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    Tuesday, February 9, 2021

    Borderlands Borderlands Science update blog: a peek at the result

    Borderlands Borderlands Science update blog: a peek at the result

    Borderlands Science update blog: a peek at the result

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 11:13 AM PST

    Hello everyone!

    The Borderlands Science team has released a new blog post. As we are getting closer to obtaining results, we wanted to communicate an intuition of what our results look like, and what we are working with. It is not super easy to communicate unpublished scientific results so this is little more than a glace, but the idea is to help you understand the type of information we gain from players, and we will keep releasing blog posts on the science of why that helps.

    Blog post: https://dnapuzzles.org/2021/02/09/using-puzzle-solutions-to-aerate-alignments/

    submitted by /u/RomanS-G
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    (my) Borderlands movie thoughts so far

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:01 AM PST

    incoming downvotes. I know. But still. Gripe time. (I know there's not even a trailer yet. this is just having some fun)

    So When I first heard about the movie, but with no details, my hopes were "please don't just be a rehash of one of the games. Give us a new vault, a side story, something in the world of. Don't try to re-create our favorite characters".

    Then I read Kevin Hart was going to be Roland and I had 2 thoughts: First "well crap. Rehash it is." but also "wtf are people talking about, it's not an unusual casting decision. Roland isn't some badass. He's a bit of an awkward lovable doof who has to be serious because serious shit is happening and he's trying to lead the people to survive. People said Michael Keaton couldn't be Batman because he was 'too comical'. Let Kevin Hart try."

    And then I read the "plot summary".. and I knew it was going to be a dumpster fire worse than the second Resident Evil movie. Tiny Tina is the daughter of a weapons manufacturer and needs to be rescued by the Master Thief known as Lillith, who hires Vault Hunters to help stage a rescue. WAT? No. Just NO. It's like they read a couple character summaries on a parody wiki page and said "sure why not".

    And then they cast Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis. Listen, I love JLC. I love Tannis. But no. How did they cast this? "Hey she has short hair and is frank about sex. PERFECT."

    So... now I'm just waiting for them to cast ScarJo as Amara, make Johnny Depp "Handsome Jack", throw Batista in as Brick, and just do a "paint by numbers" movie where they chase a mcguffin for half the movie, someone betrays them and gives jack the mcguffin, and then oh no it was never really a betrayal and the mcguffin is used to kill jack.

    Also Claptrap will be overly CGI enhanced, voiced by Bryan Cranston, and look like a Transformers reject. Because at this point... why not?

    submitted by /u/Deminox
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    So... The Movie.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:17 PM PST

    Kevin Hart as Roland? Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis?

    I'm slowly losing hope for this thing. Curtis is an incredible actress but she's definitely not a Tannis. And Hart is anything but Roland.

    ETA in my opinion, The Rock would be good as Brick and Steve Buscemi would be an okay Mordecai, but we'll have to see how they go

    submitted by /u/Emergency_Mud5606
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    Respec to laodout anywhere?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:18 PM PST

    I am unable to post pictures here, so if you want to see them they are on gearbox:


    My Post:

    I am one of those players that have always set my skill points and respec.. I have wanted to try new loadouts, but don't want to lose my original setup, and I know I won't remember it.

    What if I didn't have to lose the old one? What if there was a way to save loadouts?

    This would especially be great for youtubers who play often and are making new setups for bosses, for updated gear testing, and just for fun...

    On top of that it's not fun to have to stop playing to go to Sanctuary to Respec, but instead what if that was in the character menu, an option to Respec, and to change to previously selected loadouts all at once?

    Here is how I think that could work. I know the photos aren't the best, but this was a quick mock up that I have been meaning to do for a long time..

    Any thoughts?!

    just noticed others were asking for this, but here are images as well, and how I think it would work. Their post: https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/skill-tree-loadouts/4539468

    submitted by /u/ongakugaming
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    Help me plz

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:12 PM PST

    I keep getting a data corruped screen when I try to go into bl2 anyway to fix it?

    submitted by /u/Zealousideal-Face370
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    A way to get Shift™ codes

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:22 AM PST

    Hey so I made a guide on how how to get shift codes, check it out! (Hope it helps) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2321438491

    submitted by /u/GlobalThrone
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    Shift codes?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:14 PM PST

    So TIL about BL1. Don't know how I didn't know about it before.

    2 weeks ago, I learned about shift codes. Anyone got any that aren't expired?

    Can't believe I played this long (BL2 and 3) and didn't know this til now -_-

    submitted by /u/BlackbeardTheZombie
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    Can’t Bloodsplode Pete

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 11:40 AM PST

    So I've been trying to find a good way to farm crystals on Krieg in uvhm, and I heard Pete was the easiest to kill. I decided to try and bloodsplode him and it does absolutely nothing. I think I'm doing everything right, but I still can't get any damage. Can anybody give me some tips?

    submitted by /u/Throat_Masher
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    Max Level in BL2

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:16 PM PST

    Hey guys, so I have been looking at Google for information about the max level in BL2 -

    It has told me the max level for BL2 is 61.

