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    Friday, February 5, 2021

    Borderlands Double dipping

    Borderlands Double dipping

    Double dipping

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:40 PM PST

    I just started playing this series this summer with the Legacy Collection on the Switch and really like it so I've double dipped and got the same 3 games for the ps4, mostly so I can see them with better graphics and a bigger screen, I play the Switch in handheld mode only. I feel like this is a game I can play over and over. Just jazzed and I thought I would share

    submitted by /u/infernalxs
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    What I hope BL3 is setting up for BL4

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 05:03 PM PST

    Regarding the main plot:

    Theres a Leech Power that was originally for the Tyreen Calypso is permanently gone. She fused herself to the Destroyer. And honestly her ability is very over powered.

    The reason Marcus narrated BL1-3 is because hes telling the story to children in the hopes that they would be inspired and become Vault Hunters. The War that the Watcher had told about happens in BL4.

    The 7th Siren is one of the antagonists of BL4. The Guardians will also be a threat due to spearheads like Scourge the Invincible propagandizing Guardians to be on the offensive against Vault Hunters and humanity as a whole. Eridians or a group of alienas associate with them get revealed and wind up a threat because they want to replace Guardians with Vault Hunters. Seraph Guardians will make a return and it gets explained canonically that Eridians created them. The Seraph Guardians in BL2 were trial tests. Im thinking the same group that became free due to the opening of the Warrior is what gets referred to.

    Corporations will devote all their resources to aiding the Vault Hunters protect the Borderlands. The Crimson Raiders will be the main faction of Vault Hunters leading against the 7th Siren and or the Guardians/Eridians. Theyre currently all on equal footing at the moment. The last prominent war being the one between Atlas and Maliwan. This includes virtually all of the main cast of the Borderlands series too.

    Moxxi's Casino is repurposed for this endeavor and becomes a training facility/actual casino for Vault Hunters....or its Sanctuary IV

    Mancubus will aid us. But probably not before he goes after Salvador who I think along with Axton is using the Arms Race as a means to protect himself from debt collectors like Mancubus.

    Rose could either become more evil as time progresses or turn a new leaf and become a Vault Hunter. If shes a Vault Hunter....im thinking she becomes a Siren. This could happen 2 ways. Way 1 is that my first point ends up wrong and Rose inherets the leech ability due to her desire to tame a Vault Monster similar to Tyreens albiet for 2 vastly different reasons. This could open the door for her becoming a reoccuring villain or serve as a plot point for the future involving the 7th Siren I.E. her getring manipulated.

    Way 2 is she inherets Steele's unknown power. I believe this power was originally beastmastery. Similar to FL4K. I believe this primarily because there was a Siren from a comic book that had this and she wasnt introduced into the game. This could explain why Atlas sent Steele on Pandora because they knew she could tame and or subdue the wild beasts there, maybe even the Vault Monster (although the Destroyer Fake proved too much). Steele's siren power is still a toss up. It could be anything and could be inhereted by anyone. If she turns a new leaf, Im thinking she could be one of the main characters of BL4. But even without Siren Powers, her Core related abilities are still pretty good even without Siren abilities. Rose is still one of the most interesting characters introduced in Borderlands as of recently.

    I think one of the Traunts defects from the family in a manner similar to Zane and is the commando of BL4. Im thinking the cast of 4 are all aspiring Vault Hunters. Rose, ans a Traunt and then 2 other completely new characters is what Im hoping for are the playable characters for 4

    Zane retires completely and instead lives with Ember. Theyre both head of security at the Casino. Moxxi and most of the cast of BL3 relocate to the Casino.

    Moze and Amara become a thing. And they both are in charge of training Vault Hunters, with Ava being the leader.

    Im thinking Tannis and FL4K team up to go off to investigate the whereabouts of Lilith. Lilith is instead investigating the phenomenon of the Psychoscape and what created Vaulthalla. It gets revealed this was made by the 7th Siren to lure Bandits into locating her (but obviously failed). However, she instead changers her plan once beign freed to control every Psycho in the system and basically do what Tyreen did.

