• Breaking News

    Monday, November 23, 2020

    Borderlands With the black friday sale, some saved up Microsoft points, and the gift card MS gave out i picked the digital copy up for only $8!

    Borderlands With the black friday sale, some saved up Microsoft points, and the gift card MS gave out i picked the digital copy up for only $8!

    With the black friday sale, some saved up Microsoft points, and the gift card MS gave out i picked the digital copy up for only $8!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 05:14 PM PST

    The original borderlands was the first game my wife and i played and beat together, and I've been itching to pick up the newest one to continue the adventures. Can't pass up the digital copy for less than the taco bell we picked up for dinner while it installs

    submitted by /u/MyAccountWasStalked
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    Just finished Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck...

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:43 AM PST

    So I just finished the Fantastic Fustercluck DLC and, damn, what a ride...

    I've honestly never empathised more with a video game character than I did Krieg in this game. I mean I see a bit of myself in him (a bit paranoid people don't like me, always saying the wrong things (though never have I ever used the phrase "meat bicycle") and thinking, like Sane Krieg, I "have nothing to offer"). Thankfully, I am sans homicidal rage, a buzzaxe and a split personality. Sadly, I don't have a Maya though :P

    By the end, my heart was breaking for the Psycho and I think I was almost tearing up. Epic job, Gearbox...

    Say what you will about Borderlands 3's rather lackluster story, the gameplay is still amazingly solid, (most) characters are funny and the DLC packs have all been a riot to play through (Fustercluck was the last one I needed to play)!

    (Marked as spoiler in case some people haven't played it yet)

    submitted by /u/Jacob_MacAbre
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    More fun info with Moze!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 10:19 AM PST

    I have not seen this info floating around out there yet, but 2 weapons from Arms Race still work while Moze sits in Iron Bear (if she was holding the weapon when she summons him).

    Boogeyman skulls still trigger on enemy death while you spam nukes all over the map, and will still chase down/chain-cast themselves on enemies you don't one-shot.

    Dark Army's drones stay active (but don't get the reload bonus) and are just free damage on bosses while IB weapons recharge/cool off/etc, and will help with those obnoxious fliers that nukes have problems with.

    If anyone still has the "have a free drone" shield from Eden 6, could you find out if it works with IB now as well? It didn't last year and I have not had one since.

    submitted by /u/Nytherion
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    *spoilers* Just beat Borderlands 1 on Switch

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 05:41 AM PST

    So basically I traverse Pandora seeking for treasure, die and am remade countless times, destroy armies, defeat my nightmares (spider ants), deal with hillbillies who have more guns than teeth, just to finally open the box on Pandora to have a vagina with teeth and tentacles try to kill me?!?!?!?!

    GG BL1 you trolled me hard.

    Starting BL2 now.

    submitted by /u/Spivdaddy
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    Ps4 to ps5 crossplay

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 12:07 AM PST

    Basically can I play with my friends who are on ps4?

    submitted by /u/ChrisWinterTBE
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    Borderlands 2 improvements over 1?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 12:03 AM PST

    So I have completed the the GOTY enhanced edition last month. I liked the game for first 10 to 15+ hours but it feels like repetitive as the story progressed , but I completed the game (completed all side quests also). I tried the DLC contents but gave up. I didn't like the transport system also because even for minor quest you have to travel a lot and you have to fight the same enemies again and again which is frustrating. Even with fast travel system it wont tell you sometimes the fastest way to the quest location. The mission types also has not much variety in it. Most of the side missions were totally BS like 'fetch something for me' , 'kill 50 skags' , 'find some weapon parts ( which after assembling all the parts turns out to be crappy gun lol ) ' .

    So I wanted to know how much Borderlands 2 (remastered) has improved over the first game? at least gameplay wise?

    I have played RPG games before like Bioshock series, AC series , The outer worlds , Deus Ex HR/MD, Mass Effect series etc and I really liked all of them (Even the last Mass Effect game which was definitely feels like a downgrade compared to previous games but it was not that bad).

