel Legs: Having wheels for legs has it's costs. You get -10 speed and Difficult Terrain going up anything not a Ramp. Disadvantage to stay in a mount and 3/4 speed to get on and off a mount. You also have to stand on chairs.

    • Grovel, Cower, and Beg: As an action on your turn, you can cower pathetically to distract nearby foes. Until the end of your next turn, your allies gain advantage on attack rolls against enemies within 10 feet of you that can see you. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

    • Robotic Plating: You have Platings made by Hyperion Use 13 + Your dex when not wearing armor. You can wield a shield and still gain this benefit.

    • Metal Skin: Like every robot from Hyperion you have metal Skin. You gain resistance to Fire damage but vulnerability to acid

    • Sentry's Rest: When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn't render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.

    You have 4 subraces: Vault Hunter Unit, Standard Unit, Medical Unit, and Meat Hook Unit

    Vault Hunter Unit

    +1 to Con

    • Vault_Hunter.exe (Recharge 5-6): As a bonus action you can run Vault_Hunter.exe Roll a d6 if it's between a 2-5 you can add or subtract one to the roll. On a one you can only add one and on 6 only subtract one. See the effects from the list below. You and your allies within 10 feet gain the benefit untill the end of your next turn unless specified that you don't. At 10th level this increased to 20 feet. The effect ends in 1 minute
    1. Bomb! You produce a bomb into your hand and it deals 2d8 damage unless you hit someone then damage all creatures in a 10 Feet radius. Your friends do not get Bombs and you lose the bomb instantly after is explodes.
    2. Elemental Weapon! If holding a weapon in hand each person chooses from one damage type from the list: Acid, Fire, Lightning, or Cold. The next attack you make deals 1d8 extra damage of the chosen type
    3. Minion Trap! Make a Small Claptrap of the Standard Unit Subrace. It has half your level (Rounded down) If possible. It shares your class and feats. It makes it's own initiative. Your friends do not get their own Minion Traps
    4. Potion Trap! You drink and Experimental Elixer from the alchemist artificer subclass. Roll and gain the effect you roll. Choose 1 creature of your choice that's not within 20 feet of you. They gain the effect of this exe use
    5. Bouncy! You cannot take action and are forces to do a standing or running long jump. If you land on someone they take 1d8 + your level and you also gain resistance to everything other than acid. 6.Sneak Trap! You cast the spell Mislead and Haste on yourself Without consuming a spell slot. You can attack 2 times without losing the invisible after that you can lose the effects.

    Standard Unit

    +1 to Chrisma

    • I love new friends!: Gain Proficiency of either Deception or Pursuasion.

    • Assistant Bot: You can use the help action as a Bonus action

    • Programed Talk Chip (Recharge 5-6): For the next time you make a (Charisma) Pursuasion Check or (Charisma) Deception roll gain +5 to the roll

    Medical Unit

    +1 to Wis

    • Programed Medic: Gain Proficiency in (Wisdom) Nature.

    • Medical Dart (Recharge 5-6): As a bonus action you shoot a Medical Dart of Healing Magic. Choose a target within 30 Feet of you. They regain 1d4 + Wis at level 1, turns into a 2d6 at level four. Increases by 1d6 at 8th,12th,16th, and 19th level. Any bonuses to magic casting you get from features applied to the Medical Dart as a 1st level spell.