    Is this correct or a fabrication?

    submitted by /u/SlowFatWombat
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    disappeared inventory

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:13 PM PST

    I'm playing on a ps4 pro, I've had the game since it came out but today as I was playing the kreig missions, I noticed once I came out of a memory all my locked guns were missing, is there any way to get the equipment back? this is the first time its happened I checked the lost loot box and there's nothing there. has this ever happened to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/h3lples5
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    Borderlands 2: Game of the Year Edition (Switch v.1.0.2) isn't working

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:47 PM PST

    If anyone could help me out, please do! I tried a couple methods but they don't seem to fix it. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Payton_Xyz
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    Borderlands 2 help

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:33 PM PST

    I need help with haderax the invincible

    submitted by /u/Chrisjamez5
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    Newest video on building a Real-Life, Full-Size, robotic Claptrap!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:33 AM PST

    Hey everyone!!

    I wanted to share a project that I've been working on for the last few months. That's right, a Real-Life, full-size Claptrap! This has been such a fun project and I have learned so much. In this newest video I begin to solve balancing Claptrap on one wheel. The Inverted Pendulum is the main problem here but I've got it down for the pitch axis.

    If you're interested, please check out the video!


    submitted by /u/Brosiedon0616
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    BL2 rubber banding PC

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:30 AM PST

    I've seen this asked numerous times over several years, most answers are incredibly vague but I'm gonna try. Game is shooting the non-hosts all over the place entirely randomly. Looks like rubber banding but sometimes we end up in weird places too. Internet connection is great, no issues in other games, it's doing this on LAN as well between just myself and my bf. (We are both using ethernet.)

    Things we have both tried:

    • Internet reset
    • Turning the computers off and back on lmao
    • Turning VSYNC up/down
    • Turning Physx down/up
    • Switching between network/LAN

    None of this specifically is doing anything. Host has no issues, non-host has issues as in many other threads I've seen on the topic. Unfortunately the threads are from like 2014-2015 and have no concrete answers.

    submitted by /u/slriggy
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    How do I create a backup save for borderlands 1?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:51 PM PST

    Sorry I'm stupid and know nothing about computers but I need help.

    submitted by /u/BryceDaBeast69
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    Let's cast our own movie

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 01:49 PM PST

    What would your cast choices be if you had a say for the borderlands movie? I want to see other people's dream team cast. Personally, I would love to see the rock play brick, and Aubrey Plaza play Tannis. Forget Keven Hart as roland, and just make him the voice of claptrap

    submitted by /u/B3RS3RKCR0W
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    Borderlands 1 Multiplayer Achievements

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Im currently looking for someone to help with quickly farming the multiplayer achievements in the original version of BL1. Including the gamed with fame achievement. If theres anyone who would give me a hand im on pc steam name is matt.colqhoun

    submitted by /u/mattcolqhoun
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    Need a bit of help

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:48 AM PST

    Hey folks I finally got around to playing Borderlands 2 and I'm going for the plat. Could anyone please spare a few minutes and help me get "Friendship rules". I don't want to join co-op games because I want to go through the first playthrough alone and experience the game at my own pace.
    My psn: tender_dancing on ps3

    submitted by /u/KiuLang
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    Why is RK5 so terribly annoying?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:43 AM PST

    Nonstop waves of highly mobile enemies, Boss always just out of reach, massive healthpool. Everything just screams "screw you"

    submitted by /u/ZeroVoid_98
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    Details from the Borderlands movie from yesterday’s THR article:

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 05:58 AM PST

    "Blanchett set to star as legendary thief Lilith, while Hart will play skilled soldier Roland. Curtis will play Tannis, an archeologist on Pandora who might have the key to finding a vault filled with alien weapon technology, but whose complicated history with Lilith isn't going to help."

    So we know that there will be at least one vault and probably a vault monster in the movie and Pandora will be in it too. "Blanchett set to star as legendary thief Lilith..." I really hope that this doesn't confirm that the leaked script from some time ago is real. One thing I really hope the movie gets right is the characters and that it doesn't make them too serious except for Roland.

    submitted by /u/greenbatborg
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    So who could play Maya in the borderlands movie?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:30 AM PST

    Not saying she's in the movie, most likely she won't but I wonder who can look like her

    submitted by /u/he1ch
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    Borderlands 2 online coop unplayable.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:22 AM PST

    I played Borderlands 3 co-op with my friends in March and out of the 60 hours of play at least 30 were trying to connect in the lobby or playing with a very high ping / latency. All programs and games work perfectly on my PC with no lag.

    We recently decided to replay Borderlands 2 and found the same problem, I shoot down and the shot takes 1 to 2 seconds to hit the ground. We played years ago and the game worked perfectly, but this problem came after the recent changes they made to the game with the SHIFT platform.

    We think that with the changes the same problem that affects Borderlands 3 has come to 2. Anyone else with the same problem?

    (English is not my first language)

    submitted by /u/PoisonedVanillaCake
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    Corrupted saves Borderlands 1

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 05:45 AM PST

    Hello you all! I don't know anything about coding / borderlands save files, but I have couple of corrupted saves in my computer, which would be important to be saved. I contacted gearbox about the situation, but they didn't manage to save them.

    Thats why i'm asking, is there anyone who knows how to get back the corrupted saves? And is it even worth it? I had account which had lots of rare stuff in inventory, could they even recover..?

    And yeah, I have tried all normal tips and tricks about getting the saves back, not working. Just thinked that it has to be a way to fix the coding in the file or something?

    Thank you, have a wonderful year you all!

    submitted by /u/No_Performance_1528
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