    So would you recommend me BL2 or should I play directly the Pre Sequel or BL3?

    submitted by /u/ninjadude6070
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    Anyone know if the "melee" damage from Amara's kensei gets the melee v frozen damage bonus?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 11:18 PM PST

    I haven't had the class mod for very long and I'm still trying to figure out how to properly utilize it in a build as well as use amara's new skill tree, was just hoping somebody might have some info on how it all interacts. I've done enough testing to know that it seems to receive passive melee damage bonus's from skills (and annoints?) but that it won't actually activate skills or artifacts that are activated by melee damage. Between all that and her new cryo AS element not working with infusion or forceful expression, I'm pretty lost in the weeds here so any info at all is greatly appreciated. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/fractalfrequency
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    Once upgraded, can the PS4 version be deleted on your ps5? Or you need both installed? (Bluray version)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:18 PM PST

    I have the ps5 version installed (50.34gb) and the ps4 version installed too (59.12gb)

    submitted by /u/genbrien
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    A question about Maya's "Restoration" skill. Does it work with rocket launchers?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 03:38 PM PST

    For example, if a pair of Mayas are shamfleeting and they're each caught in the blast zone of the other, would they be healed? If so, are there any weird side-effects of this?

    submitted by /u/thenotjoe
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    Error while downloading save file to PS5

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:47 PM PST

    Hello so like many I've had issues with trying to play BL3 on PS5 I know I have to do the upload in game from the PS4 version and have done that and it worked. However when I go to the PS5 version of the game and go to download the save file it says it's loading and then put me onto the PS5 error report screen and ends up not working. I was wondering if anyone was having the same trouble or has had the same trouble and might know what to do correctly to get the download to work. Thank you for any help!

    submitted by /u/Brandoxz7
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    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:58 PM PST

    if in bl4 you would have ava as a vault hunter would you play her why or why not

    submitted by /u/Icy-Reindeer8259
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    Help with Gehenna achievements!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 01:47 PM PST

    I have 100 percented Gehenna (with the exception of those weird glitched out global things that still say I have a few more to go. But I haven't gotten the achievement. I've done all missions, side-missions, and crew challenges. Is there something hidden that I don't know of?

    submitted by /u/Lord_Nullify
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    Purple Tree Amara Build tips

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 08:35 AM PST

    I'm looking for advice on how to utilize the 4th skill tree on Amara more effectively. As someone who's still learning the game, I don't know how to make builds just yet, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I am max level and own all the dlc. Not too worried about mayhem, though i have been running through on M6.

    submitted by /u/jharrison231
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    Borderlands TPS - "Who you gonna call" Achievement [PS4]

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 04:39 AM PST

    Im currently trying to do all the trophies for ps4 and i need 3 other players to join me and do just one mission together.

    Im available today add me psn: cuna368

    submitted by /u/gui368
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    Borderlands 2 on switch still broken?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 10:19 AM PST

    Mine has been broken for a couple of weeks. I keep expecting a fix, but so far nothing. Are there any updates on this?

    submitted by /u/aXeworthy
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    Can i see my % accomplished?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Hi there!

    I started the Borderlands GOTY Enhanced as i never played it before and i like to know the percentage of the game, is there any chance?


    submitted by /u/villa171
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    Anyone want to play some CO-OP?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 05:22 AM PST

    Hey guys, I have Borderlands 1,2 and the Pre-Sequel. Would be cool to meet some people that want to play CO-OP. I'm down to voice chat at the same time if you want. Hmu if you're interested :)

    submitted by /u/NegativeShapeshifter
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    PC or PS5

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:45 PM PST

    I want to get Borderlands 3, but I'm not sure if I should get it for my PC or PS5. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Lietenantdan
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    advise like?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 02:34 PM PST

    so you know dory singing just keep swimming l have a new one when mayhem is going on just keep shooting, just keep shooting, looting

    submitted by /u/Jackery_676
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    The 3 Main Problems with BL3 (or even BL as a franchise)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 08:49 AM PST

    1) Static world, theme park experience = boring. Need more dynamic features, gameplay, events...breathe some life into the open world.

    2) matchmaking broke, game feels dead...as of this post around 6800 online. Incentives to herd people to X activity or even MP with others. More character's or builds that compliment each other (think Trinity).

    3) Infusion system...please for the love of God put a system like this in the game. Since you want people to get your newest expansion(s) you just keep increasing the level cap by X each time. Well....each time you do this ALL acquired weapons are now garbage and must be farmed again. Not my idea of "fun".

    submitted by /u/Label07
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