    One possibility is Im thinking she instead uses FL4K as a means for freeing herself, assuming FL4K isnt teaming up with Tannis. Tempting him with the desire to Hunt through the guise of mistress death and is the one ultimately responsible for FL4K's awareness. Another possible candidate could be Rose or quite literally anyone that has any desire to Vault Hunt. Im thinking like Nyriad, the 7th Siren is sealed behind a Vault.

    The 7th Sirens Power Im thinking is mind control or reality manipulation to some variation

    submitted by /u/Raymancer
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    The bitch needs a serious buff..

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 03:10 AM PST

    Its not even that great on m0, let alone m4, pls gearbox buff the base dmg and crit modifier.

    submitted by /u/food-source
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    What happens if you run out of money and die?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:48 PM PST

    So this is from the RK5 fight that sucked like $2,914 dollars from me and left me fucking $14 dollars left...What DOES happen if you run out of money and die? Is it just a game over screen or do you still get revived? I'm super curious tbh..

    submitted by /u/Netural_Chaos
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    Question about borderlands 2 and Pre sequel

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:41 PM PST

    Which game should I play first?

    submitted by /u/Yoboiguitar
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    Oldtime player with questing regarding nerfs

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:35 PM PST

    Good day Reddit! So i quit BL3 quite a while ago, before it had arrived to Steam.

    But the abundance of nerfs killed the joy for me and forced me to play offline to counter some of them. There is no sense in nerfing a game like this in my opinion that lacks pvp elements.

    My question is, how does the current BL3 hold up? Fun still being nerfed? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/AchaiusEstalius
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    What order should I play the games in??

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 02:29 PM PST

    I've played Borderlands 2 and 3 already. I'd never properly been into video games before but my boyfriend convinced me to try Borderlands 2 about 2 years ago and I loved it. I played through the whole story solo and did loads of side quests (because I was terrible at games and kept dying so could only really get through the game solo by being over levelled).

    I then got Borderlands 3 when it came out and I've played through it once solo, once on TVHM and once on co-op with my little brother, trying to get him into the series. I've also done a couple of the DLCs and a lot of the side missions.

    I wanna go back and play the whole series but idk

    1. What order to play the games in,
    2. Whether I should play TFTBL as well &
    3. Should I just play through the main stories or include any/all DLCs or post-game content??

    I know there are already a lot of posts with advice on this from Reddit and other sites but it's all generally directed at people completely new to the series. I already know the lore and timelines of the whole series so things like playing BL2 before BL: TPS because of spoilers isn't really relevant for me.

    Basically just wondering if it's better to play in release order or chronological order for someone who already knows plot, spoilers, etc and just wants to experience each game and whether TFTBL and any/all of the DLC is worth including too??

    Sorry this is kinda long and sorry if my flair/posting etiquette is wrong. I don't post on Reddit too much. Any advice would be appreciated though!!

    submitted by /u/amyyyy14
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    Borderlands The Handsome Collection on a crazy sale on steam currently

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:51 AM PST

    Entire thing, includes Borderlands 2, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, every DLC for both games and a shit ton of cosmetic stuff for around $10

    submitted by /u/gill11
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    Is the game supposed to play like this? (Issue Regarding BL3 Enemy Health)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:16 PM PST

    I will try to keep this short, but i am very confused about the outcome of my first playthrough of the game. I had tried to play this game with others twice before this, however these multiplayer playthroughs fell apart for various reasons, so i started a playthrough by myself. Throughout the playthrough i got many legendary weapons due to the event (Too many if you ask me), and so i never ended up using non legendary weapons apart from about 6 purple tier weapons. Now, where things get strange is that from my brief multiplayer playthroughs i felt as though the difficulty was pretty much perfect! Each enemy took a few hits, and bosses were just tanky enough. But when i faced almost everything in singleplayer, they all died far too quick. I think that this is due in part to the legendary weapons, but it still seemed off. For example, Traunt died within about 30 seconds. Worst of all the final boss did not fare much better, i started by using a weapon that i obtained ~15 levels ago and all seemed well. Then i brought out one of the newer legendary weapons halfway through the fight and the other half of the final bosses health bar was shot down within about a minute.

