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    Monday, January 4, 2021

    Borderlands Do we know anything about pandoran society before it fell apart ?

    Borderlands Do we know anything about pandoran society before it fell apart ?

    Do we know anything about pandoran society before it fell apart ?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:10 PM PST

    In all three games that take place on the planet we can find remains of highways, toll roads, civilian sedans and vans, school busses, cargo ships, gas stations and even cities.

    This seems to suggest that once, Pandora had a civilization that existed for long enough and had a big enough population that things like large scale private transport, public education and large scale infrastructure projects like long distance highways and hydroelectric dams became a thing.

    Do we have any lore about this period ?

    submitted by /u/Fraeddi
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    Borderlands 1 ADS sensitivity for Borderlands 2.or 3

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:21 AM PST

    I'm trying to find the right ADS sensitivity that was in Borderlands 1 so I can use it in Borderlands 3

    So that way it'll feel like I'm playing Borderlands 1 and get a lot more comfortable

    Because whenever I played Borderlands 1 the ADS sensitivity was perfect

    Does anyone know what the ADS sensitivity was in Borderlands 1?

    submitted by /u/Paulkdragon
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    Borderlands Pre-Sequel hitboxes

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:30 PM PST

    Am i crazy? I feel like sometimes my bullets just completely pass through opponents. Shots that would've worked in borderlands 2 just completely whiff in this game and it's super jarring.

    I was just wondering if anybody else experienced this too in their play through of TPS. (I play on switch if that makes a difference)

    submitted by /u/Colorblindaru
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    CutsceneDisabler mod does not work help

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:10 PM PST

    i did everything i know to make the CutsceneDisabler mod work but still does not work the patch work fine HELP

    submitted by /u/zombie_owo
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    PS5 Borderlands 2 players with the UHD texture pack question

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:11 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I wanted to know if PS5 works with the handsome collection and UHD texture pack. I'm on the DLC menu and it says "not downloaded" when I over over the texture pack

    submitted by /u/RealQuickNEasy
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    Can I play Borderlands 3 Cross-Platform from PC to Xbox?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:09 PM PST

    If I use epic games on pc, can I invite my friend from Xbox using epic games? I know it says no crossplay, but I've seen other games such as rogue company say no crossplay for pc to console, but I played with my friends using epic games, and they were on xbox.

    submitted by /u/MaxGilgeous
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    Does mac still not have crossplay?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:23 PM PST

    So my friend bought borderlands 2 on steam and is playing on mac. His friend also bought the game on steam but is on windows. They tried playing together but the guy told me they can't? It seems my mac friend doesn't have a social tab when he pauses the game.

    Question: If I claimed the game on epic games and play on windows 7, can I play with my friend who bought it on steam and plays on mac? If so then how? Most the tutorials I see are aimed at windows users who play on steam.

    submitted by /u/Icey_91
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    What's the best way to play BL2 with friends for a VERY limited time?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:37 PM PST

    Me and my friends only have a few days of short 2-3 hours sessions to play. Sadly we don't have a time anymore to beat the whole game. What's the most fun ways to play the game, if we only have 9-12 hours (or possibly a few more?) I have beaten the game a few times and my friends are familiar with the basic gameplay. I think the boss fights are the highlights of the game, so we should probably do them as much as we can...

    My initial plan:

    - Start with boosted 30 lvl characters in Sanctuary;

    - Get the Lady Fists and kill the Saturn and Bone Head 2.0, because it's fast to get to them;

    - Maybe try Wilhelm, Bunker and Bloodwing fights? Are they scaled to 30 lvl in Boosted mode?

    - Go to Jack and kill him, start the TVHM;

    - Maybe play around a little on winter maps, killing Boom, Bewm and Flynt;

    - Complete 5 Headhunter DLCs;

    - Kill a 34 lvl Leviathan, because my other character has this quest;

    - ... ? Maybe complete the main quests of Torgue or Tina's DLC, if we have time?

    I'd like to hear your advices, fellow Vault Hunters :)

    submitted by /u/cptndthpnch
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    Can Hyperion go broke?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:01 PM PST

    If you respawn in Borderlands you have to pay money, which I'm assuming is for Hyperion to pay for the materials required for your respawn. But if you have no money, you can still respawn, so Hyperion would lose a little bit of money there but that's fine since they're probably rich anyways. But what happens if you die over and over again while you have $0? Would Hyperion just go broke or what?

    submitted by /u/Rakdos3001
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    I totally forgot I needed to kill Hadarax for his drops, decided to record and share with the community. Enjoy!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:41 PM PST

    As the title says, I had to kill hadarax for the missions and for his drop. However I am krieg and I notice not alot of krieg hadarax kills, so decided I'd share some.