    Meat Hook Unit

    +1 Str

    • Robotic Punishing: You gain resistance to one of these Damage Types: Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing. You lose resistance to it if you get hit by the chosen type once. You regain it at the start of your next turn

    • Meat_Bicycle.exe (Recharge 5-6): As a bonus action you can run Meat_Bicycle.exe in it you gain twice your level in temporary HP and can choose to take all the damage in HP and not TP. You gain fighters extra attack. You must attack as part of your turn or Meat_Bicycle.exe ends, it also if you lose all your current temporary hit points or half a minute has passed.

    submitted by /u/Zippedroky
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    In Borderlands 2, and maybe 3 (dont know, dont own it), they changed the name of the Lyuda to Lyudmila

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 05:49 PM PST

    As the title says the Lyuda has been changed to the Lyudmila. I noticed this when Joltdude in his newest series read a comment from someone who noticed the change. Hes on PC and i play on my Switch, both have the name change.

    submitted by /u/Omnimontamer24
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    Guns, Love and Tentacles dlc bug

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:29 PM PST

    Im on Xbox Series X and I can't access GLT. I have it installed and even have alot of progress on it from when I played on Xbox One X. I have some of the gear I collected from the dlc in my inventory but it say I need GLT to use it. I unninstalled the multiverse skins because they caused problems for the other dlcs but this one persists. I have also unninstalled the dlc (GLT) and re-installed it several times. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Obama_be_trappin
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    FL4K's Success Imminent killing pet.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:43 PM PST

    Has anyone ran into the issue with the new skill where the radiation novas kill you and your pet? I just started a new build and when I fast traveled to a new place we both set off novas and I ended up downing my pet and couldn't keep him up.

    I'm also finding that my action skill cool down timer will stop every once in awhile or even count up.

    submitted by /u/Random_Nebraskan
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    Thoughts on Specific Slam Artifacts

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:39 AM PST

    Ok so I've experimenting with slam artifacts ever since Groundbreaker became a thing so i just want to share my experiences with the various elemental artifacts and see what other people's thoughts and experience are if they use similar items in their builds. I'll be ranking the prefix variants as they all have distinct things about them, so cosmic crater and launch pad wil not be present.

    S tier - Spark Plug. Is ridiculously strong at mayhem 10 and can crit. Can strip shields easily. Also the beams count as melee for some reason and can be exploited. Can be used by the whole cast in various ways.

    A tier - Hot Drop. Very strong magma balls that do great damage against flesh targets. Not as consistent as the spark plug, but can definitely get the job done if used properly.

    C tier - Ice Spiker. Not the best, as you need to definitely need to build around it for it to be good. You need a way to consistently procc ground breaker for it to be effective while holding a weapon with 300/90 anoint. The projectiles also have very good range for a slam artifact, but you need to make all three hit by facing it directly at the enemy, which hurts it IMO. If used right though, it can freeze people more often than you'd think. Works well with Amara and her new skill tree, but I can't see this working well with the other character though. This one is not bad, but definitely can use a buff, perhaps having projectiles fire all around instead of just 3 facing forward could be a very nice fix.

    D tier - Toxic Revenger. Honestly, this is very meh. It's just a corrosive puddle, so cosmic crater but stuck in 1 element. Damage is decent, but definitely not something you would use very often as the others mentioned above are better. This could use a buff, like maybe working like how the hot drop works. Now that would be VERY interesting.

    F tier - Mind Melt. Wow. This one is garbage lmao. Not even 300/90 or a dedicated slam build can save this one. It's way too weak for its initial slam, and it's DOT does basically nothing. This need serious fixing.

    Those are just my thoughts. Would love to see if people use these items too.

    submitted by /u/nino_salvaje
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    DLC trophies

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 05:18 PM PST

    I have to complete all missions in the Secret Armory DLC and i only have to kill the level 61 boss but i cant yet. If i start playtrough 2 do i have to do all those missions again or not?

    submitted by /u/swipth
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    [BL2] Own the Handsome Collection (Steam) but can't access Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary...

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:07 AM PST

    Bought the Handsome Collection at a reasonable price since I wanted this Lilith DLC and TPS DLC. Per Borderlands Fandom page...

    "Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary is the fifth campaign downloadable content pack for Borderlands 2. This DLC is only available for the PS4/Xbox One and PC versions of Borderlands 2 via the Handsome Collection.


    Yet when I try to fast travel there it says I don't own it.... Anyone have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/throwitaway19
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    Idk if anyone else feel this way but...