    And now for what REALLY worries me. After beating the game, i did some testing. I went to a high levelled area and picked up an appropriately levelled white tier SMG and it killed most psycho type enemies within a few hits, WITH AN SMG. I then tried the same thing but without any skills and class mods, and yet again, just a few hits.

    So, whats going on? I've been observing some videos of other people playing, and the time to kill seems a lot lower despite the fact they were landing more critical hits and were just generally better players than me. So am i just being picky about difficulty and imagining things? Or is something wrong? (Yes, i have checked the personal difficulty)

    TL:DR Either i am going mad, or enemy health is lower than it should be.

    submitted by /u/Seafood-King
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    Weapon Disappearing Glitch

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:04 PM PST

    Is anybody else getting this weird glitch in Borderlands 1 where the second equipped weapon in your inventory will disappear if you quit the game? I got it on three separate occasions, and it's really screwed me over. I can't really find any logs of this glitch happening anywhere, and I'm wondering if there's a fix or something

    submitted by /u/elchistes
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    Has anyone been confused about the weapon balance in this game?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:11 PM PST

    I've always thought that the difference in power for certain weapon types is really weird. Things like repeater pistols and certain SMGs seem to just have the most ridiculously low stats. For instance, right now, I'm looking at a LVL 67 purple rarity tediore pistol: Damage - 208; Accuracy - 77.5; FR - 2.6. Does this not seem absurdly low? Or do I just not get it?

    The same with elemental weapons. LVL 68 Caustic Guardian (LEGENDARY WEAPON BY THE WAY) with a damage stat of 190? This applies to basically every elemental weapon I've seen. LVL 68 Incendiary Raven (ANOTHER LEGENDARY) with a base damage of fucking 164? Again, do I just not get it?

    On the other hand, you've got Non-elemental Combat Rifles that just seem to straight-up outclass every other weapon type. I could have a CR at LVL 60 getting damage above 400, pin-point accuracy, and a FR in the teens. I don't get why one would use anything else - particularly not an SMG that only does around 300 damage, inaccurately, and with a lower FR despite being 8 levels and a couple of rarity tiers higher.

    I'm certain I must be missing something - is that these weapons are better in practice than on paper? Will I start using pistols and just be blown away? Or are they just a bit crap?

    TL;DR: Repeater Pistols, SMGs, and Elemental guns just look like they suck - do they not?

    submitted by /u/MisterBeeves
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    Why did I get a random 11 golden keys?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:11 PM PST

    I just started played BL2 yesterday (CO-OP) and we were grinding Boll. Then when I logged on once it gave me a notification that said I got 11 golden keys, but I didn't know what golden keys did at that time. Later on I realized what they do, and I'm now wondering where they came from. (I bought The Handsome Jack Collection)

    submitted by /u/SqueeekyBoii
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    Does the Playthrough 2 Lockdown Palace SDU exist???

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 01:13 PM PST

    Is there ANYONE who got an SDU in playthrough 2 lockdown palace WITHOUT getting an SDU in Playthrough 1 for lockdown palace.

    I have been farming for an SDU for the past 3 days 5-ish hours a day trying to get this thing.

    Now I don't know if it even exist , in PL1 I done the quest to obtain the trophy for all side quest completion so I thought I can get one in PL2.

    But there are wikis saying that you CAN get it on PL1 OR if you missed it on 1 , you can get it on 2?

    I know the lockdown palace SDU is a hot topic , but if ANYONE got an on PL2 can you confirm this?

    submitted by /u/Ledge_lab2001
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    Which guns work the best with Psycho class?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:56 AM PST

    I'm level 19 and I'm currently stuck on a mission, so maybe improving my knowledge on which guns to use for my class would be nice

    submitted by /u/AssistanceNegative92
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    Can't be arsed with bl3 anymore.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:50 AM PST

    Bl3 on Xbox is just too laggy even on performance mode. I'm gutted coz it's a game I really want to get into.

    Been thinking about trying bl2 but worried it hasn't aged well.

    Any thoughts/tips. Ta.

    submitted by /u/biggestbaird
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    Desparate for Solution: Xbox One X crashes when trying to join coop BL3 . .