    I really hope it's entertaining and excuse my editing job, I am a video editing noob lmao.

    submitted by /u/EternalSeekerX
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    I'm a new player

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:07 AM PST

    So, i just have BL3 we are 2 playing this new game. If someone wants to join me. My steam profile https://s.team/p/nmb-rgwc/PCJBTTTK and my Shift name is Fernety for crossplay gaming

    submitted by /u/rodrigofernety
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    Ps4 players wanted

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:59 PM PST

    Hey there guys. I'm searching for individuals to accompany me in my revisiting of the borderlands series. If you are searching for someone to play with or would like to collaborate, feel free to comment to this post or inbox me directly. Sessions will be running from roughly 6-10 Eastern standard time. You can also reach me on psn at Allegory_otmyt I look forward to meeting any interested party.

    submitted by /u/Aaron_Donny1999
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    Do you think there will be a BL4? What would you like to see in it?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:02 PM PST

    Do you think there will be a BL4? If so what would you like to see in it? Such as improvements, playable characters, a new villain etc.?

    I personally think there will be another sequel. It would be good to keep the idea of travelling from planet to planet like you do on BL3. Also they nailed the skill trees in BL3. I wouldn't mind seeing tannis as a playable character.

    submitted by /u/welshabyss
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    anyone wanna play

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:48 PM PST

    so i have the borderlands game of the year collection on switch and im looking for someone to play with, im on borderlands 1 right now if that helps. we can make new characters or use existing ones i dont really care.

    submitted by /u/Least-Radio6058
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    Performance of Crossplay Between Steam and Epic

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:32 PM PST

    For those who have done it, how well does Crossplay between players playing Borderlands 3 on Steam and Epic work? Are there any problems with connecting, staying connected, lag, etc.? Is it worse than playing Steam-to-Steam or Epic-to-Epic, or is it more or less comparable?

    I ask because I own the game on Epic and some friends are considering getting it on Steam, so I want to know if Crossplay will work fine or if I might have to suck it up and get the game on Steam for the sake of an easy and smooth experience.

    submitted by /u/LastBikeOnTheLeft
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    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:10 PM PST

    So I saw a vid abt the borderlands 3 randomized and I'd love to try it out. If anyone could tell me or send a link on how to download it I would love that

    submitted by /u/Jadennnnnnnnnnnn
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    Playing Borderlands 3 on Xbox Live

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:11 PM PST

    A friend and I started playing BL3 prior to covid, playing locally on my Xbox One with each of us signed into our respective Xbox Live accounts. With no end in sight for being separate, he got a copy so that we can play online.

    My question: if all of our save data is on my machine but we were each logged in under our own Xbox Live accounts when playing, will we be able to pick up where we left off with each of us logged in on our own machines? Or will we have to start from the beginning with new characters?


    submitted by /u/druidofthemountain
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    Cheaper to buy Ultimate Edition than buying season pass 1 & 2 together?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:35 PM PST

    I already own Borderlands 3 on PlayStation and I want to buy Season pass 1 ($49.00) USD and Season 2 ($29.00) USD. Together they would amount to $80 USD after tax, so I was wondering If I buy the Borderlands 3 Ultimate edition which is on sale at the moment and includes season pass 1&2 will that work for my current standard borderlands I have on my PlayStation? Or is the Ultimate edition like a separate entity where I will have to re-download borderlands because the season pass baked into the package? If so, will my current save work with that borderlands? Hopefully that made sense to you all.

    submitted by /u/PretentiousGamer
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    Level 65 Loot

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:34 PM PST

    Hi Folks

    Quick question in relation to loot post obtaining level 65 in BL3

    Once you hit level 65 does loot keep progressing in stats, or does it stay the same from now on?

    Only just started my TVHM playthorugh and hit 65, now wondering if I will obtain better loot as I play or is it just going to stay the same?

    submitted by /u/Clancy182
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    Roland or Brick? Axton or Krieg?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 11:51 AM PST

    My wife is playing Lilith in BL1 and Maya or Gaige in BL2. Which would be a better asset to our team setup? Which is the better character overall?

    Roland or Brick?


    Axton or Krieg?

    submitted by /u/XBgyManX
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    Replaying 2 Should I Do DLC In UVHM?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:38 AM PST

    So I'm replaying 2 (from scratch) and I wanted to know if after I finish the main story again should I start play though 2 on uvhm get far enough in the story to get to sancuary then play the dlc levels? I'm not planning on finishing the main story again on uvhm (currently) but I wanted to use the exp from the dlcs to help me level up enough to do raid on digistruct peak. Is this a terrible idea?

    First play though I just did the dlcs in the first play though and I've never done uvhm in 1 or 2.

    submitted by /u/ajshn
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    Best load out for OP run (Gaige The Mechromancer)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:14 AM PST

    What's the best load out for completing the OP run for gaige Ive never Overpowered a character and I don't know what guns would be best

    submitted by /u/dalto568
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    Question: BL4 Vault Hunters.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:44 AM PST

    I think that it would be so cool if the Vault Hunters in the next Borderlands were Tannis, Zed, Rhys, and Tina.

    Tannis- She is one of two Siren classes that we haven't had yet. Those being Phaseshift, and Phaseleech.

    Zed- He wasn't in BL3 at all. (With the exception of the vending machines) And it would be pretty cool going around killing people as a mad doctor.

    Rhys- He was a strong character in Tales from the Borderlands. And I think he was a little underutilized in BL3.

    Tina- A, funny, loveable, sociopathic, murdering teenage girl, who also has some serious tech skills. What more can I say?

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/TheGator15
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