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 07:41 PM PST

    ...I really think that the safe in Sanctuary III needs to have an integrated Sell function. I think I can vouch for every player here that a nightmare for some of you are having to drop all the loot from your bag just to pickup and sell loot from your safe only to get an inexplicable game error causing BL3 to crash. Thus losing all your godroll equipment and so on. A selling function at the safe could remediate all worries.

    Also, it pisses me off that Favoriting weapons in the safe does (handsomely) jack shit, atleast on the Ps4 version. The favorite status of any item is always reset when transferred from the safe to your bag. What the Heck is the point of having that function in the safe to begin with?!

    Thirdly, idk about you but is it too late yet to make a hotfix which translates a fast-travel point closer to the Sanctuary ship's deck? Legit there's just near useless quick-travel points for almost every mission boss and it is concerning as to why they exist when using your map menu is the quickest way to navigate. Why not put more fast-travel points on Sanctuary?

    submitted by /u/JibunWOOOOOO
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    Anyone wanna help me get the 2 1/2 multiplayer trophies on PS5?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:15 PM PST

    I'm pretty sure it's crossplay with PS4. I say 2 1/2 cause I don't wanna do the shooting range by myself.

    submitted by /u/SneezyHydra
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    Class mod inventory slot is locked out on ps5

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:46 PM PST

    I transferred all my ps4 data to ps5 and when I booted it up my lvl 59 character couldn't equip class mods ? Is there a fix to this

    submitted by /u/king_harris100
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    Easter Egg level questions

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:43 AM PST

    My friend and I played through the final areas and, by accident, found the Super Mario easter egg area. After being brutally killed several times by the horde of guardians and legion-guys (don't know the exact english names, sorry) and being completely out of ammo, we said screw this we'll just get on with the main way

    So, I've got two questions: do the enemies in this area respawn? And is the loot we get at the end worth all the ammo?

    submitted by /u/CombatWombat994
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    Is the Borderlands Handsome Collection worth picking up on the Xbox store for $10?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:32 AM PST

    Reason I'm asking, is because I got it free with Epic Games. Is this cross platform? I would love to play with a friend who is on PC, while I'm on Xbox One.

    submitted by /u/TeenageCollector
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    DEPTH OF Field | borderlands 2

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:53 PM PST

    should i keep it on or just turn it off i noticed that in some occasions that the colors are crap because of it ,on the other hand it gives a nice touch to the world's scenery i'm conflicted on this one i researched it but wasn't satisfied with the anwsers i found

    submitted by /u/GXVullcan
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    Switch users seriously need Shift codes for heads & skins from DLC4.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 07:08 AM PST

    In case you don't know, there is only one way to get these skins in game without Shift. Which is, opening the dice chest for thousands of times. It is actually jokingly hard to farm.
    The best way to farm these is to kill Raid Dragons and open tons of dice chest. But in reality, you can't get any of them after opening thousands of dice chests because it's super rare. Even if you get one, it will hardly be the one for your character.
    You will see how unrealistic the grind is when you try it... I hope Gearbox release the codes for Switch users like they did for other consoles.

    submitted by /u/Toppiroky
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    Question about the Boogeyman sniper

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Does anyone else's controller not vibrate when shooting the gun? It feels as if I'm not shooting the gun at all. Maybe it's because of the alien barrel.

    I'm on Xbox one btw.

    submitted by /u/joetheminoin
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    Once a slab always a slab softlock(?)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:59 AM PST

    The game says that I've destroyed all 3 beacons and I have to follow brick, but he's just standing at the arena door and doing nothing. Help?

    submitted by /u/Deviousraptor74
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    City Slicker Achievement?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 04:28 AM PST

    I have unlocked all 43/43 locations on promethea and I have even used a guide to rediscover all of the locations in one session and I still haven't gotten the achievement. Any help?

    submitted by /u/Archangel7802
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