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    Monday, December 21, 2020

    Borderlands Pre-Sequel is amazing

    Borderlands Pre-Sequel is amazing

    Pre-Sequel is amazing

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:48 AM PST

    I recently finished playing Borderlands 1 including the DLC (for like the thousandth time) and moved on to the Pre-Sequel (wanting to play things in chronological order).

    With the UHD texture pack, this game looks stunningly good. Even for an old(ish) game. I have honestly spent a surprising amount of time at the 'edge' of levels and looking out over Elpis and beyond. The use of colour both on the levels themselves and and the way the sky can change depending on where you are on the planet is actually quite beautiful.

    Plus being able to leap great distances and use the OZ-kits to gain height and distance makes moving around a joy (compared to the comparatively clunky movement found in 1).

    Oh and to hell with Torks... Of all the enemies in this game, I despise Torks the most.... :P

    submitted by /u/Jacob_MacAbre
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    [Mini-Rant] So... I accidentally ruined the BL3 experience for myself after binging BL2

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:18 AM PST

    I remember picking up BL2 at the start of this year, shortly before the whole COVID thing started. If you're wondering why it took me so long to get into BL2, it is because of crappy laptop specs. And holy crap was I blown away.

    BL2 was so well-designed right out of the gate with the frosty southern shelf biome and music that managed to complement the surroundings so perfectly - I never knew music could make you feel cold. And then I hit the dust and its suddenly the wild west and everything just falls into place neatly - the chaos, the background music, the level design, everything. It was just so beautiful that I genuinely wanted to explore every nook and cranny.

    And then I started UVHM and the absolute grind began. Repeated that 5 more times for each and every vault hunter, getting them through some or all of the OP levels, and then I realised, holy shit, at this point I'm just speedrunning the game to get to the OP levels. It isn't even about enjoying the game anymore - I'm just finding the fastest route to level 80.

    Unfortunately, now that I got BL3 during the Black Friday Steam sales, I suddenly found myself coming into BL3 with the speedrunning mindset, trying to complete the game asap and reach level cap. Which to me sucks because there are just so many great moments in BL3 that got ruined by speeding through it. Did I explore any of the areas in the first few maps? Nope, just hit the waypoint and proceed to next objective. Did I stop to breathe in the atmosphere and enjoy it? Nope, next mini-boss coming right up to kill. It was only when I reached the Space-Laser Tag mission and fought the final boss did I realise "holy shit the music choice for this fight and arena design choice is just so great why am I rushing through this and not actually taking the time to enjoy it all?"

    So yeah... I ruined the BL3 experience after 900 hours of speeding through BL2. Did anyone else here have the same experience?

    submitted by /u/boywithshitopinion
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    First BL1 playthrough. Looking for chill co op buddy.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:00 AM PST

    Just an older gamer looking for a co op buddy or two to go through my first play through on. Prefer to play with adults and more chill/slower paced players that'll let me enjoy the story as we go. Wether a veteran or a newbie doesn't matter, love to game with like minded people that aren't in a rush to finish the game. I'm on CST (central standard time) and work a full time job, but on my days off I plan on putting some time into BL1. Feel free to message me and let's grind out this Xbox 360 classic together.

    My gamer tag is: GrandpaFury

    submitted by /u/GrandpaKnight
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    Question about a Build

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:21 PM PST

    Just picked up an annoint which grants bonus 150% radiation damage if under 50% health. My question is, does relics like deathless or that luck one that lowers your health make that annoint proc constantly?

    submitted by /u/xXXxitslit
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    (Caustic Caverns) How do I keep the door on the left open in the first area?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:00 PM PST

    Edit: Forgot to add a flair this is in BL2

    When you enter caustic caverns you will need to open a big door and once you do that if you follow along on the left wall you will see a door that cannot be opened from the side you are on, in order to open that door you need to go all the way around to the other side where it stays open unless you save quit. Is there a way to keep that door open so I can farm the badass creeper more easily and quickly?

    submitted by /u/bren12341
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    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:43 PM PST

    I play on pc and when ever I try to open borderlands GOTY it will launch but when I get to the character selection it crashes is there any way to fix this?

    submitted by /u/fridaywasy3sterday
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    BL1:GOTY on PS4/XB1 - Did the Underdome Crash ever get patched?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:40 PM PST

    Been about a year since I learned about it, so I wondered if there had been any progress.

    Referring to the whole issue of the Underdome Long Challenges crashing in the last few rounds because of all the gibs built up in the arena. People were working around it by killing with incendiary and corrosive so there wouldn't be bodies left behind to bog the game down.