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:50 AM PST

    Hello all,

    Can someone PLEASE help me with this. Borderlands 3 just will not let me connect to coop. I try to use matchmaking to do coop campaign and my Xbox One X crashes EVERY TIME. And it's a hard crash that kills the entire system, so it has to start up again.

    I have tried to uninstall the game and reinstall. I have reset the xbox and re-downloaded the game. Game works just fine in single playr. All my other games work just fine locally and online. I do play a little COD, Gears 5, and Halo online, and I have no problems. its just BL3.

    Can someone please suggest something that I haven't tried. I am kind of at wits end and am considering just giving up on this game completely. I like playing online with fam, but damn what is wrong.

    Someone please help! Thanks in advance!

    Also, I feel like this worked at some point. I can't prove it, but I think something changed when that Arms race came out, but not sure.

    submitted by /u/Unclebiscuits79
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    Need a Vault Hunter suggestion!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:47 AM PST

    My friend and I put a ton of hours into BL2 and we just picked up BL3. We're really excited to play and are trying to not spoil any of the game for ourselves so we haven't looked anything up. My favorite characters that I've played in the past games are:

    1. Kreige
    2. Athena
    3. Maya

    Can anyone help me pick a character to play? Out of the 4 new vault hunters who do you think would match the playstyles from my top 3 the most? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/GoldRootsEarly
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    is the sentinel or iwajira better to farm moonstones from?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:33 AM PST

    So i've been trying to get lots of moonstones to upgrade stuff, and I cant tell- is the sentinel or iwajira better to fight? i have good enough weapons I can kill iwajira in like 10 shots, and I can kill each of the sentinel's forms in like 3. Ammo isn't a problem with the sentinel, because I usually cycle between shotgun and rocket launcher between runs, so they can refill off of the drops, although I don't have that liberty with iwajira.

    submitted by /u/bomba1749
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    Shotguns on the First Game

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:25 AM PST

    i don't know why the shotguns have a multiplier on them

    like 12X or 4X

    submitted by /u/JoaozeraPedroca
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    Is there a mod that makes loot drop only at level 1? (BL2 or BL3)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:00 AM PST

    I really want to see how far I can go in a Borderlands game with only lvl 1 gear lol

    submitted by /u/LDSenpai
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    I can’t stand playing Gaige...

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:10 AM PST

    I'm Level 28 in the main campaign with her and the accuracy drawback from Anarchy stacks makes her so unfun to play. Does anyone share this feeling or am I alone? I know she's a massively popular character, but I can't help but feel her main gimmick has gotten me killed more than it has helped me.

    submitted by /u/richiejd00
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    BL1 farming

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 02:35 AM PST

    I'm trying to get SDUs from the DLCs, so I use read only. Whenever I save quit I respawn at the start location of the DLC so I have to run all the way to Claptrap. Is there a way to spawn after save quiting in the locaton of the Claptrap? I know I can use save editor, but is there a way to do this without help of outside programs?

    submitted by /u/Son_of_a_Yeet
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    Borderlands 2 or 3?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:17 AM PST

    Ok, so I've been thinking about this subject for a long time, and since now there are big sales, I'm thinking it's now or never. Should I get borderlands 2 or 3? What I'm mainly looking for is mostly if the game is graphically wise better (gunplay, landscapes, mainly more about how the game looks itself). I know that Borderlands 2 has a ton of content, but I've never played open world games before, so I don't really mind content stuff that much. What do you think is the better game you recommend?

    submitted by /u/Yoboiguitar
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    Why did they decide Scooter’s SKULL was a good idea for an in memoriam picture of him?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:01 PM PST

    Why on God's Green Earth would Ellie want a picture of her brother's skull as a tattoo, and why do they have that SAME picture in multiple locations? It is incredibly ridiculous and absolutely stupid. It made me laugh out loud thinking its meant to be a serious tribute to a dead character.

    Does anyone else think it is SUCH a horrible picture? Like, "Catch a ride to Heaven", seriously????? Why couldn't have been of Scooters face?

    submitted by /u/shaggysswaggie
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