    I tried it once with my gunslinger and froze at round 16, and I just don't have the free time or patience to solo those maps however many times it's gonna take me to get lucky. I guess I could do a firefly run and try it that way, but I wanted to wait and see if they would bother to fix it first.

    submitted by /u/abel1389
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    Bl1 on Xb1

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:51 AM PST

    Looking for anyone to play the classic with me! I've been through it quite a few times but never with more than myself! I work party time but game about everyday! If you are intrested just let me know. I'll be happy to make a new gaming buddy!!

    submitted by /u/XaTmane
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    I really need some fucking help on 3

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:11 AM PST

    I have 2 xboxes at 2 different houses I'll call them xbox 1 (my main one) And xbox 2

    I went to my place with xbox 2 and played BL3 all weekend

    I was there from Thursday to Sunday

    I beat 3 dlcs, and collected 25% if the legendaries in the game, bunch of heads, and finished my build I came back to xbox 1 and now the data isn't syncing I tried deleting my xbox 1 data slot it would sync but it just gave me back the same thing.

    Anyone know how to help with this issue on xbox?

    submitted by /u/connor20705
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    Solo player starting fresh in BL2 on PC (after playing hundreds of hours on console). Looking for advice on fun/quality of life mods.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Hi everyone, basically the title.

    More details: Being former console, I'm new to modding, so I'm not looking for anything crazy. I'm looking for mods to improve the QOL and fun factor for a solo player. Ideally, I plan to play through each character to level 80. Gun inventory is a concern; on console I would have to create mule characters, and I'd like to save myself that trouble. Other than that, I just want to:

    1. Enjoy ripping through mobs

    2. Increased chances of legendary/pearlescent/seraph weapons

    3. Have a decent shot against the invincible bosses solo.

      Thanks everyone for any advice.

    submitted by /u/MunDaneCook
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    How do I convert epic saves to steam saves?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:29 AM PST

    Iv made a lot of progress on my epic games salvador save and dont want to lose it when I transfer to steam. How to I convert my epic games saves to steam saves?

    submitted by /u/Crazycade77
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    Borderlands Legendary Collection on the PS4 Interface

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:01 AM PST

    Does the digital Legendary collection show up as 3 separate games in the PSN menu? or is it like the Handsome collection where it's one game that you launch, then choose the game from an in-game menu?

    submitted by /u/theGekkoST
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    Im thinking about doing a Gaige playthrough

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:58 AM PST

    I want to do a Gaige playthrough but with a gimmick, like I can only use SMG's. I don't know what gimmick to do though, so any ideas? (And no, I wont do action skill only, that sounds like torture.)

    submitted by /u/Quibbly7
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    Need help with a bug

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:06 AM PST

    Hello! I'm having an issue completing The Family Jewel Quest. I can't seem to find a way to open the door that leads to some kind of bridge. I tried saving and quitting, doing side quests and then coming back, going back to sanctuary, and it's still not opening. Any little help would be appreciated!! Thanks.

    Quest says: The Family Jewel -Locate Key Fragment -Get to bridge

    submitted by /u/Crypto09
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    Critique my Salvador

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:04 AM PST


    Im in TVHM with a level 39. Im about to begin the Wildlife Exploitation Reserve. The stalkers are level 43s.




    DPUH - 2319 x 2, Explosive

    Rubi - 196, Slag

    Pimpernel - 1145, Slag

    Launcher - 23502, Explosive

    Rough Rider - 0, +5199 Health

    Fastball - 103779, 1744 Burn

    Hoarder COM - 1.7 Bullet Regen, +4 Lay Waste, +3 Filled to the Brim

    Moxxi`s Endowment - +5% XP from combat / Vitality - 37%


    Im underleveled to be sure, but thats an easy problem to fix. The Harold and Rubi are my main pair, Im the Harold doesnt hurt the stalkers very much, I dont know if that level related or not. The Rubi is my substitute until I can get a Grog Nozzle, but since thats a Tina Tiny item, Im not sure I can before I beat the Warrior. The Pimpernel and Launcher was a combo I tried for extra damage, Im not sure if I can improve it, but it doesnt seem very effective. Im happy with my Rough Rider and think its the best option for now. Ive been thinking about replacing the Fastball, but I dont know what I could use. The class mod is nice just for the ammo regen. Im not sure which relic to use, but Im think I prefer the vitality relic.

    submitted by /u/MaybeABluePineapple
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    Is it possible to revert a save from playthrough 2 on BL1 back to a playthrough 1 save?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:31 AM PST

    Was wanting to do the DLCs in the first playthrough but turned off the game right after beating the main story and came back the next day with a message saying I'm forced to goto playthrough 2 if I wanna keep playing. I haven't completed any missions of playthrough 2 yet so "losing progress" in playthrough 2 isn't an issue. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BigH1239
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    Can't turn on gyro on Switch Lite

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:13 AM PST

    Same as title. It keeps asking me to connect a different controller without the option of just using the Lite. When I back out it lets me use the Lite console but gyro is turned back off automatically. Do I need the patch?

    submitted by /u/Muteguythrowaway
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